Browse Topic: Injuries

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Road safety remains a critical concern globally, with millions of lives lost annually due to road accidents. In India alone, the year 2021 witnessed over 4,12,432 road accidents resulting in 1,53,972 fatalities and 3,84,448 injuries. The age group most affected by these accidents is 18-45 years, constituting approximately 67% of total deaths. Factors such as speeding, distracted driving, and neglect to use safety gear increases the severity of these incidents. This paper presents a novel approach to address these challenges by introducing a driver safety system aimed at promoting good driving etiquette and mitigating distractions and fatigue. Leveraging Raspberry Pi and computer vision techniques, the system monitors driver behavior in real-time, including head position, eye blinks, mouth opening and closing, hand position, and internal audio levels to detect signs of distraction and drowsiness. The system operates in both passive and active modes, providing alerts and alarms to the
Ganesh, KattaPrasad, Gvl
Communicating when traumatic brain injury, stroke, or disease has made speech impossible can be daunting. But specialized eye-tracking technology uses eye movement to enable people living with disabilities to connect one-on-one, over the phone, or via the internet
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
The advent of neck braces for the helmeted motorcycle rider has introduced a pertinent research question: To what extent do they reduce measures related to the major mechanism of neck injury in unrestrained torso accidents, i.e., compression flexion (CF)? This question requires a suitable method of testing and evaluating the measures for a load case resulting in the required mechanism. This study proposes a weighted swinging anvil striking the helmeted head of a supine HIII ATD by means of a near vertex impact with a low degree of anterior head impact eccentricity to induce CF of the neck. The applied impact was chosen for the baseline (no neck brace) so that the upper and lower neck axial forces approached injury assessment reference values (IARV). The head impact point evaluated represents those typically associated with high-energy burst fractures occurring within the first 20 ms, with possible secondary disruption of posterior ligaments. The proposed test can be used to evaluate
de Jongh, Cornelis U.Basson, Anton H.Knox, Erick H.Leatt, Christopher J.
Researchers at NASA Johnson Space Center have developed the Portable Knee Dynamometer, a device that enables quadricep and hamstring strength assessment, rehabilitation, and exercise capabilities for a user outside of a traditional clinical setting. Clinical orthopedic dynamometers for high-strength muscle groups tend to be large, heavy, and typically not readily transportable. NASA’s novel device can be easily carried to a patient who may be homebound or otherwise unable to travel to a clinic due to surgery, injury, or pathology
Animal–vehicle collisions (AVCs) can result in devastating injuries to both humans and animals. Despite significant advances in crash prediction models, there is still a significant gap when it comes to injury severity prediction models in AVCs, especially concerning small animals. It is no secret that large mammals can pose a significant threat to road safety; however, researchers tend to overlook the impact of domestic and small animals wandering along the roads. In this study, STATS19 road safety data was used containing any type of live animal, and a radial basis function (RBF) model was used to predict different severities of injury regardless of whether the animal was hit, or not. As a means of better understanding the factors contributing to severities, regression trees were used to identify and retain only the most useful predictors, removing the less useful ones. A comparison was made between the performance of the trees across a range of severity classes, and the model
Siami Doudaran, MeisamKonuralp, Hilmiye
Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed an exosome-coated stent with a “smart-release” trigger that could both prevent reopened blood vessels from narrowing and deliver regenerative stem cell-derived therapy to blood-starved, or ischemic, tissue
With the current trend of including the evaluation of the risk of brain injuries in vehicle crashes due to rotational kinematics of the head, two injury criteria have been introduced since 2013 – BrIC and DAMAGE. BrIC was developed by NHTSA in 2013 and was suggested for inclusion in the US NCAP for frontal and side crashes. DAMAGE has been developed by UVa under the sponsorship of JAMA and JARI and has been accepted tentatively by the EuroNCAP. Although BrIC in US crash testing is known and reported, DAMAGE in tests of the US fleet is relatively unknown. The current paper will report on DAMAGE in NCAP-like tests and potential future frontal crash tests involving substantial rotation about the three axes of occupant heads. Distribution of DAMAGE of three-point belted occupants without airbags will also be discussed. Prediction of brain injury risks from the tests have been compared to the risks in the real world. Although DAMAGE correlates well with MPS in the human brain model across
Prasad, PriyaBarbat, Saeed D.Kalra, AnilDalmotas, Dainius J.
The objectives of this study were to provide insights on how injury risk is influenced by occupant demographics such as sex, age, and size; and to quantify differences within the context of commonly-occurring real-world crashes. The analyses were confined to either single-event collisions or collisions that were judged to be well-defined based on the absence of any significant secondary impacts. These analyses, including both logistic regression and descriptive statistics, were conducted using the Crash Investigation Sampling System for calendar years 2017 to 2021. In the case of occupant sex, the findings agree with those of many recent investigations that have attempted to quantify the circumstances in which females show elevated rates of injury relative to their male counterparts given the same level bodily insult. This study, like others, provides evidence of certain female-specific injuries. The most problematic of these are AIS 2+ and AIS 3+ upper-extremity and lower-extremity
Dalmotas, DainiusChouinard, AlineComeau, Jean-LouisGerman, AlanRobbins, GlennPrasad, Priya
The goal of this study was to gather and compare kinematic response and injury data on both female and male whole-body Post-mortem Human Surrogates (PMHS) responses to Underbody Blast (UBB) loading. Midsized males (50th percentile, MM) have historically been most used in biomechanical testing and were the focus of the Warrior Injury Assessment Manikin (WIAMan) program, thus this population subgroup was selected to be the baseline for female comparison. Both small female (5th percentile, SF) and large female (75th percentile, LF) PMHS were included in the test series to attempt to discern whether differences between male and female responses were predominantly driven by sex or size. Eleven tests, using 20 whole-body PMHS, were conducted by the research team. Preparation of the rig and execution of the tests took place at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds (APG) in Aberdeen, MD. Two PMHS were used in each test. The Accelerative Loading Fixture (ALF) version 2, located at APG’s Bear Point range
Pietsch, HollieCristino, DanielleDanelson, KerryBolte, JohnMason, MatthewKemper, AndrewCavanaugh, JohnHardy, Warren
The on-board emergency call system with accurate occupant injury prediction can help rescuers deliver more targeted traffic accident rescue and save more lives. We use machine learning methods to establish, train, and validate a number of classification models that can predict occupant injuries (by determining whether the MAIS (Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale) level is greater than 2) based on crash data, and ranked the correlation of some factors affecting vehicle occupant injury levels in accidents. The optimal model was selected by the model prediction accuracy, and the Grid Search method was used to optimize the hyper-parameters for the model. The model is based on 2799 two-vehicle collision accident data from NHTSA CISS (The Crash Investigation Sampling System of NHTSA) traffic accident database.The results show that the model achieves high-precision prediction of occupant injury MAIS level (recall rate 0.8718, AUC(Area under Curve) 0.8579) without excluding vehicle model, and
Huida, ZhangLiu, YuRui, YangWu, XiaofanFan, TiqiangWan, Xinming
In 2021, 412,432 road accidents were reported in India, resulting in 153,972 deaths and 384,448 injuries. India has the highest number of road fatalities, accounting for 11% of the global road fatalities. Therefore, it is important to explore the underlying causes of accidents on Indian roads. The objective of this study is to identify the factors inherent in accidents in India using clustering analysis based on self-organizing maps (SOM). It also attempts to recommend some countermeasures based on the identified factors. The study used Indian accident data collected by members of ICAT-ADAC (International Centre for Automotive Technology - Accident Data Analysis Centre) under the ICAT-RNTBCI joint project approved by the Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India. 210 cases were collected from the National Highway between Jaipur and Gurgaon and 239 cases from urban and semi-urban roads around Chennai were used for the analysis. Based on this study, the following results were
Vimalathithan, KulothunganRao K M, PraneshVallabhaneni, PratapnaiduSelvarathinam, VivekrajManoharan, JeyabharathPal, ChinmoyPadhy, SitikanthaJoshi, Madhusudan
This study was conducted to assess the occupant restraint use and injury risks by seating position. The results were used to discuss the merit of selected warning systems. The 1989-2015 NASS-CDS and 2017-2021 CISS data were analyzed for light vehicles in all, frontal and rear tow-away crashes. The differences in serious injury risk (MAIS 3+F) were determined for front and rear seating positions, including the right, middle and left second-row seats. Occupancy and restraint use were determined by model year groups. Occupancy relative to the driver was 27% in the right-front (RF) and 17% in the second row in all crashes. About 39% of second-row passengers were in the left seat, 15% in the center seat and 47% in the right seat. Restraint use was lower in the second row compared to front seats. It was 43% in the right-front and 32% in the second-row seats in all crashes involving serious injury. Restraint use increased with model year groups. It was 63% in the ‘61-‘89 MY vehicles and 90
Parenteau, ChantalBurnett, Roger
Background: The Indian automobile industry, including the auto component industry, is a significant part of the country’s economy and has experienced growth over the years. India is now the world’s 3rd largest passenger car market and the world’s second-largest two-wheeler market. Along with the boon, the bane of road accident fatalities is also a reality that needs urgent attention, as per a study titled ‘Estimation of Socio-Economic Loss due to Road Traffic Accidents in India’, the socio-economic loss due to road accidents is estimated to be around 0.55% to 1.35% of India’s GDP [27] Ministry of road transport and highways (MoRTH) accident data shows that the total number of fatalities on the road are the highest (in number terms) in the world. Though passenger car occupant fatalities have decreased over the years, the fatalities of vulnerable road users are showing an increasing trend. India has committed to reduce road fatalities by 50% by 2030. In this context, the automotive
Mehta, PoojaPrasad, AvinashSrivastava, AakashArora, PankajHowlader, Ashim
Ankle injuries continue to occur in motor vehicle collisions, particularly in female occupants. The causes of these injuries are sometimes unclear. Further understanding of ankle fracture tolerance and refinement of ankle injury prediction tools would help future injury prediction efforts. The goal of this study was to identify ankle injury types of interest and develop a test methodology to induce these injuries. Cases were examined from NHTSA’s Crash Injury Research Engineering Network (CIREN) database. 68 cases with distal tibia fracture were identified from CIREN years 2017+ (vehicle models years 2010+). The most common fractures were pilon fractures and malleolar fractures. Based on these results, a test methodology was developed to induce pilon and medial malleolar fractures in isolated cadaveric tibiae to quantify local fracture tolerance. Nineteen post-mortem human subject (PMHS) specimens (9 male and 10 female across a wide anthropometric range) were tested. To replicate the
Noss, JuniorDonlon, John-PaulHallman, JasonCarpenter, RandolffForman, Jason
Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) is the most common type of traumatic brain injury, and it is associated with the linear and rotational accelerations resulting from head impacts, which often occurs in traffic related and sports accidents. To investigate the degree of influence of linear and rotational acceleration on DAI, a two-factor, two-level rat head impact experimental protocol involving linear and rotational acceleration was established using the L4(23) orthogonal table in this paper. Following the protocol, rats head was injured and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was performed at 24h post-injury to obtain the whole brain DAI injury, and the fractional anisotropy (FA) value of the corpus callosum was selected as the evaluation indicator. Using analysis of variance, the sum of squared deviations for the evaluation indicators was calculated to determine the degree of influence of linear acceleration and rotational acceleration on DAI. The results show that, 1. For the corpus callosum
Wang, PengSong, XueweiChen, DiyouZhu, XiyanQiu, JinlongWang, NanYu, TianmingZhao, Hui
The head injury mechanisms of occupants in traffic accidents will be more complicated due to the diversified seating postures in autonomous driving environments. The injury risks and assessment parameters in complex collision conditions need to be investigated thoroughly. Mining the simulation data by the support vector machine (SVM) and the random forest algorithms, some head injury predictive models for a 6-year-old child occupant under a frontal 100% overlap rigid barrier crash scenario were developed. In these head injury predictive models, the impact speed and sitting posture of the occupant were considered as the input variables. All of these head injury predictive models were validated to have good regression and reliability (R2>0.93) by the ten-fold cross-validation. When the collision speed is less than 60km/h, rotational load is the primary factor leading to head injury, and the trends of BrIC, von Mise stress, Maxshear stress, and MPS are similar. However, when the speed
Li, HaiyanWang, YanxinHe, LijuanLv, WenleCui, ShihaiRuan, Jesse Shijie
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) introduced its updated side-impact ratings test in 2020 to address the nearly 5,000 fatalities occurring annually on U.S. roads in side crashes. Research for the updated test indicated the most promising avenue to address the remaining real-world injuries was a higher severity vehicle-to-vehicle test using a striking barrier that represents a sport utility vehicle. A multi-stiffness aluminum honeycomb barrier was developed to match these conditions. The complexity of a multi-stiffness barrier design warranted research into developing a new dynamic certification procedure. A dynamic test procedure was created to ensure product consistency. The current study outlines the process to develop a dynamic barrier certification protocol. The final configuration includes a rigid inverted T-shaped fixture mounted to a load cell wall. This fixture is impacted by the updated IIHS moving deformable barrier at 30 km/h. The fixture represents the stiff
Mueller, BeckyArbelaez, RaulHeitkamp, EricMampe, Christopher
Due to the high center of gravity of medium-duty vehicles, rollover accidents can easily occur during high-speed cornering and lane changes. In order to prevent the deformation of the body structure, which would restrict the survival space and cause compression injuries to occupants, it is necessary to investigate methods for mitigating these incidents. This paper establishes a numerical model of right-side rollover for a commercial medium-duty vehicle in accordance with ECE R66 regulations, and the accuracy of the model is verified by experiment. According to the results, the material and size parameters of the key components of the right side pillar are selected as design variables. The response result matrix was constructed using the orthogonal design method for total mass, energy absorption, maximum collision acceleration, and minimum distance from the survival space. A multi-objective optimization of 25 sets of sample points was performed using a multi-factor weight analysis
Zhang, JiangfanZou, XiaojunYuan, Liu-kaiZhang, Tang-yunWang, TaoWang, Liangmo
Hood insulators are widely used in automotive industry to improve noise insulation, pedestrian impact protection and to provide aesthetic appeal. They are attached below the hood panel and are often complex in shape and size. Pedestrian head impacts are highly dynamic events with a compressive strain rate experienced by the insulator exceeding 300/s. The energy generated by the impact is partly absorbed by the hood insulators thus reducing the head injury to the pedestrian. During this process, the insulator experiences multi-axial stress states. The insulators are usually made of soft multi-layered materials, such as polyurethane or fiberglass, and have a thin scrim layer on either side. These materials are foamed to their nominal thickness and are compression molded to take the required shape of the hood. During this process they undergo thickness reduction, thereby increasing their density. Hence, the material properties vary greatly based on the thickness and strain rate
M, Gokula KrishnanSavic, VesnaV S, RajamanickamKavi, Swaroop
Automated driving systems (ADS) are designed toward safely navigating the roadway environment, which also includes consideration of potential conflict with other road users. Of particular concern is understanding the cumulative risk associated with vulnerable road users (VRUs) conflicts and collisions. VRUs represent a population of road users that have limited protection compared to vehicle occupants. These severity distributions are particularly useful in evaluating ADS real-world performance with respect to the existing fleet of vehicles. The objective of this study was to present event severity distributions associated with vehicle-cyclist collisions within an urban naturalistic driving environment by leveraging data from third-party vehicles instrumented with forward-facing cameras and a sensor suite (accelerometer sampling at 20 Hz and GPS [variable sampling frequency]). From over 66 million miles of driving, 30 collision events were identified. A global optimization routine was
Campolettano, Eamon T.Scanlon, John M.Kusano, Kristofer D.
Wrap around distance (WAD) is an important index to evaluate the contact position between pedestrian head and vehicle, and is also one of the key parameters of pedestrian accident reconstruction. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether the pedestrian headform testcan reflect the distribution of head injury in the real world. Firstly, in order to study the distribution of pedestrian head WAD in road accidents in China, a head WAD prediction model was established using logistic regression based on pedestrian height and vehicle collision speed. Secondly, in order to study the distribution of the risk of severe head injuries among pedestrians in accidents, the frequency of pedestrian head impact and the proportion of pedestrian head injury were counted respectively for sedans and SUVs. Subsequently, a risk curve for severe head injuries was constructed based on the head impact frequency and the proportion of severe injuries, utilizing a method that incorporates joint probability
Ye, BinLiu, YuLong, YongchengShi, LiangliangXinming, Wan
Most of the skin injuries caused by traffic accidents, sports, falls, etc. are in the intermediate strain rate range (1-100s-1), and the injuries may occur at different sites, impact velocities, and orientations. To investigate the multifactorial mechanical properties of rat skin at intermediate strain rates, a three-factor, three-level experimental protocol was established using the standard orthogonal table L9(34), which includes site (upper dorsal, lower dorsal, and ventral side), strain rate (1s-1, 10s-1, and 100 s-1), and sampling orientation (0°, 45°, and 90° relative to the spine). Uniaxial tensile tests were performed on rat skin samples according to the protocol to obtain stress-stretch ratio curves. Failure strain energy was selected as the index, and the influence of each factor on these indexes, the differences between levels of each factor, and the influence of errors on the results were quantified by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results show that the site factor has
Yang, ShuaijunSong, XueweiZhao, HuiQiu, JinlongWang, NanYu, Tianming
Compared to other age groups, older adults are at more significant risk of hip fracture when they fall. In addition to the higher risk of falls for the elderly, fear of falls can reduce this population’s outdoor activity. Various preventive solutions have been proposed to reduce the risk of hip fractures ranging from wearable hip protectors to indoor flooring systems. A previously developed rubberized asphalt mixture demonstrated the potential to reduce the risk of head injury. In the current study, the capability of the rubberized asphalt sample was evaluated for the risk of hip fracture for an average elderly male and an average elderly female. A previously developed human body model was positioned in a fall configuration that would give the highest impact forces toward regular asphalt. Three different rubber contents with 14, 28, 33 weight percent (% wt.) were implemented as the ground alongside one regular non-rubberized (0%) asphalt mixture, one baseline, and one extra-compliant
Sahandifar, PooyaWallqvist, VivecaKleiven, Svein
Tubing for wound draining is an essential medical component used to manage the drainage of fluids from surgical or traumatic wounds. This tubing is commonly employed after surgical procedures to facilitate the removal of excess fluids (such as blood or serous fluid) from the wound site, or in traumatic Injuries where there is a need to control and remove fluids to aid in the healing process. Other uses include draining abscesses or fluid collections, helping to prevent infection, and promote faster healing, or to manage fluid accumulation in body cavities, preventing complications like seromas or hematomas. By removing excess fluids, tubing promotes a cleaner wound environment, which is conducive to faster healing
Over the years the vehicle population has drastically grown which increases the number of road accidents. The accident severity caused fatality and disability being reduced by introducing energy absorption materials (Crash tube). Over the years, researchers have used aluminium, magnesium, and titanium crash tubes to enhance the energy absorption characteristics during different crash scenarios. However crash tube will possess sufficient rigidity to absorb the impact force during collision but it is still challenging to identify the right material. At the same time, this paper aims to examine the energy absorption characteristics of Aluminium-Magnesium hybrid material (Al-Mg 5456) crash tube designs. Three designs were considered square, cylindrical, and hexagonal designs along with different notch designs to minimize the weight percentage of tubes. The LSDYNA results the oval notches performed better in energy absorption when compared to other designs. Hence, the present findings can
Krishnasamy, PrabuRajamurugan, G.Agarwal, Vyomrai, Ritesh
In day-to-day life, accidents do occur frequently all around the globe. It is difficult to prevent these accidents as they occur due to different reasons, which cannot be easily controlled. However, the fatal injuries occurring to passengers can be reduced by installing efficient safety systems in vehicles, which will help in saving the lives of mankind. Many safety systems are being installed in vehicles such as seat belt restraints, airbags, etc. Generally, three-point seat belts are installed in passenger vehicles for safety purposes. This type of seat belt doesn't arrest the entire motion of the occupant's body during vehicle crashes, which can lead to fatal injuries and sometimes even death during vehicle crashes. To buckle passengers with seats, we can use five-point seat belts which will help in mitigating the injuries as compared to three-point seat belts. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of five-point seat belts on occupant safety during vehicle crashes on flat rigid
Vinodh, T.Dineshkumar, C.Jeyakumar, P.D.Muthiya, Solomon JenorisVinayagam, Nadana KumarChristu Paul, R.Dhanraj, Joshuva Arockia
Millions suffer from musculoskeletal injuries every year, and the recovery process can often be long and difficult. Patients typically undergo rehabilitation, slowly rebuilding muscle strength as their injuries heal. Medical professionals routinely evaluate a patient’s progress via a series of tasks and exercises. However, because of the dynamic nature of these exercises, obtaining a clear picture of real-time muscle function is extremely challenging
Bus transport is an important element in a sustainable transport strategy. The objective of this study is to understand crashes and injuries involving buses, suggest potential passive-safety interventions, estimate their effectiveness, and compare their effectiveness between Germany and India. Descriptive analysis of crash data from the German In-depth Accident Study (GIDAS) and the Road Accident Sampling System India (RASSI) database was performed in two parts: First, bus passengers and their injuries were analyzed and second, pedestrian injuries in bus-to-pedestrian crashes were analyzed. Lastly, interventions were suggested, and their effectiveness was estimated. Analysis of bus passengers showed that most moderate-to-critical injuries in the GIDAS data were to the head caused by interior bus components. In the RASSI data, head injuries were also frequent, often due to bus interior contact, but also due to ejection and impact to the ground or bus exterior. As many as 31% of all
Ranmal, AartiJeppsson, HannaStrandroth, JohanLubbe, Nils
The automotive industry has achieved remarkable advances in passenger car safety systems to mitigate the risk of injuries and fatalities caused by road accidents. However, to further improve vehicle safety, it is essential to have a deeper understanding of real-world accidents and the true safety benefits of various safety systems in the field. This requires a framework to evaluate the effectiveness of safety systems in reducing occupant injury and fatalities. This study aims to use machine-learning techniques to predict occupant injury severity by considering accident parameters and safety systems, using the Road Accident Sampling System - India (RASSI) real-world accident data. The RASSI database contains comprehensive accident data, including various factors that contribute to occupant injury. The study focused on fifteen accident parameters that represent key aspects of crash scenarios such as vehicle type, accident type, vehicle speed, and occupant details. Multiple machine
G, Santhosh KumarKhatavkar, AkshayKulkarni, PrasadKoralla, SivaprasadSahu, Dilip
Restraint systems in automotives are inevitable for the safety of passengers. Curtain airbag is one such restraint system in automotives that reduces the risk of injury to passengers during crash, without which head injury is inevitable during side crash of a vehicle. So successful deployment of curtain airbag (henceforth called as CAB) is very important in automotive safety during crash. This paper dwells about the optimization done in ramp bracket angle with successful deployment of curtain airbag. This optimization has paved the way for increasing the head-roominess by ~15% and to respect the safety and styling intent in the vehicle successfully. Providing a ramp bracket at the lower bottom side of CAB guides the airbag successfully during deployment. Ramp bracket angle plays a vital role in guiding the airbag inside the passenger’s cabin without any obstruction. This paper challenges the conventional ramp bracket angle followed for CAB deployment with an alternate angle and has
D, GowthamL, DharshanBornare, HarshadRitesh, KakadeDeoli, ManishBhaskararao, PathivadaGangapuram, SureshKakani, Phani Kumar
Child crash injury protection in severe rear impact chiefly depends on how well the rear survival space bounded by the vehicle structure is maintained. Previous research and studies have shown the ill effects of front seatback collapse intruding into the rear child survival space from front with minor or no intrusions from the rear. This paper shows the child injury pattern and fatal injury mechanism for a rear impact crash with a severe compartment intrusion from the rear without any front seat occupant. Furthermore, it compares the injury outcome with a similar crash and severe intrusion in the presence of the front occupant employing a full-scale vehicle-to-vehicle crash test. A detailed real-world crash investigation is conducted to identify the injury mechanism and is compared with the outcome of similar severity rear impact vehicle-to-vehicle crash tests producing different injury patterns. The comparison and the analysis show that the survival space intrusion due to safety cage
Thorbole, Chandrashekhar
The functional safety of electric vehicles has attracted a great deal of attention among automobile industries globally. A tricky yet necessary dual gamut of operational ease along with operational safety is something that cannot be ignored while using electric vehicles. Safety paired with vehicle reliability will go a long way in the market. Therefore, abnormal vehicle behavior due to factors such as unintended acceleration should not be kept in hindsight. Unintended acceleration is a phenomenon where the vehicle accelerates involuntarily without the knowledge of the driver which leads to accidents and fatal injuries. Thus, prior detection of unintended acceleration becomes mandatory for driver’s safety. Unintended acceleration is a result of various uncontrolled conditions like road driving conditions and system malfunction. This paper aims to estimate the load torque of a vehicle by utilizing the vehicle drive train model thereby ensuring the timely detection of unwanted
Ghube, Aditya PurushottamChauhan, AbhishaNidubrolu, Kranthi kumar
As we all know, automotive headliners are an essential component of any car’s interior as they cover all the internal components and provide a clean and finished look. Headliners not only increase the aesthetic appeal of a car’s interior, but also acts as an insulation and sound absorption source. As per the latest Government norms, Curtain Airbag (henceforth called as CAB) has been made mandatory and this change calls for the corresponding changes in the Headliner packaging of all passenger vehicles. In general, curtain air-bag deployment calls for a twist open of Headliner at lateral sides (a portion below Hinge-line) during the deployment. This enables the inflated airbag to flow inside the passenger cabin to protect the passenger from any injury. Conventionally no components are packaged below the hinge-line area of headliner to avoid obstruction for CAB deployment and any part fly-off concerns. For this reason, no foams/components are kept below the hinge-line region of the
D, GowthamL, DharshanBornare, HarshadRitesh, KakadeDeoli, ManishVadla, VilasKakani, Phani Kumar
Airbags are crucial elements of passive safety in vehicles that help minimizing occupant injuries during various crash scenarios such as frontal, side, and oblique impacts. Airbags in cars are now mandatory in many countries, and their performance depends on how well the system is designed. A well-tuned airbag deployment algorithm is necessary to score superior NCAP safety ratings. Tuning of airbag deployment algorithms requires several data points which are obtained through actual crash testing. This is a cumbersome and expensive process as it involves crash tests for each scenario (e.g., full front barrier, offset deformable barrier, angled impact, etc.) at multiple test speeds. These tests are destructive and render the vehicles only worthy of scrap. The data gathered from various sensors (acceleration, pressure, etc.) is used to develop robust vehicle model specific algorithms that must correctly identify the crash scenario and send airbag firing signal at the optimal pre-decided
Kumar, Ayush
The passive safety performance of a child seat is modulated by the design features of the child seat and the vehicle interior. For example, in the rear-facing configuration, the child seat impacting front structures increases the head injury risk during a frontal crash. Therefore, this study evaluates the effectiveness of the load leg countermeasure in improving the child seat's overall kinematics and its capability to prevent the secondary impact on the vehicle interior structure in a severe frontal crash scenario. An in-depth, real-world crash investigation involving a properly installed rear-facing child seat impacting the center console was selected for the study where the infant sustained a severe brain injury. In addition, this crash is employed to choose the crash parameters for evaluating the effectiveness of the load leg countermeasure in a similar scenario. Finally, crash sled tests are conducted using the crash signature of the vehicle as obtained from the NHTSA NCAP rigid
Thorbole, Chandrashekhar
Road traffic fatalities in India have been increasing, reaching around 150,000 fatalities a year. To reduce fatalities, some prospective studies suggested using active safety technologies such as Forward Collision Warning (FCW), and Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB). However, the effectiveness of FCW and AEB on Indian roads using retrospective studies is not known. Vehicle data such as radar, and controller area network signals could be used for the evaluation of the systems (FCW and AEB). However, these data are not readily accessible. This exploratory study aims to explore the opportunities and limitations of using simple dashboard cameras for a Field Operational Test. One European car with state-of-the-art FCW and AEB systems was rented. Fifteen drivers shared the vehicle, driving almost 10,000 km over 29 days. The vehicle was mounted with a set of dashboard cameras. The navigator noted the “system activated” events and “no activation” events in the logbook during the drive. Post
Shaikh, JunaidLubbe, Nils
American roadway safety is facing significant challenges. With traffic and pedestrian fatalities approaching record levels, a paradigm shift from Proof of Technology (PoT) to Proof of Value (PoV) will promote the Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) industry advancement. While a PoT-driven ecosystem has spurred the advancement of the V2X space, this paper underscores the value of a PoV mindset where solutions are focused on the user instead of being technologically driven. Users do not think in terms of minimum viable products (MVP). Instead, they anticipate useful, usable, and lovable products. Putting customers in sharp focus and planning products and services around their needs will pave the way for their widespread adoption and acceptance of V2X technology. This paper concludes with a call to make technology subservient to human needs rather than the other way around
Raddaoui, Omar
The role of Virtual Reality (VR) platform for experimental studies to mitigate severe injuries is known. A Virtual Reality (VR) module was developed to provide an Indian auto-rickshaw driver experience using commercially available Oculus Quest 2 VR headset. A Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ) was developed and a study carried out among 20 auto-rickshaw drivers in Thanjavur, India. The DBQ questions provided data to shortlist the most likely near crash experiences among the surveyed drivers. A virtual reality environment was created using UNITY HUB software for one selected scenario from the DBQ survey analysis. A group of 10 volunteers to experience the event using VR gear in the biomechanical laboratory with reflective markers fixed on the body joints of the volunteers to obtain corresponding joint angles in the Neck, Lumbar, Shoulder, Hip, and Knee regions. This study identified various pre-crash reactions from drivers and compared them to the normal driving posture to determine
S, RagulG, SundhareswaranSankarasubramanian, HariharanPrasanna, SelvaVijayaraghavan, Sriram
A research program has been launched in Iran to develop an evaluation method for comparing the safety performance of vehicles in real-world collisions with crash test results. The goal of this research program is to flag vehicle models whose safety performance in real-world accidents does not match their crash test results. As part of this research program, a metric is needed to evaluate the severity of side impacts in crash tests and real-world accidents. In this work, several vehicle-based metrics were analyzed and calculated for a dataset of more than 500 side impact tests from the NHTSA crash test database. The correlation between the metric values and the dummy injury criteria was studied to find the most appropriate metric with the strongest correlation coefficient values with the dummy injury criteria. Delta-V and a newly created metric T K 200 Y , which is an indicator of the kinetic energy transferred to occupants in a 200 ms time interval and in the lateral direction, were
Sadeghipour, Emad
A multi-faceted device is effective for treating deep, noncompressible, and irregularly shaped wounds. The device provides rapid hemorrhage management, has minimal inflammatory effects, and provides infection control. It also has tunable biodegradation rates, making it usable for both internal and external use and features sensing capabilities for long-term hemorrhage monitoring. The device is highly beneficial for timely alerts and control of bleeding from surgical wounds, traumatic injuries, and critical illnesses
For some with AFib, a catheter ablation is used to burn or freeze the precise area causing the problem to restore a normal heart rhythm. While this method is effective, the energy from the catheter tip can cause serious damage to the adjacent esophagus, which is only a few millimeters away. It’s an injury that can be life threatening, so an electrophysiologist has helped develop a new device that gently diverts the esophagus out of harm’s way, greatly improving safety
When asked about the most dreaded tasks on the manufacturing floor, many teams point to sanding, grinding, or polishing. These unforgiving tasks can be tedious, time-consuming, and hazardous, leading to respiratory illnesses and repetitive motion injuries. In today’s economic climate, finding workers willing to perform these taxing jobs can be challenging. Yet, they are often necessary when assembling metal, composite, or other parts into manufactured products
Pre-crash vehicle maneuvers are known to affect occupant posture and kinematics, which consequently may influence injury risks during a collision. In this study, the influence of pre-crash vehicle maneuvers on the injury risks of front-seated occupants during a frontal crash was numerically evaluated. A generic buck vehicle model was developed based on a publicly available FE model, which included the vehicle interior and the front passenger airbag (PAB). The pre-crash phase was simulated using specific rigid-body human models with active joints (GHBMCsi-pre models) developed based on exterior shapes of the simplified deformable human model (GHBMCsi) representing a 50th male subject. Two pre-crash maneuvers representing (1) a generic 1g braking and (2) turning-and-braking scenarios were simulated. Then, the kinematics data of belted GHBMCsi-pre models were transferred using a developed switch algorithm to the corresponding GHBMCsi models, which can predict occupant injury risks
Dahiya, AkshayUntaroiu, Costin
Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of global death and disability. Clinically relevant large animal models are a vital tool for understanding the biomechanics of injury, providing validation data for computation models, and advancing clinical translation of laboratory findings. It is well-established that large angular accelerations of the head can cause TBI, but the effect of head impact on the extent and severity of brain pathology remains unclear. Clinically, most TBIs occur with direct head impact, as opposed to inertial injuries where the head is accelerated without direct impact. There are currently no active large animal models of impact TBI. Sheep may provide a valuable model for studying TBI biomechanics, with relatively large brains that are similar in structure to that of humans. The aim of this project is to develop an ovine model of impact TBI to study the relationships between impact mechanics and brain pathology. An elastic energy impact injury device has been
Magarey, Charlie CQuarrington, Ryan DJones, Claire F
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