Recent changes in state I/M (Inspection/Maintenance) programs have significantly changed diagnosis and repair procedures. For many states, electronic engine controls require some form of loaded-mode I/M test. The static tests developed in the 1970s for carburetors and points/condenser ignition do not satisfactorily differentiate between modern clean and dirty cars.
What do these changes mean to I/M technicians, specifically in High Enhanced areas?
How do we define a “qualified” I/M technician?
Many states are taking different approaches to I/M technician training, and individual states are redefining a “qualified service technician”.
Such programs with overlaps have serious implications for technician training, OEM and aftermarket, with probable state/state variations
Inevitable future changes in engine-management technology, state I/M programs, and vehicle fuels require a flexible dynamic approach to training and certification of technicians.
What each technician understands about the “I”--and can successfully troubleshoot and repair the “M”-will be vital to cleaner air and the future image of the service/repair industry.