Browse Topic: Diagnosis

Items (737)
A wearable health monitor can reliably measure levels of important biochemicals in sweat during physical exercise. The 3D-printed monitor could someday provide a simple and non-invasive way to track health conditions and diagnose common diseases, such as diabetes, gout, kidney disease or heart disease
Investigating human driver behavior enhances the acceptance of the autonomous driving and increases road safety in heterogeneous environments with human-operated and autonomous vehicles. The previously established driver fingerprint model, focuses on the classification of driving styles based on CAN bus signals. However, driving styles are inherently complex and influenced by multiple factors, including changing driving environments and driver states. To comprehensively create a driver profile, an in-car measurement system based on the Driver-Driven vehicle-Driving environment (3D) framework is developed. The measurement system records emotional and physiological signals from the driver, including the ECG signal and heart rate. A Raspberry Pi camera is utilized on the dashboard to capture the driver's facial expressions and a trained convolutional neural network (CNN) recognizes emotion. To conduct unobtrusive ECG measurements, an ECG sensor is integrated into the steering wheel
Ji, DejieFlormann, MaximilianWarnecke, Joana M.Henze, RomanDeserno, Thomas M.
Recent advances in technology have opened many possibilities for using wearable and implantable sensors to monitor various indicators of patient health. Wearable pressure sensors are designed to respond to very small changes in bodily pressure, so that physical functions such as pulse rate, blood pressure, breathing rates, and even subtle changes in vocal cord vibrations can be monitored in real time with a high degree of sensitivity
iMotions employs neuroscience and AI-powered analysis tools to enhance the tracking, assessment and design of human-machine interfaces inside vehicles. The advancement of vehicles with enhanced safety and infotainment features has made evaluating human-machine interfaces (HMI) in modern commercial and industrial vehicles crucial. Drivers face a steep learning curve due to the complexities of these new technologies. Additionally, the interaction with advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) increases concerns about cognitive impact and driver distraction in both passenger and commercial vehicles. As vehicles incorporate more automation, many clients are turning to biosensor technology to monitor drivers' attention and the effects of various systems and interfaces. Utilizing neuroscientific principles and AI, data from eye-tracking, facial expressions and heart rate are informing more effective system and interface design strategies. This approach ensures that automation advancements
Nguyen, Nam
Remember that party where you were swinging glow sticks above your head or wearing them as necklaces? Fun times, right? Science times, too. Turns out those fun party favors are now being used by a University of Houston researcher to identify emerging biothreats for the United States Navy
With the rapid development of intelligent driving technology, there has been a growing interest in the driving comfort of automated vehicles. As vehicles become more automated, the role of the driver shifts from actively engaging in driving tasks to that of a passenger. Consequently, the study of the passenger experience in automated driving vehicles has emerged as a significant research area. In order to examine the impact of automatic driving on passengers' riding experience in vehicle platooning scenarios, this study conducted real vehicle experiments involving six participants. The study assessed the subjective perception scores, eye movement, and electrocardiogram (ECG) signals of passengers seated in the front passenger seat under various vehicle speeds, distances, and driving modes. The results of the statistical analysis indicate that vehicle speed has the most substantial influence on passenger perception. The driving mode has a minor effect on the passenger riding experience
Hu, HongyuZhang, GuojuanCheng, MingLi, ZhengyiHe, LeiSu, Lili
Avoiding lethal outcomes from sepsis — a severe, life-threatening reaction to infection within the body — requires a rapid, accurate diagnosis. Historically, it has been a challenge for healthcare providers to beat the clock and intervene with life-saving care. This has contributed to the disease’s lethality, making sepsis the leading cause of hospital-related deaths in the United States
Pump systems are ubiquitous in medical and life science products, from blood pressure monitors and drug-delivery devices, to pipettors and diagnostic instruments. As the demand for smaller, less intrusive — sometimes even wearable — products grow, engineers must meet these expectations without compromising on pump system performance
Today’s necessity to reduce healthcare costs is generating a greater demand for medical electronics equipment that improves and expands patient diagnostics inside and outside healthcare facilities. For instance, portable medical instruments such as glucose meters, blood pressure monitors, oxygen meters, and automated external defibrillators (AED) have undergone many design considerations to be developed for doctors, paramedics, public use, and at home with at-risk patients. This article delves into the design considerations, challenges, and regulatory aspects of medical electronics and provides a case study involving automated external defibrillators (AEDs
Processes and structures within the body that are normally hidden from the eye can be made visible through medical imaging. Scientists use imaging to investigate the complex functions of cells and organs and search for ways to better detect and treat diseases. In everyday medical practice, images from the body help physicians diagnose diseases and monitor whether therapies are working. To be able to depict specific processes in the body, researchers are developing new techniques for labelling cells or molecules so that they emit signals that can be detected outside the body and converted into meaningful images. A research team at the University of Münster has now adapted a cell labelling strategy currently used in microscopy — the so-called SNAP-tag technology — for use in whole-body imaging with positron emission tomography (PET
Made with a laser-modified graphene nanocomposite material, a wearable device can detect specific glucose levels in sweat for three weeks while simultaneously monitoring body temperature and pH levels
Engineers at MIT and Caltech have demonstrated an ingestible sensor whose location can be monitored as it moves through the digestive tract, an advance that could help doctors more easily diagnose gastrointestinal motility disorders such as constipation, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and gastroparesis
Scientists have created a new way to detect the proteins that make up the pandemic coronavirus as well as antibodies against it. They designed protein-based biosensors that glow when mixed with components of the virus or specific COVID-19 antibodies. This could enable faster and more widespread testing in the near future
Healthcare facilities and providers are the beneficiaries of impressive advances in therapeutic technologies that push the boundaries of what’s possible in patient care. Wearable devices have evolved from tracking personal fitness statistics to functioning as a direct conduit from patients to providers for diagnostic, monitoring, and treatment analysis. Artificial intelligence (AI) is currently a major driver of imaging, diagnosis, and treatment of oncology-, cardiac-, and diabetes-related conditions, among many others
The Defense Department is looking to expand the use of its wearable technology to other infectious disease detection in service members, which leaders say will aid in readiness, says Jeff Schneider, program manager for the Rapid Assessment of Threat Exposure project, also known as the RATE program. DOD is extending the project, initially started with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency in 2020, to new user groups after leading a successful prototype during COVID-19, he says
Inadequate real-time tissue assessment of biopsies from different cell types, like cancer cells, immune cells, granuloma, and others, forces proceduralists, such as bronchoscopists and radiologists, to choose between intraprocedural partial tissue adequacy assessment, rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE), or sending tissue samples for full pathology review. Neither truly answers the question, “Do we have enough cells to submit to pathology for the best chance of a conclusive diagnosis?” This can lead to prolonged delay for patient results, the need for a redo procedure, and potential delays for treatment options for the patient
An electrochemical sensor detects Parkinson’s disease at different stages. The device was fabricated using an ordinary 3D printer and proved capable of early diagnosis, also serving as a model for the identification of other diseases. The sensor rapidly indicates the level of the protein PARK7/DJ-1 in human blood and synthetic cerebrospinal fluid. The molecule is associated with Parkinson’s at levels below 40 μg/L
Monitoring driver thermal stress is an integral step for developing an automated climate control function. In this experimental study, various physiological measures for driver’s thermal stress were tracked while intentionally by altering thermal conditions of the seat with a seat air conditioning system (ACS) in summer and a seat heating system (HS) in winter. It was aimed to determine reliable physiological measures for identifying the changes in thermal status induced by the two seat climate control systems. In the first experiment, twenty experienced drivers drove a comfortable sedan for 60 minutes on a real highway while varying the intensity of the seat ACS every 10 minutes to incur ‘hot’ – ‘cool’ – ‘hot’ – ‘cool’ thermal stress. In the second experiment, a new group of eighteen drivers drove the same highway for 30 minutes while increasing the intensity of seat HS to incur ‘cold’ to ‘warm’ thermal stress. Their thermal stress status has been evaluated by heart rate variability
Song, DonghyunKim, EunjeeKwon, YujinYoon, WoojinLee, BaekheeLee, YoseobShin, Gwanseob
SMARTSHAPE consortium, led from University of Galway, will develop an implantable medical device for continuous blood pressure monitoring. The consortium has developed an IP-protected technologically disruptive sensor for continuous pressure measurement. They plan to address challenges related to biocompatibility, longevity, and delivery to the target tissue. These need to be overcome to deliver the sensor to the market
Preclinical laboratories at academic facilities and contract research organizations (CROs) have traditionally relied on five main imaging modalities: optical, acoustic, x-ray, MRI, and nuclear. Now, photoacoustic imaging, which combines optical and acoustic modalities, is enabling some of the most promising medical research, including providing images of biological structures for increased visibility during surgery and facilitating the analysis of plaque composition to better diagnose and treat coronary artery disease (CAD
Made of graphene, a cuffless device is worn on the underside of the wrist and can measure blood pressure with comparable accuracy to a standard blood pressure cuff. While the technology is still in its early stages, the researchers envision that the monitor will be worn 24/7
About 25 percent of the U.S. population suffers from fatty liver disease, a condition that can lead to fibrosis of the liver and, eventually, liver failure. Currently there is no easy way to diagnose either fatty liver disease or liver fibrosis. However, MIT engineers have now developed a diagnostic tool, based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), that could be used to detect both of those conditions
In the future, soft robotic hands with advanced sensors could help diagnose and care for patients or act as more lifelike prostheses
This procedure applies to directional control valves or other valves which in various positions direct or block fluid flow as applied to Off-Road Self-Propelled Work Machines as referenced in SAE J1116
CTTC C1, Hydraulic Systems
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is the fastest-growing neurodegenerative condition in the world, second only to Alzheimer’s, and affects 600,000 Americans every year at a cost of $20 billion to the U.S. healthcare system. PD’s symptoms and signs can vary dramatically between patients, and as a result, there is no one standard test or biomarker that can diagnose or track the progression of the disease. When a doctor examines a patient with PD, they assess the presence of three neurological signs: slowed movements (bradykinesia), tremor and muscle rigidity (stiffness) — the presence of at least two of the three is required for a positive diagnosis. These examinations are subjective and imprecise, making it challenging to diagnose and monitor the disease, especially in the early stages when symptoms are mild
A new auditory sensor will be useful for healthcare devices that diagnose respiratory diseases. The skin-attachable device will also be useful as a sensor in microphones to aid in facilitating communication in disaster situations. It can clearly detect voices even in harsh noisy environments
The microscope is a workhorse in laboratories for biomedical research and diagnosing disease from tissue samples such as tumor biopsies. A research team led by engineers at the University of Washington has developed a microscope that combines rapid high- and low-power light-sheet microscopy with an open top design that allows for rapid imaging of a wide range of sample types
A research team has developed a new microfluidic chip for diagnosing diseases that uses a minimal number of components and can be powered wirelessly by a smartphone. The University of Minnesota — Twin Cities innovation opens the door for faster and more affordable at-home medical testing
The global wearable biosensors market is a rapidly expanding industry with increasingly growing potential for applications in healthcare and technological advances. With potential in remote patient monitoring, diagnosis, and detection of disease, biosensors and wearable devices are gaining substantial interest due to their opportunities to offer continuous and reliable physiological information allowing for better support of patient needs. As part of SAE Media Group’s leading series of medical device conferences, this year’s event will be exploring the key drivers and innovations of the wearable medical biosensors landscape with insights into the latest technologies uncovering the therapeutic scope of medical biosensors and the potential of wearable sensors for decentralized diagnostic testing. Furthermore, this year’s conference will look at how industry is overcoming unmet needs including battery technologies and flexibility for wearable sensors. With growing digital application, the
Advancing minimally invasive surgery and its usefulness in diagnosis and treatment in more healthcare situations is a direct challenge for medical device OEMs. Transforming these image-guided and interventional procedures requires precise surgical navigation that empowers physicians when there is no line of sight. Electromagnetic (EM) tracking systems — once hindered by the presence of metals and other equipment in a surgical setting — are gaining ground on this front
Researchers have developed a wearable sensor patch thinner than a hair strand that can measure pulse wave signals with high precision. The patch was printed using inkjet printing. Using this technology, wearable electronic devices can be made by simply printing conductive ink on a very thin substrate
Mass is one important suspicious object for breast cancer diagnosis in mammograms. Computer-aided detection (CAD) based on fully supervised deep learning achieves high performance for mass detection in mammograms. The lack of fine-grained expert labels becomes the bottleneck for the large-scale application of CAD to achieve detection in mammograms. Weakly supervised methods provide a solution to tackle the annotation problems, including in the application for mass detection. However, previous works face the problem of insufficient localization information, which affect the ability of mass detection. In this paper, we propose a multi-view enhancing mass detection network (MVMDNet) with dual view inputs that contains craniocaudal (CC) and mediolateral oblique (MLO) view of mammograms, where different view features are interacted and fused to enhance localization information. After backbone extracts dual view features, the multi-view enhancement is contributed by following modules: First
Zhao, HuairuiHua, JiaGeng, XiaochuanXu, JianrongGuo, YiSuo, ShitengZhou, YanWang, Yuanyuan
An active sound design (ASD) technique enables the implementation of a specific sound in addition to the real engine/e-motor sound in a vehicle. However, it is difficult to satisfy the various needs of customers because it can provide only a few sounds designed by the manufacturer. This paper presents the method of providing the appropriate driving sound and soundscape in an electric vehicle according to the driver’s emotion and driving environment in real-time. For this purpose, it is studied how to construct a driving sound library from the various sound sources and how to recognize a driver's total emotion from the multi-modal data such as facial expression, heart rate, and electrodermal activity using the CNN and support vector machine algorithms. Then it is discussed how to generate the driving sound of electric vehicle according to the driver’s emotion. Using these methods, a personalized driving sound suitable to the driver's total emotion is provided by using the ASD system of
Chang, Kyoung-JinCho, GyuminSong, WooseokKim, Man-JeAhn, Chang WookSong, Munchul
A new device from Lincoln Laboratory can now alert trainees when they are heading toward injury. The device continuously estimates a person’s core body temperature to determine their risk level for heat strain as they train. This risk is communicated on a smartwatch display, providing early warning to its wearer
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