Browse Topic: Noise, vibration, and harshness standards and regulations

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As vibration and noise regulations become more stringent, numerical models need to incorporate more detailed damping treatments. Commercial frameworks, such as Nastran and Actran, allow the representation of trim components as frequency-dependent reduced impedance matrices (RIM) in direct frequency response (DFR) analysis of fully trimmed models. The RIM is versatile enough to couple the trims to modal-based or physical components. If physical, the trim components are reduced on the physical coupling degrees of freedom (DOFs) for each connected interface. If modal, the RIMs are projected on the eigenmodes of the connected component. While a model size reduction is achieved compared to the original model, most numerical models possess an extensive number of interfaces DOFs, either modal or physical, resulting in large, dense RIMs that demand substantial memory and disk storage. Thus, the approach faces challenges related to storage capacities and efficiency, because of the demanding
Paiva, AndreVerhaegen, JulienLielens, GregoryVan den Nieuwenhof, Benoit
This paper discussed the sound quality which assumed important factor in the development of outboard engines in the 183 to 257 kW class in the future. Many kinds of industrial product development dealt with sound quality, and there were many examples using sound quality index adapted customer requirements or products usage. In case of outboard engine development, there were examples of noise reduction and compliance with noise regulations, but there was almost no example of sound quality development. This research proceeded a questionnaire survey of 90 boat owners who were listening to several cruising engine sounds in main market, US. From this result, authors discussed customer trend and extracted 3 sound quality indexes, luxury, deep and sporty, which were demanded in our target class. Next step was that authors made simulation sounds referring 3 sound quality indexes to verify customer’s trend. Using these simulation sounds, authors re-tried to a questionnaire survey, we were able
Naoe, GakuMuramatsu, HidetaNiinaka, MinakoKohashi, YasukataKondo, Takashi
This procedure is applicable to modes from 500 and 13,000 Hz. The parameters measured with this procedure are defined as the damping factor, ξ for first nine vibration modes of the beam. The measurement will be done in free-free conditions and with temperature
Brake NVH Standards Committee
The transmission is an integral part of the driveline in an automotive vehicle. Global vehicle pass-by noise regulations are becoming more stringent and transmissions are expected to be very quiet. Typically for an automotive system, engine is the most dominant noise source and transmissions have been considered a secondary noise source but as the trend is shifting towards more electric vehicles where engine noise is absent and overall vehicle is becoming quieter, the transmission can be more of a significant noise contributor. Gear whine is the major concern for sound radiation from the transmission. The gear whine simulation and acoustic radiation analysis of the transmission using traditional methods (FEM and BEM) is a crucial but very time-consuming part of the product development cycle. On top of that, electric vehicle transmissions operate at higher RPM which in turn increases the excitation frequency arising from the gear whine phenomenon. Hence present work focuses on the
Rastogi, SarthakMilind, T. R.Marsh, Kevin
Automotive OEMs are required to meet applicable regulations for exterior noise for vehicles they produce. Acceleration noise (typically called pass-by noise) regulations impose an upper limit for noise emission. In addition, vehicles which can operate without a combustion engine must comply with regulations for minimum noise emitted during low speed driving. In order to make regulation-compliant measurements for global destinations, a test track meeting requirements of ISO 10844 may be necessary. However, strictly meeting this requirement doesn’t guarantee a usable facility for efficient measurements. This paper describes design goals, challenges and construction of a regulation compliant facility in Arizona. The intent was to build a facility with a long usable life before requiring repaving, sufficient isolation from nearby test roads, 24-hour usability and onsite amenities to accommodate technical staffs and vehicle retrofits. Consideration of needs of all stakeholders was necessary
Sorenson, SteveRasmussen, RobertRollison, Jim
Exhaust system of an automobile is primarily employed in automobile to purify exhaust gases and reduce noise due to combustion. However, a side-effect of the above function is the increase in backpressure. As specified in various literatures, an increase in backpressure can lead to a deterioration on engine performance (Power & torque). Benefit of backpressure reduction can be further taken in terms improving the power & torque of engine or improving the fuel economy. With growing concerns related to global warming and CO2 emissions, reducing exhaust back pressure is one of the promising areas in engine design in order to improve the fuel economy of the automobile and achieving carbon neutrality targets. However, reducing the back pressure generally tends to deteriorate the noise attenuation performance of the Exhaust system. Hence, it is imperative to reduce backpressure of an Exhaust system while at the same time ensuring adequate noise attenuation, for passenger comfort and noise
Sahoo, SandipVineeth, STripathi, ManasKuchhal, Abhinav
Provide a description of standard test methods and analysis methods for bench test measurement of the component level EPB actuation noise in order to evaluate the noise performance of the EPB actuators
Brake NVH Standards Committee
The SAE J2521 procedure applies to high-frequency squeal noise occurrences for on-road passenger cars and light trucks below 4540 kg of GVWR. The procedure incorporates high-temperature and low-temperature test matrixes but does not fully account for the effects of the environment on brake squeal. For this test procedure, squeal occurs when the peak noise level is at least 70 dB(A) between 1.25 kHz and 16 kHz for tests using full suspension corners or full axle assemblies or between 2 kHz and 16 kHz for brakes not using a full suspension corner. Before using this recommended practice for chassis dynamometer testing, review in detail the specifics related to at least (a) instrumentation, including in-cabin microphones, (b) threshold levels for noise detection, (c) temperature control priority between the front and rear axles, (d) vehicle loading and load distribution, (e) cooling air and environmental conditioning, and (f) detailed nomenclature and labeling of channels and sensors
Brake NVH Standards Committee
Reducing the emitted noise from vehicles is a primary issue for automotive OEMs due to the constant evolution of the noise regulations. In the context of electric powertrains, virtual prototyping has proven to be a cost-efficient alternative to the build-test process, especially in early design stage and/or if optimization is targeted. Due to the multiphysics nature of the model, the full simulation chain involves multiple components, each having its own specific modelling attributes. The difficulty then resides in the parts assembly, solving issues like mesh-to-mesh projections, time to frequency-domain transformation, 2d-axisymmetric to 3d mapping, data formatting and management, unit and local coordinate systems… This paper presents an environment that allows for the prediction and analysis of the noise radiated by electric automotive powertrains. The stator-rotor electro-magnetic behavior is represented by time-dependent forces applied on stator teeth. Transfer functions from
Robin, XavierCopiello, DiegoPoulos, AthanasiosRaskin, MaximeVan den Nieuwenhof, BenoitBarthélemy, Antoine
The exhaust system design and development need to be more flexible and easily adaptable for the requirement of dynamic changes to meet the upcoming emission and noise regulations. Durability of exhaust system components are evaluated through conventional bending moment testing using specified standard load conditions. Road load re-production test is an improvement of the conventional approach to predict component weld durability. It involves the systematic and sequential process of acquiring road load data such as sensor instrumentation, strain measurement at the test track, data processing and input to Bi-Ax testing. S/N Curve testing is introduced recently as an alternate method to minimize the use of road load reproduction testing. It involves prediction of rough force using transient response analysis followed by Bi-Ax testing for the derived high and low load forces to meet the target number of cycles to failure. Targeted fatigue damage factor (< 1.0) is evaluated by comparing S/N
Rajadurai, SivanandiNatarajan, SureshSrivatsan, RajeshSivalingam, Ananth
In recent times there has been rising demand for noise level reduction in commercial vehicles. Vehicle engine exhaust system is one of the key sources of noise at driver ear, especially in smaller wheel base vehicles, as well as critical for meeting pass by noise regulations. Several techniques are used to reduce the noise level of an exhaust system such as resonators, dissipative mufflers for low & high frequencies respectively. In this paper sound transmission loss (STL) measurement for a LMD bus exhaust system was carried out at rig level. It has been found from the measured data that noise attenuation of current exhaust system is poor in low frequency zone & therefore lower STL frequencies were identified. To attenuate the noises at identified frequencies Helmholtz resonator was introduced, which is particularly effective for low frequency noise attenuation. A design is conceptualized and developed based on Helmholtz resonator calculation for target frequencies and duty cycle gas
Kasliwal, RajatSaxena, SaahilJadhav, Sourabh
Due to constant evolution in both noise regulations and noise comfort standards, noise reduction inside the vehicle remains one of the main issues faced today by the automotive industry. One of the most efficient methods for noise reduction is the introduction of acoustic treatments, made of multilayered trimmed panels. Constraints on these components, such as weight, packaging space and overall sound quality as well as the amount of possible material and geometrical combinations, have led automotive OEMs to use innovative methods, such as numerical acoustic simulation, so as to evaluate noise transmission in a fast and cost-effective way. While the computational cost for performing such analyses is insignificant for a limited number of configurations, the evaluation of multiple design parameter combinations early in the design stage can lead to non-viable computation times in an industrial context. This paper presents a framework for the efficient, almost real-time evaluation of
Poulos, AthanasiosJacqmot, JonathanBaudson, RomainKayvantash, KambizLe Corre, Sandrine
This SAE Standard sets forth measurement procedures and instrumentation to be used for determining a “representative” sound level during a representative time period at selected measurement locations on a construction site boundary. The document is not intended for use in determining occupational hearing damage risk. Determination of a representative time period is left to the judgment of the user
OPTC3, Lighting and Sound Committee
This test procedure outlines the necessary test equipment (test fixture, dynamometer, data acquisition system, etc.) and test sequence required to test for low-frequency brake noise (200 Hz to 1.25 kHz) on a brake noise dynamometer. It is intended to complement SAE J2521, which focuses on high-frequency brake squeal. This RP applies to passenger cars and light trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating below 4536 kg. Before using this RP for heavier vehicles, consult and agree with the test requestor and the testing facility
Brake NVH Standards Committee
This document presents a practical method for calculating atmospheric absorption for wide-band sounds analyzed with one-third octave-band filters, called the SAE Method. The SAE Method utilizes pure-tone attenuation algorithms originally published in ISO 9613-1 and ANSI S1.26-1995 to calculate path-length attenuation at mid-band frequencies. The equations introduced in this standard transform the pure-tone, mid-band attenuation to one-third octave-band attenuation. The purpose of this guidance document is to extend the useful attenuation range of the Approximate Method outlined in ANSI S1.26-1995, and to replace ARP866A. Calculation of sound attenuation caused by mechanisms other than atmospheric absorption such as divergence, refraction, scattering due to turbulence, ground reflections, or non-linear propagation effects, is outside the scope of this document
A-21 Aircraft Noise Measurement Aviation Emission Modeling
This procedure is applicable to brake pad modes between 500 Hz and 16 kHz. The parameters measured with this procedure are defined as the first three natural frequencies, fn (n = 1, 2, 3), and the corresponding loss factors, η
Brake NVH Standards Committee
This IR defines a general taxonomy (classification) of the most common fixture designs. This IR provides guidelines for design, fabrication, and installation to improve the way tests repeat, reproduce, and correlate to vehicle conditions. The different types of fixtures in this IR (including their preloading) apply to single-ended brake inertia dynamometer NVH testing, with a frequency range between 1.25 kHz and 16 kHz (per SAE J2521). This IR applies to passenger car and light trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating of 4536 kg or below. This IR does not address other sources of variability such as (a) test procedure itself, (b) environmental conditions, (c) dynamometer design, including its NVH test chamber, (d) data collection and data analysis methods, and (e) part-to-part, batch-to-batch, and design-level variation for brake and suspension hardware
Brake NVH Standards Committee
Along with the global trend for electrification, also motorcycle industry is entering new spheres of highly advanced products and is increasing customer demands for electric mobility. Beside hard facts such as performance, driving range, durability and ease of use, also the brand specific attributes such as styling, driveability and even sound for electrified 2-wheeler are very emotional, unique selling prepositions. To determine the subjective parameters for driveability and acoustics, AVL has developed dedicated tools and methods to quantify these attributes with high maturity. In terms of acoustics and NVH there are several crucial noise sources within electrified powertrains, which have to be treated with high attention from the initial development phase to avoid any kind of unforeseen annoyances: E-motor with inverter, transmission and secondary drive are most relevant. This issue becomes even more important with the ongoing market trend of products featuring increased power
Hubmann, ChristianFalk, PatrickGraf, BernhardFriedl, Hubert
Vehicles with lower noise levels and better levels of vibratory comfort for passengers made the area of noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) one of the main areas related to the perception of vehicle quality. Several approaches on the contribution of transfer paths have been studied to define the propagation energy in vehicular structures. Transfer Path Analysis (TPA) is a tool to improve NVH performance with the primary goal of reducing and improving perceived vibrations and noise in the cabin vehicle by occupants. Indirect methods are especially important in cases where the force signals are immeasurable in practice in terms of cost and space for sensor couplings, in the measurement configuration, and particularly in the case of distributed forces. The matrix inversion method, perhaps the most popular classic TPA, identifies operational forces using passive body acceleration. However, removal of the source can change the dynamic characteristics of the assembled structure and increase
Ramos, A. C. R.Melo, C. A. P.Álvarez-Briceño, Oliveira, L.P.R
It is well known the difference between development levels and engineering investment applied to passenger car brake pads when compared to Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and items sold in the Independent Aftermarket (IAM). Based on these differences, the objective of this paper is to propose a simple evaluation for the IAM that can provide at least some level of the understanding of frictional material behavior. Based on a tripod of variables, or three Dimensions Development, described in this work as Performance, Comfort (NVH) and Durability; and using internationally and established testing procedures to measure these dimensions in order to meet the IAM demands for the cost-benefit engineering investment. An important part of the proposed tool is to position friction material against competition for market known issues, and, more importantly, to ensure end product safety and reliability
Oliveira, PedroRodrigues, HenriqueFerro, Eduardo
This SAE Standard specifies necessary procedures and control parameters in estimating anisotropic elastic constants of friction material based on pad assembly FRF measurements and optimization. It is intended to provide a set of elastic constants as inputs to brake NVH simulation, with the objective of ensuring pad assembly vibration correlation between simulation and measurements
Brake NVH Standards Committee
With fast pacing development of automobile industry and growing needs for better driving experience, NVH performance has become an important aspect of analysis in new driveline product development especially in hybrid and electric powered vehicles. Differential bevel gear has significant role in the final drive. Unlike parallel axis gears such as spur or helical gear, bevel gear mesh shows more complicated characteristics and its mesh parameters are mostly time-varying which calls for more extensive design and analysis. The purpose of this paper is to conduct design study on a differential bevel gear unit under light torque condition and evaluate its NVH characteristics. Unloaded tooth contact analysis (UTCA) of those designs are conducted and compared for several design cases with different micro geometry to investigate their pattern position and size variation effects on NVH response. Loaded tooth contact analysis (LTCA) that is based on semi-analytical and semi-FE method is used to
Shi, ZhenghongChen, JuiKolivand, MohsenSun, ZhaohuiKopp, GregoryPeng, Ying
A major challenge in automotive NVH engineering is to approach complex structure-borne sound and vibration problems with sufficient accuracy but reasonable experimental effort. Typical issues encountered are poor correlation between objective component performance criteria tested for during bench validation and corresponding subjective targets evaluated during system validation in the actual vehicle. Additional challenges arise from the need to impose assumptions on sophisticated physical vibration problems to reduce the complexity to a level feasible for conventional experimental test methods. This paper addresses all mentioned issues by elaborating on a system NVH engineering approach employing Virtual Acoustic Prototyping (VAP) (related to what is now often called component Transfer Path Analysis) to synthesize time domain sound and vibration responses of vibrating machinery operated in a virtual vehicle environment. One crucial step of VAP is to characterize the strength of
Wienen, KevinSturm, MichaelMoorhouse, AndyMeggitt, Joshua
The vehicle axle gear whine noise and vibration are key issues for the automotive industry to design a quiet, reliable driveline system. The main source of excitation for this vibration energy comes from hypoid gear transmission error (TE). The vibration transmits through the flexible axle components, then radiates off from the surface of the housing structure. Thus, the design of hypoid gear pair with minimization of TE is one way to control the dynamic behavior of the vehicle axle system. In this paper, an approach to obtain minimum TE and improved dynamic response with optimal tooth profile modification parameters is discussed. A neural network algorithm, named Back Propagation (BP) algorithm, with improved Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used to predict the TE if some tooth profile modification parameters are given to train the model. With the optimal hypoid gear tooth profile modification, a system level analysis of vehicle axle system is performed to verify the improvement
Lin, Chia-ChingWang, YawenWang, KanZhang, WeiqingSun, ShouliLim, Teik C.
Today’s trend of combustion engine development for cars is characterized with; high torque, low engine speed, low weight, high degree of cyclic irregularity, low excitation frequency due to fewer cylinders active e.g. 4-cylinder or less. This implies in respect of vibrations that it is crucial to control powertrain rigid body modes and place these were they cannot be reached and induced by the low exciting harmonic frequencies for low engine speeds or idling. It is also important to control the overall flexible vibration modes. A mathematical CAE model is created in simulation software AVL-EXCITE in order to handle the vibration phenomenon as a first step. But it is absolutely necessary to “verify” these models with real measurements in respect of NVH and if needed upgrade the CAE model if there are detected deviations. The NVH-test is done with testing tool DEWESoft. The purpose of below paper is to do model verification on a concrete example in respect of powertrain vibrations. Volvo
Rönnqvist, UrbanRibarits, Janos
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