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European Initiatives addressing High efficiency and low cost electric motors for circularity and low use of rare resources2025-01-8806To be published on 04/01/2025
The automotive industry is amidst an unprecedented multi-faceted transition striving for more sustainable passenger mobility and freight transportation. The rise of e-mobility is coming along with energy efficiency improvements, CO2 and non-exhaust emission reductions, driving/propulsion technology innovations, and a hardware-software-ratio shift in vehicle development for road-based electric vehicles. Current R&D activities are focusing on electric motor topologies and designs, sustainability, manufacturing, prototyping, and testing. This is leading to a new generation of electric motors, which is considering recyclability, reduction of (rare earth) resource usage, cost criticality, and a full product life-cycle assessment, to gain broader market penetration. This paper outlines the latest advances of multiple EU-funded research projects under the Horizon Europe framework and showcases their complementarities to address the European priorities as identified in the 2ZERO SRIA . The E
Armengaud, EricRatz, FlorianMuñiz, ÁngelaPoza, JavierGarramiola, FernandoAlmandoz, GaizkaPippuri-Mäkeläinen, JenniClenet, StéphaneMessagie, MaartenD’amore, LeaLavigne Philippot, MaevaRillo, OriolMontesinos, DanielVansompel, HendrikDe Keyser, ArneRomano, ClaudioMontanaro, UmbertoTavernini, DavideGruber, PatrickRan, LiaoyuanAmati, NicolaVagg, ChristopherHerzog, MaticWeinzerl, MartinKeränen, JanneMontonen, Juho
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