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ABSTRACT As the number of robotic systems on the battlefield increases, the number of operators grows with it, leading to significant cost burden. Autonomous robots are already capable of task execution with limited supervision, and the capabilities of autonomous robots continue to advance rapidly. Because these autonomous systems have the ability to assist and augment human soldiers, commanders need advanced methods for assigning tasks to the systems, monitoring their status and using them to achieve desirable results. Mission Command for Autonomous Systems (MCAS) aims to enable natural interaction between commanders and their autonomous assets without requiring dedicated operators or significantly increasing the commanders’ cognitive burden. This paper discusses the approach, design and challenges of MCAS and present opportunities for future collaboration with industry and academia
Martin, JeremyKorfiatis, PeterSilva, Udam
ABSTRACT Autonomous robots can maneuver into dangerous situations without endangering Soldiers. The Soldier tasked with the supervision of a route clearing robot vehicle must be located beyond the physical effect of an exploding IED but close enough to understand the environment in which the robot is operating. Additionally, mission duration requirements discourage the use of low level, fatigue inducing, teleoperation. Techniques are needed to reduce the Soldier’s mental stress in this demanding situation, as well as to blend the high level reasoning of a remote human supervisor with the local autonomous capability of a robot to provide effective, long term mission performance. GDRS has developed an advanced supervised autonomy version of its Robotics Kit (GDRK) under the Robotic Mounted Detection System (RMDS) program that provides a cost effective, high-utility automation solution that overcomes the limitations and burden of a purely teleoperated system. GDRK is a modular robotic
Frederick, BrianRodgers, DanielMartin, JohnHutchison, John
ABSTRACT Over the last several years all branches of the United States military have experienced an increased number of orthopedic and internal injuries to knees lower back, neck, and digestive system. Additionally the level of severity has also been increasing. Primary cause factors contributing to the overall increase in injuries to US military personnel include the increase in overall individual loads being carried by the individual soldier which at times can approach 150 pounds, higher operations tempo which results in greater exposure to higher levels of impact forces and for a greater duration. The greater impact forces are a result of the poor design of the current bench deployed on United States tactical vehicles, and the brutal nature of the third world transportation networks in Afghanistan and Iraq. This paper documents the engineering approach utilized by AOM Engineering Solutions to achieve the following primary design objectives; improved ergonomic design for injury
Micheli, JohnDonovan, LTC Ken
ABSTRACT In this paper, we discuss a neuroimaging experiment that employed a mission-based scenario (MBS) design, a new approach for designing experiments in simulated environments for human subjects [1]. This approach aims to enhance the realism of the Soldier-task-environment interaction by eliminating many of the tightly-scripted elements of a typical laboratory experiment; however, the absence of these elements introduces several challenges for both the experimental design and statistical analysis of the experimental data. Here, we describe an MBS experiment using a simulated, closed-hatch crewstation environment. For each experimental session, two Soldiers participated as a Commander-Driver team to perform six simulated low-threat security patrol missions. We discuss challenges faced while designing and implementing the experiment before addressing analysis approaches appropriate for this type of experimentation. We conclude by highlighting three example transition pathways from
Vettel, Jean M.Lance, Brent J.Manteuffel, ChrisJaswa, MatthewCannon, MarcelJohnson, TonyPaul, VictorOie, Kelvin S.
ABSTRACT The use and operation of unmanned systems are becoming more commonplace and as missions gain complexity, our warfighters are demanding increasing levels of system functionality. At the same time, decision making is becoming increasingly data driven and operators must process large amounts of data while also controlling unmanned assets. Factors impacting robotic/unmanned asset control include mission task complexity, line-of-sight/non-line-of-sight operations, simultaneous UxV control, and communication bandwidth availability. It is critical that any unmanned system requiring human interaction, is designed as a “human-in-the-loop” system from the beginning to ensure that operator cognitive load is minimized and operator effectiveness is optimized. Best practice human factors engineering in the form of human machine interfaces and user-centered design for robotic/unmanned control systems integrated early in platform concept and design phases can significantly impact platform
MacDonald, Brian
ABSTRACT Recent advances in neuroscience, signal processing, machine learning, and related technologies have made it possible to reliably detect brain signatures specific to visual target recognition in real time. Utilizing these technologies together has shown an increase in the speed and accuracy of visual target identification over traditional visual scanning techniques. Images containing a target of interest elicit a unique neural signature in the brain (e.g. P300 event-related potential) when detected by the human observer. Computer vision exploits the P300-based signal to identify specific features in the target image that are different from other non-target images. Coupling the brain and computer in this way along with using rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) of the images enables large image datasets to be accurately interrogated in a short amount of time. Together this technology allows for potential military applications ranging from image triaging for the image analyst
Ries, Anthony J.Lance, BrentSajda, Paul
Road safety remains a critical concern globally, with millions of lives lost annually due to road accidents. In India alone, the year 2021 witnessed over 4,12,432 road accidents resulting in 1,53,972 fatalities and 3,84,448 injuries. The age group most affected by these accidents is 18-45 years, constituting approximately 67% of total deaths. Factors such as speeding, distracted driving, and neglect to use safety gear increases the severity of these incidents. This paper presents a novel approach to address these challenges by introducing a driver safety system aimed at promoting good driving etiquette and mitigating distractions and fatigue. Leveraging Raspberry Pi and computer vision techniques, the system monitors driver behavior in real-time, including head position, eye blinks, mouth opening and closing, hand position, and internal audio levels to detect signs of distraction and drowsiness. The system operates in both passive and active modes, providing alerts and alarms to the
Ganesh, KattaPrasad, Gvl
The advancements towards autonomous driving have propelled the need for reference/ground truth data for development and validation of various functionalities. Traditional data labelling methods are time consuming, skills intensive and have many drawbacks. These challenges are addressed through ALiVA (automatic lidar, image & video annotator), a semi-automated framework assisting for event detection and generation of reference data through annotation/labelling of video & point-cloud data. ALiVA is capable of processing large volumes of camera & lidar sensor data. Main pillars of framework are object detection-classification models, object tracking algorithms, cognitive algorithms and annotation results review functionality. Automatic object detection functionality creates a precise bounding box around the area of interest and assigns class labels to annotated objects. Object tracking algorithms tracks detected objects in video frames, provides a unique object id for each object and
Mardhekar, AmoghPawar, RushikeshMohod, RuchaShirudkar, RohitHivarkar, Umesh N.
Forward-facing child restraint systems (FF CRS) and high-back boosters often contact the vehicle seat head restraint (HR) when installed, creating a gap between the back surface of the CRS and the vehicle seat. The effects of HR interference on dynamic CRS performance are not well documented. The objective of this study is to quantify the effects of HR interference for FF CRS and high-back boosters in frontal and far-side impacts. Production vehicle seats with prominent, removeable HRs were attached to a sled buck. One FF CRS and two booster models were tested with the HR in place (causing interference) and with the HR removed (no interference). A variety of installation methods were examined for the FF CRS. A total of twenty-four tests were run. In frontal impacts, HR interference produced small but consistent increases in frontal head excursion and HIC36. Head excursions were more directly related to the more forward initial position rather than kinematic differences caused by HR
Mansfield, Julie A.
In recent times, indoor air quality has become an important concern as it affects people’s health and comfort. According to WHO report, air pollution causes 7 million deaths every year. PM2.5 has been identified as a key pollutant which impacts human health causing diseases like stroke, heart diseases, breathing issues, cancer and so on [1]. In today's time, we travel by personal vehicle every day, commuting for hours. It is an extension to our homes. Unfortunately, due to frequent door and windows opening, the cabin air gets exposed to outside pollution, and we end up breathing pollutants. To mitigate the problem, air purifiers are added in the automobile. As people are becoming more aware and conscious about good air quality, there is a growing demand for cabin interior air quality solutions for automobiles. A popular approach is to add an air purifier inside cars like ones being used in our homes to bring down the PM2.5 levels. The air purifier consists of a filter, blower system
Pimpalkar, AnkitPatel, AbhishekSonkar, SurabhiRajaur, DeepakJoshi, Rishi
Crew Station design in the physical realm is complex and expensive due to the cost of fabrication and the time required to reconfigure necessary hardware to conduct studies for human factors and optimization of space claim. However, recent advances in Virtual Reality (VR) and hand tracking technologies have enabled a paradigm shift to the process. The Ground Vehicle System Center has developed an innovative approach using VR technologies to enable a trade space exploration capability which provides crews the ability to place touchscreens and switch panels as desired, then lock them into place to perform a fully recorded simulation of operating the vehicle through a virtual terrain, maneuvering through firing points and engaging moving and static targets during virtual night and day missions with simulated sensor effects for infrared and night vision. Human factors are explored and studied using hand tracking which enables operators to check reach by interacting with virtual components
Agusti, Rachel S.Brown, DavidKovacin, KyleSmith, AaronHackenbruch, Rachel N.Hess, DavidSimmons, Caleb B.Stewart, Colin
Communicating when traumatic brain injury, stroke, or disease has made speech impossible can be daunting. But specialized eye-tracking technology uses eye movement to enable people living with disabilities to connect one-on-one, over the phone, or via the internet
A research team at The University of Texas at Austin created a noninvasive electroencephalogram (EEG) sensor that was installed in a Meta VR headset that can be worn comfortably for long periods. The EEG measures the brain’s electrical activity during the immersive VR interactions
In the medical device production environment, device packaging and sterilization is vital. The same level of rigorous quality controls and regulations that affect the devices themselves are also extended to their packaging. The mechanical and container closure integrity [CCI] evaluations of medical device packaging requires significant testing performed at multiple points throughout the commercialization and production processes
Researchers have developed SPINDLE, a pioneering robotic rehabilitation system. Combining virtual reality (VR) with customized resistance training, SPINDLE offers personalized therapy to enhance strength and dexterity for activities of daily living (ADLs). Its adaptability and potential for home use represent a major advancement in tremor rehabilitation, with broader healthcare implications
For engineers working on soft robotics or wearable devices, keeping things light is a constant challenge: heavier materials require more energy to move around, and — in the case of wearables or prostheses — cause discomfort. Elastomers are synthetic polymers that can be manufactured with a range of mechanical properties, from stiff to stretchy, making them a popular material for such applications. But manufacturing elastomers that can be shaped into complex 3D structures that go from rigid to rubbery has been unfeasible until now
Engineers at UC Berkeley have developed a new technique for making wearable sensors that enables medical researchers to prototype and test new designs much faster and at a far lower cost than existing methods
A wearable health monitor can reliably measure levels of important biochemicals in sweat during physical exercise. The 3D-printed monitor could someday provide a simple and non-invasive way to track health conditions and diagnose common diseases, such as diabetes, gout, kidney disease or heart disease
A team led by University of Maryland computer scientists invented a camera mechanism that improves how robots see and react to the world around them. Inspired by how the human eye works, their innovative camera system mimics the tiny involuntary movements used by the eye to maintain clear and stable vision over time. The team’s prototyping and testing of the camera — called the Artificial Microsaccade-Enhanced Event Camera (AMI-EV) — was detailed in a paper published in the journal Science Robotics in May 2024
Researchers worldwide are currently working on the next evolution of communication networks, called “beyond 5G” or 6G networks. To enable the near-instantaneous communication needed for applications like augmented reality or the remote control of surgical robots, ultra-high data speeds will be needed on wireless channels. In a study published recently in IEICE Electronics Express, researchers from Osaka University and IMRA AMERICA have found a way to increase these data speeds by reducing the noise in the system through lasers
A new groundbreaking “smart glove” is capable of tracking the hand and finger movements of stroke victims during rehabilitation exercises. The glove incorporates a sophisticated network of highly sensitive sensor yarns and pressure sensors that are woven into a comfortable stretchy fabric, enabling it to track, capture, and wirelessly transmit even the smallest hand and finger movements
Most humans rely heavily on our visual abilities to function in the world—we are optically oriented. In the broadest sense, “optics” refers to the study of sight and light. At its foundation, Radiant’s business is all about optics: measuring light and the properties of light in relation to the human eye. Photometry is the science of light according to our visual perception. Colorimetry is the science of color: how our eyes interpret different wavelengths of light
The advent of neck braces for the helmeted motorcycle rider has introduced a pertinent research question: To what extent do they reduce measures related to the major mechanism of neck injury in unrestrained torso accidents, i.e., compression flexion (CF)? This question requires a suitable method of testing and evaluating the measures for a load case resulting in the required mechanism. This study proposes a weighted swinging anvil striking the helmeted head of a supine HIII ATD by means of a near vertex impact with a low degree of anterior head impact eccentricity to induce CF of the neck. The applied impact was chosen for the baseline (no neck brace) so that the upper and lower neck axial forces approached injury assessment reference values (IARV). The head impact point evaluated represents those typically associated with high-energy burst fractures occurring within the first 20 ms, with possible secondary disruption of posterior ligaments. The proposed test can be used to evaluate
de Jongh, Cornelis U.Basson, Anton H.Knox, Erick H.Leatt, Christopher J.
Tracking the spread of COVID-19 through communities provided essential data for public-health officials and individuals to make informed decisions during the pandemic. One method that proved useful was collecting, concentrating, and testing municipal wastewater for the presence of the virus that caused the illness. As this testing ramped up, a technology developed for NASA to identify pathogens inside spacecraft saved time and produced dependable results on Earth
Implants that steadily release the right dose of a drug directly to the target part of the body have been a major advance in drug delivery. However, they still face some key challenges, such as ensuring that the drug is released at a constant rate from the moment it is implanted and ensuring that the implant is soft and flexible enough to avoid tissue damage but tough enough not to rupture. One particular challenge is to avoid triggering the foreign body response, which is when the patient’s body encloses the implant in a tight capsule of tough connective tissue which can slow the drug’s release or prevent it from diffusing out
In today’s landscape, sustainability has taken center stage. Technological advancements have made our world more connected than ever and companies everywhere, including those in the medical equipment industry, are focusing on how they can reduce their environmental impact
Chocolate-flavored pills for children who hate taking medicine. Several drugs combined into one daily pill for seniors who have trouble remembering to take their medications. Drugs printed at your local pharmacy at personalized dosages that best suit your health needs. These are just a few potential advantages of 3D drug printing, a new system for manufacturing drugs and treatments on-site at pharmacies, healthcare facilities, and other remote locations
Understanding heart function and disease, as well as testing new drugs for heart conditions, has long been a complex and time-consuming task. A promising way to study disease and test new drugs is to use cellular and engineered tissue models in a dish, but existing methods to study heart cell contraction and calcium handling require a good deal of manual work, are prone to errors, and need expensive specialized equipment
Sustainability remains a dominant trend in packaging and processing, continuing to attract the attention of the life sciences industry and inspire its new initiatives. Although pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers must prioritize patient safety and product protection, concerns about climate change, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, plastic waste, and pressure to move toward a circular economy are prompting a greater focus on improving the sustainability of their products and packaging
Researchers at NASA Johnson Space Center have developed the Portable Knee Dynamometer, a device that enables quadricep and hamstring strength assessment, rehabilitation, and exercise capabilities for a user outside of a traditional clinical setting. Clinical orthopedic dynamometers for high-strength muscle groups tend to be large, heavy, and typically not readily transportable. NASA’s novel device can be easily carried to a patient who may be homebound or otherwise unable to travel to a clinic due to surgery, injury, or pathology
For many patients waiting for a donor heart, the only way to live a decent life is with the help of a pump attached directly to their heart. This pump requires about as much power as a TV, which it draws from an external battery via a seven-millimeter-thick cable. The system is handy and reliable, but it has one big flaw: despite medical treatment, the point at which the cable exits the abdomen can be breached by bacteria
Engineers at the University of California San Diego in collaboration with clinicians, people with MCI, and their care partners have developed CARMEN, short for Cognitively Assistive Robot for Motivation and Neurorehabilitation — a small, tabletop robot designed to help people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) learn skills to improve memory, attention, and executive functioning at home
Researchers have found a way to bind engineered skin tissue to the complex forms of humanoid robots. This brings with it potential benefits to robotic platforms such as increased mobility, self-healing abilities, embedded sensing capabilities and an increasingly lifelike appearance. Taking inspiration from human skin ligaments, the team, led by Professor Shoji Takeuchi of the University of Tokyo, included special perforations in a robot face, which helped a layer of skin take hold. Their research could be useful in the cosmetics industry and to help train plastic surgeons
An artificial intelligence (AI) tool developed by researchers at the University of Rochester can help people with Parkinson’s disease remotely assess the severity of their symptoms within minutes. A study in npj Digital Medicine describes the new tool, which has users tap their fingers 10 times in front of a webcam to assess motor performance on a scale of 0-4
This research aims at understanding how the driver interacts with the steering wheel, in order to detect driving strategies. Such driving strategies will allow in the future to derive accurate holistic driver models for enhancing both safety and comfort of vehicles. The use of an original instrumented steering wheel (ISW) allows to measure at each hand, three forces, three moments, and the grip force. Experiments have been performed with 10 nonprofessional drivers in a high-end dynamic driving simulator. Three aspects of driving strategy were analyzed, namely the amplitudes of the forces and moments applied to the steering wheel, the correlations among the different signals of forces and moments, and the order of activation of the forces and moments. The results obtained on a road test have been compared with the ones coming from a driving simulator, with satisfactory results. Two different strategies for actuating the steering wheel have been identified. In the first strategy, the
Previati, GiorgioMastinu, GianpieroGobbi, Massimiliano
Investigating human driver behavior enhances the acceptance of the autonomous driving and increases road safety in heterogeneous environments with human-operated and autonomous vehicles. The previously established driver fingerprint model, focuses on the classification of driving styles based on CAN bus signals. However, driving styles are inherently complex and influenced by multiple factors, including changing driving environments and driver states. To comprehensively create a driver profile, an in-car measurement system based on the Driver-Driven vehicle-Driving environment (3D) framework is developed. The measurement system records emotional and physiological signals from the driver, including the ECG signal and heart rate. A Raspberry Pi camera is utilized on the dashboard to capture the driver's facial expressions and a trained convolutional neural network (CNN) recognizes emotion. To conduct unobtrusive ECG measurements, an ECG sensor is integrated into the steering wheel
Ji, DejieFlormann, MaximilianWarnecke, Joana M.Henze, RomanDeserno, Thomas M.
Recent advancements in robotics have greatly enhanced surgical procedures, enabling minimally invasive techniques that offer patients the promise of better outcomes with fewer complications and shorter recovery times. Much of this innovation is driven by advanced motion control systems and constant component miniaturization
In recent years, significant advancements in robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and medical imaging have driven the growth of robotic surgery, enabling complex procedures with greater precision and reduced complications. Robotic surgical systems now incorporate high-definition 3D imaging and microscale instruments, enhancing surgeons’ ability to navigate delicate anatomical structures with minimal tissue damage. The development of remote telesurgery has also improved access to specialized care, overcoming geographical barriers
Drug-delivery researchers have developed a device with the potential to improve gene therapy for patients with inherited lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis. In cell culture and mouse models, scientists demonstrated a novel technique for the aerosolization of inhalable nanoparticles that can be used to carry messenger RNA, the technology underpinning COVID-19 vaccines, to patients’ lungs
A unique wristwatch contains multiple modules, including a sensor array, a microfluidic chip, signal processing, and a data display system to monitor chemicals in human sweat. It can continuously and accurately monitor the levels of potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), and calcium (Ca2+) ions
Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden
Linear actuators, in particular, electromechanical linear actuators, have become integral components of modern medical devices because of their high precision, accuracy, and ability to deliver repeatable motion control. Patient comfort, positioning and mobility, robotic surgery, imaging equipment, infusion, and pumping are just a few of the applications where the use of linear actuators has revolutionized the way medical devices are designed, improving patient outcomes and enhancing the overall quality of care
A new device platform allows for smaller wireless light sources to be placed within the human body. Research indicates that such light sources will enable novel, minimally invasive means of treating and better understanding diseases which currently require the implantation of bulky devices
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