Browse Topic: Developing countries

Items (214)
The world is moving towards a green transportation system. Governments are also pushing for green mobility, especially electric vehicles. Electric vehicles are becoming more popular in Europe, China, India, and developing countries. In EVs, the customer's range anxiety and the perceived real-world range are major challenges for the OEMs. The OEMs are moving towards a higher power-to-weight ratio. Energy density plays a crucial role in the battery pack architecture to increase the vehicle range. Higher capacity battery packs are needed to improve the vehicle's range. The battery pack architecture is vital in defining the gravimetric and volumetric energy densities. The cell-to-pack battery technique aims to achieve a higher power-to-weight ratio by eliminating unnecessary weight in the battery architecture. The design of battery architecture depends on the cell features such as the cell shape & size, cell terminal positions, vent valve position, battery housing strength requirements
K, Barathi Raja
The path towards clean mobility points in the direction of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) as a possible transportation solution. Despite a growing market penetration worldwide, emerging countries are struggling to successfully adopt BEV with current vehicle models. The literature presents an embracing discussion about BEV barriers but lacks into suggesting practical actions into BEV design. Based on a product development methodology and value analysis, this research aims to review factors holding back the BEV adoption in developing countries and to apply these factors into BEV features and design specifications. The literature was systematically reviewed based on the Brazilian case scenario to cast customer requirements for numerical evaluation through the Mudge Method. These were later translated into design requirements and ranked according to their relative importance with the quality function deployment (QFD). The results show that vehicle safety, pricing, and range anxiety are
Colpo, Leonardo R.Nora, Macklini DallaRomano, Leonardo N.Glufke, Ronaldo M.Rech, Cassiano
The creators of the designs hope that their promising technology, initially developed for emergency short-term ventilators in response to the coronavirus pandemic, will help to address the shortage of mechanical ventilators in developing countries in the long term.
In response to the growing need for increased mobility and road safety, India, like other developing nations, is placing a high focus on modernizing its transport infrastructure. This report performs a thorough technical analysis of the challenges and implementation issues that were encountered when deploying Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in India. This paper provides valuable information about successful ITS deployment and the unique challenges faced in the Indian context, drawing on global research and case studies. A detailed understanding of cutting-edge technologies and how they integrate with current infrastructure is essential for India's adoption of ITS to be successful. Collaboration with a range of stakeholders, including governmental organizations, transportation authorities, and technology businesses, is essential for effective deployment. Using examples from around the world, this study intends to find the best stakeholder management practices.
Rajak, VipinSandhu, Jivraj Singh
In developing nations, most passenger vehicles are equipped with mobile air conditioning (MAC) systems that work on Hydro Fluoro Carbons (HFC) based refrigerants. These refrigerants have a high global warming potential (GWP) and hence adversely affect the environment. According to the Kigali amendment to Montreal Protocol, Article-5 Group-2 countries including India must start phasing down HFCs from 2028 and replace them with low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants. One such class of low GWP refrigerant is Hydro Fluoro Olefins (HFO) In order to replace HFCs with HFOs in existing MAC systems, the various system performance parameters with the new refrigerant are required to be evaluated. Performance evaluation of MAC system is rendered quicker and cost-effective by deploying a digital simulation tool. There is good correlation and confidence established for MAC performance prediction with HFCs through 1D CAE. Further, to enable AC performance simulation with drop-in refrigerant
Kulkarni, ShridharShah, GeetJaybhay, SambhajiVarma, Mohit
In developing countries, manual transmissions are leading the market due to their efficiency and low cost. In a manual transmission, the synchronizers play a vital role in defining the gear shift quality. Manual transmission vehicles are getting refined for a pleasant driving experience. The gear shift quality is one of the unique selling points for the vehicle, so the automakers are focusing on the reduction of the gear shift forces. In a manual transmission, the synchronizers are used to match the speed difference between the upstream and downstream inertia for the gear-shifting process. The synchronizers have conical friction surfaces to generate friction and cone torque. The increase in cone torque reduces the gear shift impulse. The cone torque can be increased with mismatch tolerance in the frictional surfaces. In this technique, two cone angles are used for the frictional surfaces. The applied force on the synchronizer tooth compresses the synchronizer ring and closes the non
K, Barathi RajaK, Jibin Paul
As the world is moving toward optimized production strategies, third-world countries are also putting their efforts into contributing to this smart manufacturing approach. However, despite realizing the impact of its global significance and reduction in financial overheads, most of the third-world potential industries are hesitant to this transformation. The predominant reasons are huge capital investments and the cost of handling technology. In this study, a cost calculation methodology is recognized that analyze the cost benefits of technological investment. The case shows that the adaptation of Industry 4.0 is more economical than the traditional manufacturing approach. In an existing setup, a traditional TDABC is being applied, where cost id resources such as labor and material are included in a product cost at the end. This approach losses the visibility of associated labor and material cost used for the particular activity giving an offset in a product cost. Therefore, it is
Fatima, AnisAli, Syed Sajjad
Today, most vehicles in developing countries are equipped with air conditioning systems that work with Hydro-Fluoro-Carbons (HFC) based refrigerants. These refrigerants are potential greenhouse gases with a high global warming potential (GWP) that adversely impact the environment. Without the rapid phasedown of HFCs under the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and other actions, Earth will soon pass climate tipping points that will be irreversible within human time dimensions. Up to half of national HFC use and emissions are for the manufacture and service of mobile air conditioning (MAC). Vehicle manufacturers supplying markets in non-Article 5 Parties have transitioned from HFC-134a (ozone-safe, GWP = 1400; TFA emissions) to Hydro-Fluoro-Olefin, HFO-1234yf (ozone-safe, GWP < 1; TFA emissions) due to comparable thermodynamic properties. However, the transition towards the phasing down of HFCs across all sectors is just beginning for Article 5 markets. Patents on R-1234yf will
Maurya, AnuragMehta, BhavikSardesai, SureshSwarnkar, SumitVenu, SantoshKapoor, Sangeet
Nine out of 10 amputees in the world don't have access to a proper prosthetic. The startup company, LIMBER Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc. aims to do something to address this problem by 3D printing complete one-piece structurally sound prosthetic limbs.
Counterfeiting of refrigerants has seen a dramatic rise over the past two decades. This rise can be partially attributed to global restrictions placed on production and use of refrigerants by the 1987 Montreal and the 1997 Kyoto Protocols (1, 2). These Protocols regulate the gradual phase-out and strict regulations on the use of refrigerants with high Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and high Global Warming Potential (GWP). These protocols require that older refrigerants shall be replaced with newer, more expensive, and environmentally friendly chemicals (3, 4) and necessitates redesigned or replaced equipment to operate efficiently with these new refrigerants.
G-21R Counterfeit Refrigerants
As pedestrians are among the most critical road users, this research analyzes their vulnerability characteristics and predicts the injury severity of pedestrian crashes through decision tree techniques, rather than using statistical regression models that have particular predefined causal relationships between dependent and independent variables. Five years have been studied in Nablus Governorate/Province (2012–2016), one of 16 governorates in Palestine, as a case study based on reported crash frequencies for developing countries. Tree techniques (CART [Classification and Regression Tree] and CHAID [Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detector]) were applied to extract the main impacting factors on injury severity for pedestrian crashes. The main contributions considered a small regional context in developing countries and found differences between the results of various methods in injury severity. Fourteen independent variables have been analyzed. A CART model with Gini splitting has
Jaber, AhmedAl-Sahili, Khaled
Methanol is sometimes referred to as ethanol's deadly twin. While the latter is the intoxicating ingredient in wine, beer, and liquor, the former is a chemical that becomes highly toxic when metabolized by the human body. Even a relatively small amount of methanol can cause blindness or prove fatal if left untreated.
In developing countries, the commercial vehicle industry is one of the key drivers for economic growth. The commercial vehicle industry in India is expected to reach 11,80,000 units by 2025 with a CAGR of 18% from CY 2020 to CY 2025 [1]. In the price sensitive segment of small commercial vehicles, it is imperative to incorporate accurate fuel economy measurement techniques during product development stage to deliver maximum value to the customer. In this approach, measuring the fuel consumption of small commercial vehicles in real world driving conditions in real time is one of the most critical aspects in engine calibration development and fine tuning. One of the challenges in measuring fuel consumption in sub 1 liter diesel engines is the very low fuel flow rate in the fuel feed line which keeps varying as per the driver demand. This paper presents a methodology of using fuel flow meters without tapping the vehicle’s regular fuel flow line which facilitate real time fuel flow
Bose, AnshumanIbrahim, Mohamed
The increasing rates of violence and the lack of effective public security policies, especially in large urban areas in developing countries, have reflected directly in the automotive civil armor market, making Brazil the world leader in the segment of ballistic protection type III-A level against handguns according to the NIJ 0108.01 standard [1], followed by Mexico. Faced with this scenario, to speed up the armoring process on brand new automobiles, the armoring companies have adopted shop floor procedures to quickly assembly the ballistic protection parts, without considering automotive design engineering and manufacturing criteria of the vehicle. One of the solutions for improving the quality of this process and optimizing costs is the adoption of the DFMA® tool, Design for Manufacturing and Assembly. Since, there is no specific DFMA® literature regarding automotive armoring processes, the authors have addressed this through a systematic literature review to obtain the references
Medeiros, Mateus AlvesCandido, Guido MuzioKaminski, Paulo Carlos
During the 20th century, the energy landscape in India was dominated by fossil fuels, with diesel, petroleum, and kerosene used for most industrial and domestic purposes. In rural India, a large part of the population was still using coal, wood, or dung fires for cooking. However, the last few decades have seen the country strive to become a more gas-based economy, with widespread use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) for cooking and even transportation. Recently, piped natural gas has also been made available to many urban households, providing the comfort of uninterrupted cooking gas directly to consumer homes. This new development calls for the gas utility providers to measure how much gas is being consumed. How? With the help of gas meters.
The air purifier industry has seen a growth in terms of demand and sales lately. All credit goes to massive Industrialization in developing countries such as India. The most harmful of the pollutants are PM 2.5 articulates and NOx Emissions. This leads to the new trend of customers become health and comfort conscious and willing to pay more for better and improved transportation. To satisfy these demands, COEM’s are developing more numbers of Air conditioning buses. Although the OEM’s are meeting this demand of quantity, the quality of air from air conditioner is still suffer. One of the main reasons for this poor air quality is because of the ineffectiveness of conventional air conditioner air filters to control particulate materials i.e. PM2.5, biological pollutants i.e. microbes, bacteria, viruses, and gaseous pollutants i.e. CO, CO2, SO2, NOX, O3 & VOCs in air. As per various researches, health problems associated with bus occupant compartment air quality appear more frequently
Dwivedi, Ajay KumarPahade, AtulThakur, Jitendra
It has been predicted that the prevailing COVID-19 situation would result in increased demand for personal vehicles. There is a renewed interest in the 3 wheeled vehicles for short urban mobility in western countries due to their inherent cost advantages which will make it affordable for the common man. As the world is moving towards electric vehicle technology, a light 3 wheeled vehicle option will also help in reducing battery weight and thereby help in addressing the range concerns. In addition, slow speed 3-wheelers need not pass extensive safety regulation tests in many western countries including the USA. Three-wheeled vehicles are not new to developing countries like India as three-wheeled auto-rickshaws are quite popular for short distance shared travel. The existing single front wheel design known as delta design may have a stigma attached to it due to historic reasons in India. There is also a perception that the three-wheeled vehicles are highly unstable. Therefore, the
Nimje, RahulManivasagam, Dr. ShanmugamPatil, Amol
China's auto market has developed rapidly in recent years and has become the world's largest auto market. The rapid increase in sales of passenger cars has brought a series of environmental and energy problems. In response to these problems, “The Parallel Management Method for Corporate Average Fuel Consumption and New Energy Vehicles Credits” (Dual-credit Regulation) has been enacted in 2018. However, some problems about the regulation were gradually exposed with the NEV subsidies decreasing, such as too much surplus new energy vehicle credit. To promote the development of NEV, the reform of dual credit regulation was issued in June,2020. Based on the reform of the" dual-credit " regulation in 2020, this paper proposes the three-stage dynamic game model to solve the auto market’s Nash Equilibrium, then analyzes and predicts the impact of the " dual-credit " reform on the development of China’s 2020 automotive industry, aimed at providing some references for the reform of “dual-credit
Pengyu, ChenLin, GuanZhan, ZhenfeiYin, Yunlei
In the modern automobile scenario in developing countries, customers are getting more meticulous and market more competitive. Now even the budget vehicle customer expects desirable vehicle performance in specific use cases of the vehicle that were previously not focused by designers. Hence, the focus on perceived quality challenges automobile engineers to go the extra mile when it comes to the cost-effective design of parts that are tangible to the customer. A vehicle's cowl cover is one such exterior component. The primary functions of this part are to provide air intake opening for the HVAC system and cover the components like wiper motor. The aesthetic function is to cover the gaps between windshield, hood, and fender as seamlessly as possible. A specific role of cowl cover, which calls for a designer's attention, is its load-bearing capability. This component has to be stiff enough to bear external loads like snow accumulation or application of hand on the part by customer or
Jayanth, NikhilAgarwal, AaradhanaS, Chandra Sekhar
To reduce global warming, Honda has been worked on emission reduction and fuel efficiency enhancement by applying fuel injection systems. The productivity enhancement and cost reduction are strongly demanded in developing countries as the market is expanding. To enhance productivity and reduce cost of ECU, application of the semiconductor production method has been started for printed circuits with edge connectors. However, products that fully meet the requirements of us have not been realized so far. The ECU developed this time has a structure shielding the whole PCB package except the edge connector terminals. Thus, the waterproofness required for an ECU has realized, as a standalone component, as the first in the world (by Honda survey). To achieve that, we developed transfer molding dies equipped with a unique mechanism never been applied. Moreover, we developed an epoxy resin that eliminates the after cure process. Thus, productivity of 5 times over conventional was realized with
TAKEDA, YuichiSUGIO, DaisukeINOSE, KojiTAKIOKA, Syuichi
Vehicular accidents are life-threatening and result in fatal casualties in developing country such as India. According to estimates, traffic accidents kill more people in India than diseases like Cancer and AIDS. More than 150,000 people are killed every year in traffic accidents in India, which works out to 400 fatalities a day, far higher than developed auto markets like the U.S., which had logged about 40,000 deaths in 2016. The World Health Organization estimates road accidents cost most countries about 3 per cent of their gross domestic product. India being the fastest growing economy will be the world’s third-largest car market after China and the U.S. by 2020, according to automobile researchers. According to research study most of death cause due to not getting help on time to the injured person. Research has proven that if injured person is not found any option of help then they also lose the power to fight such critical situation due to psychological effect. When vehicle met
Pajgade, Sachin MadhukarraoBhargava, Aashish
The surge in economic activities, in the developing nations, has resulted in rapid expansion of urban centres. This expansion of cities has caused a rapid increase in vehicular traffic, which in turn has caused deterioration of air quality. To overcome the problem of unprecedented air pollution, the governments worldwide have framed policies for faster adoption of electric vehicles. One of the major challenges faced is the development of low- cost drive for these vehicles and keeping the imports to a minimum. As a result of this, the trend is to move away from the permanent magnet-based motor technology and to use induction motor-based drivetrain. For the induction motors to be successful in electric vehicle drivetrain application, it is important to have a robust speed control algorithm. This work aims at adapting a direct torque control technique for induction motor’s speed control. The work addresses the impact of reference flux linkage on the operation of an induction motor for
Singh, Amit KumarReddy, UpendraPrabhakar, Kashyap KumarKumar, Praveen
Global development trend in diesel engine is to extract more power from the same engine thereby increasing the brake mean effective pressure (BMEP). With increase in the engine BMEP, maintaining reliability of the pistons and piston ring set becomes challenging as mechanical and thermal loading increases simultaneously. Reliability can be maintained by changing the material to higher grade and/or applying different coatings; however this involves significant cost and development time. It is always preferred to keep the same material and improve the reliability of parts. In this work the BMEP of a heavy duty medium speed diesel engine is increased by 10% (from 22.8 bar BMEP to 25 bar BMEP) without change in the piston or piston ring set material. This is achieved by studying the effect of existing piston bowl shape and then changing the shape to improve the reliability of piston and piston ring set. A systematic 6 step methodology is followed. These steps are Theoretical study, CFD
Gandhi, Naresh G.Sanadhya, KunjanSaxena, HarshitAghav, YogeshKumar, M N
In a developing country like India, Two-wheelers dominate the automotive market with around 80% market shares. In Indian city traffic conditions, driving a two wheeler is a tiresome job. Manual transmission makes this task even further uncomfortable. So an automatic transmission is a better solution. A new automatic transmission system is developed which can reduce fatigue of drivers. Steps of ARIZ (Algorithm for Inventive Problem Solving) were followed. Ideas or concepts for the design were proposed from various fields and were compared for various parameters like size, weight, complexity, manufacturability, feasibility, efficiency and cost. They were also compared with the existing transmission systems. Based upon the results of the comparison, 5 designs were selected and they were analyzed thoroughly. Finally one design was selected. It was further studied in detailed and its improving and worsening features are noted and with the help of contradiction matrix and 40 principles
Moulick, EnankoWani, Kiran
India being a developing nation, there is significant improvement of road infrastructure across the country as well as the spending power and earnings of the common man. This leads to the new trend of customers willing to pay for a more comfortable travel through AC buses. To satisfy these demands, OEM’s are forced develop and manufacture huge numbers of AC buses. Although the OEM’s are meeting this demand of quantity, the quality aspect of the buses, i.e., climate comfort, is still subpar. One of the main reasons for this sub-quality comfort is the non homogenous distribution of air flow along the bus. This non homogeneity leads to the centre of the bus having very high air flow and thus overcooling conditions, while the front and rear of the bus receive very little air flow and thus receive under-cooling conditions. To solve this concern of non homogeneity, we incorporated a new design in the hatrack, through the implementation of baffles and deflector in the hatrack. With this new
Sharma, SaurabhSathish, AkarshThakur, JitendraShende, Sushil
In developing countries, motorcycles have become the most economically efficient choice for commuting. A variety of braking systems in motorcycles like Brake drum and Disk brake have once again become the deciding criteria for wise economic selection of a motorcycle. Due to the low cost of a brake drum compared with a disk brake, a median income group customer segment commonly prefers to buy the brake drum versions rather than disk brake. However the performance of the brake drum is inferior to the disk brake. One major inferior performance feature is brake fade. For a target customer segment, it always becomes a challenge for OEMs to provide the desired braking at sufficiently low costs for customers of that segment, while with the drum braking system, usually the user ends up with loss of brake effectiveness due to overheating, which in turn is produced by repeated braking actions. In this paper, a methodology to minimize brake fade was devised. By redesigning the brake drum (BD) for
Routaray, Ramakanta
The instantaneous fuel consumption measurements obtained from the chassis dynamometer tests using the drive cycles for light duty vehicles in Metro Manila was used in the development of speed-acceleration-fuel consumption models. The Shepard’s interpolation method was used in the development of the models. A program C# language was used to execute the interpolation method.The resulting models are represented by speed-acceleration-fuel consumption surface graphs. The surface graph of each test vehicle represents its estimated fuel consumption variation according to its combined instantaneous speed and acceleration. Actual instantaneous speeds from speed data of surveyed vehicles, defining different traffic conditions by average speed, are used to interpolate instantaneous fuel consumption. Fuel economy, in terms of distance travelled (km) per volume of fuel consumed (liter), is computed from the totaled fuel consumption and total distance traversed. An increasing trend in fuel economy
Abaya, Ernesto B.Vergel, Karl B.Quiros, Edwin N.Sigua, Ricardo G.Biona, Jose Bienvenido
It is quite common nowadays to target a new engine development program in less than twelve months. Computer Aided Engineering plays a major role in reducing the overall product development lead time. Simulation Driven Design and Development helps the designers to bring the necessary confidence about the required functionality during the design stage itself. The current paper describes the development of Multi-Layer Steel (MLS) cylinder-head gaskets for a commercial vehicle engine. Currently, many engine manufacturers from the developing countries have either started shifting to MLS Gaskets for their current product lines or started new engine platforms development with MLS Gaskets to meet the current emission and specific power requirements. These gaskets with beads and stoppers provide excellent macro sealing around combustion chamber, oil bores and water holes under aggressive thermo-mechanical loads. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) simulations play a major role in studying the gasket
Shanmugam, ManivasagamSetty, SridharRevoo, Sidarth
Driven by stricter mandatory regulations on fuel economy improvement and emissions reduction, market penetration of electrified vehicles will increase in the next ten years. Within this growth, mild hybrid vehicles will become a leading sector. The high cost of hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) has somewhat limited their widespread adoption, especially in developing countries. Conversely, it is these countries that would benefit most from the environmental benefits of HEV technology. Compared to a full hybrid, plug-in hybrid, or electric vehicle, a mild hybrid system stands out due to its maximum benefit/cost ratio. As part of our ongoing project to develop a mild hybrid system for developing markets, we have previously investigated improvements in drive performance and efficiency using optimal gearshift strategies, as well as the incorporation of high power density supercapacitors. In this paper, the fuel and emissions of a baseline conventional vehicle and mild hybrid electric vehicle
Awadallah, MohamedTawadros, PeterWalker, PaulZhang, Nong
Electronic Fuel Injection Systems have revolutionised Fuel Delivery and Ignition timing in the past two decades and have reduced the Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Emissions, ultimately enhancing the Economy and Ecological awareness of the engines. But the ignition/injection timing that commands the combustion is mapped to a fixed predefined table which is best suited during the stock test conditions. However continuous real time adjustments by monitoring the combustion characteristics prove to be highly efficient and be immune to varying fuel quality, lack of transient performance and wear related compression losses. For developing countries, Automotive Manufacturers have been Tuning the Ignition/Injection timing Map assuming the worst possible fuel quality. Conventional knock control system focus on engine protection only and doesn't contribute much in improving thermal efficiency. Predefined Ignition tables fail to produce good thermal efficiency during hard acceleration due to their
Kalaivanan, Anand PrabuSakthivel, Gnanasekaran
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