Browse Topic: Electronic warfare
Deliberate RF jamming of drones has become one of the most common battlefield tactics in Ukraine. But what is jamming, how does it work and how can it be countered by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the field? Radio frequency (RF) jamming of drones involves deliberate interference with the radio signals used for communication between drones and their operators.
The final frontier in digital transformation is the analog edge, where apertures and actuators meet the mission. Buried behind layers of firmware and analog mitigation, open architecture has a new frontier to conquer, and the opportunity starts at the component level, where digital transformation and the miniaturization enabled by Moore's Law is having its biggest impact. Miniature, modular, and intelligent gateways can be embedded into analog components to replace and re-imagine old firmware and analog mitigation circuitry. These new, embedded gateways promise to bring open architecture deeper into the tactical edge and realize a new level of agility throughout the lifecycle of a system, from design through sustainment of hybrid digital and analog systems.
Anduril Industries Orange County, CA
Northrop Grumman San Diego, CA
In the ever-evolving landscape of electronic warfare (EW), the imperative for technological prowess has never been more pronounced. At the vanguard of this evolution stands a technological marvel-high-performance software defined radios (SDRs). This article provides on an in-depth exploration of the transformative potential embedded in SDRs, focusing on their remarkable attributes of very high bandwidths, wide tuning ranges, and high channel counts. From the foundational principles of SDRs to their nuanced applications in modern warfare, this narrative endeavors to unravel the complexities and possibilities presented by these cutting-edge systems.
Modern armed forces require advanced signal transmission systems for mission success. Military operations, including those utilizing aircraft and warships, are reliant on receiving and transmitting high-speed data at RF and millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies. In today's battlefield, high-speed cables must perform to specification under any condition, which in turn necessitates innovative test solutions that can conduct accurate and repeatable measurements. Mission success, aircraft survivability, and troop safety depend on critical defense systems. Signals intelligence (SIGINT), electronic warfare (EW), Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C5ISR), and other systems must reliably provide global situational awareness. System interference can be caused by multiple factors - intentional and unintentional. Advancing EW technologies have led to an increase in nefarious acts by adversaries with the goal of intentionally creating
As radio frequency (RF) and digital hardware have advanced over the years, radar capabilities have progressed to provide higher resolution, greater tracking ranges and higher frequency agility as well as data processing and electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) for protection. Technology advancements in RF, digital hardware, active electronically scanned arrays (AESA), synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and cognitive electronic warfare (cogEW) have necessitated advances in test and training systems.
As radio frequency (RF) and digital hardware have advanced over the years, radar capabilities have progressed to provide higher resolution, greater tracking ranges and higher frequency agility as well as data processing and electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) for protection. Technology advancements in RF, digital hardware, active electronically scanned arrays (AESA), synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and cognitive electronic warfare (cogEW) have necessitated advances in test and training systems.
Software Defined Radios or SDRs are used in a wide variety of design requirements. This includes spectrum monitoring and analysis, control and management of a network of radios, and designing and deploying next-generation wireless communications systems. These capabilities can lend themselves to applications such as drone detection/control and deterrence, controlling the wideband spectrum for electronic warfare, secure communications and networking, massive MIMO testbeds, passive RADAR, signals intelligence, and much more. There are various solutions for these applications, but one of the most ubiquitous approaches is utilizing NI's Ettus Research brand of SDRs. We'll use these enclosures for many of our examples, but a similar approach could apply to all types of SDR or radio frequency (RF) communications devices. All types of engineers and specialists in the RF communications and control arena have done prototyping and analysis using these kinds of lab and controlled-environment
ABSTRACT The U.S. Army must adapt and upgrade ground platforms at the speed of technology advancement to maintain competitive advantages over adversaries. The Program Executive Office (PEO) Ground Combat Systems (GCS) Common Infrastructure Architecture (GCIA) is a new ground systems approach to enable persistent modernization of future platforms. For legacy platforms, Project Lead Capability Transition and Product Integration (PL CTPI) is developing plans to incrementally incorporate standards and portions of GCIA where feasible and affordable on legacy platforms. The GCIA will enable rapid integration of ground system capabilities, increasing the Army’s ability to counter emergent threats on the battlefield. Citation: PEO GCS / PL CTPI, “Architecting for Persistent Modernization,” In Proceedings of the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS), NDIA, Novi, MI, Aug. 16-18, 2022.
The critical role of spectrum superiority in the success of battlefield campaigns is evidenced by the enormous investments being made in electronic warfare (EW) capabilities by governments worldwide. Communication technologies, such as 5G, are quickly being adopted by militaries in an attempt to satisfy the demand for exponentially larger amounts of data transmission in a shorter period of time. As quickly as secure communication strategies are being developed to encrypt mission critical data, so too are the technologies used to detect, decode, and disrupt such communications. The security and integrity of critical communications is of the utmost importance as the world progresses towards an increasingly networked theater of operations. The militaries of the world appear to be in widespread agreement that the critical communication infrastructure of tomorrow's battlefields need to be: Rapidly deployable and reconfigurable for mission readiness. Designed for minimal spectral footprint
An industry-leading military radar receiver manufacturer needed to deliver radar receivers that met tough new customer specifications. To ensure a quality product, the manufacturer reviewed many aspects of its test strategy, focused on ensuring its radar receivers could meet the new specifications. Radar receiver sensitivity is critical for electronic warfare (EW) applications. A radar receiver that is outside specifications will fail to decipher signals properly from long distances. This is not an option in military applications.
ABSTRACT The confluence of intra-vehicle networks, Vehicular Integration for (C4ISR) Command, Control Communication, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance/(EW) Electronic Warfare Interoperability (VICTORY) standards and onboard general-purpose processors creates an opportunity to implement Army combat ground vehicle intercommunications (intercom) capability in software. The benefits of such an implementation include 1) SWAP savings, 2) cost savings, 3) simplified path to future upgrades and 4) enabling of potential new capabilities such as voice activated mission command. The VICTORY Standards Support Office (VSSO), working at the direction of its Executive Steering Group (ESG) members (Program Executive Office (PEO) Ground Combat Systems (GCS), PEO Combat Support and Combat Service Support (CS&CSS), PEO Command Control Communications-Tactical (C3T) and PEO Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (IEW&S)), has developed and demonstrated a software intercom
ABSTRACT The Vehicular Integration for Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance / Electronic Warfare (C4ISR/EW) Interoperability (VICTORY) standards is an open architecture that defines how software and hardware are shared as common resources among services that make up a platform’s capabilities such as Ethernet switches and routers, end nodes, processing units, as well as functionality such as position and navigation systems, radios, health monitoring, and automotive. The VICTORY standard enables reducing the total Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP), and Costs (SWaP-C) on a platform. As part of the Information Assurance (IA) capabilities of the VICTORY standard, the VICTORY Access Control Framework (VACF) provides protection to these shared resources in the form of an Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) system. The VACF is composed of five VICTORY component types: Authentication, Attribute Store, Policy Store, Policy Decision, and Policy
ABSTRACT Standard specifications give programs the flexibility of developing large systems from smaller pieces that can communicate between one another in a standard fashion. This benefit is lost, however, if there is no way to verify that vendors successfully adhere to the standard in question. The Vehicular Integration for Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (C4), Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Electronic Warfare (EW) Interoperability (VICTORY) standards aim to create interoperability across various C4ISR/EW and platform systems installed on military ground vehicles while reducing size, weight, and power (SWaP) and enabling additional capabilities. The VICTORY Compliance Test Suite (CTS) provides a method to test hardware and software according to the standard specifications to ensure interoperability between VICTORY compliant components.
Electronic Intelligence Receiver (ELINT) is an important component in electronic warfare (EW) and layer sensing. The information it provides by constant surveillance can be used to detect, track and classify signals across the electromagnetic spectrum. The proper identification and reaction to the threat can avoid disaster and assure spectrum dominance for Air Force systems.
ABSTRACT Global Positioning System (GPS) technology has become absolutely indispensable to today’s warfighter. GPS signals provide Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) data that are needed by virtually every critical military system. Digital radio networks require precise time to operate. Direct and indirect fires systems need precise coordinates to accurately determine firing data. Individual soldiers and vehicles need positioning and navigation data to coordinate offensive and defensive maneuver. Battle management systems require the location of every friendly unit in order to provide commanders with an understanding of the battlefield. The list goes on and on. In short, PNT has become a critical element in the ability to shoot, move, and communicate. The dependency on PNT is well understood. The Secretary of the Army recently testified to Congress, “Having accurate PNT information is fundamental to our forces’ ability to maintain initiative, coordinate movements, target fires
ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the use of PKI within intra vehicle networks in compliance with the VICTORY specification. It will describe how the use of PKI within vehicle networks can leverage and integrate with the other PKI efforts across the Army to ensure a consistent and interoperable solution. It will also describe some of the challenges with implementing PKI as part of VICTORY and introduce possible solutions to address these challenges.
ABSTRACT Radio frequency products spanning multiple functions have become increasingly critical to the warfighter. Military use of the electromagnetic spectrum now includes communications, electronic warfare (EW), intelligence, and mission command systems. Due to the urgent needs of counterinsurgency operations, various quick reaction capabilities (QRCs) have been fielded to enhance warfighter capability. Although these QRCs were highly successfully in their respective missions, they were designed independently resulting in significant challenges when integrated on a common platform. This paper discusses how the Modular Open RF Architecture (MORA) addresses these challenges by defining an open architecture for multifunction missions that decomposes monolithic radio systems into high-level components with well-defined functions and interfaces. The functional decomposition maximizes hardware sharing while minimizing added complexity and cost due to modularization. MORA achieves
Military electronic warfare (EW) systems including navigation, radar guidance, terrain mapping and others, require lightweight compact components, with radio frequency (RF) output power levels to several kilowatts typically needed to meet system requirements. As GaN transistor technology advances in frequency and power output, solid state power amplifiers (SSPAs) have begun replacing traveling wave tubes (TWTs) at frequencies up to 6 GHz. The utilization of this technology results in a lower cost and greater efficiency over the life of a product.
ABSTRACT The VICTORY initiative has been broadly adopted across the US Defense ground vehicle community. Last year, PEO GCS generated Acquisition Decision Memorandums (ADM) guiding the Platform community to incorporate VICTORY architecture in many vehicle modernization efforts, as well as new start vehicle programs. The community can generally agree that VICTORY is driving the vehicle architecture in a positive direction, providing a much more efficient architecture to enable current, and future, technology integration. A major component of the VICTORY standards addresses the distribution of GPS-supplied information for position, heading, elevation, and timing. The vast majority of major subsystems on today’s military ground vehicles utilize GPS data in some form. These systems include fire control computers, navigation and blue force tracking equipment, ISR assets, electronic warfare devices, personal navigation equipment, laser range finders, command & control (C2) computers, UAV’s
Future trends for military radar require multifunction systems that combine radar, communications, and electronic warfare. This higher level of functional integration improves battlefield performance through heightened awareness, improved responsiveness, and mission execution. Integrated Top Side (INTOP) is one such example where the Office of Naval Research (ONR) is leading the charge in combining a “forest of antenna masts” into a single, multi-function Active Electronically Scanned Array System (AESA) aperture. Figure 1 shows the large number of antenna arrays and complexity of shipborne radar that can be dramatically simplified by the INTOP program.
For the capable RF engineer, continuous- wave (CW) and predictably repeating signals are no great challenge. However, design and troubleshooting become difficult when dealing with agile signals, and the challenges grow when these signals exist in an environment densely populated with similarly agile signals. Examples include applications such as radar, electronic warfare, wireless connectivity, and wireless communications. Indeed, some engineering jobs must be performed where two or more of these technologies intersect — sometimes accidentally and sometimes deliberately.
Aircraft utilize electrical power for many functions ranging from simple devices such as resistive heaters to highly advanced and complex systems responsible for communications, situational awareness, electronic warfare and fly-by-wire flight controls. The operational states of these electronic systems affect safety, mission success and the overall economic expense of operation and maintenance. These electronic systems rely on electrical power within established limits of power quality. In recent years, electrical power quality is becoming excessively degraded due to increased usage of nonlinear and dynamic loads coupled to aircraft power systems that were neither designed nor tested for these loads. Legacy power generation systems were designed for electrical loads with resistive and inductive properties, which previously represented the majority of actual aircraft electrical loads. As more complex and advanced electronic systems were invented, mostly due to developments in
High power levels and high power densities associated with directed energy weapon systems, electronic warfare systems, and high thrust-to-weight aircraft propulsion systems require the development of effective and efficient thermal management solutions. As the objective for many high-power electronic systems is integration onto mobile platforms, strict requirements are also placed on the size, weight, and power draw of the corresponding thermal management system. High peak waste heat loads cannot be efficiently rejected to ambient air in a package integrated onto a mobile platform, leading to the need to store large amounts of energy in a compact, lightweight package. Thermal storage devices must not only be able to store energy rapidly at high power levels but they must also reject energy efficiently, allowing the thermal storage device to recharge for multiple uses. This paper will discuss the design of an advanced phase-change thermal storage device and present the effects of the
Radio detection and ranging (RADAR) systems, as they were originally called, have blossomed into a wide array of indispensible equipment for military and civilian use. Today, there are many types of radars designed for numerous applications. Scanning radars, moving target indicators (MTI), Doppler weather radars, guided missile seekers, phased-array early warning systems, ground-penetrating radars, synthetic aperture satellite survey radars, aviation radar altimeters, automotive collision-avoidance radars, aircraft radars, and a host of other special- purpose radars define today’s growing industry.
ABSTRACT In this paper, we present a proof-of-concept prototype system created in an applied research and development effort at Southwest Research Institute. The Advanced Situational Awareness (ASA) Modeling and Visualization Environment is a response to the need for applications that improve the value and presentation of situational awareness information by leveraging the increased integration of sensors, Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR), and Electronic Warfare (EW) systems with networks in ground vehicles. The ongoing U.S. Army Vehicular Integration for C4ISR/EW Interoperability (VICTORY) initiative is providing the framework by which this integration of sensors and systems can be realized. By utilizing the VICTORY concepts and current specifications, the research team was able to develop an ASA system that provides: cross-vehicle reasoning, visualization of situation awareness (SA) data overlaid on video, and a
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