Browse Topic: Pedestrian injuries

Items (81)
Automated driving systems (ADS) are designed toward safely navigating the roadway environment, which also includes consideration of potential conflict with other road users. Of particular concern is understanding the cumulative risk associated with vulnerable road users (VRUs) conflicts and collisions. VRUs represent a population of road users that have limited protection compared to vehicle occupants. These severity distributions are particularly useful in evaluating ADS real-world performance with respect to the existing fleet of vehicles. The objective of this study was to present event severity distributions associated with vehicle-cyclist collisions within an urban naturalistic driving environment by leveraging data from third-party vehicles instrumented with forward-facing cameras and a sensor suite (accelerometer sampling at 20 Hz and GPS [variable sampling frequency]). From over 66 million miles of driving, 30 collision events were identified. A global optimization routine was
Campolettano, Eamon T.Scanlon, John M.Kusano, Kristofer D.
Wrap around distance (WAD) is an important index to evaluate the contact position between pedestrian head and vehicle, and is also one of the key parameters of pedestrian accident reconstruction. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether the pedestrian headform testcan reflect the distribution of head injury in the real world. Firstly, in order to study the distribution of pedestrian head WAD in road accidents in China, a head WAD prediction model was established using logistic regression based on pedestrian height and vehicle collision speed. Secondly, in order to study the distribution of the risk of severe head injuries among pedestrians in accidents, the frequency of pedestrian head impact and the proportion of pedestrian head injury were counted respectively for sedans and SUVs. Subsequently, a risk curve for severe head injuries was constructed based on the head impact frequency and the proportion of severe injuries, utilizing a method that incorporates joint probability
Ye, BinLiu, YuLong, YongchengShi, LiangliangXinming, Wan
Compared to other age groups, older adults are at more significant risk of hip fracture when they fall. In addition to the higher risk of falls for the elderly, fear of falls can reduce this population’s outdoor activity. Various preventive solutions have been proposed to reduce the risk of hip fractures ranging from wearable hip protectors to indoor flooring systems. A previously developed rubberized asphalt mixture demonstrated the potential to reduce the risk of head injury. In the current study, the capability of the rubberized asphalt sample was evaluated for the risk of hip fracture for an average elderly male and an average elderly female. A previously developed human body model was positioned in a fall configuration that would give the highest impact forces toward regular asphalt. Three different rubber contents with 14, 28, 33 weight percent (% wt.) were implemented as the ground alongside one regular non-rubberized (0%) asphalt mixture, one baseline, and one extra-compliant
Sahandifar, PooyaWallqvist, VivecaKleiven, Svein
Bus transport is an important element in a sustainable transport strategy. The objective of this study is to understand crashes and injuries involving buses, suggest potential passive-safety interventions, estimate their effectiveness, and compare their effectiveness between Germany and India. Descriptive analysis of crash data from the German In-depth Accident Study (GIDAS) and the Road Accident Sampling System India (RASSI) database was performed in two parts: First, bus passengers and their injuries were analyzed and second, pedestrian injuries in bus-to-pedestrian crashes were analyzed. Lastly, interventions were suggested, and their effectiveness was estimated. Analysis of bus passengers showed that most moderate-to-critical injuries in the GIDAS data were to the head caused by interior bus components. In the RASSI data, head injuries were also frequent, often due to bus interior contact, but also due to ejection and impact to the ground or bus exterior. As many as 31% of all
Ranmal, AartiJeppsson, HannaStrandroth, JohanLubbe, Nils
Cyclist injuries and fatalities are a world-wide concern and often a consequence of interaction with cars. The MICA2 Project (Modelling of Interactions between Cyclists and Automobiles) is aimed at protecting bicyclists from getting injured by a passing car. This study addresses the need for new protective safety systems through the development and testing of a novel external car airbag. The airbag was designed to add protection to the center side part of the car, in the B-pillar area, to protect the head of a bicyclist impacting a car in this area. Two methods were used to evaluate performance of the system. For full system tests, a Hybrid III 50th percentile male dummy was seated on a city bike and projected into the side of a car at either 30°, 60° or 90° to the car side. In additional component tests an adult pedestrian headform was launched towards the roof rail or B-pillar structure of the car. The highest injury risk was found in a perpendicular (90 degree) impact between the
Carroll, JolyonEnanger, MikaelJeppsson, HannaLubbe, Nils
While it is recognized that collisions involve pedestrians of all sizes, this Information Report addresses performance specifications for a midsize adult male research dummy. This approach stems from the greater knowledge of biomechanics and existing dummy technologies for the midsize male relative to other adult sizes and children. While not the initial objective, it is envisioned that additional performance specifications for other sizes of pedestrian research dummies will be developed in the future based on accepted scaling procedures. The specific requirements for the pedestrian dummy have been based on a collective assessment of pedestrian injury, response, and anthropometry priorities from the experimental, epidemiologic, and computational literature. In general, the objective was to specify performance specifications based on human characteristics and the impact response of post-mortem human subjects rather than to specify the design of a particular physical device. Based on the
Human Biomechanics and Simulations Standards Committee
Taking the pedestrian-vehicle accidents in the China in-Depth Accident Study (CIDAS) database as a sample case, 13 accidents morphological parameters were selected from three aspects: human, vehicle and environmental factors, and their depth analysis was carried out to obtain their distribution law through the card. The chi-square test and logistic regression method are used to analyze the correlation between the injury severity of pedestrians and other accidental morphological parameters in pedestrian-vehicle accidents. The results show that there is no significant correlation between gender/season and injury severity of pedestrians. The age of pedestrians and the collision speed is the strongest correlation with injury severity of pedestrians. When a pedestrian is over 65 years old, the pedestrian height is in the range of 160-170cm, the collision speed is greater than 60 kilometers per hour, and the pedestrian speed is greater than 8 kilometers per hour, the probability of
Lian, XiaoweiDeng, JiaLi, XudongCui, Fujun
We investigate the contribution of several variables concerning the severity of accidents involving vehicle occupant and pedestrian victims in Tunisia. In order to investigate the effect of various explanatory variables, Odds Ratio (OR) effects are considered for both serious injury accidents and fatal accidents. The empirical results are of great variety. The vehicle-occupant severity model indicates that male drivers are associated with higher severity levels as compared to female drivers. Added to that, accidents occurring in rainy conditions increase the likelihood of fatal injuries but have no significant effect on other injury severity levels. Among driver contributory factors, a driver under the influence of alcohol or drug is associated with an increased risk of sustaining fatal injuries compared to other driver contributory factors. The season factor shows that accident severity during the summer season is high. Among time of accident, daytime periods indicate a high
Belloumi, MounirOuni, Fedy
The goal of the Pedestrian Test Mannequin Task Force is to develop standard specifications/requirements for pedestrian test mannequins (1 adult and 1 child) that are representative of real pedestrians to the sensors used in Pedestrian Detection systems and can be used for performance assessment of such in-vehicle systems (including warning and/or braking) in real world test scenarios/conditions. This version of the document only includes the pedestrian mannequin for vision, Lidar, and/or 76 to 78 GHz radar based Pedestrian Pre-collision systems
Active Safety Systems Standards Committee
This study aimed to clarify the relationship between truck-pedestrian crash impact velocity and the risks of serious injury and fatality to pedestrians. We used micro and macro truck-pedestrian accident data from the Japanese Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis (ITARDA) database. We classified vehicle type into five categories: heavy-duty trucks (gross vehicle weight [GVW] ≥11 × 103 kg [11 tons (t)], medium-duty trucks (5 × 103 kg [5 t] ≤ GVW < 11 × 103 kg [11 t]), light-duty trucks (GVW <5 × 103 kg [5 t]), box vans, and sedans. The fatality risk was ≤5% for light-duty trucks, box vans, and sedans at impact velocities ≤ 30 km/h and for medium-duty trucks at impact velocities ≤20 km/h. The fatality risk was ≤10% for heavy-duty trucks at impact velocities ≤10 km/h. Thus, fatality risk appears strongly associated with vehicle class. The results also revealed that a 10 km/h reduction in impact velocities could mitigate the severity of pedestrian injuries at impact
Matsui, YasuhiroOikawa, ShokoSorimachi, KazuhiroImanishi, AkiraFujimura, Takeshi
Model-Based Design (MBD) has been widely used for automotive embedded software design. Automobile manufacturers and suppliers have often underlined the importance of an unified approach for electrical and electronic (E/E) system design. In this scenario, MBD can provide a mutual benefit for stakeholders due to the share of information, workflow, and tool-chain. In this paper, we highlight MBD application for automotive Exterior Lighting System (ELS) design. In fact, ELS is an event-driven control system typically needed for car lighting and signalization, in particular at night. Furthermore, this system is mandatory for every road vehicle according to current Brazilian laws and legislation. Also, it provides safety drive preventing car accidents and pedestrian injury. In this context, we present how to boost ELS design using MBD concepts. ELS was developed in three MBD workflow (Model-In-the-Loop, Software-In-the-Loop, and Processor-In-the-Loop), from supplier’s viewpoint. The results
Neme, João HenriqueSantos, Max Mauro DiasTeixeira, Evandro Leonardo Silva
Each year, more than 270,000 pedestrians lose their lives on the world's roads. Globally, pedestrians constitute 22% of all road traffic fatalities, and in some countries this proportion is as high as two thirds of all road traffic deaths. Millions of pedestrians are non-fatally injured and some of whom are left with permanent disabilities. These incidents cause much suffering and grief as well as economic hardship. To lower the rate of pedestrian injuries and fatalities, the Euro-Ncap committee adopted an overall impact star-grade system in 2009, making the pedestrian protection cut-off score required to obtain the best impact-star grade more stringent until 2016. It is very difficult to surpass the enhanced pedestrian cut-off score using past methods. In this paper, I determine the hood's worst-performing areas in terms of pedestrian protection by analyzing previous pedestrian test results. To improve performance at these areas, I developed a Damping latch & hinge and a 3-corner
Yang, Seung Jun
In a car accident which is involving pedestrians, head injuries occur very frequently as the head of the pedestrian hits the windshield. The head injury criterion (HIC) obtained through the windshield impact test is used to evaluate the pedestrian injury, and car manufacturers are trying to meet the criterion by changing the design and/or materials.. However, there are some difficulties in the windshield impact test, e.g. a large scatter of the test data or windshield shape-dependent property of the test. These problems make it very difficult to obtain the meaningful results from single test and thus, tests should be executed several times. In this study, a lab-scale windshield impact test was performed using a modified instrumented dart impact (IDI) tester. Tests were carried out by switching test conditions such as the impact speed, the size of the head form and the specimen thickness. The key results such as acceleration and displacement curves of a head form, peak values from the
Moon, Sung WookKang, ByunghyunLim, JaeyoungChoi, Byoung-Ho
Globally, road traffic crashes kill about 1.24 million people each year. Pedestrians constitute 22% of all road deaths, and in some countries this is as high as 60%. The capacity to respond to pedestrian safety is an important component of efforts to prevent road traffic injuries. Pedestrian collisions, like other road traffic crashes, should not be accepted as inevitable because they are, in fact, both predictable and preventable. Examination of pedestrian injury distribution reveals that given an impact speed, the probability of fatal injuries is substantially greater when the striking vehicle is a pick-up rather than a passenger car. Given their utility areas, pickup vehicles require negotiating rough terrains and are therefore engineered with higher ground clearance and larger approach angle. The challenge is to optimize these design parameters and also style the vehicle for pedestrian safety while maintaining a low design cost at the same time. This document presents methodology
Pathak, Amit KamalakarRajke, MayurMadiyan, Anupama
Pedestrians and bicyclists account for a significant share of deaths and serious injuries in the road transport system. The protection of pedestrians in car-to-pedestrian crashes has therefore been addressed by friendlier car fronts and since 1997, the European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) has assessed the level of protection for most car models available in Europe. In the current study, Euro NCAP pedestrian scoring was compared with real-life injury outcomes in car-to-pedestrian and car-to-bicyclist crashes occurring in Sweden. Approximately 1200 injured pedestrians and 2000 injured bicyclists were included in the study. Groups of cars with low, medium and high pedestrian scores were compared with respect to pedestrian injury severity on the Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale (MAIS)-level and risk of permanent medical impairment (RPMI). Significant injury reductions to both pedestrians and bicyclists were found between low and high performing cars. For pedestrians, the
Strandroth, JohanSternlund, SimonLie, AndersTingvall, ClaesRizzi, MatteoKullgren, AndersOhlin, MariaFredriksson, Rikard
Global regulations intended to enhance pedestrian protection in a vehicle collision, thereby reducing the severity of pedestrian injuries, are presenting significant challenges to vehicle designers. Vehicle hoods, for example, must absorb a significant amount of energy over a small area while precluding impact with a hard engine compartment component. In this paper, a simple passive approach for pedestrian protection is introduced in which thin metal alloy sheets are bent to follow a C-shaped cross-sectional profile thereby giving them energy absorbing capacity during impact when affixed to the underside of a hood. Materials considered were aluminum (6111-T4, 5182-O) and magnesium (AZ31-O, AZ61-O, ZEK100) alloys. To evaluate the material effect on the head injury criterion (HIC) score without a hood, each C-channel absorber was crushed in a drop tower test using a small dart. Two high speed cameras captured dart image data before and during impact from which HIC scores were computed
Savic, VesnaPawlicki, MatthewKrajewski, PaulVoss, MarkHector, LouisSnavely, Keith
While the number of traffic fatalities as a whole continues to decline steadily over time, the number of pedestrian fatalities continues to rise (up 8% since 2009) and comprises a larger fraction of these fatalities. In 2011 there were 4,432 pedestrians killed and an estimated 69,000 pedestrian injuries [1]. A new generation of Pedestrian Pre-Collision Systems (PCS) is being introduced by car manufactures to mitigate pedestrian injuries and fatalities. In order to evaluate the performance of pedestrian PCS, The Transportation Active Safety Institute (TASI) at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis is developing a set of test scenarios and procedures for evaluating the performance of pedestrian PCS with the support of the Collaborative Safety Research Center of Toyota. Pedestrian crashes are complex in that there are many aspects about location, driver behavior, and pedestrian behaviors that may have implications for the performance of the PCS. This complexity will generate
Chien, StanleyYi, QiangGood, DavidGholamjafari, AliChen, YaobinSherony, Rini
Most studies of pedestrian injuries focus on reducing traumatic injuries due to the primary impact between the vehicle and the pedestrian. However, based on the Pedestrian Crash Data Study (PCDS), some researchers concluded that one of the leading causes of head injury for pedestrian crashes can be attributed to the secondary impact, defined as the impact of the pedestrian with the ground after the primary impact of the pedestrian with the vehicle. The purpose of this study is to understand if different vehicle front-end profiles can affect the risk of pedestrian secondary head impact with the ground and thus help in reducing the risk of head injury during secondary head impact with ground. Pedestrian responses were studied using several front-end profiles based off a mid-size vehicle and a SUV that have been validated previously along with several MADYMO pedestrian models. Mesh morphing is used to explore changes to the bumper height, bonnet leading-edge height, and bonnet rear
Gupta, VishalYang, King H.
Pedestrian protection evaluations have been developed to encourage vehicle front-end designs that mitigate the consequences of vehicle-to-pedestrian crashes. The European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) evaluates pedestrian head protection with impacts against vehicle hood, windshield, and A-pillars. The Global Technical Regulation No. 9 (GTR 9), being evaluated for U.S. regulation, limits head protection evaluations to impacts against vehicle hoods. The objective of this study was to compare results from pedestrian head impact testing to the real-world rates of fatal and incapacitating injuries in U.S. pedestrian crashes. Data from police reported pedestrian crashes in 14 states were used to calculate real-world fatal and incapacitating injury rates for seven 2002-07 small cars. Rates were 2.17-4.04 per 100 pedestrians struck for fatal injuries and 10.45-15.35 for incapacitating injuries. Euro NCAP style pedestrian headform tests were conducted against windshield, A-pillar, and
Mueller, BeckyFarmer, CharlesJermakian, JessicaZuby, David
The first purpose of this study is to clarify the relation between the car impact velocity and pedestrian injury severity or mortality risk. We investigated the frequency of serious injuries and fatalities of pedestrians using vehicle-pedestrian accident data from the database of the Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis (ITARDA) in Japan. The vehicle types considered are sedans, minivans, and box vans (ordinary automobiles) and light passenger cars and light cargo vans (light automobiles). The results revealed that a 10-km/h reduction in impact velocity could mitigate severe pedestrian injuries in cases involving impact velocities of 40 km/h or more for the five vehicle types analyzed. Specifically, if the impact velocity was 30 km/h or less, the frequency of serious injuries was less than 27% and the frequency of fatalities was less than 5% for the five vehicle types. Therefore, if the collision damage mitigation braking system (CDMBS) that uses a sensor to detect
Matsui, YasuhiroOikawa, ShokoAndo, Kenichi
Injuries in car to pedestrian collisions are affected by various factors such as the vehicle body type, pedestrian body size and impact location as well as the collision speed. This study aimed to investigate the influence of such factors taking a Finite Element (FE) approach. A total of 72 collision cases were simulated using three different vehicle FE models (Sedan, SUV, Mini-Van), three different pedestrian FE models (AM50, AF05, AM95), assuming two different impact locations (center and the corner of the bumper) and at four different collision speeds (20, 30, 40 and 50 km/h). The impact kinematics and the responses of the pedestrian model were validated against those in the literature prior to the simulations. The relationship between the collision speed and the predicted occurrence of head and chest injuries was examined for each case, analyzing the impact kinematics of the pedestrian against the vehicle body and resultant loading to the head and the chest. Strain based indicators
Watanabe, RyosukeKatsuhara, TadasukeMiyazaki, HiroshiKitagawa, YuichiYasuki, Tsuyoshi
Pedestrian crashes are the most frequent cause of traffic-related fatalities worldwide. The high number of pedestrian accidents justifies more active research work on passive and active safety technology intended to mitigate pedestrian injuries. Post-impact pedestrian kinematics is complex and depends on various factors such as impact speed, height of the pedestrian, front-end profile of the striking vehicle and pedestrian posture, among others. The aim of this study is to investigate the main factors that determine post-crash pedestrian kinematics. The injury mechanism is also discussed. A detailed study of NASS-PCDS (National Automotive Sampling System - Pedestrian Crash Data Study, US, 1994-1998), showed that the vehicle-pedestrian interaction in frontal crashes can be categorized into four types: “Thrown forward”, “Wrapped position”, “Slid to windshield” and “Passed over vehicle”. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed and 11 independent factors were identified for
Kawabe, YoshikoAsai, ToshiyukiMurakami, DaisukePal, ChinmoyOkabe, Tomosaburo
With many vehicles now achieving high marks in NCAP frontal and side impact, many countries around the world are considering or have already implemented pedestrian impact protocols to help address these types of crashes, due to the incidence rate of pedestrian injuries and fatalities. The leading global protocol put forth by the working party No. 29 (WP29) of the United Nations is the Global Technical Regulation (GTR) [1], which includes testing that simulates a pedestrian's head impacting a vehicle's hood through the use of a free flight head form. In conducting this test, it is important to be aware of the sources of variation inherent in the testing equipment and testing methodology so that steps can be taken to mitigate their influence. Testing facilities that can maintain high standards of repeatability can be relied on for producing valid tests that meet the GTR tolerances as well as maintaining reasonable costs and testing throughput. This paper will present a study of the
Grattan, PatrickDix, JeffNastovski, Jovo
The e-born₃ is an innovative urban electric vehicle which can be easily transformed from a van to a passenger vehicle. The e-born₃ was created from scratch as an electric vehicle, which permits greater versatility in component packaging and volume usage. The innovative character of the e-born₃ is developed along three lines: passive safety performance, vehicle energy efficiency and the ergonomic considerations linked to the interior layout. The elimination of conventional combustion engine powertrain elements together with the use of wheel-embedded electric motors leads to certain freedom when packaging and designing the body in white and vehicle interior. This freedom enables improvement of the passive safety performance by permitting innovative concepts, such as an innovative layout of the driver and passengers or a short vehicle front end that minimizes pedestrian injuries. The different combination of types of closures achieves a versatile range of utilization, from taxi to load
Chimeno, Robert
The number of traffic deaths in Japan was 4,863 in 2010. Pedestrians account for the highest number (1,714, 35%), and vehicle occupants the second highest (1,602, 33%). Pedestrian protection is a key countermeasure to reduce casualties in traffic accidents. A striking vehicle's impact velocity could be considered a parameter influencing the severity of injury and possibility of death in pedestrian crashes. A collision damage mitigation braking system (CDMBS) using a sensor to detect pedestrians could be effective for reducing the vehicle/pedestrian impact velocity. Currently in Japan, cars equipped with the CDMBS also have vision sensors such as a stereo camera for pedestrian detection. However, the ability of vision sensors in production cars to properly detect pedestrians has not yet been established. The effect of reducing impact velocity on the pedestrian injury risk has also not been determined. The first objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of the CDMBS in
Matsui, YasuhiroHan, YongMizuno, Koji
This report reviews current1 quantitative data on human tolerance levels without recommending specific limits. Data developed on humans (including cadavers) are presented where available; however, in many cases animal data are provided where no suitable human results have been reported. This report confines itself, as much as possible, to information of direct use to the automotive designer and tester. Data of only academic interest are largely omitted; therefore, J885 should not be considered as a complete summary of all available biomechanical data. Most of the data cited in this report applies to adult males since little information is available on women or children. The summary data provided in the tables should be considered in conjunction with the accompanying descriptive test. This material explains the manner in which the data were obtained and provides an insight as to their limitations
Human Biomechanics and Simulations Standards Committee
While it is recognized that collisions involve pedestrians of all sizes, this Information Report addresses performance specifications for a midsize adult male research dummy. This approach stems from the greater knowledge of biomechanics and existing dummy technologies for the midsize male relative to other adult sizes and children. While not the initial objective, it is envisioned that additional performance specifications for other sizes of pedestrian research dummies will be developed in the future based on accepted scaling procedures. The specific requirements for the pedestrian dummy have been based on a collective assessment of pedestrian injury, response, and anthropometry priorities from the experimental, epidemiologic, and computational literature. In general, the objective was to specify performance specifications based on human characteristics and the impact response of post-mortem human subjects rather than to specify the design of a particular physical device. Based on the
Human Biomechanics and Simulations Standards Committee
The materials included in this J document are not intended to represent a complete summary of pedestrian safety research activities, but are rather a collection of materials which can be helpful to users of SAE J2782
Human Biomechanics and Simulations Standards Committee
Hood development of internal structures in vehicles is an important alternative to minimize the injuries to pedestrians in case of a running over accident. In fact, according to Berg et al (2002), about 17% of head impacts occur on the hood. Moreover, according to Farooq and Schuster (2003), 62% of fatal injuries are caused by head trauma. This study focuses on evaluating the influence of free space between the hood and rigid components, considering cut out hood inner panel design, which is one of the geometries most commonly used by auto industries. The major advantage of this structure is its weight, leading, however, to small stiffness. Injuries to the head of a pedestrian is measured through a finite element model, in accordance with the European Committee for improvement in vehicle safety. There are several ways to measure the damage caused by the deceleration of the head. Here, the measure HIC (Head Injury Criteria), created by the NHTSA (National Highway Transport Safety
Ferreira, Anderson SirolliDriemeier, Larissa
Over half of the 1.2 million annual traffic fatalities worldwide are pedestrians struck by motor vehicles [ 1 ]. Medical databases, such as the National Inpatient Sample (NIS), have been utilized to ascertain injury patterns in the general population of injured pedestrians [ 2 - 3 ]. However, the authors are not aware of any studies investigating how factors, such as physical impairments, intoxication, and pre-existing medical implants (e.g. hip replacement, artificial knee, etc.) affect the prevalence of pedestrian accidents or injury outcomes. Five to eight million inpatient hospitalization records are included in the NIS annually, and this large sample size allows for analyses that are not possible with smaller data sets on pedestrian injuries. The current study utilizes the NIS to evaluate how several factors such as blindness, deafness, intoxication, and pre-existing medical implants affect injury patterns when compared to the general population of hospitalized pedestrians. In the
Heller, MichellePrange, MichaelOng, KevinWatson, HeatherIyer, MadhuIvarsson, B. JohanFisher, Jacob
Each year, over half of the world's 1.17 million fatalities resulting from traffic collisions are pedestrians (World Bank, 2008). Mitigation of such fatalities and serious injuries requires a thorough understanding of the common injury mechanisms that occur in pedestrian impacts. Studying the frequency of injury to each body region and how injury patterns are related may provide additional insight into pedestrian injury mechanisms, which could be used to develop additional prevention strategies. There is a wealth of information regarding pedestrian collisions within national databases that have not been extensively used to investigate these issues to date. This paper presents a review of selected databases that contain information regarding injuries to pedestrians who have been involved in a motor vehicle collision, including the strengths and weaknesses of each in performing this type of analysis. The National Inpatient Sample (NIS) database was utilized to perform statistical
Heller, Michelle F.Watson, Heather N.Ivarsson, B. JohanPrange, Michael T.Fisher, Jacob L.
In 1996, the European Enhanced Vehicle Safety Committee, Working Group 17 (EEVC WG17) proposed a set of impact procedures to evaluate the pedestrian injury risk of vehicle fronts. These procedures address three aspects of pedestrian protection – head impacts, lower limb impacts, and thigh impacts – through vehicle subsystem tests. The criteria assessed during these impact tests are affected by the design of most parts of the vehicle body front-end. One of the challenges to vehicle design introduced by these tests is the impact of an adult pedestrian headform to the top of the fender. The proposed acceptance level for Head Injury Criterion (HIC) is less than 1000 during impacts at 40 km/h. This paper uses the finite element (FE) method to predict the influence of proposed fender and shotgun design modifications aimed at meeting this target. In addition, the known issues with the implementation of these proposed changes are discussed. Although the proposed changes are shown to meet the
Farooq, S. IskanderSchuster, Peter J.
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