Browse Topic: Driving control assistance
Autonomous vehicles utilise sensors, control systems and machine learning to independently navigate and operate through their surroundings, offering improved road safety, traffic management and enhanced mobility. This paper details the development, software architecture and simulation of control algorithms for key functionalities in a model that approaches Level 2 autonomy, utilising MATLAB Simulink and IPG CarMaker. The focus is on four critical areas: Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB), Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Lane Detection (LD) and Traffic Object Detection. Also, the integration of low-level PID controllers for precise steering, braking and throttle actuation, ensures smooth and responsive vehicle behaviour. The hardware architecture is built around the Nvidia Jetson Nano and multiple Arduino Nano microcontrollers, each responsible for controlling specific actuators within the drive-by-wire system, which includes the steering, brake and throttle actuators. Communication
Exactly when sensor fusion occurs in ADAS operations, late or early, impacts the entire system. Governments have been studying Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) since at least the late 1980s. Europe's Generic Intelligent Driver Support initiative ran from 1989 to 1992 and aimed “to determine the requirements and design standards for a class of intelligent driver support systems which will conform with the information requirements and performance capabilities of the individual drivers.” Automakers have spent the past 30 years rolling out such systems to the buying public. Toyota and Mitsubishi started offering radar-based cruise control to Japanese drivers in the mid-1990s. Mercedes-Benz took the technology global with its Distronic adaptive cruise control in the 1998 S-Class. Cadillac followed that two years later with FLIR-based night vision on the 2000 Deville DTS. And in 2003, Toyota launched an automated parallel parking technology called Intelligent Parking Assist on the
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the implementation of DVI for momentary intervention-type LKA systems, as defined by ISO 11270. LKA systems provide driver support for safe lane keeping operations via momentary interventions. LKA systems are SAE Level 0, according to SAE J3016. LKA systems do not automate any part of the dynamic driving task (DDT) on a sustained basis and are not classified as an integral component of a partial or conditional driving automation system per SAE J3016. The design intent (i.e., purpose) of an LKA system is to address crash scenarios resulting from inadvertent lane or road departures. Drivers can override an LKA system intervention at any time. LKA systems do not guarantee prevention of lane drifts or related crashes. Road and driving environment (e.g., lane line delineation, inclement weather, road curvature, road surface, etc.) as well as vehicle factors (e.g., speed, lateral acceleration, equipment condition, etc.) may affect the
Letter from the Focus Issue Editors
This SAE Recommended Practice presents a method and example results for determining the Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) for automotive motion control electrical and/or electronic (E/E) systems. The ASIL determination activity is required by ISO 26262-3, and it is intended that the process and results herein are consistent with ISO 26262. The technical focus of this document is on vehicle motion control systems. The scope of this SAE Recommended Practice is limited to collision-related hazards associated with motion control systems. This SAE Recommended Practice focuses on motion control systems since the hazards they can create generally have higher ASIL ratings, as compared to the hazards non-motion control systems can create. Because of this, the Functional Safety Committee decided to give motion control systems a higher priority and focus exclusively on them in this SAE Recommended Practice. ISO 26262 has a wider scope than SAE J2980, covering other functions and accidents
Startups are famous for moving quickly. Vinfast may want to slow things down. It was only 2019 when the Vietnamese company built its first cars, rebodied versions of gasoline BMWs that became hits in its home market. Vinfast speedily developed four electric SUVs, including the inaugural VF8 that SAE Media drove in southern California. At the same time, a cargo ship docked near San Francisco, carrying nearly 2,000 VF8s for customers in California and Canada. The next day, Vinfast announced plans to go public via a SPAC merger. And Vinfast recently broke ground on a $4 billion factory in North Carolina, targeting 150,000 units of annual capacity and more than 7,000 jobs.
Multi-Target tracking is a central aspect of modeling the surrounding environment of autonomous vehicles. Automotive millimeter-wave radar is a necessary component in the autonomous driving system. One of the biggest advantages of radar is it measures the velocity directly. Another big advantage is that the radar is less influenced by environmental conditions. It can work day and night, in rainy or snowy conditions. In the expressway scenario, the forward-looking radar can generate multiple objects, to properly track the leading vehicle or neighbor-lane vehicle, a multi-target tracking algorithm is required. How to associate the track and the measurement or data association is an important question in a multi-target tracking system. This paper applies the nearest-neighbor method to solve the data association problem and uses an extended Kalman filter to update the state of the track. Finally, the tracking algorithm is tested on the vehicle equipped with millimeter radar and the result
Simulation of real time situations is a time tested software validation methodology in the automotive industry and array of simulation technologies have been in use for decades and is widely accepted and been part & parcel of software development cycle. While software that is being developed needs detailed plan, architecture and detailed design, it also matters during its development that, it is built in the right way from the very beginning and is fine tuned constantly. Especially for Software-In-Loop simulation (SIL), plenty of practices/tools/techniques/data are being used for simulation of system/software behavior. When it comes to choosing the right simulation technique and tools to be adopted, often there are discussions revolve around cost, feasibility, effectiveness, man-power, scalability, reusability etc. As automotive software validation is data driven, we deal with myriad of ground truth data for simulations, ranging from vehicle dynamics to vehicle models to environment
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