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This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides information on air quality and some of the factors affecting the perception of cabin air quality in commercial aircraft cabin air. Also a typical safety analysis process utilizing a Functional Hazard Assessment approach is discussed
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice supersedes SAE J1930 MAR2017 and is technically equivalent to ISO 15031-2. This document is applicable to all light-duty gasoline and diesel passenger vehicles and trucks, and to heavy-duty gasoline vehicles. Specific applications of this document include diagnostic, service and repair manuals, bulletins and updates, training manuals, repair databases, underhood emission labels, and emission certification applications. This document should be used in conjunction with SAE J1930DA Digital Annexes, which contain all of the information previously contained within the SAE J1930 tables. These documents focus on diagnostic terms applicable to electrical/electronic systems, and therefore also contain related mechanical terms, definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms. Even though the use and appropriate updating of these documents is strongly encouraged, nothing in these documents should be construed as prohibiting the introduction of a term, abbreviation, or
Vehicle E E System Diagnostic Standards Committee
Homologation is an important process in vehicle development and aerodynamics a main data contributor. The process is heavily interconnected: Production planning defines the available assemblies. Construction defines their parts and features. Sales defines the assemblies offered in different markets, where Legislation defines the rules applicable to homologation. Control engineers define the behavior of active, aerodynamically relevant components. Wind tunnels are the main test tool for the homologation, accompanied by surface-area measurement systems. Mechanics support these test operations. The prototype management provides test vehicles, while parts come from various production and prototyping sources and are stored and commissioned by logistics. Several phases of this complex process share the same context: Production timelines for assemblies and parts for each chassis-engine package define which drag coefficients or drag coefficient contributions shall be determined. Absolute and
Jacob, Jan D.
In 2023, the European Union set more ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from passenger cars: the new fleet-wide average targets became 93.6 g/km for 2025, 49.5 g/km in 2030, going to 0 in 2035. One year away from the 2025 target, this study evaluates what contribution to CO2 reduction was achieved from new conventional vehicles and how to interpret forecasts for future efficiency gains. The European Commission’s vehicle efficiency cost-curves suggest that optimal technology adoption can guarantee up to 50% CO2 reduction by 2025 for conventional vehicles. Official registration data between 2013 and 2022, however, reveal only an average 14% increase in fuel efficiency in standard combustion vehicles, although reaching almost 23% for standard hybrids. The smallest gap between certified emissions and best-case scenarios is of 14 g/km, suggesting that some manufacturers’ declared values are approaching the optimum. Yet, the majority of vehicles do not appear to fully
Komnos, DimitriosNur, JamilTansini, AlessandroKtistakis, Markos AlexandrosSuarez, JaimeKrause, JetteFontaras, Georgios
RTCA DO-178C, guideline in the aviation industry for the development of airworthiness of aviation software mandates the analysis of data and control coupling using requirement-based testing for safety-critical avionics software (Refer the Table 1). DO-178C defines Control Coupling as the manner or degree by which one software component influences the execution of another software component. Data Coupling as the dependence of a software component on data not exclusively under the control of that software component. The intent of the analysis of data coupling and control coupling is to ensure that each module/component are interacting with each other as expected. That is, the intent is to show that the software modules/components affect one another in the ways in which the software designer intended and do not affect one another in ways in which they were not intended, thus resulting in unplanned, anomalous, or erroneous behavior. The measurements and assurance should be conducted using
Ramegowda, Yogesha Aralakuppe
The extent of automation and autonomy used in general aviation (GA) has been steadily increasing for decades, with the pace of development accelerating recently. This has huge potential benefits for safety given that it is estimated that 75% of the accidents in personal and on-demand GA are due to pilot error. However, an approach to certifying autonomous systems that relies on reversionary modes limits their potential to improve safety. Placing a human pilot in a situation where they are suddenly tasked with flying an airplane in a failed situation, often without sufficient situational awareness, is overly demanding. This consideration, coupled with advancing technology that may not align with a deterministic certification paradigm, creates an opportunity for new approaches to certifying autonomous and highly automated aircraft systems. The new paths must account for the multifaceted aviation approach to risk management which has interlocking requirements for airworthiness and
Dietrich, Anna MracekRajamani, Ravi
Additive manufacturing (AM) is currently being used to produce many aerospace components, with its inherent design flexibility enabling an array of unique and novel possibilities. But, in order to grow the application space of polymer AM, the industry has to provide an offering with improved mechanical properties. Several entities are working toward introducing continuous fibers embedded into either a thermoplastic or thermoset resin system. This approach can enable significant improvement in mechanical properties and could be what is needed to open new and exciting applications within the aerospace industry. However, as the technology begins to mature, there are a couple of unsettled issues that are beginning to come to light. The most common question raised is whether composite AM can achieve the performance of traditional composite manufacturing. If AM cannot reach this level, is there enough application potential to warrant the development investment? The answers are highly
Hayes, MichaelMuelaner, JodyRoye, ThorstenWebb, Philip
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) introduced its updated side-impact ratings test in 2020 to address the nearly 5,000 fatalities occurring annually on U.S. roads in side crashes. Research for the updated test indicated the most promising avenue to address the remaining real-world injuries was a higher severity vehicle-to-vehicle test using a striking barrier that represents a sport utility vehicle. A multi-stiffness aluminum honeycomb barrier was developed to match these conditions. The complexity of a multi-stiffness barrier design warranted research into developing a new dynamic certification procedure. A dynamic test procedure was created to ensure product consistency. The current study outlines the process to develop a dynamic barrier certification protocol. The final configuration includes a rigid inverted T-shaped fixture mounted to a load cell wall. This fixture is impacted by the updated IIHS moving deformable barrier at 30 km/h. The fixture represents the stiff
Mueller, BeckyArbelaez, RaulHeitkamp, EricMampe, Christopher
Protecting against atmospheric icing conditions is critical for the safety of aircraft during flight. Sensors and probes are often used to indicate the presence of icing conditions, enabling the aircraft to engage their ice protection systems and exit the icing cloud. Supercooled large drop icing conditions, which are defined in Appendix O of 14 CFR Part 25, pose additional aircraft certification challenges and requirements as compared to conventional icing conditions, which are defined in Appendix C of 14 CFR Part 25. For this reason, developing sensors that can not only indicate the presence of ice, but can also differentiate between Appendix O and Appendix C icing conditions, is of particular interest to the aviation industry and to federal agencies. Developing detectors capable of meeting this challenge is the focus of SENS4ICE, a European Union sponsored project. While participating in the SENS4ICE Project, Collins Aerospace has developed an ice detection and differentiation
Hamman, MatthewGelao, GiancarloRidouane, El HassanChabukswar, RohanBotura, Galdemir
As model-based systems engineering is proliferating throughout the aerospace industry as a method to manage the development of complex cyber-physical systems, opportunities to leverage formal methods for verification and validation purposes are significant. As a system model described in SysML can contain the level of semantics required to define strict system requirements, it is possible to create a translation tool to generate SRL (SADL (Semantic Application Design Language) Requirements Language) to leverage ASSERT™ (Analysis of Semantic Specifications and Efficient generation of requirements-based Tests) for verification and validation of the system requirements. SADL [13] is a controlled English grammar that translates directly into OWL (Web Ontology Language) [14]. As part of the validation of the SRL requirements, ASSERT™ leverages a theorem prover to look for conflict and completeness errors. For verification, ASSERT™ uses a Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver for the
McMillan, CraigLee, LawrenceRussell, DanielPrince, DanielHasanovic, NihadDurling, MichaelSiu, KitVaranasi, Sarat ChandraMeng, BaoluoKleven, Everett
The ground vibration test (GVT) is an important phase in a new aircraft development program, or the structural modification of a certified aircraft, to experimentally determine the structural vibrational modes of the aircraft and their modal parameters. These modal parameters are used to validate and correlate the dynamic finite element model of the aircraft to predict potential structural instabilities (such as flutter), assessing the significance of modifications to research vehicles by comparing the modal data before and after the modification and helping to resolve in-flight anomalies. Due to the high cost and the extensive preparations of such tests, a new method of vibration testing called the taxi vibration test (TVT) rooted in operational modal analysis (OMA) was recently proposed and investigated as an alternative method to conventional GVT. In this investigation, an experimental setup was constructed to further investigate the applicability of the TVT to flexible airframes
Al-bess, LohayKhouli, Fidel
The term Industry 4.0 is well known in contemporary automotive landscape. It encompasses a smart integrated framework of IIoT (Internet of Things) and industrial automation with machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data analytics to arrive at optimal solutions to running the processes in a streamlined, efficient and effective manner. Industry 4.0 has assumed critical significance in the contemporary era of people working from remote locations to operate processes in order to build products, thereby ensuring business continuity. Consequently, it follows that if industry 4.0 is applied to automotive homologation activity, it will lead to a standardized evaluation, consistent fidelity of testing, accurate judgement of the product under test with regards to its certification, and most importantly, timed delivery to release in the market. The author hereby elucidates a unified Industry 4.0 Framework for Automotive homologation in India which is the need of the hour. This
S Thipse, Yogesh
This overview and study article scrutinizes the evolution and challenges of electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL), with a primary focus on airworthiness and safety certification. The paper discusses key issues such as high-energy-density aviation-grade batteries and the light weighting of electrical propulsion systems. Utilizing scientific models and real-world data, the study outlines the required battery technology and electrical propulsion specifications for eVTOLs with effective commercial load capabilities. For eVTOLs operating in the 300 km range, aviation-grade batteries must achieve energy densities between 300-600 wh/kg. For those covering a 600 km range, the energy density requirements exceed 600 wh/kg. Compliance with stringent safety standards, including triple certification by the FAA under 14 CFR Part 23, is imperative. This article conducted research and offered flowchart of the complicated FAA standard, which is rare in existing articles. This article
Ma, XinDing, Shuiting
Advanced flight control system, aviation battery and motor technologies are driving the rapid development of eVTOL to offer possibilities for Urban Air Mobility. The safety and airworthiness of eVTOL aircraft and systems are the critical issues to be considered in eVTOL design process. Regarding to the flight control system, its complexity of design and interfaces with other airborne systems require detailed safety assessment through the development process. Based on SAE ARP4754A, a forward architecture design process with comprehensive safety assessment is introduced to achieve complete safety and hazard analysis. The new features of flight control system for eVTOL are described to start function capture and architecture design. Model-based system engineering method is applied to establish the functional architecture in a traceable way. SFHA and STPA methods are applied in a complementary way to identify the potential safety risk caused by failure and unsafe control action. PSSA with
Ning, ChengweiZhang, HaoWeng, HaiminMa, Ran
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides recommendations for the development of aircraft and systems, taking into account aircraft functions and operating environment. It provides practices for ensuring the safety of the overall aircraft design, showing compliance with regulations, and assisting a company in developing and meeting its own internal standards. These practices include validation of requirements and verification of the design implementation for safety, certification, and product assurance. The guidelines in this document were developed in the context of U.S. Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Part 25 and European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Certification Specification (CS) CS-25. They may be applicable in the context of other regulations, such as 14 CFR Parts 23, 27, 29, 33, and 35, and CS-23, CS-27, CS-29, CS-E, and CS-P. This document addresses the development cycle for aircraft and systems that implement aircraft and system functions. It
S-18 Aircraft and Sys Dev and Safety Assessment Committee
ARP4761A and its EUROCAE counterpart, ED-135, present guidelines for performing safety assessments of civil aircraft, systems, and equipment. They may be used when addressing compliance with certification requirements (e.g., 14 CFR/CS Parts 23, 25, 27, and 29 and 14 CFR Parts 33, 35, CS-E, and CS-P). ARP4761A/ED-135 may also be used to assist a company in meeting its own internal safety assessment standards. While the safety assessment processes described are primarily associated with civil aircraft, systems, and equipment, these processes may be used in many other applications. The guidelines herein identify a systematic safety assessment process, but other processes may be equally effective. The processes described herein are usually applicable to the new designs or to existing designs that are affected by changes to design or functions. In the case of the implementation of existing design(s) in a derivative application, complementary means such as service experience in a similar
S-18 Aircraft and Sys Dev and Safety Assessment Committee
This specification covers the requirements for qualification, requalification, and certification of etch inspectors
AMS B Finishes Processes and Fluids Committee
Ground vibration testing (GVT) is an important phase of the development, or the structural modification of an aircraft program. The modes of vibration and their associated parameters extracted from the GVT are used to modify the structural model of the aircraft to make more reliable dynamics predictions to satisfy certification authorities. Due to the high cost and the extensive preparations for such tests, a new method of vibration testing called taxi vibration testing (TVT) rooted in operational modal analysis (OMA) was recently proposed and investigated by the German Institute for Aerospace Research (DLR) as alternative to conventional GVT. In this investigation, a computational framework based on fully coupled flexible multibody dynamics for TVT is presented to further investigate the applicability of the TVT to flexible airframes. The time domain decomposition (TDD) method for OMA was used to postprocess the response of the airframe during a TVT. The framework was then used to
Al-bess, LohayKhouli, Fidel
Non-exhaust emissions are clearly one of the focal points for the upcoming Euro 7 legislation. The new United Nations Global Technical Regulation (UN GTR) defining the framework for brake emission measurements is about to be officially published. The first amendment to this text is already on the way through the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) hierarchy for decision making. In real life, the final emission factor as the ultimate result of a test is influenced by inaccuracies of numerous parts of the measurement system as well as additional contributing factors like the performance of the particulate filter handling process, which might not be primarily related to equipment specifications. The regulation’s definitions set the basic requirements for testing, whilst establishing a robust and efficient testing process requires a thorough assessment of the influencing factors on the measurement quality, which in turn can be described using e.g., repeatability and
Weidinger, ChristophMartikainen, SampsaWanek-Ruediger, ChristianHuber, MichaelRainer, Andreas
This paper outlines the history and background of the NLGI (formerly known as the National Lubricating Grease Institute) lubricating grease specifications, GC-LB classification of Automotive Service Greases as well as details on the development of new requirements for their High-Performance Multiuse (HPM) grease certification program. The performance of commercial lubricating grease formulations through NLGI's Certification Mark using the GC-LB Classification system and the recently introduced HPM grease certification program will be discussed. These certification programs have provided an internationally recognized specification for lubricating grease and automotive manufacturers, users and consumers since 1989. Although originally conceived as a specification for greases for the re-lubrication of automotive chassis and wheel bearings, GC-LB is today recognized as a mark of quality for a variety of different applications. The main driving force to upgrade GC-LB was that six of the 12
Kaperick, JosephFish, Dr GarethCoe, ChuckCosgrove, BradleyTurner, DavidMackwood, WayneMistry, KuldeepChichester, ChadDudley, GaryMorris, DwaineBrandon, KeythKunselman, Michael
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) identifies and defines methods of compliance with power available and inlet distortion requirements for rotorcraft with inlet barrier filter (IBF) installations. The material developed herein is intended to provide industry-recommended methods of compliance with civil airworthiness regulations. It is intended to serve as a basis for new or revised FAA advisory material describing acceptable methods for determining power assurance, establishing power available, and for substantiating acceptable engine inlet distortion for IBF installations. The ARP does not address other types of inlet protection systems such as inertial separator, electrostatic precipitators, or foreign object debris (FOD) screens. It is agreed to treat dust, ice, salt, water, and snow as contaminants to the IBF for the purpose of establishing power available and assessing inlet distortion, but any other effects of ice and snow on inlet airworthiness are outside the scope
S-12 Powered Lift Propulsion Committee
Aircraft surface precipitation static (p-static) charge can be generated when aircraft fly through ice particles, rain, snow and dust. However, in the context of p-static protection, this document is used for providing guidance for any thing that charges the outer surface of the aircraft (e.g. engine exhaust). P-static discharges from the aircraft can disrupt aircraft communication, navigation, and surveillance radios, and can damage aircraft radomes and windshields. This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) defines design considerations for aircraft p-static control and related methods to verify acceptable aircraft p-static performance. This ARP addresses p-static charging due to the aircraft flying through ice particles, rain, snow and dust. It does not address other triboelectric charging that may be present in an aircraft, such as triboelectric fuel charging or environmental control system or air conditioning static charging. It does not address electrostatic charging created
AE-2 Lightning Committee
Reducing the carbon emissions associated with ICE- containing vehicles is a complimentary step towards carbon neutrality alongside the introduction of vehicles using newer energy vectors. In this study, the authors investigated emissions and efficiency impact of fully renewable E10-grade gasoline fuels blended with sustainable components at both 90 RON and 96 RON in comparison with reference regular E0 and premium certification gasolines across a range of ICE vehicle applications. Both renewable fuels were blended to the Japan JIS K2022 2012 E10 specification. The study shows very low carbon gasolines are technically feasible and potentially have an important role to play in decarbonizing both new advanced technology ICE vehicles and, critically, the existing ICE vehicle parc in the transition towards a zero emissions future
Yates, TimothyAli, RanaSuzuki, MayuMatsubara, NaoyoshiYokoo, NozomiMorii, TakuyaAkiyama, ShotaIshizaki, Keita
Since the emission gap of nitrogen oxides between the measurements in the indoor emission certification test and the driving in real road conditions has revealed to be significant, the RDE(Real Driving Emissions) regulations of exhaust emissions in real road driving in Europe were adopted in 2017 at the Euro 6d-TEMP stage and gradually strengthened thereafter. Many countries including Korea are applying equivalent and similar regulations. In order to identify whether vehicles in use comply with the emission standards within the exhaust emissions warranty period, it is necessary to add real road tests to ongoing in-use inspections. Thus, a study on the development of an indoor test cycle in order to use for in-use inspection instead of an real road test becomes required while satisfying RDE criteria. This study shows that the RDE test conducted in real road driving can be simulated in an indoor chassis dynamometer, and confirms that the RDE regulations including dynamic characteristics
Park, JeonghyunChoi, ByeongheeChoi, SungwoonKim, BadaLee, Chul-heeLee, DaeyupKwon, SangilChung, TaekhoLee, Jongtae
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) have been growing over the past few years and will continue to grow at a faster pace in future. UAS faces many challenges in certification, airspace management, operations, supply chain, and maintenance. Blockchain, defined as a distributed ledger technology for the enterprise that features immutability, traceability, automation, data privacy, and security, can help address some of these challenges. However, blockchain also has certain challenges and is still evolving. Hence it is essential to study on how blockchain can help UAS. G-31 technical committee of SAE International responsible for electronic transactions for aerospace has published AIR 7356 [1] entitled Opportunities, Challenges and Requirements for use of Blockchain in Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operating below 400ft above ground level for Commercial Use. This paper is a teaser for AIR 7356 [1] document. It presents the current opportunities, challenges of UAS operating at or below 400 ft
Manoharan, DineshG.V.V., Ravi KumarR, PrithivirajGhimire, RiteshRencher, RobertMarkou, ChrisFabre, ChrisRoboff, MarkBudeanu, DragosRajamani, RaviWalthall, RhondaVeluri, Sastry
In an application first, the physics of why the sky is blue is used to measure gas flows without obstructive sensors. A longstanding industry partnership between Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) and Pratt & Whitney has resulted in a new laser-optical technology that aims to revolutionize in-flight thrust measurement
With the announcement of the Euro 7 proposal, it is now clear that nitrous oxide (laughing gas, N2O) emissions must be considered and complied with the certification of exhaust aftertreatment systems (EATS) of commercial vehicles (CV). This paper describes the possible formation pathways for N2O in the EATS for different drives and uses measurement results to show the boundary condition and the magnitude of formation as well as the possibilities for influencing or preventing its formation
Többen, HeikeWeinmann, PhilippWolf, ThomasLott, PatrickBastian, SimonDeutschmann, Olaf
The simulation of natural-like snow conditions in a controlled environment such as an Icing Wind Tunnel (IWT) is a key component for safe, efficient and cost-effective design and certification of future aircraft and rotorcraft. Current capabilities do not sufficiently match the properties of natural snow, especially in terms of size and morphology. Within the Horizon 2020 project ICE GENESIS, a new technology has been developed aiming to better recreate natural snowflakes. The focus of the newly developed system was the generation of falling snow in a temperature range of +1°C to -4°C. Ground measurements and flight test campaigns have been performed to better characterize these conditions and provide requirements for wind tunnel facilities. The calibration results of the new snow generation system as well as snow accretion data on a NACA0012 test article with a chord length of 0.377 m are presented. The influence of different snow conditions on the accretion rate and the overall shape
Breitfuß, WolfgangFerschitz, HermannSchwarzenboeck, AlfonsHeller, RomyPervier, HugoDupuy, RegisJaffeux, LouisBerne, Alexis
This paper presents impingement analysis on a nacelle inlet, multibody airfoil, and swept tail under Supercooled Large Droplet (SLD) conditions in icing tunnels. Impingement and collection efficiency calculations are crucial for ice shape and protection analyses. The aerospace icing community selected three cases for simulation, focusing on SLD conditions, which require specific mathematical models for accurate representation. The present authors used a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool to evaluate pressure coefficients and collection efficiency, comparing them with experimental data. CFD simulations incorporated fully turbulent flow using various turbulence models and Eulerian droplet transport, considering experimental droplet distribution. The results showed acceptable deviations despite SLD simulation challenges and experimental data problems. A secondary conclusion suggests simplifying a 27-bin distribution to a 10-bin distribution to take
Da Silva, GuilhermePio, DiogoRafael, CaioVillela, PedroRezende, SabrinaTeixeira Da Silva, Jayme
Threats to aviation safety as a result of super-cooled large drops (SLD) has been addressed by the FAA rules change (14 CFR Part 25) with the additional icing certification requirement. SLD clouds often consist of bi-modal drop size spectra leading to significant problems in simulating and characterizing these conditions in situ and in icing wind tunnels. Legacy instrumentation for measuring drop size distributions and liquid water content are challenged under these conditions. The large size range measurement problem is addressed with the development of the Phase Doppler Interferometer, Flight Probe Dual-Range (PDI FPDR). The method is described in this report along with the measurement capabilities including the dynamic measurement range and overall working size range. The PDI instrument bases drop size measurements on the light wavelength as the measurement length scale. The light wavelength is a much more robust scale, especially as compared to the light scattering intensity
Bachalo, William DonPayne, GregoryIbrahim, KhalidFidrich, Michael
This paper is focused on the numerical analysis of the impingement and water catch rate of snow particles on the engine air intake of the Next Generation Civil Tilt Rotor (NGCTR). This NGCTR is developed by Leonardo Helicopters. The collection efficiency and water catch rate for the intake geometry are obtained for the test cases that have been defined for the relevant snow conditions. These conditions are related to the flight envelope of the NGCTR, existing EASA/FAA certification specifications, and the snow characterization. The analyses have been performed for the baseline air intake geometry. A range of particle diameters has been simulated with a particle density equal to the density of ice and with a particle drag relation that disregards the particle shape. Based on the results for the water catch rate on the basic nacelle configuration in snow conditions it is concluded that the ‘cheeks’ of the duct are more susceptible to impingement of larger snow crystals (>75 μm), whereas
Kool, NinaVan der Weide, EdwinSpek, Ferdinandvan der Ven, Harmenvan 't Hoff, Stefan
Hazardous atmospheric icing conditions occur at sub-zero temperatures when droplets come into contact with aircraft and freeze, degrading aircraft performance and handling, introducing bias into some of the vital measurements needed for aircraft operation (e.g., air speed). Nonetheless, government regulations allow certified aircraft to fly in limited icing environments. The capability of aircraft sensors to identify all hazardous icing environments is limited. To address the current challenges in aircraft icing detection and protection, we present herein a platform designed for in-flight testing of ice protection solutions and icing detection technologies. The recently developed Platform for Ice-accretion and Coatings Tests with Ultrasonic Readings (PICTUR) was evaluated using CFD simulations and installed on the National Research Council Canada (NRC) Convair-580 aircraft that has flown in icing conditions over North East USA, during February 2022. This aircraft is a flying laboratory
Nichman, LeonidFuleki, DanSong, NaihengBenmeddour, AliWolde, MengistuOrchard, DavidMatida, EdgarBala, KennySun, ZhigangBliankinshtein, NataliaRanjbar, KeyvanDiVito, Stephanie
In-flight icing is a major weather hazard to aviation; therefore, the remote detection of meteorological conditions leading to icing is a very aspired goal for the scientific community. In 2017, the Meteorological Laboratory of CIRA has developed a satellite-based tool for in-flight icing detection in collaboration with Italian Air Force Meteorological Service. Then, in the framework of the European project SENS4ICE, a further maturation of the previously developed algorithm has been achieved, in order to consider also Supercooled Large Drop (SLD) Icing Conditions. The tool relies on high-resolution satellite products based on Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) data. The aim of this product is to identify areas potentially affected by in-flight icing hazard, using information about the properties of clouds, remotely inferred from satellite, and the set of experimental curves and envelopes describing the interrelationship of icing-related cloud variables, that represent the icing
Zollo, Alessandra LuciaBucchignani, Edoardo
Distinct atmospheric conditions containing supercooled large droplets (SLD) have been identified as cause of severe accidents over the last decades as existing countermeasures even on modern aircraft are not necessarily effective against SLD-ice. Therefore, the detection of such conditions is crucial and required for future transport aircraft certification. However, the reliable detection is a very challenging task. The EU funded Horizon 2020 project SENS4ICE targets this gap with new ice detection approaches and innovative sensor hybridization. The indirect ice detection methodology presented herein is key to this approach and based on the changes of airplane flight characteristics under icing influence. A performance-based approach is chosen detecting an abnormal flight performance throughout the normal operational flight. It is solely based on a priori knowledge about the aircraft characteristic and the current measurable flight state. This paper provides a proof of concept for the
Deiler, ChristophSachs, Falk
This standard covers all types of oxygen breathing equipment used in non-military aircraft. It is intended that this standard supplements the requirements of the detail specification or drawings of specific components or assemblies (e.g., regulators, masks, cylinders, etc.). Where a conflict exists between this standard and detail specifications, detail specifications shall take precedence
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
Community noise at vertiports is one of the most important questions related to upcoming urban air mobility (UAM) operations. While fixed-wing and/or fixed-rotor aircraft can mainly be treated by their changing operational parameters, such as rotor or propeller rpm, tilt-wing or tilt-engine configurations are more difficult to simulate because of their constantly changing noise emission and spatial radiation characteristics. The work presented in this paper is providing an overview of the noise situation at a virtual vertiport which is being approached and departed by a tilt-wing air-taxi in different ways. Several different departure procedures are simulated with the same generic air-taxi. For the noise emission semi-empiric methods were used. During the air-taxi’s descent and climb, different tilt configurations are included, mainly defined by the time dependent engine’s tilt-angle, but also related to different approach paths. Each approach or departure procedure is generating
Bauer, Michael
Autonomy is a key enabling factor in uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) and advanced air mobility (AAM) applications ranging from cargo delivery to structure inspection to passenger transport, across multiple sectors. In addition to guiding the UAS, autonomy will ensure that they stay safe in a large number of off-nominal situations without requiring the operator to intervene. While the addition of autonomy enables the safety case for the overall operation, there is a question as to how we can assure that the autonomy itself will work as intended. Specifically, we need assurable technical approaches, operational considerations, and a framework to develop, test, maintain, and improve these capabilities. We make the case that many of the key autonomy functions can be realized in the near term with readily assurable, even certifiable, design approaches and assurance methods, combined with risk mitigations and strategically defined concepts of operations. We present specific autonomy functions
Bartlett, PaulChamberlain, LyleSingh, SanjivCoblenz, Lauren
When designing new vehicles, the legal requirements of the countries in which the vehicles are homologated must be observed and implemented. The manufacturers try to consider the legal framework of the UN-ECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), CCC (China Compulsory Certification) and FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard) 108 in the same vehicle to keep the variance low. For the appearance of the vehicle, the position of the light modules in the front of the vehicle is important. In addition to the surface requirements of lighting functions, the positions of the low beam (LB), high beam (HB) and the position of daytime running lights (DRL) are also regulated. When it comes to these mounting positions, the legislation between the US and the EU differs quite significantly. The UN-ECE legal framework does not describe the distance between the left and right Adaptive Front Lighting System with a certain value, but only requires the distance to the outer edge of the
Hinterwaelder, ChristianKobbert, JonasKruppa, MichaelHamm, Michael
SAE International in late February, 2023, announced the release of a new standards document to provide a common testing procedure to rate the maximum power of electrified powertrains. The new J2908 standard, titled “Vehicle Power and Rated System Power Test for Electrified Powertrains,” is a voluntary procedure to make it easier to measure and compare the maximum power of electrified powertrains used in hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles (PHEVs) and battery electric vehicles (EVs) or fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). The J2908 standard establishes the framework for testing, data post-processing and reporting of SAE system power for an electrified vehicle. The SAE system power is defined as the sum of the mechanical shaft powers of all powertrain components used for propulsion during peak wheel power. It is a voluntary procedure, said Michael Duoba, research engineer, Argonne National Laboratory, and sponsor of the document
Visnic, Bill
There is a demonstrated need for effective design verification testing to support certification strategies for nascent electric motors and electric propulsion systems. Design efforts pursue efficiency pushing electrified propulsion rotors to be lighter and incorporate greater power density; however, there is no clear path established for supporting structural integrity and durability test requirements as required by global certification agencies. Application of new materials, unique rotor design characteristics, and modified certification requirements drive unusual requirements for rotor modeling substantiated by component test data that addresses complex stress distribution characteristics. Our paper addresses testing electrified propulsion rotors using spin test protocols adapted to support integrity and durability test goals. We further incorporate key concerns for planning and executing component spin tests of rotating structures necessary to support global engine certification
Endo, H.Hartnagel, M.Buschbeck, A.Schonfeld, M.
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) focuses on opportunities, challenges, and requirements in use of blockchain for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operating at and below 400 feet above ground level (AGL) for commercial use. UAS stakeholders like original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), suppliers, operators, owners, regulators, and maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) providers face many challenges in certification, airspace management, operations, supply chain, and maintenance. Blockchain—defined as a distributed ledger technology that includes enterprise blockchain—can help address some of these challenges. Blockchain technology is evolving and also poses certain concerns in adoption. This AIR provides information on the current UAS challenges and how these challenges can be addressed by deploying blockchain technology along with identified areas of concern when using this technology. The scope of this AIR includes elicitation of key requirements for blockchain in UAS across
G-31 Digital Transactions for Aerospace
Heavy-duty (HD) engines for sale in the United States must be demonstrated to emit below allowable criteria and particulate emission limits over the operational load and speed cycle specified by the Federal Test Procedure (FTP) Heavy-Duty certification test. The inherently nonlinear load response of internal combustion engines tends to increase torque variability during the most dynamic portions of the test cycle. This clouds assessment of engine developments intended to improve transient performance and leads to frequent invalidation of certification tests. This work sought to develop and evaluate test torque control strategies that reduce this variability. Several load-control algorithms were evaluated for this purpose using a Cummins ISX15 HD diesel engine loaded with a transient alternating current (AC) dynamometer. The evaluations were performed over an abbreviated version of the FTP test which included the most transient portions of the drive cycle and were based on the
Cook, JamesPuzinauskas, PauliusWagenmaker, MindaBittle, Joshua
This standard defines requirements for the preparation and execution of the audit process. In addition, it defines the content and composition for the audit reporting of conformity and process effectiveness to the 9100-series standards, the organization's QMS documentation, and customer and statutory/regulatory requirements. The requirements in this standard are additions or represent changes to the requirements and guidelines in the standards for conformity assessment, auditing, and certification as published by ISO/IEC (i.e., ISO/IEC 17000, ISO/IEC 17021-1). When there is conflict with these standards, the requirements of the 9101 standard shall take precedence
G-14 Americas Aerospace Quality Standards Committee (AAQSC)
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes standard requirements for aerospace sealants and adhesion promoters, which may be incorporated as part of SAE Aerospace Material Specifications (AMS) for such products. This document provides for commonality of methods and procedures for responsibility for inspection, source inspection, classification of tests, establishment of/and qualification to qualified products lists, approval, reports, resampling and retesting, packaging, and marking
AMS G9 Aerospace Sealing Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) provides general design and test requirements for a flat cut-off pressure compensated, variable delivery hydraulic pump for use in a civil aircraft hydraulic system with a rated system pressure up to 5000 psi (34500 kPa). NOTE: Hydraulic pumps may incorporate features such as a clutch in the input drive, which will not be covered by this standard
A-6C4 Power Sources Committee
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