Browse Topic: Big data

Items (155)
Overloading of trucks will not only damage road infrastructure, lead to exhaust pollution, and even cause serious traffic accidents, resulting in huge losses of life and property. However, most of the methods to evaluate truck overloading are limited by environmental factors, so it is impossible to monitor truck overloading in real time. In order to solve this problem, a truck overload detection method based on real-time vehicle diagnosis big data is proposed in this paper. The method comprehensively considers multiple factors affecting the actual power of trucks through mathematical modeling. It based on the effects of overload on fuel combustion efficiency, harmful gas emission, exhaust temperature, and vehicle power loss, The truck overload evaluation model is constructed to judge whether the truck is overloaded or not in real time. Based on the truck overload assessment and truck accident risk factor extraction , a real-time operation risk assessment model based on fault tree
Chen, YuguangLin, HonghaoWang, Yanan
This paper presents deep learning-based prognostics and health management (PHM) for predicting fractures of an electric propulsion (eP) drivetrain system using real-time CAN signals. The deep learning algorithm, based on autoencoders, resamples time-series signals and converts them into 2D images using recurrence plots (RP). Subsequently, through unsupervised learning of DeepSVDD, it detects anomalies in the converted 2D images and predicts the failure of the system in real-time. Also, reliability analysis based on fracture mechanics was performed using the detected signals and big data. In particular, the severity of the eP drivetrain system is proportional to the maximum shear stress (τmax) in terms of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) and can be calculated by summarizing the relationship between cracks (a) and the stress intensity factor (KIII). During this process, the system status can be checked by comparing the stress intensity factor and fracture toughness (KIIIc), and
Moon, ByungwooLee, SangWonNam, DongJinKim, JeonghwanBae, JaeWoongShin, JeongMin
It is an important factor in electric vehicles to show customers how much they can drive with the energy of the remaining battery. If the remaining mileage is not accurate, electric vehicle drivers will have no choice but have to feel anxious about the mileage. Additionally, the potential customers have range anxiety when they consider Electric Vehicles. If the remaining mileage to drive is wrong, drivers may not be able to get to the charging station and may not be able to drive because the battery runs out. It is important to show the remaining available driving range exactly for drivers. The previous study proposed an advanced model by predicting the remaining mileage based on actual driving data and based on reflecting the pattern of customers who drive regularly. The Bayesian linear regression model was right model in previous study. In addition, in order to improve performance, the driver's regular driving pattern is recognized in advance before driving and it is reflected in the
Joo, Kihyungkim, Lina
The operation management of electric Taxi fleets requires cooperative optimization of Charging and Dispatching. The challenge is to make real-time decisions about which is the optimal charging station or passenger for each vehicle in the fleet. With the rapid advancement of Vehicle Internet of Things (VIOT) technologies, the aforementioned challenge can be readily addressed by leveraging big data analytics and machine learning algorithms, thereby contributing to smarter transportation systems. This study focuses on optimizing real-time decision-making for charging and dispatching in large-scale electric taxi fleets to improve their long-term benefits. To achieve this goal, a spatiotemporal decision framework using Bi-level optimization is proposed. Initially, a deep reinforcement learning-based model is built to estimate the value of charging and order dispatching under uncertainty. The model considers the long-term costs and benefits of different tasks and guides whether electric
Lyu, YelinWang, NingTian, Hangqi
Vehicle efficiency and range, along with the DC charging speed, are deemed as the most important criteria for an electric vehicle currently. The electric vehicle energy consumption is impacted by the change in temperature along with the driving style and average speed of a customer, all other factors being constant. Hence understanding the patterns and impact of different aspects of an EV range & charging speed is crucial in delivering an electric vehicle with robust efficiency across all weather conditions. In this paper we have analysed vehicle parameters of global Jaguar I-PACE customer data. We present and analyse the collated big data of around 50,000+ unique vehicles with a data aggregate of well over 482 million km. In moderate ambient conditions the analysis indicated a good correlation with 50th to 75th percentile drivers’ energy consumption to the EPA label figure. The EPA hot and cold ambient tests also compare well but the correlation is sensitive to long and short trip
Dutta, NilabzaEvans, Davidsapte, Atharva
In recent years, the automotive industry has been making efforts to develop vehicles that satisfy customers’ emotions rather than malfunctions by improving the durability of vehicles. The durability and reliability of vehicles sold in the U.S. can be determined through the VDS (Vehicle Dependability Study) published by JD Power. The VDS is index which is the number of complaints per 100 units released by J.D. POWER in every year. It investigates customers who have used it for 3 years after purchasing a new car and consists of 177 specific problems grouped into 8 categories such as PT, ACEN, FCD, Exterior. The VDS-4 has been strengthened since the introduction of the new evaluation system VDS-5 in 2015. In order to improve the VDS index, it is important to gather various customer complaints such as internet data, warranty data, Enprecis data and clarify the problem and cause. Enprecis data is survey of customer complaints by on-line in terms of VDS. In the case of warranty and Enpreics
You, Hanmin
The term Industry 4.0 is well known in contemporary automotive landscape. It encompasses a smart integrated framework of IIoT (Internet of Things) and industrial automation with machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data analytics to arrive at optimal solutions to running the processes in a streamlined, efficient and effective manner. Industry 4.0 has assumed critical significance in the contemporary era of people working from remote locations to operate processes in order to build products, thereby ensuring business continuity. Consequently, it follows that if industry 4.0 is applied to automotive homologation activity, it will lead to a standardized evaluation, consistent fidelity of testing, accurate judgement of the product under test with regards to its certification, and most importantly, timed delivery to release in the market. The author hereby elucidates a unified Industry 4.0 Framework for Automotive homologation in India which is the need of the hour. This
S Thipse, Yogesh
The Auto industry has relied upon traditional testing methodologies for product development and Quality testing since its inception. As technology changed, it brought a shift in customer demand for better vehicles with the highest quality standards. With the advent of EVs, OEMs are looking to reduce the going-to-market time for their products to win the EV race. Traditional testing methodologies have relied upon data received from various stakeholders and based on the same tests are planned. The data used is highly subjective and lacks variety. OEMs across the world are betting big on telematics solutions by pushing more and more vehicles with telematics devices as standard fitment. The data from such vehicles which gets generated in high levels of volume, variety and velocity can aid in the new age of vehicle testing. This live data cannot be simply simulated in test environments. The device generates hundreds of signals, frequently in a fraction of seconds. Multiple such signals can
Sahoo, PriyabrataSingh, SaurabhPrasad, Kakaraparti Agam
Using current technologies, a single “entry level” vehicle has millions of electrical signals sent through dozens of modules, sensors and actuators, and those signals can be sent over the air, creating a telemetry data that can be used for several ends. One electrical device is set up to have diagnosis, in order to make maintenance feasible and support repair, plus giving improvement directions for specialists on new developments and specifications, but in several cases the diagnosis can only determine the mechanism of failure, but not the event that triggered that failure. Current evaluation method involves teardown, testing and knowledge from the involved specialized team, but this implies in recovering of failed parts, which in larger automakers with thousands of dealers/repair shops, reduces the sample for analyses when there is a systemic issue with one component. This specificity is usual in Propulsions systems, regarding electro-mechanical devices, and sensors, also in
Prazeres, ChristopherHachyia, AfonsoTakahashi, Marcio
Heavy vehicles are major fuel consumers in road transportation, and the traditional way to reduce fuel consumption is to reduce weight, resistance, improve mechanical transmission efficiency, and improve engine thermal efficiency. However, European heavy-duty truck companies took the lead in realizing predictive cruise control (PCC) technology on the basis of cruise through intelligent network technology, based on ADAS maps, and achieved good fuel saving effects. In this paper, by studying the fuel consumption characteristics of trucks, designing the dynamic parameters of the load and whole vehicle, the predictive adaptive cruise control (PACC) technology is realized based on the predictive cruise strategy, and the statistics of fuel saving rate under different cruise ratio conditions are analyzed through the big data platform.
Qian, GuopingLu, ZhenghuaTian, JuntaoLiu, LianfangXi, ChongZhou, Xiaoying
Synthesized driving cycles which can reflect the real world driving scenarios are essential for electrification and hybridization of powertrains of heavy duty logistics vehicles (HDLV). Current synthetic methods always neglected weight variation which is crucial for logistic vehicle driving scenarios. This paper proposed a method based on multi-dimensional Markov chains and big data to generate typical driving cycles with consideration of vehicle weight and slope. The validation of the synthesized driving cycle was based on a statistical analysis and the adequacy of the representative to real world driving data was demonstrated.
Liu, Zemin EitanLi, YongTan, GuikunXu, LubingShuai, Shijin
Numerous researchers are committed to finding solutions to the path planning problem of intelligence-based vehicles. How to select the appropriate algorithm for path planning has always been the topic of scholars. To analyze the advantages of existing path planning algorithms, the intelligence-based vehicle path planning algorithms are classified into conventional path planning methods, intelligent path planning methods, and reinforcement learning (RL) path planning methods. The currently popular RL path planning techniques are classified into two categories: model based and model free, which are more suitable for complex unknown environments. Model-based learning contains a policy iterative method and value iterative method. Model-free learning contains a time-difference algorithm, Q-learning algorithm, state-action-reward-state-action (SARSA) algorithm, and Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm. Then, the path planning method based on deep RL is introduced based on the shortcomings of RL in
Hao, BingZhao, JianShuoWang, Qi
In view of the structural accidental events in the ongoing airworthiness stage of civil aircraft, it is necessary to conduct a risk assessment to ensure that the risk level is within an acceptable range. However, the existing models of risk assessment have not effectively dealt with the risk of accidental structural damage due to random failure. This article focuses on probabilistic risk assessment using the Transport Airplane Risk Assessment Methodology (TARAM) of accidental structural damage of civil aircraft. Based on the TARAM and probability reliability integral, a refined failure frequency probability calculation model is established to elaborate on composite structure failure frequency. A case study is analyzed for the outer wing plane of an aircraft having impact damage of composite materials. Finally, results of the risk assessment without correction and risk assessment with correction are presented for detailed visual inspection and general visual inspection.
Jia, BaohuiFang, JiachenLu, XiangXiong, Yijie
The automotive industry is going through one of its greatest restructuring, the migration from internal combustion engines to electric powered / internet connected vehicles. Adapting to a new consumer who is increasingly demanding and selective may be one of the greatest challenges of this generation, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) have been struggling to keep offering a diversified variety of features to their customers while also maintaining its quality standards. The vehicles leave the factory with an embedded SIM Card and a telematics module, which is an electronic unit to enable communication between the car, data center. Connected vehicles generate tens of gigabytes of data per hour that have the potential to be transformed into valuable information for companies, especially regarding the behavior and desires of drivers. One of the techniques used to gather quality feedback from the customers is the NPS it consists of open questions focused on top-of-mind feedback. Here
Torres Fernandes Veiga, Daniel Thadeude Miranda Junior, Airton WagnerNascimento Silva, LuanaSena Cavalcante, Mairondos Santos, Maria da Conceição
The main purpose of this research is to identify how the established quality methodologies, known worldwide as TQC (Total Quality Control) and TQM (Total Quality Management) are supported by the tools of the Quality 4.0 concept that similarly received influence from the disruptive technologies of Industry 4.0 in the last decade. In order to crosscheck the relationship among TQC and TQM and how Quality 4.0 supports these quality systems a qualitative investigation method was adopted through a survey questionnaire applied to one of the most important worldwide automobile company, based also in Brazil, Toyota of Brazil. Based on a literature review and relationship of concepts and synergy among them it was possible analyse and find out conclusions of this research work. The main results were identified as TQC and TQM are very well established concepts of quality and Quality 4.0 concepts and tools have been implemented on a path according to the markets importance prioritization, so then
da Silva Bento, NelsonCavalcanti Bortoleto, WilliamIbusuki, Ugo
Scenario-based testing is a promising approach to solving the challenge of proving the safe behavior of vehicles equipped with automated driving systems (ADS). Since an infinite number of concrete scenarios can theoretically occur in real-world road traffic, the extraction of scenarios relevant in terms of the safety-related behavior of these systems is a key aspect for their successful verification and validation. Therefore, a method for extracting multimodal urban traffic scenarios from naturalistic road traffic data in an unsupervised manner, minimizing the amount of (potentially biased) prior expert knowledge, is proposed. Rather than an (elaborate) rule-based assignment by extracting concrete scenarios into predefined functional scenarios, the presented method deploys an unsupervised machine learning pipeline. The approach allows for exploring the unknown nature of the data and their interpretation as test scenarios that experts could not have anticipated. The method is evaluated
Weber, NicoThiem, ChristophKonigorski, Ulrich
The Advancement in Connected vehicles Technology in recent years has propelled the use of concepts like the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data in the automotive industry. The progressive electrification of the powertrain has led to the integration of various sensors in the vehicle. The data generated by these sensors are continuously streamed through a telematics device on the vehicle. Data analytics of this data can lead to a variety of applications. Predictive maintenance is one such area where machine learning algorithms are applied to relevant data to predict failure. Field vehicle malfunction or breakdown is costly for manufacturers’ aftermarket services. In the case of commercial vehicles, downtime is the biggest concern for the customer. The use of predictive maintenance techniques can prevent many critical failures by tending to the root cause in the early stages of failure. Engine overheating is one such problem that transpires in diesel engines. Overheating of an engine
Hiwase, Shrikant DeokrishnaJAGTAP, PRAMODKrishna, Dinesh
The global big data market had a revenue of $162.6 billion in 2021.1 Data is becoming more valuable to companies than gold. However, this data has been used, historically, without contributors’ informed consent and without them seeing a penny from the discoveries the data led to. This article discusses how non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can provide a helpful tool for pharmaceutical companies to track contributed data and compensate contributors accordingly. NFTs are unique, untradable cryptographic assets that can be tracked on a blockchain. NFTs provide a unique traceable token that cannot be replicated, providing a perfect tool to store biodata. The term biodata refers to details regarding a patient’s history and behavioral patterns.
Deep neural network models have been widely used for environment perception of intelligent vehicles. However, due to models’ innate probabilistic property, the lack of transparency, and sensitivity to data, perception results have inevitable uncertainties. To compensate for the weakness of probabilistic models, many pieces of research have been proposed to analyze and quantify such uncertainties. For safety-critical intelligent vehicles, the uncertainty analysis of data and models for environment perception is especially important. Uncertainty estimation can be a way to quantify the risk of environment perception. In this regard, it is essential to deliver a comprehensive survey. This work presents a comprehensive overview of uncertainty estimation in deep neural networks for environment perception of intelligent vehicles. First, we provide a systematic and intuitive understanding of the classification and modeling of uncertainty and then summarize methods for uncertainty estimation in
Yin, HuilinChen, ZhaoruYan, JunRigoll, Gerhard
Traditional methods of municipal domestic waste analysis and prediction lack precision, while most data’s sample size is not suitable for many neural networks. In this paper, combining the advantage of deep learning methods with the results of association analysis, a waste production prediction method TLSTM is proposed based on long short-term memory(LSTM). It is found that the most influencing factors are population, public cost, household and GDP. Meanwhile, the garbage production in Shanghai will continue to decline in the future, indicating the policy of refuse classification is effective. The R-square index and MSE index of the model were 0.55 and 76571.73 respectively, surpassing other state-of-the-art models. In cooperation with School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the dataset comes from the average data of the Shanghai Household Waste Management Regulation from 1980 to 2020. This research method has a certain guiding significance to
Tu, YunXiao, Zi XinShen, Na
As the complexity of systems expands with increasing emphasis for digital transformation, the aerospace industry is generating big data to meet customer requirements. The ability to that data to solve challenging problems is limited by many factors, including the capabilities of current classical computing systems. Impact of Quantum Computing in Aerospace discusses how quantum computing systems offer (possibly quadratic to exponentially) greater computational power over classical computers. The power of quantum computing is tremendous and has many potential impacts on the aerospace industry; however, there are also many unsettled topics surrounding the future of the technology. Click here to access the full SAE EDGETM Research Report portfolio.
Walthall, RhondaDixit, Sunil
Kontron and Intel experts explain how rugged, modular COM Express solutions reduce complexity and allow retrofit of autonomous systems on heavy mobile equipment. Continually transformed with more than a century's advances in capabilities, hydraulics and fuel efficiency, today's heavy mobile equipment must also become more intelligent and better connected. Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning, big data, GPS, 5G and computer vision are proving their mettle - empowering far more efficient ways of carrying out unique and demanding tasks via advanced telematics, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) or varying levels of autonomy. Heavy mobile equipment (HME) that can gather and apply data in real time operates and makes decisions in ways that humans cannot. This evolution toward automation promises not only leadership for manufacturers of more advanced systems, but also increased safety, economy, efficiency and ecological compatibility.
London, JackThomas, Andrea
Driver Assist Technologies are complex systems for which it can be difficult to objectively estimate customer experience in a repeatable and quantitative manner. We must assess the designed feature operation at a massive scale to better understand the eventual customer impact and cost of a variety of engineering decisions. We will present the Leveraging Aggregated Vehicle Analytics (LAVA) methodology for improved understanding of the impact of these dynamic and subjective problems by utilizing connected vehicle (CV) data. Several examples of the LAVA methodology will be discussed and examined in detail. Using the LAVA methodology, minimal and anonymized data collected from CVs can be used to answer many engineering decision questions with high confidence in a controlled and scientific manner.
Lerner, JeremyTayim, DinaPervez, NahidZwicky, Timothy
As data emerges as the most valuable resource in the world, the evolution of the related data industry is progressing faster. In this study, we tried to discover effective factors for fuel cell durability by using big data analysis techniques with accumulated vehicle actual road data (de-identified Blue Link Data). Basic analysis is performed assuming factors that are expected to have a significant impact on the fuel cell durability performance, and durability factor modeling according to the clustering between driving patterns and durability performance is used to determine. Now can see the change in durability performance. By analyzing the correlation between each driving pattern and durability performance, it is possible to know the weight of the effective factor affecting the durability. If the effective factor with high weight is improved in the actual vehicle unit, the durability performance is expected to increase, and the effect will be verified through real road operation.
Jin, Youngpin
In recent years, the automobile industry has been making efforts to develop vehicles that satisfy customers' emotions rather than malfunctions. The Vehicle Dependability Study(VDS) has been strengthened emotion items since the introduction of the new evaluation system VDS3 from 2015. The ratio of emotion items increased from 11% to 25%. In order to clarify the problem and cause of emotion items, we analyzed verbatim which is the customers' complaint data provided by J.D power every year, but it was difficult to extract customers' intention because the number of verbatim is small and expressed in terms of customer’s term rather than engineer’s term. To solve the problem, we are additionally colleting big data such as internet, warranty, online survey. Since the amount of data is very large, we developed textmining techniques such as dictionary, topic, Support Vector Machine(SVM), n-gram to improve process. And we developed the Internet Data Search(IDS) program that everyone in the
You, Hanmin
In this study it will show, big data analysis and user survey of driving records were conducted to investigate frequency of use and ease of operation of the regen paddle to control one-pedal driving system in electric vehicle. According to 3.8 million driving record big data analysis result, it was found that the driver manipulates 3.31 times on average during a single trip, mainly during the early stages of driving. According to user observation research result in 41.8% of participants did not used or used less than 5 time of regen paddle during one single trip. Also 336 participants, which occupy 83%, responded that the regen paddle manipulation for one-pedal driving was inconvenient. In conclusion, because of the use frequency of the regen paddle is low and the operation of regen paddle is inconvenient. It seems necessary to change the design of the regen paddle.
Won, Myung Won
Vehicle failure prediction technology is an important part of PHM (Prognostic and Health Management) technology, which is of great significance to the safety of vehicles and to improve driving safety. Based on the vehicle operating data collected by the on-board terminal (T-box) of the telematics system, the research on the state of vehicle failure is conducted. First, this paper conducts statistical analysis on vehicle historical fault data. Preprocessing procedures such as cleaning, integration, and protocol are performed to group the data set. Then, three indexes including recency (R) frequency (F), and days (D) are selected to construct a vehicle security status subdivision system, and K -Means algorithm is utilized to divide different vehicle categories from the perspective of vehicle value. Labeled information of vehicles in different security status are further established. Moreover, taking engine faults as an example, this paper uses gray correlation analysis method to extract
Lu, ZhengLiu, JingxingZou, XiaojunZhong, HongZhang, AileiWang, Liangmo
Industries are currently going through “The Fourth Industrial Revolution,” as professionals have called it “Industry 4.0” (I4.0). Integration of physical and digital systems for the product life cycle mainly concerns Industry 4.0. With the appearance of I4.0, the concept of prediction management has become an unavoidable tendency in the framework of big data and smart manufacturing. At the same time, it offers a reliable solution for handling test fatigue failures. AI and its key technologies play an essential role - 1 to make industrial systems autonomous like predicting test failures 2 to make possible the automatized data collection from industrial machines/components. Based on these collected data types, machine learning algorithms can be applied for automated failure detection and diagnosis. However, it is a bit difficult to select appropriate machine learning (ML) techniques, type of data, data size, and equipment to apply ML in industrial systems. Selection of inappropriate
After so many supply chain and logistics challenges since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen numerous headlines proclaiming a new era of reshoring and the end of lean production and just-in-time manufacturing strategies.
In order to improve the energy efficiency of hybrid electric vehicles and to improve the effectiveness of energy management algorithms, it is very important to predict the future changes of traffic parameters based on traffic big data, so as to predict the future vehicle speed change and to reduce the friction brake. Under the framework of deep learning, this paper establishes a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) artificial neural network traffic flow parameter prediction model based on time series through keras library to predict the future state of traffic flow. The comparison experiment between Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) artificial neural network model and Gate Recurrent Unit (GRU) model using US-101 data set shows that LSTM has higher accuracy in predicting traffic flow velocity.
Wang, JiazeLi, Lin
Small Form Factor, Modular Data Centers at the Edge of the Battlefield In order to achieve and maintain warfighting overmatch, coordinate deployed forces and enable new capabilities, the US Army, Air Force, and Navy are actively looking to new programs such as Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) to ensure warfighters have maximum situational awareness. These programs will deliver a variety of compute and bandwidth intensive technologies, increasing the use of big data analytics, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and video for example, using common technical standards, APIs and data formats to deliver the command and control information that warfighters need to coordinate their activities. The software needed to run these new capabilities is increasingly being developed to rely on the cloud, which itself might reside in a variety of data centers, ranging from large commercial services, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) GovCloud and Microsoft Azure Government, to the
In order to achieve and maintain warfighting overmatch, coordinate deployed forces, and enable new capabilities, the US Army, Air Force, and Navy are actively looking to new programs such as Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) to ensure warfighters have maximum situational awareness. These programs will deliver a variety of compute and bandwidth intensive technologies, increasing the use of big data analytics, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and video for example, using common technical standards, APIs and data formats to deliver the command and control information that warfighters need to coordinate their activities.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) multifaceted responsibilities require continuous monitoring of trends in science and technology for the advancement of public health. In early 2020, the agency saw investigational new drug (IND) applications skyrocket to 3,806 — a significant increase compared to the previous year when they received only 166 applications during the same months.1
With the rapid development of emerging technologies, such as cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, fifth-generation mobile network (5G) technology, the construction of intelligent expressway systems has become a trend. Through the analysis of the intelligent expressway business and function, the overall architecture, technical architecture, and data architecture of this system are designed and presented in this paper. The design of the overall architecture describes the basis of intelligent expressway design and implementation. The technical architecture is the foundation of the overall architecture, making it with more complete functions, high security, and high feasibility. The data architecture helps to achieve effective data coordination through data standard management, resource monitoring, catalog management, metadata management, quality management, and security management. Accelerating the deep integration of modern technologies and expressway
Zhao, KaiXue, XinfengLin, QinLi, YonghanXie, BingHu, Lei
In order to improve the vehicle economy of electric vehicles, this paper first analyzes the energy-saving mechanism of electric vehicles. Taking the energy consumption of the deceleration process as a starting point, this paper deeply analyzes the energy consumption of the deceleration process under several different control modes by the test data, so as to obtain two principles that should be followed in energy-saving control strategy. Then, an intelligent deceleration energy-saving control strategy by getting the forward vehicle information is developed. The overall architecture of the control strategy consists of three parts: information processing, target calculation and torque control. The first part is mainly to obtain the forward vehicle information from the perception systems, and the user's habits information from big data, and this information is processed for the next part. The second part mainly determines the entry and exit timing of the intelligent deceleration energy
Zhao, YongqiangZhang, QiangPang, ErchaoLi, JunJiankang, Liu
Historical driver behavior and drive style are crucial inputs in addition to V2X connectivity data to predict future events as well as fuel consumption of the vehicle on a trip. A trip is a combination of different maneuvers a driver executes to navigate a route and interact with his/her environment including traffic, geography, topography, and weather. This study leverages big data analytics on real-world customer driving data to develop analytical modeling methodologies and algorithms to extract maneuver-based driving characteristics and generate a corresponding maneuver distribution. The distributions are further segmented by additional categories such as customer group and type of vehicle. These maneuver distributions are used to build an aggressivity distribution database which will serve as the parameter basis for further analysis with traffic simulation models. The database will also be leveraged to investigate and predict the performance of the vehicle on a trip and driver
Naidu, AshishZhang, Alice ChenKreucher, RebeccaMittal, ArchakOrtmann, WalterSomsel, James
Researchers and engineers are utilizing big data analytics to draw further insights into transportation systems. Large amounts of data at the individual vehicle trip level are being collected and stored. The true potential of such data is still to be determined. In this paper, we are presenting a data-driven, novel, and intuitive approach to model driver behaviors using microscopic traffic simulation. Our approach utilizes metaheuristic methods to create an analytical tool to assess vehicle performance. Secondly, we show how microscopic simulation run outputs can be post-processed to obtain vehicle and trip level performance metrics. The methodology will form the basis for a data-driven approach to unearthing trip experiences as realized by drivers in the real world. The methodology will contribute to, A.) Using vehicle trajectory traces to identify underlying vehicle maneuver distributions as obtained from real-world driver data, B.) Developing a virtual traffic environment to conduct
Naidu, AshishMittal, ArchakKreucher, RebeccaZhang, Alice ChenOrtmann, WalterSomsel, James
Significance of CAE simulation thus is increasing because of its ability to predict the failure faster, also lot of design combinations can be evaluated with this before physical testing. Frame stiffness of side doors is one of the major criteria of a vehicle closure system. In most cases, designers around the globe will be designing same or very similar side door frame structures recurrently. In addition, in the current growing trend having an optimized side door frame design in quick time is very challenging. In this investigation, a new artificial intelligence (AI) approach was demonstrated to design and optimize frame reinforcement based on machine learning, which has been successful in many fields owing to its ability to process big data, can be used in structural design and optimization. This deep learning-based model is able to achieve accurate predictions of nonlinear structure-parameters relationships using deep neural networks. The optimized designs with optimization
Puthuvayil, NirmalZaman, ThoheerK, ArunkumarS, SivasankariCheyadri, Ramesh
Manufacturing facilities generate massive amounts of operational data from their automated production equipment, condition monitoring devices, and other sensors and systems. As companies are becoming more aware of the potential marooned in these assets, they are asking how Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) initiatives can help tap into this information and create useful insights. But many attempts to tackle this via enterprise-wide mega-projects fail to meet expectations because of the sheer size and complexity. Perhaps a better approach is to begin with “little” data at the source to build up to big data using edge computing, focused applications, and open connectivity.
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