Browse Topic: Technician training

Items (53)
Mobile air conditioning (MAC) systems used in passenger cars and light duty trucks are covered by these SAE Standards when servicing the refrigerant system. Technician training is required to ensure that recommended procedures are used for service and repair of MAC systems using R-12, R-134a, R-1234yf, R-744, and R-152a refrigerants. Unique requirements for each refrigerant are detailed within this standard. Technicians may be trained in any or all refrigerants. The technician shall be trained to recognize which refrigerant is being handled and how to handle it safely, and be equipped with the essential information, proper equipment, and tools which are unique to these refrigerants. This standard outlines minimum content requirements for such training programs. Training programs designed in accordance with this standard are not intended to ensure or assess the technical skills of technicians regarding the diagnosis and repair of motor vehicle air conditioners. Rather, the goal of such
Interior Climate Control Service Committee
The scope of SAE J2064 covers coupled hose assemblies intended for containing and circulating lubricant, liquid, and gaseous R-134a, R-152a, and/or R-1234yf refrigerant in automotive air-conditioning systems. Historically, requirements for the hose used in coupled automotive refrigerant air conditioning assemblies was included in SAE J2064. SAE J2064 has been changed to establish the requirements for factory and field coupled hose assemblies. SAE J3062 has been issued to define requirements for the hose used in these assemblies into its own standard. SAE J2064 also provides the necessary values used in SAE J2727. The certified coupling of MAC hose assemblies is required in meeting certain regulatory requirements. A hose which has met the requirements of SAE J3062 and certified in SAE J2911 shall be used as part of the coupled assembly. A hose which meets the requirements of SAE J3062 does not ensure the assembly will meet the requirements of SAE J2064. It is the hose assembly
Interior Climate Control MAC Supplier Committee
This SAE standard provides manufacturers/marketers, testing facilities, and providers of technician training with a procedure for certifying compliance with the applicable standard. Manufacturers/marketers or sellers who advertise their products as certified to an SAE J standard shall follow this procedure. Certification of a product is voluntary; however, this certification process is mandatory for those advertising meeting SAE standard(s) requirements. Only certifying to this standard allows those claiming compliance to advertise that their product (unit), component, or service technician training meets all requirements of the applicable SAE standard. Certification of compliance to this and the appropriate standard and use of the SAE label on the product shall only be permitted after all the required information has been submitted to SAE International and it has been posted on the SAE website. This process is mandatory for those advertising as being “Certified to SAE JXXXX-(version
Interior Climate Control Steering Committee
The purpose of this SAE Standard is to establish the specific minimum equipment performance requirements for recovery and recycling of HFC-134a that has been directly removed from, and is intended for reuse in, mobile air-conditioning (A/C) systems. It also is intended to establish requirements for equipment used to recharge HFC-134a to an accuracy level that meets Section 9 of this document and SAE J2099. The requirements apply to the following types of service equipment and their specific applications. a Recovery/recycling equipment b Recovery/recycling-refrigerant charging c Refrigerant recharging equipment only
Interior Climate Control Service Committee
This document establishes the minimum curriculum requirements for training, practical assessments, and certifying composite structure repair personnel and metalbond repair personnel. It establishes criteria for the certification of personnel requiring appropriate knowledge of the technical principles underlying the composite structural repairs and/or metalbond they perform. Persons certified under this document may be eligible for licensing/certification/qualification by an appropriate authority, in addition to this industry accepted technician certification. Teaching levels have been assigned to the curriculum to define the knowledge, skills, and abilities graduates will need to make repairs to composite or metalbond structure. Minimum hours of instruction have been provided to ensure adequate coverage of all subject matter including lecture and laboratory. These minimums may be exceeded and may include an increase in the total number of training hours and/or increases in the teaching
AMS CACRC Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee
This SAE Standard provides manufacturers/marketers, testing facilities and providers of technician training with a procedure for certifying compliance with the applicable standard. Manufacturers/marketers or sellers who advertise their products as Certified to an SAE J standard shall follow this procedure. Certification of a product is voluntary; however, this certification process is mandatory for those advertising meeting SAE Standard(s) requirements. Only certifying to this standard allows those claiming compliance to advertise that their product (unit), component, or service technician training meets all requirements of the applicable SAE standard. Certification of compliance to this and the appropriate standard and use of the SAE label on the product shall only be permitted after all the required information has been submitted to SAE International and it has been posted on the SAE web site. This process is mandatory for those advertising as being “Certified to SAE JXXXX-(version
Interior Climate Control Steering Committee
This is a general curriculum that has been developed to identify the minimum knowledge and skill requirements of a composite and/or metal bond repair technician/specialist. This revision changes the document from an all-inclusive curriculum into a modular set of curricula. Teaching levels have been assigned to the curriculum to define the knowledge, skills, and abilities graduates will need to make repairs to composite or metalbond structure. Minimum hours of instruction have been provided to ensure adequate coverage of all subject matter including lecture and laboratory. These minimums may be exceeded and may include an increase in the total number of training hours and/or increases in the teaching levels. Each curriculum is a subpart of this document. Part 1 is the General Composite Structure Bonded Repair curriculum, independent of the application. Part 2 is the Commercial Aircraft Composite Structure Bonded Repair curriculum. Part 3 is the Commercial Aircraft Composite Structure
AMS CACRC Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee
This SAE Standard provides manufacturers, testing facilities and providers of technician training with a procedure for certifying compliance with the applicable standard. Manufacturers or seller who advertise their products as Certified to an SAE J standard shall follow this procedure. Certification of a product is voluntary; however, this certification process is mandatory for those advertising meeting SAE Standard(s) requirements. Only certifying to this standard allows those claiming compliance to advertise that their product (unit), component, or service technician training meets all requirements of the applicable SAE standard. Certification of compliance to this and the appropriate standard and use of the SAE label on the product shall only be permitted after all the required information has been submitted to SAE International and it has been posted on the SAE web site. This process is mandatory for those advertising as being “Certified to SAE JXXXX-(version)” [appropriate SAE
Interior Climate Control Steering Committee
This SAE Standard applies to Carbon Dioxide R-744 refrigerant used to service motor vehicle passenger air-conditioning (A/C) systems designed to use CO2 (R-744). Hermetically sealed, refrigerated cargo systems are not covered by this document
Interior Climate Control Fluids Committee
The Scope of SAE J2064 covers coupled hose assemblies intended for containing and circulating lubricant, liquid and gaseous R134a and/or R-1234yf refrigerant in automotive air-conditioning systems. Historically, requirements for the hose used in coupled automotive refrigerant air conditioning assemblies was included in SAE J2064. SAE J2064 has been changed to establish the requirements for factory and field coupled hose assemblies. SAE J3062 has been issued to define requirements for the hose used in these assemblies into its own standard. SAE J2064 also provides the necessary values used in SAE J2727 Mobile Air Conditioning System Refrigerant Emission charts for R-134a and R-1234yf. The certified coupling of MAC hose assemblies is required in meeting certain regulatory requirements. A hose which has met the requirements of SAE J3062 and certified in J2911 must be used as part of the coupled assembly. A hose which meets the requirements of SAE J3062 does not insure the assembly will
Interior Climate Control MAC Supplier Committee
The purpose of this SAE Standard is to establish the specific minimum equipment requirements for recovery/recycling/recharge equipment intended for use with both R-1234yf and R-134a in a common refrigerant circuit that has been directly removed from, and is intended for reuse in, mobile air-conditioning (A/C) systems. This document does not apply to equipment used for R-1234yf and R-134a having a common enclosure with separate circuits for each refrigerant, although some amount of separate circuitry for each refrigerant could be used
Interior Climate Control Service Committee
The Scope of SAE J3062 covers hose intended for containing and circulating lubricant, liquid and gaseous R134a and/or R-1234yf refrigerant in automotive air-conditioning systems. The hose shall be designed to minimize permeation of the refrigerant, contamination of the system, and to be functional over a temperature range of -30 to 125 °C. Specific construction details are to be agreed upon between the user and supplier. Requirements for the hose used in coupled automotive refrigerant air-conditioning assemblies had been included in SAE J2064. SAE J3062 separates requirements for the hose used in these assemblies into its own standard. SAE J2064 also provides the necessary values used in SAE J2727 Mobile Air-Conditioning System Refrigerant Emission charts for R-134a and R-1234yf. Mobile air-conditioning system refrigerant emissions rates are established in SAE J2727 Emission charts and are important. The certified coupling of MAC hose assemblies is required in meeting certain
Interior Climate Control MAC Supplier Committee
This standard covers equipment used to remove contaminated R-134a and/or R-1234yf refrigerant from Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC) systems
Interior Climate Control Service Committee
This is a general curriculum that has been developed to identify the minimum knowledge and skill requirements of a composite and/or metal bond repair technician/specialist. This revision changes the document from an all-inclusive curriculum into a modular set of curricula. Teaching levels have been assigned to the curriculum to define the knowledge, skills and abilities graduates will need to make composite repairs. Minimum hours of instruction have been provided to ensure adequate coverage of all subject matter - lecture and laboratory. These minimums may be exceeded, and may include an increase in the total number of training hours and/or increases in the teaching levels. Each curriculum is a subpart of this document. Part 1 is the basic curriculum independent of product and is the companion to ARP6262 Part 2 is the aircraft specific curriculum and is currently under development and will be released in the next revision to this document. Part 3 is the metal bond specific curriculum
AMS CACRC Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee
The tenets of IEC 61300-3-35 have influenced and contributed to numerous standards. These include: a.) the importance of cleaning the fiber optic connection, b.) the concept of diameter of debris or contamination, and, c.) the area of the end face to be cleaned, d.) methods of cleaning. As capacity and bandwidth expand, deployments updated, and new technicians trained, a clear understanding of several other tenets of precision cleaning the connection may also be considered. There are many types of debris and contamination. Some are dry Figure-1 and others are fluidic Figure-2. Debris on an end face may also be present in combination Figure-3. The cleaning procedure should strive to be a first time event. A best practice procedure can be identified that does not require multiple techniques and numerous attempts. Dry, fluidic, or combinations of contaminants also have height Figure-4.(12) Commonly used cleaning techniques can create fluidic contamination outside the field of view of most
Forrest, Edward John
This SAE Standard applies to new refrigerant used in motor vehicle passenger air-conditioning (A/C) systems designed to use R-1234yf, including belt and electrically driven compressors. Refrigerant for use in hermetically sealed, refrigerated cargo systems is not covered by this document
Interior Climate Control Fluids Committee
This SAE Standard applies to dyes intended to be introduced into a mobile air-conditioning system refrigerant circuit for the purpose of allowing the application of ultraviolet leak detection. In order to label any product(s) they shall meet SAE J2297, and the certification process as described in SAE J2911 must be followed and the documentation described in the appendix shall be submitted to SAE
Interior Climate Control Fluids Committee
Technician training is required to ensure that recommended procedures are used for service and repair of Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC) systems using R-744 and/or R-1234yf. Unique requirements for each refrigerant are detailed within this standard. Technicians may be trained in either or both refrigerants. The technician shall be trained to recognize which refrigerant is being handled, how to handle it safely and be equipped with the essential information, proper equipment and tools, which are unique to these refrigerants. This standard outlines minimum content requirements for such training programs. Training programs designed in accordance with this standard are not intended to ensure or assess the technical skills of technicians regarding the diagnosis and repair of motor vehicle air conditioners. Rather, the goal of such programs is to provide information to technicians about safely handling refrigerants
Interior Climate Control Service Committee
This SAE Standard applies to new refrigerant used in motor vehicle passenger air-conditioning (A/C) systems designed to use HFC-134a. Hermetically sealed, refrigerated cargo systems are not covered by this document
Interior Climate Control Fluids Committee
This SAE Standard provides manufacturers, testing facilities and providers of technician training with a procedure for certifying compliance with the appropriate standards. Manufacturers or seller who advertise their products as Certified to an SAE J standard shall follow this procedure. Certification of a product is voluntary; however, this certification process is mandatory for those advertising meeting SAE Standard(s) requirements. Only certifying to this standard allows those claiming compliance to advertise that their product (unit), component, or service meets all requirements of the specific SAE standard. Certification of compliance to this and the appropriate standard and use of the SAE label on the product shall only be permitted after all the required information has been submitted to SAE International and it has been posted on the SAE web site. This process is mandatory for those advertising as being “Certified to SAE JXXXX [appropriate SAE Standard] requirements or any
Interior Climate Control Steering Committee
This SAE Standard applies to: recycled R-134a refrigerant, used in servicing of motor vehicle air conditioning (A/C) systems that were designed for use with R-12 and have been retrofitted for use with R-134a; recycled R-134a refrigerant, used in servicing of motor vehicle air conditioning (A/C) systems that were designed for use with R-134a; recycled R-1234yf refrigerant, used in servicing of motor vehicle air conditioning (A/C) systems that were designed for use with R-1234yf. Hermetically sealed, refrigerated cargo systems are not covered by this document
Interior Climate Control Fluids Committee
This SAE Standard provides manufacturers, testing facilities and providers of technician training with a procedure for certifying compliance with the appropriate standards. Manufacturers who advertise their products as Certified to an SAE J standard shall follow this procedure. Certification of a product is voluntary, however, this certification process is mandatory for those advertising meeting SAE Standard(s) requirements. Only certifying to this standard allows those claiming compliance to advertise that their product (unit), component, or service meets all requirements of the specific SAE standard. Certification of compliance to this and the appropriate standard and use of the SAE label on the product shall only be permitted after all the required information has been submitted to SAE International and it has been posted on the SAE web site. This process is mandatory for those advertising as being “Certified to SAE JXXXX [appropriate SAE Standard] requirements or any advertising or
Interior Climate Control Steering Committee
Technician training is required to ensure that recommended procedures are used for service and repair of Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC) systems using R-744 and/or R-1234yf. Unique requirements for each refrigerant are detailed within this standard. Technicians may be trained in either or both refrigerants. The technician shall be trained to recognize which refrigerant is being handled, how to handle it safely and be equipped with the essential information, proper equipment and tools, which are unique to these refrigerants. This standard outlines minimum content requirements for such training programs. Training programs designed in accordance with this standard are not intended to ensure or assess the technical skills of technicians regarding the diagnosis and repair of motor vehicle air conditioners. Rather, the goal of such programs is to provide information to technicians about safely handling refrigerants
Interior Climate Control Service Committee
This SAE Standard provides manufacturers, testing facilities and providers of technician training with a procedure for certifying compliance with the appropriate standards. Manufacturers who advertise their products as Certified to an SAE J standard shall follow this procedure. Certification of a product is voluntary, however, this certification process is mandatory for those advertising meeting SAE Standard(s) requirements. Only certifying to this standard allows those claiming compliance to advertise that their product (unit), component, or service meets all requirements of the specific SAE standard. Certification of compliance to this and the appropriate standard and use of the SAE label on the product shall only be permitted after all the required information has been submitted to SAE International and it has been posted on the SAE web site. This process is mandatory for those advertising as being “Certified to SAE JXXXX [appropriate SAE Standard] requirements or any advertising or
Interior Climate Control Steering Committee
This SAE Standard applies to: recycled R-134a refrigerant, used in servicing of motor vehicle air conditioning (A/C) systems that were designed for use with R-12 and have been retrofitted for use with R-134a; recycled R-134a refrigerant, used in servicing of motor vehicle air conditioning (A/C) systems that were designed for use with R-134a; recycled R-1234yf refrigerant, used in servicing of motor vehicle air conditioning (A/C) systems that were designed for use with R-1234yf. Hermetically sealed, refrigerated cargo systems are not covered by this document
Interior Climate Control Fluids Committee
Technician training is required to ensure that recommended procedures are used for service and repair of Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC) systems using R-744 and/or R-1234yf. Unique requirements for each refrigerant are detailed within this standard. Technicians may be trained in either or both refrigerants. The technician shall be trained to recognize which refrigerant is being handled, how to handle it safely and be equipped with the essential information, proper equipment and tools, which are unique to these refrigerants. This standard outlines minimum content requirements for such training programs. Training programs designed in accordance with this standard are not intended to ensure or assess the technical skills of technicians regarding the diagnosis and repair of motor vehicle air conditioners. Rather, the goal of such programs is to provide information to technicians about safely handling refrigerants
Interior Climate Control Service Committee
Under increasing pressure to address global warming concerns, the use of HFC-134a refrigerant in mobile air conditioning in European Union (EU) countries will be phased out starting January 1, 2011. HFC-134a has a 100 year global warming potential value (GWP) of 1430 according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4th Assessment Report (AR4). Under the new EU F-Gas regulation, replacement refrigerants must have a GWP less than 150. In anticipation of the need for lower direct GWP refrigerant and to stay current with available technologies, the global automotive industry has been working on replacing HFC-134a for over 10 years. Various industry stakeholders have participated in this transition process, making the transition a global effort. While much of the preparation done by vehicle OEM's and MAC suppliers to support this transition has been presented in other papers, work streams focusing on technician training have not been presented in white paper form. This paper
Atkinson, Ward J.Koban, Mary E.Coll, PeterHoffpauir, Elvis L.Deguiseppi, Paul J.
The model guidelines define performance-based technician training. Essential training program elements supported by a systematic process for development are also identified
Service Committee
The scope of this SAE Recommended Practice is to guide the service technician and any organization planning training for the technician in selecting and using training programs. The overall objective is to improve the servicing of automotive vehicles by increasing the abilities of service technicians to troubleshoot, diagnose, repair, and service as required
Service Committee
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