Electrification and Autonomy: Vol. 2



Authors Abstract
The extent of automation and autonomy used in general aviation (GA) has been steadily increasing for decades, with the pace of development accelerating recently. This has huge potential benefits for safety given that it is estimated that 75% of the accidents in personal and on-demand GA are due to pilot error. However, an approach to certifying autonomous systems that relies on reversionary modes limits their potential to improve safety. Placing a human pilot in a situation where they are suddenly tasked with flying an airplane in a failed situation, often without sufficient situational awareness, is overly demanding.
This consideration, coupled with advancing technology that may not align with a deterministic certification paradigm, creates an opportunity for new approaches to certifying autonomous and highly automated aircraft systems. The new paths must account for the multifaceted aviation approach to risk management which has interlocking requirements for airworthiness and operations (including training and airspace integration). They occur across a variety of different operational paradigms with varying roles for the human and the systems in question. If implemented properly, autonomy can take GA safety to the next level while simultaneously increasing the number and variety of aircraft and transportation options they provide.
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Dietrich, A., and Rajamani, R., "Electrification and Autonomy: Vol. 2," SAE Technical Paper EPRCOMPV342023, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/EPRCOMPV342023.
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May 10, 2024
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