Analysis of Variables Influencing Towing Limits in Rail Track Maintenance Equipment



Authors Abstract
The towing limits for self-propelled rail track maintenance equipment depends on various factors such as equipment type, weight, speed, braking capabilities, track and weather conditions, traction, engine power, driveline performance, coupler/towing link, and safety regulations. These variables collectively determine the towing limits for rail vehicles. In self-propelled rail track maintenance equipment (SP-TME), the concept of towing limits differs from traditional sense, as the SP-TME can move independently and has operational constraints and specifications that need to be observed to ensure safe and efficient functioning. This technical paper investigates the towing limits and factors affecting the towing limits of the Tamper Equipment, a type of track maintenance selfpropelled machine that packs the ballast under the rail tracks for safe and efficient rail operation. Often, this equipment needs to tow other smaller equipment, trailers, or be towed by other vehicles for transportation or rescue. The variables studied in this work include the structural and buckling strength of the towing structure, engine power, traction, driveline parts performance, track conditions, weather conditions, and braking capabilities. The equipment was evaluated for designed towing situation and additional towing situations involving overuse or misuse of the machine in towing higher loads than designed under various track conditions. This paper also explores unusual but possible scenarios, the non-rolling wheel scenario triggered by equipment breakdown on an incline. The study summarizes results of the influence of variables under study on equipment towing.
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Patil, D., "Analysis of Variables Influencing Towing Limits in Rail Track Maintenance Equipment," SAE MobilityRxiv™ Preprint, submitted May 23, 2024,
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May 23, 2024
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Pre-Print Article