Browse Topic: Semi-active suspension systems

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A serious problem of public healthcare around the world is the number of road vehicle accidents, every year almost 1,3 million people die and approximately 20 to 50 million people suffer a non-fatal accident because of a road vehicle accident [1]. As a result of that, in 2021 the World Health Organization stated the “The Second Decade of Action for Road Safety”, which the goal is to prevent at least 50% of deaths and injuries due traffic by 2030. To achieve this goal, the automobile companies have invested in technology and products that can enhance vehicle safety. Despite exist some control systems able to reduce roll, and consequently the roll over, such as active suspension, semi-active suspension, and stability control systems, none of them have as main purpose reduce the number of rollovers. The following study aims to examine the effects of an active anti roll bar, to improve the vehicle dynamics during corners and reduce the risk of a rollover by reducing the roll of the sprung
Gomes, Pedro CarvalhoTeixeira, Evandro Leonardo SilvaMorais, Marcus Vinicius GirãoFortaleza, Eugenio Liborio FeitoraSantos Gioria, Gustavo
In order to modify both stiffness and damping rates according to various road conditions, this research introduces a pneumatic spring in conjunction with a magnetorheological (MR) fluid damper as a single suspension unit for each wheel in the truck. Preventing weight transfer and improving riding comfort during braking, acceleration, and trajectory prediction are the main objectives. A two-axle truck has been used, consisting of three degrees of freedom for the sprung mass, including vertical, pitch, and roll motions, and four degrees of freedom for the unsprung masses, which have been redesigned according to the different types of springs and dampers. Pneumatic-controlled springs, often referred to as dynamic or classic models, replace laminated leaf springs commonly found in vehicles. Additionally, an MR damper replaces a hydraulic double-acting telescopic shock absorber. These models are studied to evaluate the effect of pneumatic spring parameters on truck dynamics. Pneumatic
Shehata Gad, AhmedEl-Zomor, Haytham M.
While semi-active suspensions help improve the ride comfort and road-holding capacity of the vehicle, they tend to be reactive and thus leave a lot of room for improvement. Incorporating road preview data allows these suspensions to become more proactive rather than reactive and helps achieve a higher level of performance. A lot of preview-based control algorithms in literature tend to require high computational effort to arrive at the optimal parameters thus making it difficult to implement in real time. Other algorithms tend to be based upon lookup tables, which classify the road input into different categories and hence lose their effectiveness when mixed types of road profiles are encountered that are difficult to classify. Thus, a novel MPC (model predictive control)-based algorithm is developed which is easy to implement online and more responsive to the varying road profiles that are encountered by the vehicle. The efficacy of the algorithm is tested against a numerical methods
Thamarai Kannan, Harish KumarFerris, John B.
Taking the semi-active suspension system as the research object, the forward model and inverse model of a continuous damping control (CDC) damper are established based on the characteristic test of the CDC damper. A multi-mode semi-active suspension controller is designed to meet the diverse requirements of vehicle performance under different road conditions. The controller parameters of each mode are determined using a genetic algorithm. In order to achieve automatic switching of the controller modes under different road conditions, a method is proposed to identify the road roughness based on the sprung mass acceleration. The average of the ratio between the squared sprung mass acceleration and the vehicle speed within a specific time window is taken as the identification indicator for road roughness. Simulation results show that the proposed road roughness identification method can accurately identify smooth roads (Class A–B), slightly rough roads (Class C), and severely rough roads
Feng, JieyinYin, ZhihongXia, ZhaoWang, WeiweiShangguan, Wen-BinRakheja, Subhash
Proportional integral derivative (PID) control technique is a famous and cost-effective control strategy, in real implementation, applied in various engineering applications. Also, the ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm is extensively applied in various industrial problems. This paper addresses the usage of the ACO algorithm to tune the PID controller gains for a semi-active heavy vehicle suspension system integrated with cabin and seat. The magnetorheological (MR) damper is used in main suspension as a semi-active device to enhance the ride comfort and vehicle stability. The proposed semi-active suspension consists of a system controller that calculate the desired damping force using a PID controller tuned using ACO, and a continuous state damper controller that predict the input voltage that is required to track the desired damping force. The ACO algorithm is used to solve the nonlinear optimization problem to search the PID controller gains by finding the optimal problem
Gad, SherifMetered, HassanBassiuny, A. M.Abdel-Ghany, Abdel-Ghany
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the efficiency of a quarter car semi-active suspension system with the state-derivative feedback controller using the Bouc-Wen model for magneto-rheological fluids. The magnetorheological (MR) dampers are classified as adaptive devices because of their characteristics can be easily modified by applying a controlled voltage signal. Semi-active suspension with MR dampers combines the benefits of active and passive suspension systems. The dynamic system captures the basic performance of the suspension, including seat travel distance, body acceleration, passenger acceleration, suspension travel distance, dynamic tire deflection and damping force. With minimal reliance on the use of sensors, the investigation aims to improve ride comfort and vehicle stability. In this study, the state derivative feedback controller and Genetic algorithm (GA) is utilized to improve the performance of semi-active suspension system. Moreover, the cost is reduced
M.Faragallah, MohamedMetered, HassanAbdelaziz, Taha H.
The study investigates the ride comfort of a rail vehicle with semi-active suspension control and its effect on train vertical dynamics. The Harmony Search algorithm optimizes the gains of a proportional integral derivative (PID) controller using the self-adaptive global best harmony search method (SGHS) due to its effectiveness in reducing the tuning time and offering the least objective function value. Magnetorheological (MR) dampers are highly valuable semi-active devices for vibration control applications rather than active actuators in terms of reliability and implementation cost. A quarter-rail vehicle model consisting of six degrees of freedom (6-DOF) is simulated using MATLAB/Simulink software to evaluate the proposed controller's effectiveness. The simulated results show that the optimized PID significantly improves ride comfort compared to passive.
Ali, Shaimaa A.Metered, HassanBassiuny, A. M.Abdel-Ghany, A.M.
The accuracy of chassis control for intelligent electric vehicles (IEVs), especially in road-based IEVs control for improving road holding and ride comfort, is a challenging task for the intelligent transport system. Due to the high fatality rate caused by inaccurate road-based control algorithms, how to precisely and effectively choose a reasonable road-based control algorithm become a hot topic in both academia and industry. To address and improve the performance of road holding and ride comfort of IEVs by using a semi-active suspension system, an adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) algorithm-based road information is proposed to realize the overall performance of the intelligent vehicle chassis system in the paper. Firstly, the models of road excitation and equivalent hybrid control of a quarter semi-active suspension system are established. Secondly, connecting with the minimum redundancy maximum relevance (MRMR) approach and probability neural network (PNN) theory, the method of
Wang, ZhenfengLiao, YinshengZhang, ZhijieHu, ZhimingZhao, GaomingHuang, TaishuoZhang, Lei
This paper presents an adaptive H2/H∞ control strategy for a semi-active suspension system with unknown suspension parameters. The proposed strategy takes into account the damping force characteristics of continuous damping control (CDC) damper. Initially, the external characteristics of CDC damper were measured, and a forward model and a back propagation (BP) neural network inverse model of CDC damper were proposed using the measured data. Subsequently, a seven-degree-of-freedom vehicle with semi-active suspension system and H2/H∞ controller was designed. Multiple feedback control matrices corresponding to different sprung mass parameter values were determined by analyzing time and frequency domain performance. Finally, a dual observer system combining suspension state and parameter estimation based on the Kalman filter algorithm was established. The estimated parameter was used to determine feedback control matrix, while the observed states were used to calculate the desired damping
Du, CanjieYin, ZhihongXia, ZhaoWang, WeiweiShangguan, Wen-Bin
A semi-active suspension system provides superior safety, ride, and handling performance for a vehicle by continuously varying the damping based on vehicle motions, where semi-active hydraulic damper (SAHD) is the most critical component. Today, SAHD’s are standard in most of the premium segments of vehicles and optional extras in mid-size and compact vehicle segments. Electric vehicles require larger sized SAHD’s to meet heavier vehicle loads and meet ride and handling requirements. The aim of this paper is to highlight the design and development methodology of a base valve for larger bore-size for semi-active hydraulic damper. The workflow follows to present a process for base valve design to meet structural strength and, the key steps of design calculations of the hydraulic performance. The design of the base valve and suction disks architecture was engineered with the aid of Computer Aided simulations. The structural performance was analyzed using the Finite Element Analysis (FEA
Chintala, ParameshPatwa, AakashSankaran, Shivanand
Semi-active suspension system (SASS) could enhance the ride comfort of the vehicle across different operating conditions through adjusting damping characteristics. However, current SASS are often calibrated based on engineering experience when selecting parameters for its controller, which complicates the achievement of optimal performance and leads to a decline in ride comfort for the vehicle being controlled. Linear quadratic constrained optimal control is a crucial tool for enhancing the performance of semi-active suspensions. It considers various performance objectives, such as ride comfort, handling stability, and driving safety. This study presents a control strategy for determining optimal damping force in SASS to enhance driving comfort. First, we analyze the working principle of the SASS and construct a seven-degree-of-freedom model. Next, the damping force optimal control strategy is designed by comprising of the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR
Zhao, JianLi, WantingZhu, BingChen, ZhichengDing, ShuweiLi, JunweiHao, WenquanZhang, Yong
Potholes are a major cause of discomfort for riders and vehicle damage. The passive suspension systems which are used in the passenger vehicles are primarily reaction based. These can’t adapt to the changing road conditions which means the best ride quality and handling characteristics cannot be ensured for different driving situations. Passive suspension system also needs more maintenance due to its inability to reduce the impact of the road irregularities. In recent years, semi-active suspension systems have been developed to improve ride comfort and vehicle safety. This paper covers the integration of a semi-active suspension system with a road preview mechanism with a TATA car model to investigate its impact on ride comfort, handling characteristics and component loads in digital domain. A quarter car vehicle model is used to compare different active damping control strategies. The best strategy is selected and integrated in a full vehicle MBS model to gain deeper insight on ride
Mishra, SatyakamPrasad, TejMaruenda Sanz, Javier
Adaptive neural networks (ANNs) have become famous for modeling and controlling dynamic systems. However, because of their failure to precisely reflect the intricate dynamics of the system, these have limited use in practical applications and perform poorly during training and testing. This research explores novel approaches to this issue, including modifying the simple neuron unit and developing a generalized neuron (GN). The revised version of the neuron unit helps to develop the system controller, which is responsible for providing the desired control signal based on the inputs received from the dynamic responses of the vehicle suspension system. The controller is then tested and evaluated based on the performance of the magnetorheological (MR) damper for the main suspension system. These results of the tests show that the optimal preview controller designed using the GN both ∑-Π-ANN and Π-∑-ANN can accurately capture the complex dynamics of the MR damper and improve their damping
Shehata Gad, AhmedDarakhshan Jabeen, SyedaGalal Ata, Wael
In this paper, semi-active MR main suspension system based on system controller design to minimize pitch motion linked with MR-controlled seat suspension by considering driver’s biodynamics is investigated. According to a fixed footprint tire model, the transmitted tire force is determined. The linear-quadratic Gaussian (LQG) system controller is able to enhance ride comfort by adjusting damping forces based on an evaluation of body vibration from the dynamic responses. The controlled damping forces are tracked by the signum function controllers to evaluate the supply voltages for the front and rear MR dampers. Based on the sprung mass acceleration level and its derivative as the inputs, the optimal type-2 (T-2) fuzzy seat system controller is designed to regulate the controlled seat MR damper force. The best rate for each linguistic variable is acquired by modifying the range between upper and lower membership functions (MFs), which enables accurate tracking of the seat-damping force
Shehata Gad, Ahmed
Suspension systems are an integral part of land vehicles and contribute significantly to the vehicle performance in terms of its ride comfort and road holding characteristics. In the case of Space Exploration Vehicles (SEVs), the requirement of these unmanned vehicles is to rove, collect pictures and transmit data back to the earth. This is generally performed with the help of exteroceptive, and proprioceptive sensors mounted on the main chassis of the SEV. The design of various components of such vehicles is dictated by the assumption of extreme terrain and environmental conditions that it might face. The Mars Exploration Rovers (MERs) have incorporated the use of the “Rocker-Bogie” mechanism for the suspension system which provides relative stability to the MER for various maneuvers. In this work, the “Rocker-Bogie” mechanism is modeled and simulated as a planar kinematic model using parameters of the Perseverance rover. It is found that the Rocker-Bogie tends to nullify the effects
Shenvi, MohitGorantiwar, AnishSandu, CorinaTaheri, Saied
The presented study is dedicated to the technology supporting vehicle state estimation and motion control with a concept drone, which helps the vehicle in sensing the surroundings and driving conditions. This concept allows also extending the functionality of the sensors mounted on the vehicle by replacing or including additional parameter observation channels. The paper discusses the feasibility of such a drone-vehicle interaction as well as demonstrates several design configurations. In this regard, the paper presents a general description of the proposed drone system that assists the vehicle and describes an experiment in measuring the profile of the road with a range sensor. The results obtained in the experiment are described in terms of the accuracy to be achieved using the drone and are compared with other studies, which use the methods of estimation from the sensors mounted on the vehicle. The proposed measurement concept can be applied to a large number of vehicle systems such
Beliautsou, ViktarBeliautsou, AleksandraIvanov, Valentin
Electromagnetic damper (EMD), which has shown good vibration isolation and energy harvesting potential, has received much attention in recent years. In addition, the harvested energy of EMD systems can be used to further suppress severe vibration. When the harvested energy of the suspension system is more than the consumed energy, the suspension system can realize self-powered functions. However, the integration of the above three functions is a challenge for the design of EMD systems. In this paper, a novel multi-function electromagnetic damper (MFEMD) system, which integrates the semi-active vibration control mode, energy-harvesting mode, and self-powered mode, is introduced first. The MFEIS system applies an H-bridge circuit to control the multi-directional flow of circuit energy flow, and the supercapacitor is used as the energy storage device because of its high-power density and rapid response speed. Since vehicles are driving in complex road conditions in the real world, road
Xia, XiangjunNing, DonghongLiao, YulinLiu, PengfeiDu, Haiping
Many vehicles have been equipped with air springs as elastic elements to get better performance in comfort, but absorbers may not work in an optimal state due to the variation of suspension stiffness. While the function of semi-active suspension is to enable the absorber damping to be adjusted according to different road roughness levels and to coordinate between comfort and handling. To solve the problem of matching the damping coefficient of variable stiffness suspensions represented by air springs, this paper proposed a method for calculating the optimal damping ratio of a semi-active suspension system in real-time with sprung mass acceleration and dynamic tire load to establish the objective function and suspension dynamic deflection as the constraint to reflect the unification of comfort and handling. The effectiveness of the proposed damping calculated method is validated by comparing it with classical methods including passive suspension and shy-hook control on straight roads
Zhu, QingxiaoChen, ZixuanYu, DongLao, ZhenhaiZhang, Yunqing
A vehicle must be designed in such a way that it guarantees its occupants safety and comfort in the face of various situations, such as a sudden lane change, something that can happen at any time during a trip or even a military operation. In this situation, the car must react to this excitement without compromising the car's stability. In this context, the present work aims to study the application of semi active suspension with magnetorheological dampers assisted by an embedded electronics system in order to improve the dynamic behavior of the vehicle, whose suspension springs are modeled in a non-linearly way using polynomials. To this end, this study performs an analysis of the vertical and lateral dynamics of a 4 x 4 vehicle with 10 degrees of freedom. The model construction uses the power flow methodology to establish the relationship between the kinematics and the dynamics of the chassis. The computational implementation was made utilizing block diagram methodology, using one
dos Santos Belle, Vilson Wenisda Costa Neto, Ricardo Teixeira
The present article analyses a 7 degrees of freedom full car model of a light four-wheel wheeler formulated analytically and using the bond graph/Simulink technique. A full car model formulated using the Bond graph/Simulink technique is fed with the bump, pothole, harmonic, and random excitations to analyze the vehicle’s dynamic behavior. The bond graph/Simulink model is validated by comparing its results with that of the analytical model when subjected to circular bump inputs and comparing its results with that of the field test when subjected to random inputs. The vehicle model is fitted with a skyhook control strategy on the axles and the response of the semi-active system is compared with the passive system. The present analysis suggests that a vehicle system with semi-active suspension shows improved vibration isolation characteristics as compared with passive suspension system when subjected to different types of excitations.
Sharma, Rakesh ChandmalPalli, SrihariGopala Rao, L. V. V.Duppala, AzadSharma, Sunil Kumar
Letter from the Special Issue Editors
Kaldas, MinaTrimboli, SergioRecker, DarrelHoersken, Christian
The aim of this study is to develop an Add-On Feature that could support the semi-active suspension system controller during longitudinal dynamics maneuvers. The Add-On Feature called Initial Pitch Control (IPC) is activated during launching, shifting, and braking to enhance the pitch motion characteristics and road-holding capability. A sixteen degrees-of-freedom (DoF) vehicle mathematical model represents the vertical and longitudinal dynamics developed and validated via laboratory and road tests. A hydraulic four-poster test rig is used to carry out the laboratory tests for the vertical dynamics verification, while the longitudinal dynamic verification is achieved through the performed tests on a highway track. In order to design the IPC algorithm, the Rule-Optimized (RO) semi-active suspension controller, an Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) controller, and seven gears Dual-Clutch Transmission (DCT) controller are implemented in the vehicle model. An optimization routine has been
Kaldas, Mina M.Rivas, JorgeSoliman, Aref M.A.
Automotive industry interest in renewable propulsion technology has led to a surge of investment in electric-only motorsport categories as a technological test bed. Electrification has enabled easier implementation of active vehicle dynamics control systems to improve performance and drivability, but limitations in battery technology create significant constraints which force a compromise between efficiency and performance. In this paper, four different control systems—Automatic Rear Steering (ARS), Drag Reduction System (DRS), Semi-Active Suspension (SAS), and Torque Vectoring (TV)—are tested in various configurations and combinations with the aim of characterizing their performance to energy consumption trade-offs in an electric Formula Student vehicle. A Driver-in-the-Loop (DiL) simulator was developed using Cruden Panthera along with a multibody Simulink vehicle model to capture the effects of drivability on vehicle performance. Vehicle configurations were tested using a
Chrysakis, GeorgiosVogel, JonathanNikzadfar, Kamyar
Electric vehicles driven by in-wheel-motor have the advantages of compact structure and high transmission efficiency, which is one of the most ideal energy-saving, environmentally friendly, and safe driving forms in the future. However, the addition of the in-wheel-motor significantly increases the unsprung mass of the vehicle, resulting in a decrease in the mass ratio of the vehicle body to the wheel, which will deteriorate the ride comfort and safety of the vehicle. To improve the vibration performance of in-wheel-motor driven vehicles, a semi-active inerter-spring-damper (ISD) suspension with in-wheel-motor (IWM) dynamic vibration absorber (DVA) of the electric wheel is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a structure of in-wheel-motor DVA is proposed, which converts the motor into a dynamic vibration absorber of the wheel to suppress the vibration of the unsprung mass. Secondly, based on a damper-inerter integrated device, a tandem ISD suspension was introduced into the electric
Zhang, KaidiWu, JinglaiZhang, Yunqing
Vehicle suspension is considered a vital system of modern automotive and necessary to offer an adequate level of ride comfort and roadholding. In the present paper, a fuzzy-based sliding surface (FBSS) controller is designed, as a system controller for the first time, for a semi-active vehicle suspension using a magnetorheological (MR) damper in order to minimize the transmitted unwanted vibrations to the passengers. Therefore, an ideal reference skyhook model is employed to construct the sliding surface, which is the input of fuzzy logic. MR damper is a semi-active device and is controlled indirectly using an external voltage source. So a neural-based damper controller is used to compute the applied voltage to the magnet coil of the MR damper in series with the FBSS system controller. The proposed semi-active controlled quarter-vehicle suspension using an MR damper is solved numerically by Matlab. Simulation results are generated in time and frequency domains to judge the suspension
Metered, Hassan
The combat cars design seeks to balance mobility and fire power, in order to enable the vehicle to shot with accuracy, although running on rough roads. The gun follows the chassis movement, as well as the cannon shots produce forces that change the car dynamics. Because of that, the suspension system of military vehicles has not only to reduce the oscillations caused by the terrain but also has to damper the gun recoil after each shot, preventing misalignment between the tube and the target. Therefore, the present study goal is to evaluate how semiactive dampers could reduce the chassis pitch motion of the Armored Personnel Carrier 6x6 Guarani, from the Brazilian Army, equipped with magnetorheological dampers, while running on a rough road and shooting with the 30 mm cannon at the same time. The proposed model uses the power flow concept to establish the kinematics relationships of the vehicle subsystems, and thus determinate the causality relationships among the components. It is
da Costa Neto, Ricardo TeixeiraSouza, Rogério Felipe Alberto
Due to their large volume structure, when a heavy vehicle encounters sudden road conditions, emergency turns, or lane changes, it is very easy for vehicle rollover accidents to occur; however, well-designed suspension systems can greatly reduce vehicle rollover occurrence. In this article, a novel semi-active suspension adaptive control based on AdaBoost algorithm is proposed to effectively improve the vehicle rollover stability under dangerous working conditions. This research first established a vehicle rollover warning model based on the AdaBoost algorithm. Meanwhile, the approximate skyhook damping suspension model is established as the reference model of the semi-active suspension. Furthermore, the model reference adaptive control (MRAC) system is established based on Lyapunov stability theory, and the adaptive controller is designed. Finally, on the same road condition, the rollover warning control simulations are carried out under the following conditions: the 180-degree step
Tianjun, ZhuWan, HegaoWang, ZhenfengWei, MaXu, XuejiaoZhiliang, ZouSanmiao, Du
Ride comfort assessment is undoubtedly related to the interaction between the vehicle tires and the road surface. Indeed, the road profile represents the typical input for tire vertical load estimation in durability analysis and for active/semi-active suspension controller design. However, the road profile evaluation through direct experimental measurements involves long test time and excessive cost required by professional instrumentations to detect the road irregularities with sufficient accuracy. An alternative is shifting attention towards efficient and robust algorithms for indirect road profile evaluation. The object of this work aims at providing road profile estimation starting from vehicle dynamics measurements, through accessible and traditional sensors, with the application of a linear Kalman filter algorithm. The filter is designed and tuned by considering the pitch/bounce half-car models for the prediction phase and by measuring vertical accelerations and angular speeds
Vella, Angelo DomenicoTota, AntonioVigliani, Alessandro
A full vehicle of a preview control semi-active suspension system based on an interval type-2 fuzzy controller design using a magnetorheological (MR) damper to improve ride comfort is investigated in this paper. It is integrated with the force distribution system to obtain the optimal rate of road adhesion during braking and handling. The nonlinear suspension model is derived by considering vertical, pitch, and roll motions. The preview interval type-2 fuzzy technique is designed as a system controller, and it is attached with a Signum function method as a damper controller to turn on the voltage for the MR damper. This voltage is adjusted for each wheel based on the external excitation generated by road roughness in order to enhance ride comfort. To describe the effectiveness and adaptable responses of the preview controlled semi-active system, the performance is compared with both the passive and MR passive suspension systems during time and frequency domains. The mathematical models
Shehata Gad, Ahmed
In order to achieve the high capability of the ride comfort and regulating the tire slip ratio, a preview of a nonlinear semi-active vibration control suspension system using a magnetorheological (MR) fluid damper is integrated with traction control in this paper. A controlled semi-active suspension system, which consists of the system controller and damper controller, was used to develop ride comfort, while the traction controller is utilized to reduce a generated slip between the vehicle speed and rotational rate of the tire. Both Fractional-Order Filtered Proportional-Integral-Derivative ( P¯IλDμ) and Fuzzy Logic connected either series or parallel with P¯IλDμ are designed as various methodologies of a system controller to generate optimal tracking of the desired damping force. The signum function method is modified as a damper controller to calculate an applied input voltage to the MR damper coil based on both preview signals and the desired damping force tracking. The fuzzy self
Gad, Ahmed ShehataMohamed, Eid S.El-Demerdash, Samir M.
This article presents a semi-active vibration control suspension system using a preview Model Predictive Control (MPC) linked with a magnetorheological (MR) damper to improve vehicle stability during handling dynamics, consequently confidently achieving both maneuverability and lateral dynamic motion. The mathematical model (4DOF) described by bounce and pitch motions for sprung mass and two bounce motions for the un-sprung masses, which consists of a preview half-vehicle suspension system and MR dampers at the front and rear axles, is derived. A nonpreview case of the linear quadratic regulator (LQR), a preview case of the LQR, and a preview case of the MPC as alternative methods are applied to design the system controller in combination with a signum function method as a damper controller for both the front and rear MR dampers. The vehicle handling model based on the look-ahead distance of the road, which includes yaw and lateral motions, is linked with the driver model. Magic
Shehata Gad, Ahmed
In this paper, a nonlinear semi-active vehicle suspension system using MR fluid dampers is investigated to enhance ride comfort and vehicle stability. Fuzzy logic and fuzzy self-tuning PID control techniques are applied as system controllers to compute desired front and rear damping forces in conjunction with a Signum function method damper controller to assess force track-ability of system controllers. The suggested fuzzy self-tuning PID operates fuzzy system as a PID gains tuner to mitigate the vehicle vibration levels and achieve excellent performance related to ride comfort and vehicle stability. The equations of motion of four-degrees-of-freedom semi-active half-vehicle suspension system incorporating MR dampers are derived and simulated using Matlab/Simulink software. Control performance criteria including bounce and pitch motions are evaluated in both time and frequency domains in order to quantify the effectiveness of proposed system controllers under bump and random road
Gad, Ahmed ShehataOraby, W.Metered, H.
In this paper, a quarter-car suspension system has been investigated for the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)-classified road profile with various control strategies. The vehicle suspension system provides ride comfort and handling by reducing the transfer of road disturbances or irregular road profile to the passenger and cargo materials. The suspension also retains the road and tire contact, stabilizing the vehicle’s movements. A combination of fuzzy logic and neural network, i.e., adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), is deployed as a control strategy to control the quarter-car semi-active suspension model. Quarter-car suspension models with a passive control and semi-active controller with different control strategies, viz., Skyhook, Fuzzy Logic (FLC), and ANFIS, are designed and modeled in MATLAB/SIMULINK®. Numerical simulations were performed on developed quarter-car models for an ISO-classified road profile disturbance, and the performance was
Mulla, Ansar AllauddinUnune, Deepak Rajendra
The accuracy of state estimation and optimal control for controllable suspension system is a challenging task for the vehicle suspension system under various road excitations. How to effectively acquire suspension states and choose the reasonable control algorithm become a hot topic in both academia and industry. Uncertainty is unavoidable for the suspension system, e.g., varying sprung or unsprung mass, suspension damping force or spring stiffness. To tackle the above problems, a novel observer-based control approach, which combines adaptive unscented Kalman filter (AUKF) observer and model predictive control (MPC), is proposed in the paper. A quarter semi-active suspension nonlinear model and road profile model are first established. Secondly, using the road classification identification method based on system response, an AUKF algorithm is employed to estimate accurately the state of suspension system. Due to the nonlinear of semi-active suspension damping force in the movement
Wang, ZhenfengXu, ShengjieLi, FeiWang, XinyuYang, JiansenMiao, Jing
Aiming at improving safety (anti-roll performance) with consideration of ride comfort of vehicles during cornering and over road irregularities, magnetorheological (MR) fluid-based semi-active anti-roll bar is investigated in this article. The vehicle roll model with both roll stiffness and roll damping of the vehicle body influenced by the MR anti-roll bar is established to analyze the impact of the torsional stiffness and torsional damping. Combining with the Pareto front of the lateral load transfer ratio (LTR) of the front axle, the optimal roll stiffness and roll damping of a vehicle are determined, and correspondingly the torsional stiffness and torsional damping of the anti-roll bar are determined. And then the mathematical model and multibody dynamic model of the anti-roll bar are established, and the simulation of the MR semi-active anti-roll bar model is carried out via MATLAB/Simscape Multibody. CarSim vehicle model equipped with the MR anti-roll bar is built and a fuzzy
Tang, ChaoBai, Xian-XuXu, Shi-Xu
A non-linear mathematical model of a semi-active (2DOF) vehicle suspension using a magnetorheological (MR) damper with information concerning the road profile ahead of the vehicle is proposed in this paper. The semi-active vibration control system using an MR damper consists of two nested controllers: a system controller and a damper controller. The fuzzy logic technique is used to design the system controller based on both the dynamic responses of the suspension and the Padé approximation algorithm method of a preview control to evaluate the desired damping force. In addition, look-ahead preview of the excitations resulting from road irregularities is used to quickly mitigate the effect of the control system time delay on the damper response. Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) inverse model without preview, ANFIS inverse model with preview, and ANFIS inverse model with preview and optimization strategies are used to design the damper controller to evaluate different values
Shehata Gad, AhmedEl-Zoghby, HelmyOraby, WalidMohamed El-Demerdash, Samir
While traveling on any type of ground, the damper of a vehicle has the critical task of attenuating the vibrations generated by its irregularities, to promote safety, stability, and comfort to the occupants. To reach that goal, several passive dampers projects are optimized to embrace a bigger frequency range, but, by its limitations, many studies in semiactive and active dampers stands out by promoting better control of the vehicle dynamics behavior. In the case of military vehicles, which usually have more significant dimensions than the common ones and can run on rough or unpaved lands, the use of semi-active or active dampers reveals itself as a promising alternative. Motivated by that, the present study performs an analysis of the vertical dynamics of a wheeled military vehicle with four axles, using magnetorheological dampers. This study is made using a configuration of the distances between the axles of the vehicle, which is chosen from five available options. The proposed model
Dantas, Caio PereiraGabriel, Felipe Magalhães de Matosda Costa Neto, Ricardo Teixeira
Semi-active suspension systems have traditionally used accelerometers mounted on the wheel and body to sense vehicle motion. However, the cost and weight of these sensors and their associated bracketry and wiring must be considered when deciding to adopt a semi-active suspension system on a particular vehicle. In previous report [1], Authors have described a Bi-Linear Optimal control algorithm [2] by which sprung mass motion is estimated using height sensor signals and a Kalman filter. Such an algorithm would eliminate the need for additional accelerometers and their associated hardware, resulting in a cheaper and lighter system. In this report, the Authors propose a method of improved ride comfort and reducing tuning time of this algorithm by improving the sprung mass motion estimation method.
Kasuya, KentaroHirao, RyusukeIchimaru, NobuyukiAssadi, Jahan
This paper aims to present an enhanced fuzzy sliding-mode control scheme with variable rate reaching law for semi-active vehicle suspension systems, which can reduce chattering phenomena in high frequency compared with the sliding-mode controller with traditional exponent reaching law. First, an ideal-skyhook damping suspension system is taken as reference model; then the new control law is synthesized by employing the fuzzy logic control while considering the sliding-mode reaching segment characteristics, which can dynamically change the reaching rate to suppress chattering in closed-loop control systems; finally, simulation analysis is conducted under both random road and bump road surface, the results verified the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed control scheme.
Pang, HuiYang, JunjieLiang, JunXu, Zeren
The control parameter of the semi-active suspension system varies with road profile; therefore, in this study a new algorithm based on cuckoo search (CS) optimization method and road estimation was proposed to investigate the characteristics of the nonlinear parameters and at the same time improve the riding comfort. Based on this, a seven degree of freedom full vehicle model was developed with nonlinear damper and spring. The sprung mass acceleration, pitch acceleration, and tire deflection could be selected as the objective functions, and the control current of semi active suspension was selected as optimization variable. A multi-object CS algorithm was utilized to obtain the optimal parameters under different road profiles, and a road estimation algorithm was used to identify the road level. Then the control parameters could be adjusted adaptively according to the level of the road. Furthermore, computer simulations were carried out to illustrate the performance of the proposed
Sun, JinweiDong, MingmingQin, YechenGu, Liang
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