A drive anti-slip and lateral stability control technique for distributed three-axis drive vehicle


To be published on 04/01/2025

WCX SAE World Congress Experience
Authors Abstract
The research object of this project is the longitudinal and lateral control of the distributed three-axis drive tractor. Which is different from the traditional four motors power system layout is that the third axel have two motors while the second axel only have one motor. Compared with the traditional design, it can reduce the dependence on battery performance and maintain motor operation in high efficiency range by switching different working model. For example, when driving at high speed, only the two-axis motor works, which can improve motor efficiency. When accelerate or climb, all motors work to provide a large power output. In the research, established the vehicle model in Simulink firstly, and then Co-simulated with Trucksim. The longitudinal control identified the optimal slip rate of the road firstly, then used the adaptive sliding mode control to obtain the driving torque of each wheel, which can achieve well control effect under various road conditions and motion modes. For example, acceleration performance on muddy road、butt road、split road and so on. The lateral control used the two-layer control strategy, the first layer is the sliding mode control and the second layer is the rule distribution layer, output the driving torque of each wheel. Taked Simulations under the double shift line and the snake condition in different adhesion coefficients to verify the effectiveness. The results showed that the control strategy can maintain the lateral stability better than traditional system. The control strategy of the distributed three-axis drive tractor can achieve better performance than traditional system.
Meta TagsDetails
Shen, R., Zheng, H., Kaku, C., and Zong, C., "A drive anti-slip and lateral stability control technique for distributed three-axis drive vehicle," SAE Technical Paper 2025-01-8303, 2025, .
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To be published on Apr 1, 2025
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Technical Paper