For mature virtual development, enlarging coverage of performances and driving conditions comparable with physical prototype is important. The subjective evaluation on various driving conditions to find abnormal or nonlinear phenomenon as well as objective evaluation becomes indispensable even in virtual development stage. From the previous research, the road noise had been successfully predicted and replayed from the synthesis of system models. In this study, model based NVH simulator dedicated to virtual development have been implemented. At first, in addition to road noise, motor noise was predicted from experimental models such as blocked force and transfer function of motor, mount and body according to various vehicle conditions such as speed and torque. Next, to convert driver’s inputs such as acceleration and brake pedal, mode selection button and steering wheel to vehicle condition, 1-D performance model was generated and calibrated. Finally, the audio and visual feedback correspondent with driver’s input was represented in the simulator with real-time data network between various hardware and software. To validate the simulator, subjective evaluation was performed with so-called virtual vehicles by changing tires, mounts and body on various roads, speed and torque, which showed contextual result with physical prototypes. In conclusion, the NVH simulator equipped with consistent experimental and simulation models could be utilized to find and improve abnormal or nonlinear phenomena in virtual vehicle development stage, which can help to frontload vehicle development.