Browse Topic: Braking systems

Items (5,453)
The sound generated by electric propulsion systems differs compared to the prevalent sound generated by combustion engines. By exposing listeners to various sound situations, the manufacturer can start understanding which direction to take to achieve compelling battery electric vehicle trucks from a sound perspective. The main objective of this study is to understand what underlying aspects decide the experience and perception of heavy vehicle–related sounds in the context of electrified propulsion. Using a thematic analysis of data collected at a listening experiment conducted in 2020, factors affecting the perception of novel sounds generated by a first-generation electric truck are investigated. A hypothesis is that the experience of driving or being a passenger in electric trucks will affect the rating and response differently compared to listeners not yet experienced with this sound. The results show that the combination of individual preference and experience, hearing function
Nyman, BirgittaFagerlönn, JohanNykänen, Arne
Path-tracking control occupies a critical role within autonomous driving systems, directly reflecting vehicle motion and impacting both safety and user experience. However, the ever-changing vehicle states, road conditions, and delay characteristics of control systems present new challenges to the path tracking of autonomous vehicles, thereby limiting further enhancements in performance. This article introduces a path-tracking controller, time-varying gain-scheduled path-tracking controller with delay compensation (TGDC), which utilizes a linear parameter-varying system and optimal control theory to account for time-varying vehicle states, road conditions, and steering control system delays. Subsequently, a polytopic-based path-tracking model is applied to design the control law, reducing the computational complexity of TGDC. To evaluate the effectiveness and real-time capability of TGDC, it was tested under a series of complex conditions using a hardware-in-the-loop platform. The
Hu, XuePengZhang, YuHu, YuxuanWang, ZhenfengQin, Yechen
As wire control systems advance, they have given rise to a diverse suite of advanced driver assistance services and sophisticated fusion control capabilities. This article presents an innovative strategy for achieving comfortable braking in electric vehicles, propelled by the unwavering goal of enhancing driving experience. By integrating active suspension systems with brake-by-wire technology, the approach ensures that drivers retain their confidence throughout the braking process. The brake-by-wire system adeptly discerns the driver’s braking intent through the pedal’s displacement sensor. Utilizing this technology, we have developed a pioneering function aimed at delivering comfort braking control (CBC). This function not only refines the braking experience but also solidifies the driver’s trust in the braking system. Designed to counteract the head nodding effect during vehicle deceleration, the CBC system minimizes or even eradicates the jarring sensation of pitching for both the
Tian, BoshiLi, LiangLiao, YinshengLv, HaijunQu, WenyingHu, ZhimingSun, Yue
Disc brakes play a vital role in automotive braking systems, offering a dependable and effective means of decelerating or halting a vehicle. The disc brake assembly functions by converting the vehicle's kinetic energy into thermal energy through friction. The performances of the brake assembly and user experience are significantly impacted by squeal noise and wear behaviour. This paper delves into the fundamental mechanisms behind squeal noise and assesses the wear performance of the disc brake assembly. Functionally graded materials (FGMs) are an innovative type of composite material, characterized by gradual variations in composition and structure throughout their volume, leading to changes in properties such as mechanical strength, thermal conductivity, and corrosion resistance. FGMs have emerged as a groundbreaking solution in the design and manufacturing of brake rotors, addressing significant challenges related to thermal stress, wear resistance, and overall performance. These
C V, PrasshanthS, GurumoorthyBhaskara Rao, LokavarapuS, SridharS, Badri NarayananKumar, AjayBiswas, Sayan
The braking system is an essential element for ensuring the safe operation of vehicles. This research investigates the influence of electronic mechanical brakes on the control performance of permanent magnet synchronous motors, with a particular focus on variations in the load torque and inertial load. This study addresses challenges such as delayed responses in the clamping force and diminished control accuracy. To mitigate these issues, a Luenberger load torque observer is utilized for the real-time identification of load torque. The identified load torque is subsequently converted into a compensation current, which is integrated into the current loop as a feed-forward compensation signal to enhance the control performance. Additionally, to reduce the impact of variations in inertial load on the overall control system, this study employs a model reference adaptive algorithm for the online identification of rotational inertia, with the identification results being fed back to the load
Wan, XiaoboShang, RuipengLi, Yingchun
Verifying training datasets in vision-based vehicle safety applications is crucial to understanding the potential limitations of detection capabilities that may result in a higher safety risk. Vision-based pedestrian safety applications with crash avoidance technologies rely on prompt detection to avoid a crash. This research aims to develop a verification process for vulnerable road user safety applications with vision-based detection functionalities. It consists of reviewing the application’s safety requirements, identifying the target objects of detection in the operational design domain and pre-crash scenarios, and evaluating the safety risks qualitatively by examining the training dataset based on the results of pre-crash scenarios classification. As a demonstration, the process is implemented using open-source pedestrian tracking software, and the pre-crash scenarios are classified based on the trajectories of pedestrians in an example training dataset used in a pedestrian
Hsu, Chung-Jen
Electric vehicles represent a shift towards sustainability in the automotive industry, with the Brake-by-Wire (BBW) system as an innovation to enhance safety, and performance. This study proposes an electromagnetic BBW system for Formula SAE vehicles, optimizing an electromagnet with a genetic algorithm as the actuator. Through a selection process from a million individuals, the system was modeled. Integrated with electric motors using CarMaker® software, the optimized electromagnet surpassed the minimum required force of 228.08 N without reaching its nominal current of 12.5 A, achieving a force of 231.1 N for 150 W power, indicating an energy efficiency of 0.706 N/Watt. The system also exhibited a response time of 17.92ms for an 80 bar increase, 1.52 times better than compared systems. Simulation under varying braking intensities demonstrated dynamic behavior, with settling times for slow, moderate, and sharp braking at 193 ms, 62 ms, and 21 ms, respectively. Efficiency during
Salgado, Vinícius Batista AlvesGomes, Deilton GonçalvesAndrade Lima, Cláudio
A serious problem of public healthcare around the world is the number of road vehicle accidents, every year almost 1,3 million people die and approximately 20 to 50 million people suffer a non-fatal accident because of a road vehicle accident [1]. As a result of that, in 2021 the World Health Organization stated the “The Second Decade of Action for Road Safety”, which the goal is to prevent at least 50% of deaths and injuries due traffic by 2030. To achieve this goal, the automobile companies have invested in technology and products that can enhance vehicle safety. Despite exist some control systems able to reduce roll, and consequently the roll over, such as active suspension, semi-active suspension, and stability control systems, none of them have as main purpose reduce the number of rollovers. The following study aims to examine the effects of an active anti roll bar, to improve the vehicle dynamics during corners and reduce the risk of a rollover by reducing the roll of the sprung
Gomes, Pedro CarvalhoTeixeira, Evandro Leonardo SilvaMorais, Marcus Vinicius GirãoFortaleza, Eugenio Liborio FeitoraSantos Gioria, Gustavo
The SAE Formula prototypes are developed by students, where in the competition, various aspects of project definitions are evaluated. Among the factors evaluated for scoring is the braking system, in which the present work aims to present the development and design of the braking system of a vehicle, prototype of Formula SAE student competition. As it is a project manufactured mostly by students, where the chassis, suspension system, electrical, transmission and powertrain are developed, it is important to first pass the static and safety tests, where the brakes of the four wheels are tested during deceleration at a certain distance from the track. To enable such approval and also to demonstrate, for the competition judges, the veracity of the system’s sizing, all the parameters and assumptions of the choice of the vehicle’s braking system are presented, thus ensuring their reliability, efficiency and safety. Using drawing and simulation software such as SolidWorks and Excel for
Gomes, Lucas OlenskiGrandinetti, Francisco JoséMartins, Marcelo SampaioSouza Soares, Alvaro ManoelReis de Faria Neto, AntônioCastro, Thais SantosAlmeida, Luís Fernando
Single lane changing is one of the typical scenarios in vehicle driving. Planning an appropriate lane change trajectory is crucial in autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle research. Existing polynomial trajectory planning mostly uses cubic or quintic polynomials, neglecting the lateral jerk constraints during lane changes. This study uses seventh-degree polynomials for lane change trajectory planning by considering the vehicle lateral jerk constraints. Simulation results show that the utilization of the seventh-degree method results in a 41% reduction in jerk compared to the fifth-degree polynomial. Furthermore, this study also proposes lane change trajectory schemes that can cater to different driving styles (e.g., safety, efficiency, comfort, and balanced performance). Depending on the driving style, the planned lane change trajectory ensures that the vehicle achieves optimal performance in one or more aspects during the lane change process. For example, with the trajectory that
Lai, FeiHuang, Chaoqun
The traditional braking system has been unable to meet the redundant safety requirements of the intelligent vehicle for the braking system. At the same time, under the change of electrification and intelligence, the braking system needs to have the functions of braking boost, braking energy recovery, braking redundancy and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to study the redundant braking boost control of the integrated electro-hydraulic braking system. Based on the brake boost failure problem of the integrated electro-hydraulic brake system, this paper proposes a redundant brake boost control strategy based on the Integrated Brake Control system plus the Redundant Brake Unit configuration, which mainly includes fault diagnosis of Integrated Brake Control brake boost failure, recognition of driver braking intention based on pedal force, pressure control strategy of Integrated Brake Control brake boost and pressure control strategy of Redundant Brake Unit brake boost. The designed control
Dexing, LaoLuping, YanQinghai, SuiLong, CaoShang, GaoZhigang, ChenMingxing, RenZhicheng, Chen
With the technology of electronic chassis control systems of automobile is widely used, the functional interaction between brake system and the other electronic systems may lead to brake boost degradation. Therefore, it is necessary to find out brake boost degradation events in the quite large number of driving scenarios. To solve the difficulty of thoroughly and quickly searching for brake boost degradation conditions in the large number of driving scenarios, based on Mechatronic-Hardware-In-the-Loop (M-HIL) technology, this paper constructs an electrical chassis system M-HIL bench to verify the function and performance of the electronic brake control system under actual chassis system conditions. To search and locate the brake boost degradation conditions rapidly and enhance the searching efficiency of levels boundary of affecting factors for brake boost degradation, firstly, based on pair-wise coverage combinatorial testing, brake boost degradation occurrence rate is estimated and
Guo, XiaotongLi, LunChen, ZhichengZhang, LiliangYan, LupingWang, WeiZh, Bing
This SAE Recommended Practice is derived from common methods used within the industry and is not intended to validate a given design or configuration. This SAE Recommended Practice applies to vehicles below 4540 kg of gross vehicle weight rating.
Brake NVH Standards Committee
This study investigates into the mechanical performance of load vehicle brake liners that have been enhanced with nanomaterials, employing Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The analysis involves a detailed investigation of structural, thermal, and wears characteristics to evaluate the overall performance of the brake liners. This research aimed to reduce the stress and pressure exerted on vehicle brakes during braking by conducting a comprehensive stress analysis of the braking system. Finite Element Analysis serves as a powerful tool for simulating and assessing the behavior of complex structures under varying conditions. In this research, the study employs FEA techniques to model and analyze the load vehicle brake liners, considering the incorporation of nanomaterial’s, with a special emphasis on materials like Al2O3.The aim is to gain a profound understanding of how these nanomaterial’s influence and improve the mechanical aspects of the brake liners.
Kumar, N. MathanThillikkani, S.Kannan, S.Soundararajan, S.Bharti, Kundan
This SAE standard specifies a method for testing and measuring a normalized elastic constant of brake pad assemblies using ultrasound. This document applies to disc brake pad assemblies and its coupons or segments used in road vehicles.
Brake Linings Standards Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes methods to determine grade parking performance with respect to: a Ability of the parking brake system to lock the braked wheels. b The vehicle holding or sliding on the grade, fully loaded or unloaded. c Applied manual effort. d Unburnished or burnished brake lining friction conditions. e Down and up grade directions.
Truck and Bus Brake Systems Committee
Hydro-pneumatic suspension is widely used because of its desirable nonlinear stiffness and damping characteristics. However, the presence of parameter uncertainties and high nonlinearities in the system, lead to unsatisfactory control performance of the traditional controller in practical applications. In response to this challenge, this paper proposes a novel stability control method for active hydro-pneumatic suspension (AHPS). Firstly, a nonlinear mathematical model of the hydro-pneumatic suspension, considering the seal friction, is established based on the hydraulic principle and the knowledge of Fluid dynamics. On the basis of the established hydro-pneumatic suspension nonlinear model, a vehicle dynamics model is established. Secondly, an active disturbance rejection sliding mode controller (ADRSMC) is designed for the vertical, roll, and pitch motions of the sprung mass. The lumped disturbance caused by the model nonlinearities and uncertainties is estimated by the extended
Niu, ChangshengLiu, XiaoangJia, XingGong, BoXu, Bo
Heavy-duty vehicles, particularly those towing higher weights, require a continuous/secondary braking system. While conventional vehicles employ Retarder or Engine brake systems, electric vehicles utilize recuperation for continuous braking. In a state where HV Battery is at 100% of SOC, recuperated energy from vehicle operation is passed on to HPR and it converts electrical energy into waste heat energy. This study focuses on identification of routes which are critical for High Power Brake Resistors (HPRs), by analyzing the elevation data of existing charging stations, the route’s slope distribution, and the vehicle’s battery SOC. This research ultimately suggests a method to identify HPR critical vehicle operational routes which can be useful for energy efficient route planning algorithms, leading to significant cost savings for customers and contributing to environmental sustainability.
Thakur, ShivamSalunke, OmkarAmbuskar, MandarPandey, Lokesh
Shipbuilders didn’t have the option of fiberglass when the nonprofit American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) was established 160 years ago to help safeguard life and property on the seas. Fortunately, technology to help better ensure the safety of ocean vessels has also come a long way in that time, in part because people have become a spacefaring species.
Brake disc temperature is a critical factor influencing the performance and wear characteristics of braking systems in automobiles. Hence it is very important to optimize the correlation of brake disc temperature prediction with test. In this study critical parameters of Brake Disc temperature evaluation are identified, and algorithm is used to optimize the critical parameters to achieve the correlation of prediction with experiment data. Through a series of controlled experiments and simulations, disc temperatures are monitored under different braking conditions and simultaneously input parameters for prediction are optimized to achieve the correlation. Statistical methods were applied to evaluate the observed correlations and to model the predictive behavior of brake disc temperatures. Finally, A front-loading tool is developed to optimize the brake disc keeping target thermal capacity via algorithm. The findings of this study are expected to contribute to the enhancement of brake
Negi, Ayush SinghKochhar, Raman
The SAE J2923 procedure is a recommended practice that applies to on-road vehicles with a GVWR below 4540 kg equipped with disc brakes.
Brake Dynamometer Standards Committee
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