Browse Topic: Standardization

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The internal short circuit of a traction battery is one of the most typical failure mechanisms that can lead to thermal runaway, potentially triggering thermal propagation across the entire battery system. This phenomenon poses significant safety risks, especially in electric vehicles and large-scale energy storage systems. Therefore, it is essential to explore and understand the internal short circuit behavior to mitigate these risks. One of the most effective testing methods for reproducing an internal short circuit is the penetration test, where specific test conditions must be carefully designed based on the failure behavior. Among these conditions, the penetration step length plays a crucial role, as it directly influences the short circuit dynamics. Despite the importance of penetration step length, there is currently no standardized test procedure that dictates how to select the appropriate step size for different battery samples. This gap in standardization complicates the
Wang, FangSun, ZhipengMa, TianyiDai, XiaoqianDai, CeYan, PengfeiMa, XiaoleChen, LiduoMa, HaishuoShen, Shaopeng
When a physician injects a patient with medication from a glass vial, they want to know that the drug inside that vial is sterile and stable. That’s where Genesis Packaging Technologies comes in. Genesis Packaging Technologies, formally a division of the West Company, was founded in 1946. Today, Genesis is a one of the leaders in the science and technology of parenteral vial sealing and residual seal force testing.
Pulsed field ablation (PFA) is a nonthermal method of tissue ablation technology that uses high amplitude pulsed electrical fields (PEF) to create irreversible electroporation (IRE) in tissues. Unlike traditional thermal ablation technologies, PFA does not rely on heating to damage and destroy tissue. Instead, PFA creates nanopores in cell membranes due to transient, high-voltage exposure that disrupts cell wall integrity, which leads to cell death.1
ML approaches to solving some of the key perception and decision challenges in automated vehicle functions are maturing at an incredible rate. However, the setbacks experienced during initial attempts at widespread deployment have highlighted the need for a careful consideration of safety during the development and deployment of these functions. To better control the risk associated with this storm of complex functionality, open operating environments, and cutting-edge technology, there is a need for industry consensus on best practices for achieving an acceptable level of safety. Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Safety Standards for Machine Learning-based Road Vehicle Functions provides an overview of standards relevant to the safety of ML-based vehicle functions and serves as guidance for technology providers—including those new to the automotive sector—on how to interpret the evolving standardization landscape. The report also contains practical guidance, along with an example
Burton, Simon
The rise of AI models across diverse domains includes promising advancements, but also poses critical challenges. In particular, establishing trust in AI-based systems for mission-critical applications is challenging for most domains. For the automotive domain, embedded systems are operating in real-time and undertaking mission-critical tasks. Ensuring dependability attributes, especially safety, of these systems remains a predominant challenge. This article focuses on the application of AI-based systems in safety-critical contexts within automotive domains. Drawing from current standardization methodologies and established patterns for safe application, this work offers a reflective analysis, emphasizing overlaps and potential avenues to put AI-based systems into practice within the automotive landscape. The core focus lies in incorporating pattern concepts, fostering the safe integration of AI in automotive systems, with requirements described in standardization and topics discussed
Blazevic, RomanaVeledar, OmarStolz, MichaelMacher, Georg
Previous studies have shown that dosing AdBlue into the exhaust system of diesel engines to reduce nitrogen oxides can lead to an increase in the number of particles (PN). In addition to the influencing factors of exhaust gas temperature, exhaust gas mass flow and dosing quantity, the dosed medium itself (AdBlue) is not considered as a possible influence due to its regulation in ISO-standard 22241. However, as the standard specifies limit value ranges for the individual regulated properties and components for newly sold AdBlue, in reality there is still some margin in the composition. This paper investigates the particle number increase due to AdBlue dosing using several CPCs. The increase in PN is determined by measuring the number of particles after DPF and thus directly before dosing as well as tailpipe. Several AdBlue products from different sources and countries are measured and their composition is also analyzed with regard to the limit values regulated in the standard. This
Herold, TimNoone, PatrickBeidl, ChristianBoldt, ThomasHochholzner, MichaelKontin, Sinisa
Aircraft performance, certification and safety hinge on the precise analysis of flight maneuvers, necessitating a methodical approach to extract critical insights from flight data. This research outlines a systematic methodology that combines signal processing with machine learning techniques for the detection and analysis of aircraft maneuvers. The core of this methodology involves the Wavelet Transform, which meticulously unveils temporal intricacies within flight data, shedding light on pivotal time-frequency attributes crucial for aviation safety assessments. Augmenting this approach, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models are employed to capture intricate temporal dependencies, extending the capability beyond that of standalone machine learning. This methodology not only enhances aviation safety but also finds wide-ranging applications. By examining flight attitudes during actions and extracting multi-parameter time histories, it establishes standardized time histories for each
Parihar, PratikKumar, UtsavKaliyari, DushyantTk, Khadeeja Nusrath
This standard applies to all products and services produced for Aeronautics and Space enterprises and regulatory environments, including those produced by component facilities and technical and service support centers. If applied, this standard must be cited in the CM requirements of Enterprise Planning, Facilities Programs, Projects, and Supplier agreements. This standard applies throughout all phases of the program and project life cycle. CM is about the truth, trust, and traceability of products, data used to produce products, and processes throughout their life cycle and should be applied across the Enterprise at the process and product level. The significant data to which CM is applied includes scientific and engineering data; data that drives mission success; data that ensures IT security; and data used to make technical, programmatic, and business decisions. Proper application of CM is essential for product integrity and overall effectiveness. Acquirers complying with the
G-33 Configuration Management
“New Space" is reshaping the economic landscape of the space industry and has far-reaching implications for technological innovation, business models, and market dynamics. This change, aligned with the digitalization in the world economy, has given rise to innovations in the downstream space segment. This “servitization” of the space industry, essentially, has led to the transition from selling products like satellites or spacecraft, to selling the services these products provide. This also connects to applications of various technologies, like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and virtualization. Redefining Space Commerce: The Move Toward Servitization discusses the advantages of this shift (e.g., cost reduction, increased access to space for smaller organizations and countries), as well as the challenges, such as maintaining safety and security, establishing standardization and regulation, and managing risks. The implications of this may be far-reaching, affecting not only
Khan, Samir
SAE updates gasoline fuel-injection standards, additions expected Gasoline Fuel Injection Standards Committee (GFISC) updates three standards and plans to publish two more. The Gasoline Fuel Injection Standards Committee (GFISC) plays a pivotal role in developing and maintaining SAE's Standards, Recommended Practices (RP) and Information Reports (IR) for the mechanical and electrical components of gasoline fuel-injection systems. Since a prior update was published in May 2019, the committee has made significant progress to ensure the relevancy and accuracy of these standards, with three updated standards published since 2021 and the expected publication of two more in 2024.
This SAE document defines a recommended practice for implementing circuit identification for electrical power and signal distribution systems of the Class 8 trucks and tractors. This document provides a description of a supplemental circuit identifier that shall be utilized in conjunction with the original equipment manufacturer’s primary circuit identification as used in wire harnesses but does not include electrical or electronic devices which have pigtails. The supplemental circuit identifier is cross-referenced to a specified subsystem of the power and signal distribution system identified in Section 5.
Truck and Bus Electrical Systems Committee
The United Nation Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Regulation 155—Cybersecurity and Cybersecurity Management System (UN R155) mandates the development of cybersecurity management systems (CSMS) as part of a vehicle’s lifecycle. An inherent component of the CSMS is cybersecurity risk management and assessment. Validation and verification testing is a key activity for measuring the effectiveness of risk management, and it is mandated by UN R155 for type approval. Due to the focus of R155 and its suggested implementation guideline, ISO/SAE 21434:2021—Road Vehicle Cybersecurity Engineering, mainly centering on the alignment of cybersecurity risk management to the vehicle development lifecycle, there is a gap in knowledge of proscribed activities for validation and verification testing. This research provides guidance on automotive cybersecurity testing and verification by providing an overview of the state-of-the-art in relevant automotive standards, outlining their transposition
Roberts, AndrewMarksteiner, StefanSoyturk, MujdatYaman, BerkayYang, Yi
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes the antilock brake system (ABS) sensor interface and envelope dimensions for standardizing the location of the ABS rings mounted on or integral to the inboard end of spoke wheels, hubs, rotors, and hub-rotor assemblies on the following axle designations as defined in SAE J1842. a FF b FL c FC d FH e L f R g U h W j N k P
Truck and Bus Wheel Committee
SAE International announced in late June, 2023, that it intended to standardize the Tesla-developed North American Charging Standard (NACS) EV charging connector for North America. SAE then created the J3400 NACS Task Force to expedite creation of the J3400 NACS Electric Vehicle Coupler standard. Grayson Brulte, host of SAE's Tomorrow Today podcast, subsequently interviewed Christian Thiele, Director, Global Ground Vehicle Standards, SAE International, and Dr. Rodney McGee, Ph.D., P.E. Chairman, SAE J3400 NACS Task Force and Chief Engineer at the University of Delaware, regarding the work of the J3400 Task Force and other aspects of standardization as electrification technology proliferates throughout the light- and heavy-duty vehicle sectors. This Q&A is an abbreviated portion of that interview and the podcast can be heard in its entirety at:
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) have been growing over the past few years and will continue to grow at a faster pace in future. UAS faces many challenges in certification, airspace management, operations, supply chain, and maintenance. Blockchain, defined as a distributed ledger technology for the enterprise that features immutability, traceability, automation, data privacy, and security, can help address some of these challenges. However, blockchain also has certain challenges and is still evolving. Hence it is essential to study on how blockchain can help UAS. G-31 technical committee of SAE International responsible for electronic transactions for aerospace has published AIR 7356 [1] entitled Opportunities, Challenges and Requirements for use of Blockchain in Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operating below 400ft above ground level for Commercial Use. This paper is a teaser for AIR 7356 [1] document. It presents the current opportunities, challenges of UAS operating at or below 400 ft
Manoharan, DineshG.V.V., Ravi KumarR, PrithivirajGhimire, RiteshRencher, RobertMarkou, ChrisFabre, ChrisRoboff, MarkBudeanu, DragosRajamani, RaviWalthall, RhondaVeluri, Sastry
Since the standardization of Ethernet in the 1980s, progressive performance advances and economies of scale have made this the leading digital networking technology for commercial, consumer, and industrial applications. Although Ethernet in the factory has now been widely adopted, it lagged behind commercial implementations due to difficulties installing the media in harsh industrial environments, and in the early years, a lack of determinism required for critical applications.
The next major conflict for the United States Army is predicted to encounter a peer or near-peer force able to contest operations across wide domains of the battlefield. The logistics and sustainment elements will be required to move parts efficiently with enough advance notice to sustain the force. Current methods for collecting and transmitting logistics data face systemic problems against a near-peer aggressor. A standardized Primary, Alternate, Contingency, and Emergency plan for Logistics and Maintenance data (LogPACE) is proposed to both enhance and automate the collection and transmission of logistics data. This methodology is built upon current and emerging technologies, adaptive communications mediums, as well as proposed changes to current concepts of operations (CONOPS).
Baumann, Edward
ABSTRACT This paper offers a technical strategy to use Future Airborne Capability Environment™ (FACE Data Modeling and Transport Services Segment (TSS) mechanisms to address interoperability concerns between multiple open standards. It discusses features of the FACE Technical Standard that facilitate interoperability including data modeling constructs to address various common digital schema technologies, TSS capability approaches to allow flexible interoperability, and open standards that can be addressed with the approach. Citation: M. Snyder, C. Allport “Using FACETM Technical Standard Features to Address Interoperability Between Ground Vehicle Domain Open Standards,” In Proceedings of the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS), NDIA, Novi, MI, Aug. 16-18, 2023.
Snyder, MarkAllport, Chris
SAE International announced that it will standardize the Tesla-developed North American Charging Standard (NACS) charging connector for EVs. The global engineering organization that engages nearly 200,000 engineers, technical experts and volunteers said in a press release that it will work to help with deployment of the NACS connector, an alternative to the longstanding SAE J1772 Combined Charging System (CCS) connector, after Ford, General Motors and a number of EV public-charging equipment suppliers recently indicated they intend to adopt the NACS connector design. “Standardizing the NACS connector will provide certainty, expanded choice, reliability and convenience to manufacturers and suppliers and, most of all, increase access to charging for consumers,” explained Frank Menchaca, president of Sustainable Mobility Solutions, an innovation arm of SAE's parent company, Fullsight. The organization in a statement credited the U.S.'s Joint Office of Energy and Transportation for
Visnic, Bill
It was impossible to miss in late May what surely will be one of the year's highest-profile electrification stories. Ford, quickly followed by GM and many others, announced they will adopt the Tesla-developed “North American Charging Standard” (NACS) EV charging connector (see pg. 4). The shift ostensibly displaces the SAE International-developed Standard J1772 “Combined Charging System” (CCS) connector that has been the predominant connector standard for just about every EV that isn't a Tesla. Although most who've handled both connectors wouldn't argue the NACS connector and its thinner cable generally is more user-friendly, the more impactful aspect of the connector transition “deal” was that much of Tesla's vaunted Supercharger public DC fast-charging network - some 12,000 chargers at 2000 sites in North America - will be available to non-Tesla EVs starting next year. This was the Holy Grail for Ford, GM and others anxious to reassure current and future EV purchase “intenders
Visnic, Bill
Micromobility is often discussed in the context of minimizing traffic congestion and transportation pollution by encouraging people to travel shorter (i.e., typically urban) distances using bicycle or scooters instead of single-occupancy vehicles. It is also frequently championed as a solution to the “first-mile/last-mile” problem. If the demographics and intended users of micromobility vary largely by community, surely that means we must identify different reasons for using micromobility. Micromobility, User Input, and Standardization considers potential options for standardization in engineering and public policy, how real people are using micromobility, and the relevant barriers that come with that usage. It examines the history of existing technologies, compares various traffic laws, and highlights barriers to micromobility standardization—particularly in low-income communities of color. Lastly, it considers how engineers and legislators can use this information to effectively
Eastman, Brittany
This Aerospace Standard covers all automatic pressure altitude code generating equipment manufactured under this standard and complying with the requirements specified herein up to the maximum range of pressure altitude as indicated on the equipment nameplate. In those cases where the code generating equipment forms part of an aircraft system, such as a pressure altimeter, an air data computer or an ATC Transponder, this standard applies only to the code generating equipment as defined in paragraph 1.2.
A-4ADWG Air Data Subcommittee
ISO/SAE 21434 [1] Final International Standard was released September 2021 to great fanfare and is the most prominent standard in Automotive Cybersecurity. As members of the Joint Working Group (JWG) the authors spent 5 years developing the 84 pages of precise wording acceptable to hundreds of contributors. At the same time the auto industry had been undergoing a metamorphosis probably unmatched in its hundred-year history. A centerpiece of the metamorphosis is the adoption of the Agile development method to meet market demands for time-to-market and flexibility of design. Unfortunately, a strategic decision was made by the JWG to focus ISO/SAE 21434 on the V-Model method. Agile does not break ISO/SAE 21434. Agile is a framework that can be adapted to suit any process. In the end the goals are the same regardless of development method; security by design must be achieved. This paper will outline the work products of ISO/SAE 21434 and discuss how the work products required by the
Mazzara, BillGuo, Yuanbo
SAE International in late February, 2023, announced the release of a new standards document to provide a common testing procedure to rate the maximum power of electrified powertrains. The new J2908 standard, titled “Vehicle Power and Rated System Power Test for Electrified Powertrains,” is a voluntary procedure to make it easier to measure and compare the maximum power of electrified powertrains used in hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles (PHEVs) and battery electric vehicles (EVs) or fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). The J2908 standard establishes the framework for testing, data post-processing and reporting of SAE system power for an electrified vehicle. The SAE system power is defined as the sum of the mechanical shaft powers of all powertrain components used for propulsion during peak wheel power. It is a voluntary procedure, said Michael Duoba, research engineer, Argonne National Laboratory, and sponsor of the document.
Visnic, Bill
Interoperability and ‘smart’ energy management are vital for meeting EV charging demand. The clock is ticking for the automotive industry to meet looming “greener” energy deadlines, which will come into effect at the end of the decade. Achieving widescale adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and meeting the mandates will require significant changes. One area that needs more attention is how to power the transition to an electric future. With the demand for electricity expected to grow nearly 20% by 2050 due to EVs and other clean tech initiatives, the grid is under immense pressure. With the aging infrastructure already creaking, expecting it to support this growth is not feasible using the established electricity value chain: generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption. Successfully powering the transition requires utilities and the broader ecosystem to collaborate and look at energy capacity in new ways.
Goetzl, Thomas
This SAE Standard establishes a uniform test procedure and performance requirements for the ventilation system(s) of personal watercraft. This SAE Standard does not apply to outboard powered personal watercraft and jet powered surfboards.
Personal Watercraft Committee
This specification covers the requirements for two types of oxygen pressure reducers.
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) provides a harmonized process and documentation requirements for the establishment of CoCs used to attest the conformity of aviation, space, and defense products (e.g., assemblies, sub-assemblies, equipment and systems, parts, material, software) or services. It includes a CoC template and supporting instructions on how to complete it. When quoted by the customer in a contractual requirement, application of this document is mandatory. In other cases, its use is recommended, but if there is a conflict between the requirements of this standard and customer or applicable statutory/regulatory requirements, the latter shall take precedence. Requirements for the establishment of Authorized Release Certificates (ARCs)—e.g., European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Form 1, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 8130-3 tag, Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) Form 038—by an external provider holding a production approval (for new aviation products
G-14 Americas Aerospace Quality Standards Committee (AAQSC)
This standard defines requirements for the preparation and execution of the audit process. In addition, it defines the content and composition for the audit reporting of conformity and process effectiveness to the 9100-series standards, the organization's QMS documentation, and customer and statutory/regulatory requirements. The requirements in this standard are additions or represent changes to the requirements and guidelines in the standards for conformity assessment, auditing, and certification as published by ISO/IEC (i.e., ISO/IEC 17000, ISO/IEC 17021-1). When there is conflict with these standards, the requirements of the 9101 standard shall take precedence.
G-14 Americas Aerospace Quality Standards Committee (AAQSC)
The market penetration of highly automated agricultural vehicles in crop farming and arable environments is still very low. However, the unsettled issues and market barriers stem from three main topics. The first is the technical development and appropriate framework conditions for hardware and software required for autonomous field vehicles. The second is the regulatory framework needed to facilitate investment by manufacturers and users. Finally, the third topic is the willingness of the user to accept the non-deterministic systems that are common in agricultural practices today. Autonomous Field Robotics is a joint report between SAE International and the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) developed to enable relevant stakeholders—including users, regulators, researchers, and manufacturers, among others—to discuss the barriers facing automated agricultural vehicles. The report includes a cross-industry and cross-sector exchange on the three central aspects, a prioritization
Lehmann, JohannesDwerlkotte, NinaSaxe, Friederike
The purpose of this SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) is to standardize the basic design, performance, and testing requirements for “Cargo Stoppers” cargo tie-down accessories to be used in conjunction with approved restraint straps meeting AS5385C (TSO C-172) requirements.
AGE-2 Air Cargo
This paper talks about the methods of integrating diagnostics to existing fast charging standards such as CCS, GB/T and ChadeMO. Diagnostic methods and systems are commonly used and well-defined terms when associated with in-vehicle communication networks. It helps OEMs and vehicle manufacturers at several stages including development, pre-production and post-production. Commonly used standards are ISO-14229, ISO-14230 in conjunction with higher layer protocols such as ISO -15765. These standards define clear objectives in terms of services and methods. However, when it comes to fast chargers which are off-board chargers, diagnostics part is not yet standardized and is not much talked about. As a result, several manufactures/OEMs follow their own different strategies to deal with field failure detection and reporting. There are several problems why generic diagnostic standards applicable to in-vehicle communication networks does not apply directly on fast chargers. First problem being
Abichandani, NeetigyaBhandary cEng, DeekshaDas, Shoubhik
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