Browse Topic: Engine cylinders

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In the context of low-carbon and zero-carbon development strategies, the transformation and upgrading of the energy structure is an inevitable trend. As a renewable fuel, ammonia has a high energy density. When ammonia is burned alone, the combustion speed is slow. The emissions of nitrogen oxides and unburned ammonia is high. Therefore, a suitable high-reactivity combustion aid fuel is required to improve the combustion characteristics of ammonia. Based on this background, this study converted a six-cylinder engine into a single-cylinder ammonia/diesel dual-fuel system, with diesel fuel as the base and a certain percentage of ammonia blended in. The impact of varying the injection pressure and equivalence ratio on engine combustion and emissions was examined. The results demonstrate that an appropriate increase in injection pressure can promote fuel-gas mixing and increase the indicated thermal efficiency (ITE). With regard to emissions, an increase in injection pressure has been
Wang, HuLv, ZhijieZhang, ShouzhenWang, MingdaYang, RuiYao, Mingfa
Reducing vehicle weight is a key task for automotive engineers to meet future emission, fuel consumption, and performance requirements. Weight reduction of cylinder head and crankcase can make a decisive contribution to achieving these objectives, as they are among the heaviest components of a passenger car powertrain. Modern passenger car cylinder heads and crankcases have greatly been optimized in terms of cost and weight in all-aluminum design using the latest conventional production techniques. However, it is becoming apparent that further significant weight reduction cannot be expected, as processes such as casting have reached their limits for further lightweighting due to manufacturing restrictions. Here, recent developments in the additive manufacturing (AM) of metallic structures is offering a new degree of freedom. As part of the government-funded research project LeiMot [Lightweight Engine (Eng.)] borderline lightweight design potential of a passenger car cylinder head with
Kayacan, CanPischinger, StefanAhlborn, KlausBültmann, Jan
Opposed piston two-stroke (OP2S) diesel engines have demonstrated a reduction in engine-out emissions and increased efficiency compared to conventional four-stroke diesel engines. Due to the higher stroke-to-bore ratio and the absence of a cylinder head, the heat transfer loss to the coolant is lower near ‘Top Dead Center.’ The selection and design of the air path is critical to realizing the benefits of the OP2S engine architecture. Like any two-stroke diesel engine, the scavenging process and the composition of the internal residuals are predominantly governed by the pressure differential between the intake and the exhaust ports. Without dedicated pumping strokes, the two-stroke engine architecture requires external devices to breathe. In the unique OP2S engine architecture studied in this work, the external pumping devices present in the air path include an electrically assisted turbocharger (EAT), an electrified EGR pump, and a back-pressure valve (BPv) located downstream of the
Bhatt, AnkurGandolfo, JohnHuo, MingGainey, BrianLawler, Benjamin
Metal cutting/machining is a widely used manufacturing process for producing high-precision parts at a low cost and with high throughput. In the automotive industry, engine components such as cylinder heads or engine blocks are all manufactured using such processes. Despite its cost benefits, manufacturers often face the problem of machining chips and cutting oil residue remaining on the finished surface or falling into the internal cavities after machining operations, and these wastes can be very difficult to clean. While part cleaning/washing equipment suppliers often claim that their washers have superior performance, determining the washing efficiency is challenging without means to visualize the water flow. In this paper, a virtual engineering methodology using particle-based CFD is developed to address the issue of metal chip cleanliness resulting from engine component machining operations. This methodology comprises two simulation methods. The first is the virtual chip test
Jan, JamesKhorran, AaronHall, MarkTorcellini, SabrinaDoody, David
The increased utilization of batteries and fuel-cells for powering electric applications, as well as bio- and e-fuels into internal combustion engines are seen as options to lower the carbon footprint of industry and transportation sectors. When high power outputs and fast refueling are requisites, H2 ICEs may be a relevant choice. Applications include electricity conversion within a genset or mechanical energy in a vehicle. Within this framework, a John Deere 4045 Diesel engine converted to a H2 single-cylinder is studied at relevant operating conditions for the mentioned use cases, which pose high torque and power output requirements. The modified engine integrates a Phinia DI-CHG 10 outward-opening H2 injector instead of the Diesel unit, as well as a spark-plug rather than the glow-plug. To explore the effects of in-cylinder air flow on the H2-air mixing, two piston designs are employed: one conserves the intake generated swirl; the other contains deflectors promoting a more complex
Mota Ferreira, JoãoOung, RichardFoucher, Fabrice
When an SI engine is equipped with individual cylinder pressure transducers, combustion timing of each cylinder can be precisely controlled by adjusting spark timing in real-time. In this paper, a novel method based on principal component analysis (PCA) is introduced to control the combustion timing with a significantly less computational burden than a conventional method.
Kang, Jun-MoLin, Hejie
The main objective of this paper is to describe the design, analysis and testing of a novel method of insulating the combustion chamber, which is key for efficiency demonstration on a new class of internal combustion engine (ICE). A recuperated split cycle engine (RSCE) has unique demands for heat loss reduction. In particular during the combustion event, to minimize the heat losses is a must to achieve high efficiency. The insulation is provided by a metal plate that is assembled into the cylinder head to line the combustion chamber surface. The design has been focused on reducing heat transfer surface area and exploiting contact gap thermal resistance between the upper surface of the plate and the cylinder head, thus reducing heat wasted to the coolant circuit. In this paper, the plate requirements, functions, design, analysis and test results from a research and development (R&D) program of a heavy duty (HD) recuperated split cycle engine are reported. This includes novelties in
Ortolani, PaoloEvans, KatieTreccarichi, Fabrizio
Typically, modern automotive engine designs include separate cylinder heads and cylinder blocks and utilize a multilayer steel head gasket (MLS) to seal the resulting joint. Cylinder head bolts are used to hold the joint together and the non-linear properties of head gasket provide capability to seal the movement within the joint, which is essential for engine durability and performance. The current design of cylinder head gasket mainly evaluates the sealing performance in hot and cold state through finite element analysis. The sealing performance of cylinder head gasket is mainly determined by sealing pressure, fatigue and lateral movement in the joint, which have been widely studied [1]. However, no one has been involved in the study of factors affecting sealing pressure and lateral movement in the joint. This paper focuses on the influence of the temperature distribution and rigidity of cylinder block and cylinder head on the sealing pressure of cylinder head gasket and the lateral
Dong, Shen XiaoJingwei, MaHu, Jia JiaYu, Peng FeiWang, Jin LinShen, Jing QianJi, Lei
In the context of carbon neutrality, ammonia is considered a zero-carbon fuel with potential applications in the transportation sector. However, its high ignition energy, low flame speed, and high natural temperature, indicative of low reactivity, make it challenging to be applied as a sole fuel in engines. In such a scenario, the use of another zero-carbon and highly reactive fuel, hydrogen, becomes necessary to enhance the combustion of ammonia. Furthermore, jet ignition, a method known for improving engine combustion performance, may also hold potential for enhancing the combustion performance of ammonia engines. To explore the applicability of jet ignition in engines, this study conducted experimental research on a single-cylinder engine. Two ignition methods were employed: passive jet ignition of premixed ammonia-hydrogen at a compression ratio of 11.5, and active jet ignition of pure ammonia using hydrogen jet flame at a compression ratio of 17.3. Experimental results indicated
Qi, YunliangWang, WeiWang, Zhi
Aluminum alloy has become an indispensable part of the automotive industry because of its excellent mechanical properties such as lightweight, high strength, high reliability, maintainability, and low cost. Aluminum alloy is used in automobiles, such as engine blocks, cylinder heads, intake manifolds, brake components, and fuel tanks. Fatigue and fracture are the main reasons for its engineering failure. Surface strengthening techniques, such as ultrasonic shot peening (USP), are often used to improve the fatigue resistance of aluminum alloys. This article expounds on the working principle of USP and elucidates the influence of USP process parameters on the surface characteristics of aluminum alloy. Experimental results observed the effects of USP parameters on surface properties such as surface roughness, microhardness, and surface morphology. The effects of shot peening (SP) diameter, vibration amplitude of ultrasonic vibrating head, and sample placement angle on the surface state of
Adeel, MuhammadAzeem, NaqashXue, Hongqian
The absence of combustion information continues to be one of the key obstacles to the intelligent development of engines. Currently, the cost of integrating cylinder pressure sensors remains too high, prompting attention to methods for extracting combustion information from existing sensing data. Mean-value combustion models for engines are unable to capture changes of combustion parameters. Furthermore, the methods of reconstructing combustion information using sensor signals mainly depend on the working state of the sensors, and the reliability of reconstructed values is directly influenced by sensor malfunctions. Due to the concentration of operating conditions of hybrid vehicles, the reliability of priori calibration map has increased. Therefore, a combustion information reconstruction method based on priori calibration information and the fused feature deviations of existing sensing signals is proposed and named the "Deviation-based Centroid Displacement Method" (DCDM). The method
Wei, ZengchunYao, ZhuoxiaoSu, QingpengLian, XuetongZhao, Hua
The design of engine intake system affects the intake uniformity of each cylinder of the engine, which in turn has an important impact on the engine performance, the uniform distribution of EGR exhaust gas and the combustion process of each cylinder. In this paper, the constant-pressure supercharged diesel engine intake pipe is used as the research model to study the intake air flow unevenness of the intake pipe of the supercharged diesel engine. The pressure boundary condition at the outlet of each intake manifold is set as the dynamic pressure change condition. The three-dimensional numerical simulation of the transient flow process in the intake manifold of diesel engine is simulated and analyzed by using numerical method, and the change of the Intake air flow field in the intake manifold under different working conditions during the intake overlapping period is discussed. The dynamic effects of diesel engine intake boost pressure, rotated speed, and intake pipe geometrical
Yang, ShuaiYan, KaiLiu, HaifengFu, YahaoLiu, HairanLi, Tong
Ultra-lean combustion of GDI engine could achieve higher thermal efficiency and lower NOx emissions, but it also faces challenges such as ignition difficulties and low-speed flame propagation. In this paper, the sparked-spray is proposed as a novel ignition method, which employs the spark to ignite the fuel spray by the cooperative timing control of in-cylinder fuel injection and spark ignition and form a jet flame. Then the jet flame fronts propagate in the ultra-lean premixed mixture in the cylinder. This combustion mode is named Sparked-Spray Induced Combustion (SSIC) in this paper. Based on a 3-cylinder 1.0L GDI engine, a 3D simulation model is established in the CONVERGE to study the effects of ignition strategy, compression ratio, and injection timing on SSIC with a global equivalence ratio of 0.50. The results show it is easier to form the jet flame when sparking at the spray front because the fuel has better atomization and lower turbulent kinetic energy at the spray front. The
Li, MinglongLong, QuanYu, WangchaoHu, ZongjieYin, YongQin, XiongjieLi, Liguang
With the aim of decarbonizing the vehicles fleet, the use of hydrogen is promising solution. Hydrogen is an energy carrier, carbon-free, with high calorific value and with no CO2 and HC emissions burning in ICE. Hydrogen use in spark ignition engines has already been extensively investigated and optimized. On the other hand, its use in compression ignition engines has been little developed and, therefore, there is a lack of information regarding the combustion in ultra-lean conditions, typical of diesel engines. Several applications employ dual fuel combustion for the easy management of the PFI injection system to be applied in addition to the DI Common Rail system. However, this mode suffers from several problems regarding the management of the maximum flow rate of hydrogen into the intake. In particular, to avoid throwing hydrogen into the exhaust, injection must be started after the valve crossing. Furthermore, it is not possible to introduce gaseous fuel into the engine when the
Mancaruso, EzioCatapano, FrancescoRossetti, SalvatoreAnaclerio, GiuseppeCamporeale, SergioEpiscopo, DomenicoLaera, DavideTorresi, Marco
The global energy crisis and drastic climate change are continuously promoting the implementation of sustainable energy sources. To meet the emission standards and carbon-neutrality targets in vehicle industry, ammonia is considered to be one of the promising carbon-neutral fuels. However, running the engines on high amounts of ammonia may lead to significantly high ammonia slip. This originates huge safety concerns. Therefore, hydrogen is added in certain ratio with ammonia to promote combustion and reduce ammonia slip. Furthermore, adding diesel as a pilot fuel further facilitates the combustion reactions. This experimental study investigated the effect of different ammonia-hydrogen blend ratios on in-cylinder pressure, heat release rate, cumulative heat release, indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP), indicated thermal efficiency (ITE), CA5 and CA50. This effect of blend ratios was tested for varied diesel pilot amounts and timings. The results show that increasing the hydrogen
Akram, Muhammad SaadCheng, QiangYeganeh, MaryamKaario, OssiLarmi, Martti
The European Union aims to be climate neutral by 2050 and requires the transport sector to reduce their emissions by 90%. The deployment of H2ICE to power vehicles is one of the solutions proposed. Indeed, H2ICEs in vehicles can reduce local pollution, reduce global emissions of CO2 and increase efficiency. Although H2ICEs could be rapidly introduced, investigations on hydrogen combustion in ICEs are still required. This paper aims to experimentally compare a flat piston and a bowl piston in terms of performances, emissions and abnormal combustions. Tests were performed with the help of a single cylinder Diesel engine which has been modified. In particular, a center direct injector dedicated to H2 injection and a side-mounted spark plug were installed, and the compression ratio was reduced to 12.7:1. Several exhaust gas measurement systems complete the testbed to monitor exhaust NOx and H2. Results were obtained for a specific operating point, 2000 rpm as engine speed and 13 bar as
Masurier, Jean-BaptisteLOW-KAME, JeanOung, RichardFoucher, Fabrice
The cylinder bore in an engine block is deformed under the assembling stress of the cylinder head and thermal stress. This distortion exacerbates the piston skirt friction and piston slap. Through a numerical and experimental study, this article analyzes the effect of an optimized bore profile on the engine performance. The piston skirt friction was estimated in a three-dimensional elastohydrodynamic (EHD) friction analysis. An ideal cylindrical bore under the rated load condition was assumed as the optimal bore profile that minimized the piston skirt friction without compromising the piston slap. The simulation study revealed that secondary motion of the piston immediately after firing the top dead center can be mitigated by narrowing the piston–bore clearance at the upper position of the cylinder. After optimizing the bore profile, enlarging the clearance from the middle to the lower part of the cylinder reduced the friction in the piston skirt to cylinder interface by an estimated
Hibi, TaigaMita, TakuroYamashita, Kenichi
The wear of the piston ring-cylinder liner system in gasoline engines is inevitable and significantly impacts fuel economy. Utilizing a custom-built linear reciprocating tribometer, this study assesses the wear resistance of newly developed engine cylinder coatings. The custom device offers a cost-effective means for tribological evaluation, optimizing coating process parameters with precise control over critical operational factors such as normal load and sliding frequency. Unlike conventional commercial tribometers, it ensures a more accurate simulation of the engine cylinder system. However, existing research lacks a comprehensive comparative analysis and procedure to establish precision limits for such modified devices. This study evaluates the custom tribometer's repeatability compared to a commercial wear-testing instrument, confirming its potential as a valuable tool for advanced wear testing on engine cylinder samples. The validation tests, achieved through standardized contact
Sediako, Dimitry G.Banerjee, Siddharth
Turbulent jet ignition (TJI) combustion using pre-chamber ignition can accelerate the combustion speed in the cylinder and has garnered growing interest in recent years. However, it is complicated for the optimization of the pre-chamber structure and combustion system. This study investigated the effects of the pre-chamber structure and the intake ports on the combustion characteristics of a gasoline engine through CFD simulation. Spark ignition (SI) combustion simulation was also conducted for comparison. The results showed that the design of the pre-chamber that causes the jet flame colliding with walls severely worsen the combustion, increasing the knocking intendency, and decrease the thermal efficiency. Compared with SI combustion mode, the TJI combustion mode has the higher heat transfer loss and lower unburned loss. The well-optimized pre-chamber can accelerate the flame propagation with knock suppression. Strong-tumble flow distorts the jet flame propagation, which is not
Liu, ShangLin, ZhelongQi, YunliangLu, GuoxiangWang, BoLiu, YangWang, Zhi
In-cylinder pressure measurement is an important tool in internal combustion engine research and development for combustion, cycle performance, and knock analysis in spark-ignition engines. In a typical laboratory setup, a sub crank angle resolved (typically between 0.1o and 0.5o) optical encoder is installed on the engine crankshaft, and a piezoelectric pressure transducer is installed in the engine cylinder. The charge signal produced by the transducer due to changes in cylinder pressure during the engine cycle is converted to voltage by a charge amplifier, and this analog voltage is read by a high-speed data acquisition (DAQ) system at each encoder trigger pulse. The high speed of engine operation and the need to collect hundreds of engine cycles for appropriate cycle-averaging requires significant processor speed and memory, making typical data acquisition systems very expensive. The objective of this work was to develop an affordable, open-source DAQ system capable of measuring
Celislami, EduartRawashdeh, OsamahDelVescovo, Dan
This document covers the mechanisms from the power cylinder, which contribute to the mechanical friction of an internal combustion engine. It will not discuss in detail the influence of other engine components or engine driven accessories on friction.
Piston and Ring Standards Committee
Transmission adapter is solid, located on cylinder block, on which sits the transmission housing. The function of a flexplate is to provide a mounting point for a torque converter which is used to couple the engine and transmission together when an automatic transmission is used. Transmission adapter provide access for torque convertor and flexplate assembly and protect the flexplate from external environment. Transmission adapter is also support and locate the starter. This study deals with different alloy grade material use, improvement in process to reduce porosity. Porosity observed in first samples of the proposed grade material. The study represents investigation of Transmission adaptor porosity root cause. This also included visual observation, radiography -X ray testing, analysis, 3D scans, dimensional inspection, chemical analysis and comparison, tensile testing, truck testing validation tasks. Make sure critical parameter of the clearance meet between flexplate and
Karale, Pranjali
In automotive Front End Accessory Drives (FEAD), the crankshaft supplies power to accessories like alternators, pumps, etc. FEAD undergoes forced vibration due to crankshaft excitation, dynamic tension fluctuations can cause the belt to slip on the accessory pulleys. By considering the criticality of the system, when engine mounting is longitudinally to the vehicle which makes it directly exposed to the air flow containing foreign particles which may cause the damage to the FEAD system and deteriorate the intended functionality. FEAD cover is introduced in the system to enhance belt-pully system functionality by restricting the entry of foreign particles during engine operation. This paper contains a study of FEAD cover failure and provides the stepwise approach to capture such issue during novel model development for 4 cylinder naturally aspirated engine during engine bench testing. The failure mechanism was studied using various methodology such as CAE and G-Load measurement to
Patel, Hardik ManubhaiKumar, NitishChand, SubhashGupta, Vineet
The increasing demand for higher specific power, fuel economy, Operating Costs as well as meeting global emission norms have become the driving factors of today’s product development in the automotive market. Substitution of high-density materials and more precise adjustment of material parameters help in significant weight decrease, but it is accompanied by undesirable cost increase and manufacturing complexity. This becomes a challenge for every automotive engineer to balance the above parameters to make a highly competitive design. This work is a part of the Design and Development of 2.2 L, 4 Cylinder TCIC Diesel Engine for a whole new vehicle platform, concentrated on automotive passenger car operation. This paper explains the selection of a suitable cylinder head gasket technology for a lightweight engine that acts as a sealing interface between the cylinder block and cylinder head. The decision to select aluminium alloy for both the cylinder block and head still allows the design
Dhadse, AshishDharan R, BharaniVellandi, VikramanSasikumar, MLoganathan, S.
At present, the problem of global warming is becoming more and more serious, and the transformation of energy structure is very important. The rotary engine has the advantages of small size, high power-to-weight ratio, and high fuel adaptability, which makes it promising for application in the fields of new energy vehicle range extender and unmanned aerial vehicle. To this end, this paper proposes the idea of hydrogen/ammonia dual-fuel combination applied to rotary engine, using the experimentally verified three-dimensional simulation model of rotary engine, to study the process of hydrogen/ammonia rotary engine in-cylinder mixture formation under the direct-injection dilute combustion mode, and to analyze the impact of different dual-fuel injection strategies on the performance of rotary engine, and finds that delaying the moment of injection leads to the ammonia concentration in the middle and front of the combustion chamber; when the ammonia nozzle is located in the intake port, the
Chen, WeiYang, XuYu, ShiwuLiu, XuHe, WeibiaoZuo, Qingsong
Ammonia is one of the most promising zero carbon fuels for meeting carbon neutrality targets and zero carbon emissions. Ammonia has gained a lot of research interest recently as a hydrogen energy carrier, and direct use of ammonia as a fuel in engines will aid the transformation toward sustainable energy future. In this work, the effect of ammonia shares on combustion and performance characteristics of methane-fueled SI engine is evaluated by increasing the ammonia share by small fractions (0 to 30% by volume) in the fuel mixture (CH4/NH3 blend). Experiments were performed at constant engine load of 8 Nm (BMEP of 1.52 bar), while maintaining constant engine speed (1500 rpm), stoichiometric operation (λ = 1), and optimum spark advance for MBT conditions. Increasing the share of ammonia (0 to 30%) in the fuel mixture reduced its flame propagation speed and lowered the heating value, and thus resulted in lower peak cylinder pressures, detrimental engine performance (16.8 to 16.3% brake
Gupta, PriyankKurien, CaneonMittal, Mayank
This study aims to investigate the effect of hydrogen injection on the performance and emissions of a compression ignition (CI) engine running on biodiesel. The tests are performed on a single-cylinder CI engine cooled by water, operating at a consistent speed of 1500 rpm. The torque load range varies from 0.01 kg to 18 kg, and hydrogen injection rates range from 4 litres per minute (lpm) to 10 lpm. The study focuses on evaluating the impact of hydrogen injection on various performance metrics, including exergetic efficiency, brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), cylinder pressure, heat release rate, and exhaust gas temperature. The findings reveal that hydrogen injection significantly improves the performance of the biodiesel-run CI engine. The highest improvement is observed at a hydrogen injection rate of 10 lpm, which results in a 5% decrease in BSFC, a 6% increase in brake thermal efficiency, and an exergetic efficiency of 25.3%. Furthermore, exergy
V, PraveenaStephen, DeborahR, RajarajeswariJ S, Phavan Kumaar
Hydrogen energy is a kind of secondary energy with an abundant source, wide application, green, and is low-carbon, which is important for building a clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient energy system and achieving the goal of carbon peaking and being carbon neutral. In this paper, the effect of nozzle position, hydrogen injection timing, and ignition timing on the in-cylinder combustion characteristics is investigated separately with the 13E hydrogen engine as the simulation object. The test results show that when the nozzle position is set in the middle of the intake and exhaust tracts (L2 and L3), the peak in-cylinder pressure is slightly higher than that of L1, but when the nozzle position is L2, the cylinder pressure curve is the smoothest, the peak exothermic rate is the lowest, and the peak cylinder temperature is the lowest. When the ignition timing is consistent, with the delay of hydrogen injection timing, the peak in-cylinder pressure decreases and the peak phase remains
Tan, PiqiangTian, YuanLou, DimingZhang, YunhuaLiu, DengchengZhao, Keqin
Ammonia is used as the carbon-free fuel in the engine, which is consistent with the requirements of the current national dual-carbon policy. However, the great amount of NOx in the exhaust emissions is produced after combustion of ammonia and is one kind of the most tightly controlled pollutants in the emission regulation. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas with a very strong greenhouse effect, so that the N2O emissions needs to be paid close attention. In this paper, the CFD simulation of the N2O formation and emission characteristics during combustion is carried in the ammonia/hydrogen fueled pre-chamber jet ignition engine. The simulation results show that the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) around the orifices of the pre-chamber is enhanced due to the local temperature difference between the main-chamber and the pre-chamber, and then the residual ammonia/hydrogen fuel in the crevice or near the cylinder wall is trapped in the high temperature zone of the main chamber, leading
Shang, QuanboJi, MengLi, LiguangDeng, Jun
As engine technology developed continuously, engine with both turbocharging and EGR has been researched due to its benefit on improving the engine efficiency. Nevertheless, a technical issue has raised up while utilizing both turbocharging and EGR at the same time: excess condensed water existed in intake manifold which potentially trigger misfire conditions. In order to investigate the root-cause, a CFD model (conducted by CONVERGE CFD software) was presented and studied in this paper which virtually regenerated intake manifold flow-field with EGR condensed water inside. Based on the simulated results, it concluded that different initial conditions of EGR condensed water could significantly change the amount of water which deposited in each cylinder. Thus, a coefficient of variation of deposited condensed water amount among these cylinders, was marked as the evaluation reference of cylinder misfire. Theoretically, as this coefficient of variation reduced, the EGR condensed water from
Pan, ShiyiLi, GuantingWang, JinhuaZhang, NanXu, ZhiqinChen, ShanghuaChen, JunZhao, Shengwei
For a quick reach to the operating temperatures, the three way catalytic converter is recently located closer to the engine and subjected to higher temperatures than before. At the same time, the three way catalytic converter has upper thermal limits. Therefore, the operating temperatures have to be estimated accurately in the early period of product development. In this research, the four analysis methods are linked with the one-dimensional engine cycle simulation to achieve the goals. Firstly, for the estimation of gas temperatures at the exhaust port of the engine, the combustion analysis using the 3D-CFD was conducted to accurately simulate the way the heat was generated. Then, for the estimation of heat dissipation from the exhaust system to the atmosphere, the heat conduction analysis coupled with the air flow analysis around the vehicle body using the 3D-CFD was conducted. To take into considerations the heterogeneity of reactions in the three way catalytic converter, the gas
Shigeno, GENKIFujita, Shinjiyogo, toyoyuki
The two-stroke engine has a small displacement and high output, and therefore saves space when the engine is installed in a vehicle. Thus, the application of two-stroke engines to HEVs is a very effective means of reducing vehicle weight and securing engine space. On the other hand, the unfired element increases in the exhaust gas with a two-stroke engine because the air-fuel mixture is blown through to the exhaust system during the scavenging process inside the cylinder. Moreover, combustion becomes unstable due to the large amount of residual burnt gas in the cylinder. To solve these problems, we propose a two-stroke engine that has intake and exhaust valves that injects fuel directly into the cylinder. We describe the engine shape and the method that can provide high scavenging efficiency and stable combustion in such a two-stroke engine.
Hisano, AtsushiSaitou, MasahitoSakurai, YotaMatsuda, Yoshimotoichi, Satoaki
Experimental methods and numerical analysis were used to investigate the mechanism of high-speed knocking that occurs in small two-stroke engines. The multi-ion probe method was used in the experiments to visualize flame propagation in the cylinder. The flame was detected by 14 ion probes grounded in the end gas region. A histogram was made of the order in which flames were detected. The characteristics of combustion in the cylinder were clarified by comparing warming up and after warming up and by extracting the features of the cycle in which knocking occurred. As a result, regions of fast flame propagation and regions prone to auto-ignition were identified. In the numerical analysis, flow and residual gas distribution in the cylinder, flame propagation and self-ignition were visualized by 3D CFD using 1D CFD calculation results as boundary conditions and initial conditions. Flame propagation calculated by 3D CFD was found to be directional due to in-cylinder flow caused by scavenging
Eto, KuniyoshiKuboyama, TatsuyaMoriyoshi, YasuoYamada, ToshioYatsufusa, TomoakiSuzuki, Yusuke
Using two subgrid-scale models of Smagorinsky and its dynamic version, large eddy simulation (LES) approach is applied to develop a 3D computer code simulating the in-cylinder flow during intake and compression strokes in an engine geometry consisting of a pancake-shaped piston with a fixed valve. The results are compared with corresponding experimental data and a standard K-Ɛ turbulence model. LES results generally show better agreement with available experimental data suggesting that LES with dynamic subgrid-scale model is more effective method for accurately predicting the in-cylinder flow field. Representative Fiat engine equipped with moving valve and piston bowl is analyzed as the second case to assess the capability of the method to handle complex geometries and impacts of geometrical parameters such as shape and position of piston bowl together with swirling intake flow pattern on both turbulent structure of in-cylinder flow and engine performance using dynamic version of LES
Aghamohamadi, NeginKhaleghi, HassanRazaghi, Majid
The high injection pressure and small cylinder volume of direct injection spark ignition (DISI) engines can result in flat-wall wetness on the surface of the piston, increasing fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. The characteristics of microscopic fuel adhesion are observed using refractive index matching (RIM). Fuel adhesion characteristics after wall impingement are evaluated with various cross-flow velocities under triple stage injection conditions. The results indicate that cross-flow has a beneficial effect on the diffusion of fuel spray. Average fuel adhesion thickness decreases with an increase in cross-flow velocities. Furthermore, cross-flow promotes the evaporation of fuel adhesion, which leads to a reduction in the fuel adhesion mass/mass ratio. The improvement of injection strategy has guidance on low-carbon future.
SHI, PenghuaTRONG, Nguyen BinhOGATA, YouichiNISHIDA, KeiyaZHANG, GengxinLUO, Hongliang
In this study, a three-dimensional numerical model of a hydrogen direct injection engine was built, and the effects of several engine operating parameters, including equivalence ratio, injection timing, ignition timing and intake pressure on combustion were analyzed. The results show that with a fixed ignition timing and intake pressure of 1.0 bar, an increase in the equivalence ratio from 0.3 to 1.1 leads to a reduction in indicated thermal efficiency from 47.3% to 37.73% due to increasing wall heat loss. The NOX emissions first increase and then decrease, arriving the peak at the equivalence ratio of 0.7, about 20.9g/kW·h, primarily attributed to the combined effect of oxygen content, cylinder temperature, and hydrogen reducibility. When the equivalence ratio is fixed at 0.5, with the injection timing delayed, the stratification of the mixture becomes more obvious, the combustion speed accelerates, and the maximum thermal efficiency increases. At the same time, NOX emissions also
Zhen, FuWenzhi, GaoDuanzheng, ZhaoYuhuai, Li
Regarding the solution for various issues on engine tribology, in order to understand the involvement of temperature in the friction and scuffing under the mixed and/or boundary lubrication regime, the two cases of piston ring & cylinder liner and cam & tappet were analytically studied. The friction between sliding interfaces is composed of four shear stresses from the viscous oil-films, the adsorbed oil molecules, the tribofilms due to oil additives, and the true metal contacts on surface asperities. Since all the shear stress have exponential temperature dependences, the relationship between the frictional shear stress and temperature is assumed to be expressed by the Arrhenius equation. Through analyzing friction data measured in laboratory tests conducted under the same temperature and sliding conditions as during the break-in of engines, various levels of temperature involvement were clarified.
Soejima, MitsuhiroHamatake, ToshiroKitahara, TatsumiSmith, Edward H.Sherrington, Ian
As an efficient hydrogen carrier, ammonia itself is also a promising zero-carbon fuel that is drawing more and more attention. As the combustion of pure ammonia is hard to achieve on SI engines, in this study, spark- ignited micro-gasoline-jet was utilized to ignite the premixed ammonia/air mixture in a constant volume combustible vessel at different premixed ammonia/air excess air coefficient and backpressure (represented by ammonia partial pressure). The flame image was captured by a high-speed camera and the transient pressure change in the vessel was measured by an engine cylinder pressure sensor. The experimental results at stoichiometric equivalence ratio show that the IDT (from 129.9-198.6ms to 58.7-72.6ms) and the main combustion durations (from 494.3-654.9ms to 164.7-286.2ms) of ammonia combustion are significantly shortened by the novel ignition method compared with the traditional spark ignition method, and the results of representative heat release rate and representative
Yu, WangchaoLi, MinglongLong, QuanQin, XiongjieDong, GuangyuHu, ZongjieLi, LiguangQian, JinLi, Yao
Future demands for modern emission free drivetrains using hydrogen or liquid e-fuels also necessitate a fundamental reduction in oil emissions. Entry of lubrication oil into the combustion chamber can lead to pre-combustion phenomena (LSPI) in downsizing or hydrogen engines and is a cause of particle emissions, which play a significant role especially if fuel related particle emissions are already low. A fundamental understanding of the oil film behavior on the piston assembly and cylinder liner surface are crucial to avoid oil ingress into the combustion chamber. The processes involved take place mainly around the piston group. In particular, the area of the piston rings with the prevailing pressure and temperature conditions as well as the component geometries has a high influence on the exchange of media between the crankcase and combustion chamber. The objective of this paper is to increase the understanding of the processes leading to oil ingress into the combustion chamber. In
Stark, MichaelHärtl, MartinJaensch, MaltePreuss, Ann-ChristinPryymak, KonstantinMatz, GerhardGohl, Marcus
Lubricating oil consumption (LOC) is a direct source of hydrocarbon and particulate emissions from internal combustion engines. LOC also inhibits the lifetime of exhaust aftertreatment system components, preventing their ability to effectively filter out other harmful emissions. Due to its influence on piston ring- bore conformability, bore distortion is arguably the most critical parameter for engine designers to consider in prevention of LOC. Bore distortion also has a significant influence on the contact forces between the piston ring and cylinder wall, which determine the wear rate of the ring and cylinder wall and can cause durability issues. Two drivers of bore distortion: thermal expansion and head bolt stresses, are routinely considered in conformability and contact analyses. Separately, bore distortion/vibration due to piston impact and combustion/cylinder pressures has been previously analyzed in wet liner engines for coolant cavitation and noise considerations. However, the
Bradt, Casey S.Wang, YuesenTian, TianCao, HengchaoZhu, Guixiang
For further increase in thermal efficiency of heavy-duty diesel engines, flexible regulation of the heat release rate (HRR) profile combined with higher compression ratio could have more rooms to improve indicated thermal efficiency by overcoming various drawbacks relevant to higher compression ratio. A new ideal HRR profile, which starts as a kind of delta shape to fulfil the isobaric cycle from top-dead-center (TDC) and is followed by the significant increase in HRR to reach the maximum cylinder pressure in the retarded timing, was proposed. We call it as ‘High-heels’ HRR profile from its two-step-increase delta shape. To confirm the potential of the ideal HRR profile by utilizing a single- cylinder heavy-duty diesel engine, a variable fuel injection rate equipment, novel combustion chamber designs, and an offset orifices nozzle were investigated as the technologies for modifying HRR profile. The experimental results confirmed slight improvement in the thermal efficiency from the
Uchida, NoboruWatanabe, Kazumasa
Low speed pre-ignition (LSPI) is a limiting phenomenon for several of the technologies being pursued as part of the low carbon agenda. To achieve maximum power density and efficiency engines are being downsized and turbocharged, while Direct- injection technologies are becoming ever more prominent. All changes that increase the propensity of LSPI. The low speed-high load operation envelope is limited due to LSPI. Hydrogen engines are also being explored, however, with such a low minimum enthalpy of ignition, LSPI is a major limitation to thermal efficiency. Several techniques are utilized in this study to investigate physical and physio-chemical aspects of lubricant initiated LSPI. Where possible attempts have been to validate methodologies or directional alignment with published data. The basis of the methodologies used is a validated 1D predictive combustion model of a single cylinder GTDI engine, that was used to provide simulation boundary conditions. The study comprises of two
Mahmood, AdnanHellier, Paul
Due to the incoming phase out of fossil fuels from the market in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the automotive sector, hydrogen-fueled engines are candidate mid-term solution. Thanks to its properties, hydrogen promotes flames that poorly suffer from the quenching effects toward the engine walls. Thus, emphasis must be posed on the heat-up of the oil layer that wets the cylinder liner in hydrogen-fueled engines. It is known that motor oils are complex mixtures of a number of mainly heavy hydrocarbons (HCs); however, their composition is not known a priori. Simulation tools that can support the early development steps of those engines must be provided with oil composition and properties at operation-like conditions. The authors propose a statistical inference-based optimization approach for identifying oil surrogate multicomponent mixtures. The algorithm is implemented in Python and relies on the Bayesian optimization technique. As a benchmark, the surrogate for the SAE5W30
De Renzis, EdoardoMariani, ValerioBianchi, Gian MarcoCazzoli, GiulioFalfari, Stefania
To have a more complete understanding of the fuel effects on each subsequent stage of a stochastic preignition event in a spark-ignition engine and to build on the previous work of understanding the propensity of fuel to initiate and sustain a preignition flame, this work is focused on examining the role of fuel on the onset of knock and the intensity of superknock once the unburned mixture reaches certain conditions ahead of the preignition flame. Using a “skip advance” spark test method to simulate preignition flames initiated at different cylinder conditions, more than 20 single- and multicomponent fuels were ranked based on the condition required to reach the onset of knock (the start of end-gas autoignition) and the condition that leads to severe superknock intensities. It was found that average knock intensity can be mainly explained by the unburn mixture fraction and the thermodynamic condition of the unburned mixture and, not surprisingly, that the fuel ranking for the onset of
Yu, XinCostanzo, VincentChapman, ElanaDavis, Richard
Pre-chamber turbulent jet ignition (TJI) is a method of generating distributed ignition sites through multiple high-speed turbulent jets in order to achieve an enhanced burn rate in the engine cylinder when compared to conventional spark plug ignition. To study the gas-dynamic interactions between the two chambers in a gasoline engine, a three-dimensional numerical model was developed using the commercial CFD code CONVERGE. The geometry and parameters of the engine used were based on a modified turbocharged GM four-cylinder 2.0 L GDI gasoline engine. Pre-chambers with nozzle diameters of 0.75 mm and 1.5 mm were used to investigate the effect of pre-chamber geometry on pre-chamber charging, combustion, and jet formation. The local developments of gas temperature and velocity were captured by adaptive mesh refinement, while the turbulence was resolved with the k-epsilon model of the Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations. The combustion process was modeled with the extended
Yu, TianxiaoLee, Dong EunGore, Jay P.Qiao, Li
There is a growing need for low-emissions concepts due to stricter emission regulations, more stringent homologation cycles, and the possibility of a ban on new engines by 2035. Of particular concern are the conditions during a cold start, when the Three-Way Catalyst is not yet heated to its light-off temperature. During this period, the catalyst remains inactive, thereby failing to convert pollutants. Reducing the time needed to reach this temperature is crucial to comply with the more stringent emissions standards. The post oxidation by means of secondary air injection, illustrated in this work, is a possible solution to reduce the time needed to reach the above-mentioned temperature. The strategy consists of injecting air into the exhaust manifold via secondary air injectors to oxidize unburned fuel that comes from a rich combustion within the cylinder. This strategy can be implemented without major modifications to the engine's hardware or control system, making it an attractive
Pipolo, MarioKulzer, AndreChiodi, MarcoMoriyoshi, Yasuo
Research and development studies regarding the internal combustion engines are, now more than ever, crucial in order to prevent a premature disposal for this application. An innovative technology is analyzed in this paper. The traditional slider-crank mechanism is replaced by a system of two ring-like elements crafted in such a way to transform the rotating motion of one element in the reciprocating motion of the other. This leads both to a less complex engine architecture and to the possibility to obtain a wide range of piston laws by changing the profile of the two cams. The relative motion of the cams is the peculiar feature of this engine and, due to this, alongside with the thermodynamic analysis, also the tribological aspects are investigated. 3D-CFD simulations are performed for several piston laws at different engine speeds to evaluate the cylinder pressure trace to be used as input data for the development of the tribological model. Moreover, the CFD results are analyzed in
Georgitzikis, VasileiosBreda, SebastianoKalligeros, ChristosSpitas, VasiliosRogkas, NikolaosCicalese, GiuseppeD'Orrico, FabrizioTzouganakis, PanteleimonFontanesi, Stefano
In order to achieve the climate targets, a mix of different powertrain technologies must be pursued to effectively reduce emissions. By producing hydrogen based on renewable energy sources, it becomes a reasonable choice for fueling internal combustion engines. The specific molecular properties of hydrogen thereby open up new possibilities for favorably influencing the combustion process of engines. The present paper deals with the analysis of a single-cylinder engine with passive pre-chamber ignition and a port fuel injection system, which was adapted for lean hydrogen operation. In this way, the test unit was operated in various load and speed ranges with lambda values from 1.5 to 2.5 and achieved up to 23 bar indicated mean effective pressure. The focus of this work is on the numerical investigation of the hydrogen combustion and its effects on the engine system. Special attention is hereby paid to the influence of different lambda operations. Simulations were carried out to
Gal, ThomasVacca, AntoninoChiodi, MarcoSchmelcher, RobinKulzer, AndreBucherer, SebastianRothe, PaulSobek, FlorianGottwald, TheoKraljevic, Ivica
With a view to reducing the environmental impact of fossil fuels, advanced lignin-based biofuels could provide a valuable contribute, since lignin is the most abundant biopolymer on earth after cellulose. However, its thermophysical properties would hamper its use as a pure fuel. In this work we investigated the combustion behavior of sprays of a liquid lignin-methanol blend and evaluated its potential as a low-carbon marine fuel for large two-stroke engines. To this end, an experimental campaign was conducted in an optically accessible combustion chamber whose main dimensions correspond to those of a single cylinder for large two-stroke engines. The chamber is provided with optical accesses for optical diagnostics of the combustion process. The combustion of the mixture was ignited using a diesel pilot jet as the ignition source. Two marine injectors are mounted in the chamber, namely “main” and “pilot” injectors. The tests were performed in environmental conditions around 40 bar and
Lazzaro, MaurizioSementa, PaoloCatapano, FrancescoTornatore, CinziaIannuzzi, StefanoBoot, MichaelKouris, Panos
Calibration of automotive engines to ensure compliance with emission regulations is a critical phase in product development. Control of engine-out particulate emissions, which directly impact the environment and public health, is particularly important. Detailed physics-based models are typically used to gain a rich understanding of the complex physical phenomena that drive the soot particle formation in an engine cylinder. However, such models often fail to correctly represent the highly dynamic nature of the underlying mechanisms under transient combustion conditions. Moreover, most physics-based models were initially developed for diesel engine applications and their applicability to gasoline engines remains questionable due to differences in flame structure and fuel-wall interactions. Black-box models have been previously proposed to predict engine-out soot emissions, but their lack of physical interpretability is an unsolved drawback. To address these limitations, we present a
Jayaprakash, BharatWilmer, BradyNorthrop, William F.
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