Browse Topic: Share transport

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Autonomous Navigation (AN) in complex-heterogeneous environments is an unsolved issue for both commercial and defense Autonomous Vehicle (AV) applications: A) Based on accumulated data through 2021 there are on average 9.1 driverless car crashes per million miles driven compared to 4.1 human-driven car crashes. B)The US Army recently reduced the requirement for its current Bradley replacement program of record from an “optionally manned fighting vehicle” to a system that “will not be something you operate entirely unmanned in its initial configuration”. C) Between 2021 and 2023 Ford, UBER, Lyft and Tesla have limited their fully AV operations due to safety related business concerns. It is clear a research breakthrough is needed to ensure AV software is mature to a point where it can handle complex driving scenarios. In complex dynamic domains (e.g. intersections or congested terrain) the expected mode of operation for ensured safety of these unmanned systems is still direct human
Frederick, Philip A.
Ridesharing is a shared vehicle service with the potential to meet the growing travel demand and shortage in transportation infrastructure capacity. Ridesharing services reduce the number of vehicles and reduce traffic congestion and emissions while providing mobility services to the same number of people with no additional transportation infrastructure investment. One of the significant challenges in implementing ridesharing services is matching drivers and riders. Conflicts between matching objectives in satisfying the interests of diverse stakeholders influence ridesharing efficiency in a transportation system. This study investigates the conflicts between two ridesharing matching objectives (i.e., minimization of system-wide trip time [TT] and minimization of system-wide vehicle miles traveled [VMT]) by applying a multi-objective optimization technique. The results indicate that an acceptable performance of a ridesharing system in terms of TT and VMT can be achieved by optimizing a
Nasr Azadani, MohammadAbolhassani, Amir
Challenges that persons with disabilities face with current modes of transportation have led to difficulties in carrying out everyday tasks, such as grocery shopping and going to doctors’ appointments. Autonomous vehicles have been proposed as a solution to overcome these challenges and make these everyday tasks more accessible. For these vehicles to be fully accessible, the infrastructure surrounding them need to be safe, easy to use, and intuitive for people with disabilities. Thus, the goal of this work was to analyze interview data from persons with disabilities, and their caregivers, to identify barriers to accessibility for current modes of transportation and ways to ameliorate them in pick up/drop off zones for autonomous vehicles. To do this, interview subjects were recruited from adaptive sports clubs, assistive living facilities, and other disability networks to discuss challenges with current public transit stops/stations. Responses to questions were recorded and later
Scott, JustinD'Arcangelo, MicahOlness, BenjaminGrimm, MicheleBush, Tamara
This paper proposes the use of an on-demand, ride hailed and ride-Shared Autonomous Vehicle (SAV) service as a feasible solution to serve the mobility needs of a small city where fixed route, circulator type public transportation may be too expensive to operate. The presented work builds upon our earlier work that modeled the city of Marysville, Ohio as an example of such a city, with realistic traffic behavior, and trip requests. A simple SAV dispatcher is implemented to model the behavior of the proposed on-demand mobility service. The goal of the service is to optimally distribute SAVs along the network to allocate passengers and shared rides. The pickup and drop-off locations are strategically placed along the network to provide mobility from affordable housing, which are also transit deserts, to locations corresponding to jobs and other opportunities. The study is carried out by varying the behaviors of the SAV driving system from cautious to aggressive along with the size of the
Meneses Cime, KarinaGuvenc, LeventAksun Guvenc, Bilin
The changing mobility landscape of India reveals that the erstwhile transport modes of the 20th century i.e., railways and road buses are making way for airlines, personal vehicles, shared mobility, metro rails. Rapid technological changes, stricter regulations, new transport cultures autonomous, connected, electric and shared (ACES), state-of-the-art and environmental concerns are shaping up the eco-system for automobiles. Despite these challenges roadways and automobiles will continue to be most prominent solution in India for future. But for that, the automobile sector should be agile, innovative, and adaptable to changing eco-system, vigilant to thwart threat of alternate mobility solutions and must provide sustainable solutions for the future. The purpose of this paper to evaluate various mobility solutions, ascertain prominence of upcoming automobile solutions and their sustainability for future in India. A systems engineering approach has been adopted to the eco-system
Tillu, Prasanna GajananReosekar, RaviDigalwar, Abhijeet
One-way car-sharing services (CSSs) are believed to be a promising transportation mode for urban mobility. Due to the disparity of city functional areas and population, travel demand and vehicle supply in a CSS may inevitably tend to be imbalanced as well. Therefore, an essential requirement of one-way CSSs is the capability of providing fleet management solutions to improve quality of service and system performance. In other words, a CSS depends heavily on technologies that offer strategic decisions on topics like Fleet sizing Location and capacity of depots and charging stations Matching of travelers with vehicles Relocation of vehicles and dispatchers for fleet rebalancing Balancing and charging schedules of electric vehicles Car-sharing Mobility-on-Demand Systems addresses trending CSS technologies and outlines some insights into the existing unsettled issues and potential solutions. The discussions and outlook are presented as a collection of key points encountered in system
Guo, GeHou, YuqinKang, Ming
Facial recognition software (FRS) is a form of biometric security that detects a face, analyzes it, converts it to data, and then matches it with images in a database. This technology is currently being used in vehicles for safety and convenience features, such as detecting driver fatigue, ensuring ride share drivers are wearing a face covering, or unlocking the vehicle. Public transportation hubs can also use FRS to identify missing persons, intercept domestic terrorism, deter theft, and achieve other security initiatives. However, biometric data is sensitive and there are numerous remaining questions about how to implement and regulate FRS in a way that maximizes its safety and security potential while simultaneously ensuring individual’s right to privacy, data security, and technology-based equality. Legal Issues Facing Automated Vehicles, Facial Recognition, and Individual Rights seeks to highlight the benefits of using FRS in public and private transportation technology and
Eastman, Brittany
Shared mobility will become an important part in the future smart transportation and contribute to sustainable development. However, recently a large number of pioneers in this market have failed in making profits, and have to declare bankrupt or give up this promising business. One main cause is that it is difficult to find a method to allocate the profits to all the partners reasonably. In other words, there is still no effective business model in smart mobility. This study discusses cooperation among all stakeholders, including four species of participants, in smart mobility business alliance based on the theory of community ecology. The leaders are the enterprises who offer business platforms for the other players. The enablers include OEMs, hardware and software suppliers who contribute to smart mobility with intelligent vehicle products and technologies. The supporters can provide infrastructure and market channels. And the parasites are able to create added value with services
Kuang, Xu
The author has been conducting research on UV based photocatalytic air purifier systems for the past 5 years to eliminate living organic germs, bacteria, pathogens, etc. from the cabin air. An HVAC system has been developed by using a filter impregnated by titanium di-oxide (TiO2) with UV lights to improve and maintain cabin air quality. The designed system can be used for conventional vehicles, EVs, ride sharing and for autonomous vehicles. The author has designed and constructed a 3rd generation HVAC unit for cabin air purification for automobiles that is based on UV photocatalytic process by using UV-C LEDs to eliminate viruses that typically exist in conditioned space. The author has conducted tests with the following viruses and bacteria that are typically encountered in a conditioned environment: (i) Staph Epidermititus: Infections in wounds (Anthrax) (ii) Erwinia Herbicola: Bacteria (Infection in soil and water) (iii) MS2: RNA, COVID-19 (iv) Phi-174: DNA, Herpes and HIV (v
Mathur, Gursaran
The development of carsharing can reduce the number of private cars, which can save resources. Due to the limited supply of vehicles and diversified demands of users, it is necessary to plan the temporal and spatial distribution of cars. Predicting the pick-up time of carsharing users is of great significance to understand the travel preference of carsharing users, which can help operators formulate operational strategies such as relocation and pricing. To this end, this study adopts an improved decision tree (DT) to analyze and predict pick-up time for carsharing users. Firstly, the ordered clustering method is used to discretize time. Secondly, the random forest (RF) model is constructed to extract key features. Finally, the model of the C5.0 DT is constructed to predict the pick-up time of users. A case study is conducted to demonstrate the proposed model. The results indicate that the prediction accuracy of users’ pick-up time can reach 87%. The characteristic of pick-up time of
Sai, QiuyueBi, JunWang, YongxingZhi, RuLu, Chaoru
This SAE Recommended Practice provides a taxonomy of terms related to local and regional on-demand and shared mobility services (including ground, aviation, and maritime) and their enabling technologies. Functional definitions for shared modes (both fleet sharing and ride services), services, business models, and mobility applications are defined in this SAE Recommended Practice. This SAE Recommended Practice also provides a taxonomy of related terms and definitions. Though public transport is part of shared mobility, it is not included in this SAE Recommended Practice because its definition is well-established and documented. This document does not provide specifications or otherwise impose requirements on on-demand and shared mobility
Shared and Digital Mobility Committee
In a photocatalytic air purifier system, the catalyst that cleans the air is typically titanium dioxide and it is energized by ultraviolet (UV) light. When UV light shines on the titanium dioxide, electrons (negatively charged particles inside atoms) are released at its surface. The electrons interact with water molecules (H2O) in the air, breaking them up into hydroxyl radicals (OH·), 9which are highly reactive, short-lived, uncharged forms of hydroxide ions (OH−). These small, agile hydroxyl radicals then attack bigger organic (carbon-based like virus) pollutant molecules, breaking apart their chemical bonds and turning them into harmless substances such as carbon dioxide and water. Current investigation uses the above principle to kill living organic germs, bacteria; pathogen, etc. from the cabin air in recirculation mode. A HVAC system has been developed by using a filter impregnated by titanium di-oxide (TiO2) with UV lights to improve and maintain cabin air quality. The developed
Mathur, Gursaran
Autonomous vehicles are expected to change our lives with significant applications like on-demand, shared autonomous taxi operations. Considering that most vehicles in a fleet are parked and hence idle resources when they are not used, shared on-demand services can utilize them much more efficiently. While ride hailing of autonomous vehicles is still very costly due to the initial investment, a shared autonomous vehicle fleet can lower its long-term cost such that it becomes economically feasible. This requires the Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAV) in the fleet to be in operation as much as possible. Motivated by these applications, this paper presents a simulation environment to model and simulate shared autonomous vehicles in a geo-fenced urban setting. To simulate the aforementioned applications, a simulation environment that has a realistic rendering of the chosen real-world environment with realistic traffic generated around the SAVs is developed first using a geo-fenced area
Meneses Cime, KarinaCantas, Mustafa RidvanFernandez, PedroAksun Guvenc, BilinGuvenc, LeventJoshi, AditFishelson, JamesMittal, Archak
A new type of electric brake booster, which can control brake pedal feeling completely with software, has been developed to explore how a brake system can be used to differentiate and personalize vehicles. In the future, vehicles may share an increasing amount of hardware and rely more heavily on software to differentiate between models. Car sharing, vehicle subscriptions, and other new business models may create a new emphasis on the personalization of vehicles that may be achieved most cost effectively by using software. This new brake booster controls the brake pedal force and brake pressure independently based on the brake pedal stroke so that the pedal feeling is completely defined by software. The booster uses two electric motors and one master cylinder. One electric motor controls the pedal force and provides an assist force that amplifies the force that the driver applies to the brake pedal. The second electric motor moves the master cylinder piston independently of the brake
Kakizoe, KentaBull, Marshall
Sharing mobility has led to a reduction of car ownership with consequent decrease in impacts from a multiple economic, social and environmental perspective. One way of promoting sustainable mobility is to establish the use of electric vehicles (EVs), but insufficient knowledge and high uncertainty towards EV technology can represent a barrier to the acceptance of these new forms of mobility. Under-thirty are recognized as a prospective customer group for car sharing services, very receptive to technological innovation. Based on this premise, the study proposed a double-structured methodological framework to investigate university student user profile defining the heterogeneous preferences regarding a mix of attributes of the service design and to assess the impact of car-sharing experience on acceptance of EVs. Preferences for specific service attributes have been explored (e.g. rate, different power systems) and possible predictors have been tested (e.g. car ownership, neighborhood
Campisi, TizianaIgnaccolo, MatteoTesoriere, GiovanniInturri, GiuseppeTorrisi, Vincenza
Tier-1 supplier Magna evaluates its proven Puro virus-killing technology for a potentially new role: sanitizing vehicle interiors. An ozone-generating process that kills germs is being evaluated by supplier Magna for potential use in vehicle cabins, as the mobility industry seeks sustainable solutions for protecting passenger health. Magna's Puro branded product, soon to enter volume production, is a portable, plastic container that sanitizes clothing, toys, stuffed animals or other items placed inside a latched and locked bin. “Our immediate focus for our sanitizing technology is to help with the current personal protection equipment (PPE) shortage being experienced by our front-line coronavirus workers. That said, we hope to leverage this Magna technology to sanitize ride sharing vehicles and other future mobility applications,” Scott Mitchell, global director of New Technology & Innovation for Magna Mechatronics, told SAE's Autonomous Vehicle Engineering
Buchholz, Kami
Privately-owned vehicles were never so safe as they are today. Nor have they made so much sense. That thought hit me between the nostrils recently, as I sprayed a pungent disinfectant on the steering wheel of my family's B-segment runabout. Carefully wiping down the car's touch points with antibacterial cleaners has become a new pandemic ritual for us after returning home from food shopping and other essential missions. My little tribe generally keeps the interiors of our two vehicles tidy. Finding the occasional French fry buried in a seat track is, however, preferable to the dangerous microbes deposited every minute in the typical bus, train, or ride-share. The term “clean,” as understood by transit passengers, means a few spritzes by a custodial crew racing to meet uptime targets
Brooke, Lindsay
Recently, car-sharing services using ultra-compact mobilities have been attracting attention as a means of transportation for one or two passengers in urban areas. A platooning system consisting of a manned leader vehicle and unmanned follower vehicles can reduce vehicle distributors. We have proposed a platooning system which controls vehicle motion based on the relative position and posture measured by non-contact coupling devices installed between vehicles. The feasibility of the coupling devices was validated through a HILS experiment. There are two basic requirements for realizing our platooning system; (1) all devices must remain coupled and (2) follower vehicles must be able to track the leader vehicle trajectory. Thus, this paper proposes two vehicle control method for satisfying those requirements. They are the “device coupling and trajectory tracking merging method” and the “trajectory shifting method”. The device coupling and trajectory tracking merging method consisting of
Fukui, RuiYe, QiweiSuzuki, AyumiWarisawa, Shin’ichi
The transportation sector is facing three revolutions: shared mobility, electrification, and autonomous driving. To inform decision making and guide smart transportation system development at the city-level, it is critical to model and evaluate how travelers will behave in these systems. Two key components in such models are (1) individual travel demands with high spatial and temporal resolutions, and (2) travelers’ sociodemographic information and trip purposes. These components impact one’s acceptance of autonomous vehicles, adoption of electric vehicles, and participation in shared mobility. Existing methods of travel demand generation either lack travelers’ demographics and trip purposes, or only generate trips at a zonal level. Higher resolution demand and sociodemographic data can enable analysis of trips’ shareability for car sharing and ride pooling and evaluation of electric vehicles’ charging needs. To address this data gap, we propose a new approach of travel demand
Wen, RuoxiJiang, ZhenLiang, ChenTelenko, CassandraWang, BoFu, YanCai, Hua
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