Browse Topic: Simulators
To establish and validate new systems incorporated into next generation vehicles, it is important to understand actual scenarios which the autonomous vehicles will likely encounter. Consequently, to do this, it is important to run Field Operational Tests (FOT). FOT is undertaken with many vehicles and large acquisition areas ensuing the capability and suitability of a continuous function, thus guaranteeing the randomization of test conditions. FOT and Use case(a software testing technique designed to ensure that the system under test meets and exceeds the stakeholders' expectations) scenario recordings capture is very expensive, due to the amount of necessary material (vehicles, measurement equipment/objectives, headcount, data storage capacity/complexity, trained drivers/professionals) and all-time robust working vehicle setup is not always available, moreover mileage is directly proportional to time, along with that it cannot be scaled up due to physical limitations. During the early
In India, Driver Drowsiness and Attention Warning (DDAW) system-based technologies are rising due to anticipation on mandatory regulation for DDAW. However, readiness of the system to introduce to Indian market requires validations to meet standard (Automotive Industry Standard 184) for the system are complex and sometimes subjective in nature. Furthermore, the evaluation procedure to map the system accuracy with the Karolinska sleepiness scale (KSS) requirement involves manual interpretation which can lead to false reading. In certain scenarios, KSS validation may entail to fatal risks also. Currently, there is no effective mechanism so far available to compare the performance of different DDAW systems which are coming up in Indian market. This lack of comparative investigation channel can be a concerning factor for the automotive manufactures as well as for the end-customers. In this paper, a robust validation setup using motion drive simulator with 3 degree of freedom (DOF) is
The optimization and further development of automated driving functions offers great potential to relieve the driver in various driving situations and increase road safety. Simulative testing in particular is an indispensable tool in this process, allowing conclusions to be drawn about the design of automated driving functions at a very early stage of development. In this context, the use of driving simulators provides support so that the driving functions of tomorrow can be experienced in a very safe and reproducible environment. The focus of the acceptance and optimization of automated driving functions is particularly on vehicle lateral control functions. As part of this paper, a test person study was carried out regarding manual vehicle lateral control on the dynamic vehicle road simulator at the Institute of Automotive Engineering. The basis for this is the route generation as a result of the evaluation of curve radii from several hundred thousand kilometers of real measurement
VI-grade introduced a Driver-in-Motion Full-Spectrum Dynamic Simulator for multi-attribute virtual tests. Despite rainy skies above northeastern Italy in mid-May, the mood at VI-grade's 2024 Zero Prototype Summit (ZPS) was decidedly sunny. VI-grade's partners from around the world were on hand to see the world premiere of the company's new Driver-in-Motion Full-Spectrum Dynamic Simulator (DiM FSS) that allows for multi-attribute applications. An update to VI-grade's advanced DiM units, the DiM FSS is a carbon fiber cockpit with shakers that can be mounted on top of VI-grade's existing dynamic simulators to provide NVH simulations at the same time as dynamic simulations.
Launch vehicle structures in course of its flight will be subjected to dynamic forces over a range of frequencies up to 2000 Hz. These loads can be steady, transient or random in nature. The dynamic excitations like aerodynamic gust, motor oscillations and transients, sudden application of control force are capable of exciting the low frequency structural modes and cause significant responses at the interface of launch vehicle and satellite. The satellite interface responses to these low frequency excitations are estimated through Coupled Load Analysis (CLA). This analysis plays a crucial role in mission as the satellite design loads and Sine vibration test levels are defined based on this. The perquisite of CLA is to predict the responses with considerable accuracy so that the design loads are not exceeded in the flight. CLA validation is possible by simulating the flight experienced responses through the analysis. In the present study, the satellite interface responses are validated
Automated driving has become a very promising research direction with many successful deployments and the potential to reduce car accidents caused by human error. Automated driving requires automated path planning and tracking with the ability to avoid collisions as its fundamental requirement. Thus, plenty of research has been performed to achieve safe and time efficient path planning and to develop reliable collision avoidance algorithms. This paper uses a data-driven approach to solve the abovementioned fundamental requirement. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to develop Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) training pipelines which train end-to-end automated driving agents by utilizing raw sensor data. The raw sensor data is obtained from the Carla autonomous vehicle simulation environment here. The proposed automated driving agent learns how to follow a pre-defined path with reasonable speed automatically. First, the A* path searching algorithm is applied to generate an optimal
Traditional autonomous vehicle perception subsystems that use onboard sensors have the drawbacks of high computational load and data duplication. Infrastructure-based sensors, which can provide high quality information without the computational burden and data duplication, are an alternative to traditional autonomous vehicle perception subsystems. However, these technologies are still in the early stages of development and have not been extensively evaluated for lane detection system performance. Therefore, there is a lack of quantitative data on their performance relative to traditional perception methods, especially during hazardous scenarios, such as lane line occlusion, sensor failure, and environmental obstructions. We address this need by evaluating the influence of hazards on the resilience of three different lane detection methods in simulation: (1) traditional camera detection using a U-Net algorithm, (2) radar detections using infrastructure-based radar retro-reflectors (RRs
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