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This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) discusses past and present approaches for monitoring the landing gear structure and shock absorber (servicing), opportunities for corrosion detection, methods for transient overload detection, techniques for measuring the forces seen by the landing gear structure, and methods for determining the fatigue state of the landing gear structure. Landing gear tire condition and tire pressure monitoring are detailed in ARP6225, AIR4830, and ARP6137, respectively. Aircraft Brake Temperature Monitoring Systems (BTMS) are detailed in AS1145.
This SAE Recommended Practice covers the design and application of a 120 VAC single phase engine based auxiliary power unit or GENSET. This document is intended to provide design direction for the single phase nominal 120 VAC as it interfaces within the truck 12 VDC battery and electrical architecture providing power to truck sleeper cab hotel loads so that they may operate with the main propulsion engine turned off.
This specification covers an aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of sheet, strip, and plate.
This is a guide intended to aid the user in the proper selection and application of rivets as a fastening means. It consists of general information on the advantages of riveting, various methods of riveting, selection of rivets and design considerations.
This document applies to laser proponents involved with the use of laser systems outdoors. It may be used in conjunction with AS4970, ARP5535, and ARP5572 and the ANSI Z136 series of laser safety standards.
This specification established (1) the common requirements for hydraulic units capable of functioning as starters and as pumps suitable for use in aircraft and missiles and (2) the methods to be used for demonstrating compliance with these requirements.
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