Browse Topic: Analysis methodologies

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ABSTRACT High life cycle costs coupled with durability and environmental challenges of tracked vehicles in South West Asia (SWA) have focused R&D activities on understanding failure modes of track components as well as understanding the system impacts on track durability. The durability limiters for M1 Abrams (M1, M1A1, and M1A2) T-158LL track systems are the elastomeric components. The focus of this study is to review test methodology utilized to collect preliminary data on the loading distribution of a static vehicle. Proposed design changes and path forward for prediction of durability of elastomers at the systems level from component testing will be presented
Ostberg, DavidBradford, Bill
ABSTRACT BAE Systems has departed from traditional design rules of thumb and implemented a full-vehicle durability fatigue life analysis process at the design concept level to support lighter weight component designs. The durability process includes derivation of test duty cycles, generation of virtual loads from vehicle dynamic simulations, cascading of hundreds of channels of suspension attachment loads, and prediction of accumulated damage/fatigue life for both quasi-static and transient responses using a finite element vehicle structural model. The fatigue analysis process is typically deterministic, however the stochastic nature of the loads, material properties, and build variations should also be considered to ensure a robust durability process. The process is demonstrated on a heavy wheeled-vehicle platform using a generic duty cycle with examples shown at each stage of the process. This study additionally demonstrates the effects of variability of loads, materials, and
Purushothaman, NammalwarJayakumar, ParamsothyCritchley, JamesDatta, SandipPisipati, Venkat
ABSTRACT FBS Inc. is working with the TARDEC Electrified Armor Lab to develop a nondestructive structural health monitoring technology for composite armor panels that utilizes an array of embedded ultrasonic sensors for guided wave tomographic imaging. This technology would allow for periodic or real-time monitoring of armor integrity while being minimally intrusive and adding negligible weight. The technology is currently being developed and tested in pseudo composite armor panels and efforts are focused on reducing sensor array density, improving sensor integration procedures, and maximizing system sensitivity to damage. In addition to experimental testing and development, FBS is developing a highly-automated finite element model generation and analysis program to be used in conjunction with Abaqus/Explicit commercial finite element software. This program is specifically dedicated to modeling guided wave propagation in pseudo composite armor panels between embedded ultrasonic sensors
Borigo, Cody J.Bostron, JasonRose, Joseph L.Owens, Steven E.Reynolds, Thomas P.Meitzler, Thomas J.
ABSTRACT In today’s competitive market, OEMs are racing towards developing more efficient vehicles without sacrificing on its performance. In this process, they’re forced to evaluate new technologies and designs in various subsystems. Most of the sub-systems today have become “intelligent”, which means that the controllers have become quintessential for the system’s behavior. Equally important are the physical behavior of the plant that needs to be controlled. These two independent groups have their own design and development cycle and the challenge for the companies have been in bridging the gap so as to identify potential failure modes. This paper discusses an Architecture-driven Model Based Development process that can address the challenges posed during the development. Three key enabling technologies – Imagine.Lab System Synthesis, Imagine.Lab SysDM & Imagine.Lab AMESim are leveraged in this process
Radhakrishnan, KarthikeyanPadmanaban, RameshPaike, RavindraVijay, Hari
ABSTRACT Engine performance is traditionally measured in a dynamometer where engine speed, torque, and fuel consumption measurements can be made very accurately and environmental conditions are well controlled. Durability testing is also carried out in a dynamometer to assess reduction in engine output due to normal aging. However, the symptoms associated with incipient failures are not often studied since it requires either stressing engine components above their recommended limit or exchanging parts of known deviation with normal ones. This work describes a methodology for seeding faults in an engine by electronic means so that they can be reversibly turned on and off in a controlled fashion. The focus is on seeding faults that produce changes in engine output so that comparison between precise measurements done with laboratory instruments may be compared with estimates derived from on-board measurements. Thus, we have relied on a rather broad spectrum of measurement capabilities
Zanini, MargheritaMarko, K.James, J.Beck, Christopher S.Tom, K.Stempnik, J.
ABSTRACT Vehicle prognostics are used to estimate the remaining useful life of components or subsystems, based on a limited number of measured vehicle parameters. Ideally, sensors would be available for every component and failure mode of interest, such that accurate data could be measured and used in prognostic estimates. However, this is impractical in terms of the number of sensors required and the costs to install such a system and maintain its integrity. A better solution is to relate the loading on a specific component to more generic vehicle behavior. This paper reviews a methodology referred to as the “Durability Transfer Concept”, which suggests that damage, or severity of usage, at various points of interest on a vehicle can be predicted simply from measured accelerations at some nominal location – a wheel axle, for example. Measured accelerations are double integrated to get displacements. Those displacements are then filtered using the Rupp or Lalanne method. A transfer
Halfpenny, AndrewHussain, ShabbirMcDougall, ScottPompetzki, Mark
ABSTRACT Northrop Grumman has developed Tactical Ground Vehicle High-Availability (HA) middleware conforming to open standards specified by the Service Availability Forum (SAF), a consortium of industry-leading communications and computing companies. The software hot-spare and standby capabilities realized by this technology operate across tightly and loosely coupled farms of processors, ensuring critical processes remain operational with zero or minimal interruption, as chosen by system architects. High availability software delivers key benefits to the warfighter. Systems experience less downtime, helping to maintain continuity of tactical operations. Both hardware and software failures are managed, reducing the impact on system aborts and essential function failures and therefore reducing the number of computing elements required to meet system level availability SWAP-CC (Size, Weight, Power, and Cost, Cooling). The wrappers Northrop Grumman has created for open source and
Nguyen, Tri
ABSTRACT Situation: There are many advantages during development of a design that come from doing Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis (DFMEA). These advantages include more reliable, safer, self-diagnosing, designs with higher Availability. Strictly from a Design for Reliability (DFR) viewpoint, DFMEA is the key tool to; a. identify and prioritize most critical potential Failure Modes (FMs) of the design, before design development, b. Document critical FM effects and root causes, and c. facilitate corrective actions and DVP&R planning, and d. form a reliability model which can be used to track reliability over the life of the design. Problem: Since even small and simple designs often have a few hundred potential failure modes, preparing a good DFMEA is always a problem of Effectiveness vs., Efficiency. Traditionally it has been very hard to achieve Effectiveness when limited time, money and resources are available and the push for Efficiency, speed or deadlines, causes critical FMs to
Cooper, Howard CTananko, DmitryShutek, J. Gordon
ABSTRACT Researchers at Caterpillar have been using Finite Element Analysis or Method (FEA or FEM), Mesh Free Models (MFM) and Discrete Element Models (DEM) extensively to model different earthmoving operations. Multi-body dynamics models using both flexible and rigid body have been used to model the machine dynamics. The proper soil and machine models along with the operator model can be coupled to numerically model an earthmoving operation. The soil – machine interaction phenomenon has been a challenging matter for many researchers. Different approaches, such as FEA, MFM and DEM are available nowadays to model the dynamic soil behavior; each of these approaches has its own limitations and applications. To apply FEA, MFM or DEM for analyzing earthmoving operations the model must reproduce the mechanical behavior of the granular material. In practice this macro level mechanical behavior is not achieved by modeling the exact physics of the microfabric structure but rather by
Alsaleh, Mustafa
ABSTRACT Vehicle prognostics are used to estimate the remaining useful life of components or subsystems, based on measured vehicle parameters. This paper presents an overview of a vehicle prognostic system, including the critical tasks associated with configuring such a system. The end user of a vehicle prognostic system focuses on the reports generated by the system that provide indications of vehicle readiness, condition and remaining useful life. These reports are based on measurements recorded from sensors on the vehicle and analyzed either on the vehicle or remotely by a “back office” information management system; the latter also provides usage severity trends. To implement such a system, an engineer must first define the vehicle components of interest and determine “damage correlates”: the relationship between damage occurring on key component(s) and key vehicle parameters that can be obtained from vehicle “bus data”. These “damage correlates” and the associated analysis methods
Pompetzki, MarkDabell, BrianGothamy, JosephBechtel, James
ABSTRACT Through Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) support from the U.S. Army, an industry partner has explored the possibility of using an ultrasonic guided wave computed tomography (CT) imaging approach to detect and characterize ballistic damage to composite armor panels that are commonly used in ground vehicles. Laboratory tests have been conducted and shows that the guided wave CT approach can indeed be applied to these complex structures to provide accurate damage mapping potential. Analytical analysis and finite element method (FEM) modeling has been used to aide in understanding guided wave propagation behavior in these anisotropic structures. The work presented herein clearly shows great potential for using a guided wave sensing approach to locate and image ballistic damage in composite armor panels as well as the ability to predict wave propagation and scattering in these complex structures that could be used in the future to predict optimal sensor geometry
Royer, Roger L.Yan, FeiAvioli, Michael J.Meitzler, ThomasRose, Joseph L.Owens, Steven E.Bishnoi, Krishan
ABSTRACT Camber Corporation, under contract with the TACOM Life Cycle Management Command Integrated Logistics Support Center, has developed an innovative process of data mining and analysis to extract information from Army logistics databases, identify top cost and demand drivers, understand trends, and isolate environmental issues. These analysis techniques were initially used to assess TACOM-managed equipment in extended operations in Southwest Asia (SWA). In 2009, at the request of TACOM and the Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC), these data mining processes were applied to four tactical vehicle platforms in support of Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) initiatives. This paper describes an enhanced data mining and analysis methodology used to identify and rank components as candidates for CBM sensors, assess total cost of repair/replacement and determine potential return on investment in applying CBM technology. Also discussed in this paper is the
Ortland, Richard J.Bissonnette, Lee A.Miller, Douglas R.
ABSTRACT Due to the severity of forces exerted during an IED blast, ground vehicles undergo multiple sub-events including local structural deformation of the floor, blast-off, free flight and slam-down (including rollover). Simulation of the entire blast event is computationally intensive due to the high fidelity level of the model and the long duration of the event. The purpose of this project was to develop a computationally-efficient, reduced order model to simulate the blast event in one single simulation, to be used for rapid evaluation of military ground vehicles. Models were developed using MADYMO’s rigid body and finite element integration techniques. Different methodologies used in MADYMO simulations, their performance results and comparisons are presented. A Hybrid III 50th Percentile male ATD model, enhanced for use in vertical loading conditions, was developed and validated to drop tower tests
Chandra, SherriRamalingam, JaisankarThyagarajan, Ravi
ABSTRACT In this paper, we discuss a neuroimaging experiment that employed a mission-based scenario (MBS) design, a new approach for designing experiments in simulated environments for human subjects [1]. This approach aims to enhance the realism of the Soldier-task-environment interaction by eliminating many of the tightly-scripted elements of a typical laboratory experiment; however, the absence of these elements introduces several challenges for both the experimental design and statistical analysis of the experimental data. Here, we describe an MBS experiment using a simulated, closed-hatch crewstation environment. For each experimental session, two Soldiers participated as a Commander-Driver team to perform six simulated low-threat security patrol missions. We discuss challenges faced while designing and implementing the experiment before addressing analysis approaches appropriate for this type of experimentation. We conclude by highlighting three example transition pathways from
Vettel, Jean M.Lance, Brent J.Manteuffel, ChrisJaswa, MatthewCannon, MarcelJohnson, TonyPaul, VictorOie, Kelvin S.
ABSTRACT In light of the cancellation of MIL-STD 1629A on 4 August 1998 with no superseding document, this paper outlines the tailoring of an effective industry tool for risk identification and prioritization that will lead to more reliable weapon systems for the warfighter, with reduced total ownership costs. The canceled MIL-STD 1629A used Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) which is similar in method to FMEA but with an added factor called Criticality for prioritization. In FMEA approach, criticality is addressed by the Risk Priority Number (RPN) and other ways to prioritize risk beyond those single criteria. Tank Automotive Research Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC), Systems Engineering Group (SEG) has tailored the FMEA’s Severity, Occurrence, and Detection ranking tables to suit DOD Systems by developing an additional scale (1 – 5) for severity and occurrence parameters for the existing industry scale (1 – 10). This will facilitate transitioning risks
Rizk, Kadry
ABSTRACT The functionality of the next-generation Department of Defense platforms, such as the Small Unmanned Ground Vehicles (SUGV) and Small Unmanned Arial Vehicles (SUAV), requires strongly electronics-rich architectures. The reliability of these systems will be dependent on the reliability of the electronics. These electronic systems and the critical components in them can experience extremely harsh thermal and vibrations environments. Therefore, it is imperative to identify the failure mechanisms of these components through experiments and simulation based on physics-of-failure methods. One of the key challenges in recreating life-cycle vibration conditions during design and qualification testing in the lab is the re-creation of simultaneous multi-axial excitation that closely mimics what the product experiences in the field. Currently, there are two common approaches in the industry when testing a prototype or qualifying a product for multi-axial vibration environments. One
Habtour, EdMortin, DavidChoi, CholminDasgupta, Abhijit
ABSTRACT Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (PPCA) is a promising tool for validating tests and computational models by means of comparing the multivariate time histories they generate to available field data. Following PPCA by interval-based Bayesian hypothesis testing enables acceptance or rejection of the tests and models given the available field data. In this work, we investigate the robustness of this methodology and present sensitivity studies of validating hybrid powertrain models of a military vehicle simulated over different proving ground courses
Pai, YogitaKokkolaras, MichaelHulbert, GregoryPapalambros, PanosPozolo, Michael K.Fu, YanYang, Ren-JyeBarbat, Saeed
This document proposes a method to demonstrate compliance to engine certification rules requiring tolerance of the control system to single failures leading to Loss of Power Control (LOPC) or Loss of Thrust Control (LOTC) for electric or hybrid engines. At issue 1, the document was developed to address only fully electric engine configurations targeting single engine CS/part 23 level 1 and 2 aircraft applications. The methodology proposed herein is based on an alternative definition of Loss of Power Control (LOPC) proposed by EASA, the FAA, TCCA, and ANAC in a joint Decision Document. It is therefore only applicable to projects which elect to implement this authority-proposed alternative definition. Other approaches for the demonstration of compliance of electric engines to control system single fault tolerance requirements, including approaches based on legacy practices applicable to piston engines, remain possible. They are, however, outside of the scope of this document. Future
E-40 Electrified Propulsion Committee
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies has significantly changed various industries. This study demonstrates the application of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to predict the drag coefficient of a complete vehicle profile. We have developed a design advisor that uses a custom 3D CNN with a U-net architecture in the DEP MeshWorks environment to predict drag coefficients (Cd) based on car shapes. This model understands the relationship between car shapes and air drag coefficients calculated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The AI/ML-based design advisor feature has the potential to significantly decrease the time required for predicting drag coefficients by conducting CFD calculations. During the initial development phase, it will serve as an efficient tool for analyzing the correlation between multiple design proposals and aerodynamic drag forces within a short time frame
Bijjala, Sridhar
Leak Before Break (LBB) is now widely applied in pressure vessels and other pressurized components to detect the failure by unstable crack initiation and propagation. This concept is also applied in pneumatic brake system components to validate the structural rigidity of the devices. Pneumatic brake system component plays a vital role in the commercial vehicle platform. It consists of four major systems such as charging systems, actuating systems, control systems and actuators. Charging System includes compressor, reservoir, air dryer, and system protection valves. Compressor acts as an energy source for pneumatic air brake systems, reservoir is used to store the compressed air generated by the compressor, and system protection valves are used to divide and distribute the air flow to the brake system. Air dryers are used to absorb moisture, oil particles and tiny foreign contaminants, regulate the system pressure, and blow off the excess pressure from the system. It contains a
Govindarasu, AnbarasuT, SukumarSubramanian, Vivek
The functionality of the Powertrain mount is to securely anchor the engine and gearbox within a vehicle, and effectively absorb vibrations, while simultaneously shielding the vehicle's body from powertrain movements and road irregularities. The mounts are supported by engine mount brackets, which serve as connectors between the engine mount and the vehicle's body-in-white (BIW), providing a structural link that secures the engine and gearbox assembly. Conventionally made with materials such as aluminum, sheet metal, or cast iron, a recent surge has been seen toward using a viable substitute in Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP). This transition is driven by the potential to reduce weight and cost, while also improving Noise, Vibration, and Harshness (NVH) characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate the relative strengths of existing brackets compared to those made of FRP, with a focus on their modal response and crash resistance. Due to the absence of a standardized method for modelling
Hazra, SandipKhan, Arkadip
This paper investigates the structural integrity of a center console armrest structure for a four-wheeler automobile. The present analysis investigates to reduce the mass of the armrest structure without compromising the structural integrity of the armrest model. Various loading conditions are employed to study the effects on the structure. Finite element analysis (FEA) approach is utilized to study the effects of various loading conditions on the structure. Topology optimization technique is employed to reduce the mass. The design criteria followed to achieve the mass reduction are kept in check by considering the global von-mises stress criterion, designable and non-designable areas of the structure. Linear structural analysis is conducted with Multipoint constraint (MPC) contacts, 3D solid higher order tetrahedral and hexahedral elements and beam elements to perform the FEA analysis. Sequential Convex Programming (SCP) method is employed in topology optimization for performing the
Shah, VirenShekhar, RaviKushari, SubrataMiraje, JitendraD, Suresh
The primary purpose of the active safety feature is to reduce the danger of a collision between the car and an obstruction. To improve occupant safety, active safety systems must be included on all new vehicles; nonetheless, not all incidents are preventable. The frequency of incidents on the road has recently increased in tandem with the number of cars, making it critical to investigate the crashworthiness of a vehicle because human life is at the top of the priority list. This study examines an occupant's responses prior to a crash event, as well as studies into how occupant posture influences injury data. Most of the existing research focuses on the pre-crash event or the occupant's optimal seated position. However, it is critical to understand an occupant's reflex or behavior during the pre-crash event, when the occupant is typically not in an appropriate seating posture due to the panic reflex. As a result, an occupant's reflex in a panic situation will change their seating
Shankara Murthy, SantoshSrinivasa, PraveenCK, UmeshPatil, ShubhamJois, Rahul
Lift axle system is widely used in trucks and trailer to enhance the load carrying capacity by lowering the axle. Nowadays, this raising or lowering the axle is automated using electronic pressure switch. The Electronic pressure switch is used to sense the pneumatic pressure from Load Detection valve in Lift Axle control system and activates the solenoid valve which aids in filling the air in the lift bellows. The configuration used in this switch is Single Pole Double Throw (SPDT) which has 3 terminals such as 1 common contact,1 Normally open (NO) & 1 Normally closed (NC). The contact of the switch changes its state at forward switching pressure and returns to its normal state at the reverse switching pressure. During lab validation process, pressure leakage and diaphragm puncture is observed. Rubber diaphragm is one of the critical elements in this pressure switch which is used to avoid any leakage during the pressure transfer from the load detection valve. This rubber diaphragm is
K, Ganesh KumarGovindarasu, AnbarasuSankar, SweethaSundarrajan, Srinivasan
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