A Percipient Analysis of Jaguar I-PACE Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption Using Big Data Analytics



WCX SAE World Congress Experience
Authors Abstract
Vehicle efficiency and range, along with the DC charging speed, are deemed as the most important criteria for an electric vehicle currently. The electric vehicle energy consumption is impacted by the change in temperature along with the driving style and average speed of a customer, all other factors being constant. Hence understanding the patterns and impact of different aspects of an EV range & charging speed is crucial in delivering an electric vehicle with robust efficiency across all weather conditions. In this paper we have analysed vehicle parameters of global Jaguar I-PACE customer data. We present and analyse the collated big data of around 50,000+ unique vehicles with a data aggregate of well over 482 million km. In moderate ambient conditions the analysis indicated a good correlation with 50th to 75th percentile drivers’ energy consumption to the EPA label figure. The EPA hot and cold ambient tests also compare well but the correlation is sensitive to long and short trip distances. The cumulative data of the global fleet, for 75th percentile customers, shows that the total consumption of the vehicle increases by 81% and 47%, from the median energy consumption at 20°C, at -10°C and 0°C respectively. Similarly, the global fleet energy consumption, for 75th percentile customers, increased by 7% and 31% respectively, from the median energy consumption at 20°C, at 30°C and 40°C respectively. The paper then deep dives into data bins analysing the consumption sources for certain key drive and ambient scenarios.
Meta TagsDetails
Dutta, N., Evans, D., and sapte, A., "A Percipient Analysis of Jaguar I-PACE Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption Using Big Data Analytics," SAE Technical Paper 2024-01-2879, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/2024-01-2879.
Additional Details
Apr 9, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper