In automotive Front End Accessory Drives (FEAD), the crankshaft supplies power to accessories like alternators, pumps, etc. FEAD undergoes forced vibration due to crankshaft excitation, dynamic tension fluctuations can cause the belt to slip on the accessory pulleys. By considering the criticality of the system, when engine mounting is longitudinally to the vehicle which makes it directly exposed to the air flow containing foreign particles which may cause the damage to the FEAD system and deteriorate the intended functionality. FEAD cover is introduced in the system to enhance belt-pully system functionality by restricting the entry of foreign particles during engine operation.
This paper contains a study of FEAD cover failure and provides the stepwise approach to capture such issue during novel model development for 4 cylinder naturally aspirated engine during engine bench testing.
The failure mechanism was studied using various methodology such as CAE and G-Load measurement to identify the root cause. CAE analysis was done with near to bench boundary conditions and correlation has been established with strain measurement data of failure zone in FEAD cover on the engine test bench.
Countermeasures identification directed towards design optimization and product has been implemented, validated in the engine bench testing successfully.