Browse Topic: Climate change mitigation

Items (127)
Since signing the legally binding Paris agreement, fighting climate change has been an increasingly important task worldwide. One of the key energy sectors to emit greenhouse gases is transportation. Therefore, long term strategies all over the world have been set up to reduce on-road combustion emissions. One of the emerging alternative technologies to decarbonize the transportation sector is Mobile Carbon Capture (MCC). MCC refers to the on-board separation of CO2 from vehicle exhaust. To accurately assess this technology, a techno-economic analysis is essential to compare MCC abatement cost to alternative decarbonization technologies such as electric trucks. Adding to the system capital and operational costs, our study includes mass penalty costs, CO2 offloading and transport costs for different transport scenarios. To better relate to a single consumer (driver), the cost can be converted from euro per-tCO2 to euro per-trip or euro per-mile. A sensitivity analysis is then conducted
SAAFI, Mohamed AliHamad, Esam
Decarbonization and a continuous reduction in exhaust emissions from combustion engines are key objectives in the further development of modern powertrains. In order to address both aspects, the DE4LoRa research project is developing an innovative hybrid powertrain that is characterized by the highly flexible combination of two electric motors with a monovalent compressed natural gas (CNG) engine. This approach enables highly efficient driving in purely electric, parallel and serial operating modes. The use of synthetic CNG alone leads to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions and thus in the climate impact of the drivetrain. With CNG-powered engines in particular, however, methane and other tailpipe emissions of climate gases and pollutants must also be minimized. This is possible in particular through efficient exhaust gas aftertreatment and an effective operating strategy of the powertrain. This publication presents measurement results that examine the critical aspect of cold
Noone, PatrickHerold, TimBeidl, Christian
With the COP28 decisions the world is thriving for a future net-zero-CO2 society and the and current regulation acts, the energy infrastructure is changing in direction of renewables in energy production. All industry sectors will extend their share of direct or indirect electrification. The question might arise if the build-up of the renewables in energy production is fast enough. Demand and supply might not match in the short- and mid-term. The paper will discuss the roadmaps, directions and legislative boundary parameter in the regenerative energy landscape and their regional differences. National funding on renewables will gain an increasing importance to accelerate the energy transformation. The are often competing in attracting the same know-how on a global scale. In addition the paper includes details about energy conversion, efficiency as well as potential transport scenarios from production to the end consumer. Technologies are compared in respect of their TLR level and
Rothbart, Martin
Let’s start with the uncomfortable truth, climate change is happening, and the automotive industrial network is one of the main industries contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. SKF is an energy intensive business – directly using energy, mainly in the form of electricity and gas, in its operations around the world. In addition, SKF utilizes materials, predominantly steel, and services which can be energy and carbon intensive – such as transports and raw material in production and processing. The combined impact of these direct and indirect energy uses (scope 1, 2 and 3 upstream) generates an excess of over two million metric tons of CO2e per year. This figure would however be significantly higher were it not for the actions SKF has taken to reduce both energy and carbon intensity. In 2000, we were one of the first companies to start to report and set climate targets. Acting on energy and material efficiency improvements and by switching to renewable energy, SKF is targeting
Sguotti, LauraLeprotti, ArturoFerrero, AlessandroD'Aleo, MicheleBerglund, Mats
The escalating energy demand in today’s world has amplified exhaust emissions, contributing significantly to climate change. One viable solution to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions is the utilization of hydrogen alongside gasoline in internal combustion engines. In pursuit of this objective, combustion characteristics of iso-octane/hydrogen/air mixtures are numerically investigated to determine the impact of hydrogen enrichment. Simulations are conducted at 400 K over a wide range of equivalence ratio 0.7 ≤ Ф ≤ 1.4 and pressure 1–10 atm. Adiabatic flame temperature, thermal diffusivity, laminar burning velocity, and chemical participation are assessed by varying hydrogen concentration from 0 to 90% of fuel molar fraction. As a result of changes in thermal properties and chemical participation, it is noticed that the laminar burning velocity (LBV) increases with higher hydrogen concentration and decreases as pressure increases. Chemical participation and mass diffusion were found to be
Almansour, Bader
Advanced two-dimensional (2D) materials discovered in the last two decades are now being produced at scale and contribute to a wide range of performance enhancements in engineering applications. The most well known of these novel materials is graphene, a nearly transparent nanomaterial comprised of a single layer of bonded carbon atoms. In relative terms, it has the highest level of heat and electrical conductivity, protects against ultraviolet rays, and is the strongest material ever measured. These properties have made graphene an attractive potential material for a variety of applications, particularly for transportation-related uses, and especially for automotive engineering. The goal of drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions has prioritized the electrification of transportation, the decarbonization of industry, and the development of products that require less energy to make, last longer, and are fully recyclable. While this chapter reviews the current state of graphene
Barkan, TerranceCoyner, KelleyBittner, JasonKolodziejczyk, BartJiang, Yuxiang
Most heavy trucks should be fully electric, using a combination of batteries and catenary electrification, but heavy trucks requiring very long unsupported range will need chemical fuels. Hydrogen is the key to storing renewably generated electricity chemically. At the scale of heavy trucks, compressed hydrogen can match the specific energy of diesel, but its energy density is five times lower, limiting the range to around 2,000 km. Scaling green hydrogen production and addressing leakage must be priorities. Hydrogen-derived electrofuels—or “e-fuels”—have the potential to scale, and while the economic comparison currently has unknowns, clean air considerations have gained new importance. The limited supply of bioenergy should be reserved for critical applications, such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), aviation, shipping, and road freight in the most remote locations. Additionally, there are some reasons to prefer ethanol or methanol to diesel-type fuels as they are
Muelaner, Jody E.
The transportation sector has an enormous demand for resources and energy, is a major contributor of emissions (i.e., greenhouse gases in particular), and is defined largely by the kind of energy it uses—be it electric cars, biofuel trucks, or hydrogen aircraft. Given the size of this sector, it has a crucial role in combating climate change and securing sustainability in its three forms: environmental, societal, and economic. In this context, there are many questions concerning energy options on the path toward a more sustainable transportation sector. Is hydrogen the fuel of the future? Is there enough electricity to power a fully electric transportation sector? What happens when millions of electric vehicle batteries need to be decommissioned? Which regulatory measures are effective and appropriate for moving the sector in the right direction? What is the “right” direction? This chapter does not aim to answer all those questions. It does, however, highlight and discuss the most
Beiker, SvenMuelaner, Jody E.
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) are a well-recognized de-carbonization lever that is expected to capture about 15% of road vehicle fleet by 2030 [1, 2]. A large number of organizations are committing to science-based targets (SBTi) and are following roadmap strategies towards Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction including all value chain players such as material suppliers, component manufacturers and OEMs [3]. In BEVs, several components are involved in energy transformation and delivery. These components themselves consume energy, and therefore are a cause of GHG emissions during their use. To quantify their contributions and help corporations progress towards decarbonization strategies there is a need for robust use phase calculation methodology. Existing global methods for calculating use phase emissions, such as Green House Gas (GHG) Protocol (version 1.0), provide a good framework, but still have uncertainties in its practical application. This paper attempts to bridge that gap and
Singh, Mayank KumarSharma, SumitPavnaskar, VishweshChakravarty, BithikaSurase, Nilesh
Policy makers generally favor all-electric vehicles over hybrid-electric vehicles because of greater unit effectiveness in reducing carbon emissions. Since both systems use lithium-ion batteries, global demand for batteries is projected to grow 10-fold by 2030. If any step in the global battery supply-chain experiences bottlenecks, shortages can occur. We use a novel cost-effectiveness metric, carbon reduction per unit of battery capacity consumed, to rank emissions reductions accomplished by, alternatively, eight plug-in hybrid-electric vehicles, 75 hybrid-electric vehicles, and 230 mild hybrid-electric vehicles, which have the same total battery capacity as one all-electric vehicle. Our main finding, although counterintuitive, is that, with limited battery supplies, larger reductions in carbon emissions can be accomplished by hybrids than by all-electric vehicles. Insofar as carbon emission reduction is the policy goal, policies need to be reconsidered to ensure that they are not
Graham, John D.Wade, Wallace R.
Greenhouse gas emissions reduction from the light-duty transportation fleet is urgent and should address both electric and conventional powertrain technologies. Internal combustion engines will continue to be employed for vehicle propulsion and fleet turnover is slow, encouraging reduction of carbon content in gasoline. Currently ethanol, a renewable fuel, is blended at the 10% level into petroleum to produce finished market gasoline. Ethanol enables a less carbon-intensive petroleum blendstock composition, providing for additional reduction, but this is often overlooked in studies. Carbon intensity, as a ratio of CO2 mass to heat released upon combustion, is a measure of well-to-wheels greenhouse gas production. The well-to-wheels carbon intensity of ethanol does not include its chemical carbon content because it arises from a renewable source, but does consider all upstream farming, production, and transportation carbon impacts. The well-to-wheels carbon intensity of the petroleum
Higgins, TerrenceClark, NigelKlein, TammyMcKain, David
Tank-to-wheels (TTW) CO2 reduction for ethanol blends is determined from either gasoline composition or vehicle exhaust measurements. Fuels are characterized using a carbon intensity (CI), which is the ratio of carbon (as CO2 mass) in the fuel to the net heating value. Our objective is to assess changes in CI of market gasoline with varying ethanol content that can be used to appreciate change in vehicle tailpipe greenhouse gases (GHG) in response to policy controlling the ethanol level in market fuels. Ethanol has both a reduced carbon content and a reduced net (lower) heating value relative to petroleum species, with a CI slightly lower than that of typical petroleum gasoline. However, ethanol blending offers additional CI reduction because it enables a reduction of aromatics in the petroleum blendstock for oxygenate blending (BOB) while maintaining octane rating of the blend. Aromatics have a CI about 20% higher than paraffins. The primary refinery option for aromatic reduction is
Clark, Nigel N.Klein, TammyHiggins, TerrenceMcKain, David
The importance of decarbonizing mobility to slow climate change is already a common goal worldwide. However, there is a lack of alignment on which technological routes to take. While the electrification of mobility assumes dominance in some markets, it is essential to consider specificities of each region so that different applications of transport modes can be concretely evaluated. Decarbonization Routes for Global Road Mobility and Regional Challenges discusses regional approaches, such as those from Brazil and India, that can offer more representative participation in global decarbonization processes. These routes leverage these countries’ domestic talent and regional potential instead of simply copying the solutions coming from developed countries. Biofuels, biomass, and green hydrogen can be very effective ways of reducing global warming for these countries and others with similar economic characteristics, bringing more opportunities for market development and competitive
Adas, Camilo Abduch
Sustainability extends beyond just decarbonization. A term popping up more and more in executive and engineering-focused presentations is “circular economy,” referring to a closed-loop production cycle that seeks to minimize resource inputs and reduce or eliminate waste and emissions. Case in point: Rob Zemenchik, CNH Industrial's Sr. Manager for Product Sustainability, said at the SAE COMVEC conference in September that the company specifically seeks projects that deliver on circularity in the product life-cycle. CNH Industrial's roadmap to hit its 2030 and 2050 climate targets includes more than 150 specific projects, ranging from powertrains to hydraulics, he said. One of the “early success stories” is its work with British company Bennaman on an on-farm liquid fugitive biomethane production process
Gehm, Ryan
Yanmar has announced that its marine subsidiary, Yanmar Holdings, is now offering a marine-grade hydrogen fuel cell propulsion system. According to the company's announcement of the system's availability, the system is suited for use in various oceangoing vessels including passenger ships, work ships, and cargo ships operating in coastal areas where hydrogen refueling is relatively accessible. Yanmar states that due to the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) revised target of achieving zero net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, the marine propulsion industry is robustly pursuing all decarbonization efforts
Wolfe, Matt
Carbon-neutral (CN) fuels will be part of the solution to reducing global warming effects of the transportation sector, along with electrification. CN fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia, biofuels, and e-fuels can play a primary role in some segments (aviation, shipping, heavy-duty road vehicles) and a secondary role in others (light-duty road vehicles). The composition and properties of these fuels vary substantially from existing fossil fuels. Fuel effects on performance and emissions are complex, especially when these fuels are blended with fossil fuels. Predictively modeling the combustion of these fuels in engine and combustor CFD simulations requires accurate representation of the fuel blends. We discuss a methodology for matching the targeted fuel properties of specific CN fuels, using a blend of surrogate fuel components, to form a fuel model that can accurately capture fuel effects in an engine simulation. Fuel components are drawn from a database of surrogates, the Ansys Model
Puduppakkam, Karthik V.Meeks, Ellen
There are many anthropogenic climate change mitigation strategies being adopted worldwide. One of these is the adoption of biodiesel FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester), in transportation. The fuel has been widely promoted as replacement for petroleum diesel because of its potential benefits for life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, carbon dioxide reduction and particulate matter improvements. Presently biodiesel may be made from a wide variety of starting materials, including food waste and agricultural materials such as vegetable oils and greases. The number and variety of possible starting materials continues to increase. Though, there is a limiting factor in the use of FAME, and that is cold weather operability. The regional climate can often influence FAME adoption with resultant economic and environmental implications. Often this cold temperature operability manifests itself as in vehicle fuel filter blocking. Several analytical protocols have been produced over the last few years to
Barker, JamesReid, JaquelineWilmot, EdwardCarter, AnastarsiaLangley, JohnHerniman, Julie
Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) are undergoing a rapid development, due to the ever-growing interest towards their use to decarbonize power generation applications. In the transportation sector, a key technological challenge is their thermal management, i.e. the ability to preserve the membrane at the optimal thermal state to maximize the generated power. This corresponds to a narrow temperature range of 75-80°C, possibly uniformly distributed over the entire active surface. The achievement of such a requirement is complicated by the generation of thermal power, the limited exchange area for radiators, and the poor heat transfer performance of conventional coolants (e.g., ethylene glycol). The interconnection of thermal/fluid/electrochemical processes in PEMFCs renders heat rejection as a potential performance limiter, suggesting its maximization for power density increase. To this aim, suspensions of coolants and nanoparticles (nanofluids) have been proposed for
D'Adamo, AlessandroCorda, GiuseppeBerni, FabioDiana, MartinoFontanesi, Stefano
Electrification of transport, together with the decarbonization of energy production are suggested by the European Union for the future quality of air. However, in the medium period, propulsion systems will continue to dominate urban mobility, making mandatory the retrofitting of thermal engines by applying combustion modes able to reduce NOx and PM emissions while maintaining engine performances. Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) is an attractive process to meet this target. This mode relies on premixed mixture and fuel lean in-cylinder charge whatever the fuel type: from conventional through alternative fuels with a minimum carbon footprint. This combustion mode has been subject of numerous modelling approaches in the engine research community. This study provides a theoretical comparative analysis between multi-zone (MZ) and Transported probability density function (TPDF) models applied to LTC combustion process. The generic thermo-kinetic balances for both approaches have been
Maroteaux, FadilaMancaruso, EzioPommier, Pierre-LinVaglieco, Bianca Maria
This work aims at addressing the challenge of reconciling the surge in road transportation with the need to reduce CO2 emissions. The research particularly focuses on exploring the potential of fuel cell technology in long-distance road haulage, which is currently a major solution proposed by relevant manufacturers to get zero local emissions and an increased total payload. Specifically, a methodology is applied to enable rapid and accurate identification of techno-economically effective fuel cell hybrid heavy-duty vehicle (FCH2DV) configurations. This is possible by performing model-based co-design of FCH2DV powertrain and related control strategies. Through the algorithm, it is possible to perform parametric scenario analysis to better understand the prospects of this technology in the decarbonization path of the heavy-duty transportation sector, changing in an easy way all the parameters involved. The tool used is based on the truck longitudinal dynamics model to evaluate the power
Sorrentino, MarcoBevilacqua, GiuseppeBove, GiovanniPianese, Cesare
Renewably sourced hydrogen is seen as promising sustainable carbon-free alternative to conventional fossil fuels for use in hard to decarbonize sectors. As the hydrogen supply builds up, dual-fuel hydrogen-diesel engines have a particular advantage of fuel flexibility as they can operate only on diesel fuel in case of supply shortages, in addition to the simplicity of engine modification. The dual-fuel compression ignition strategy initiates combustion of hydrogen using short pilot-injections of diesel fuel into the combustion chamber. In the context of such engine combustion process, the impact of hydrogen addition on the ignition and combustion behavior of a pilot diesel-spray is investigated in a heavy-duty, single-cylinder, optical engine. To this end, the spatial and temporal evolution of two-stage autoignition of a diesel-fuel surrogate, n-heptane, injected into a premixed charge of hydrogen and air is studied using optical diagnostics. This includes high-speed cool-flame and OH
Rajasegar, RajavasanthSrna, AlesLee, Taesong
Rising concern towards environment and decarbonization has increased the demand of EVs. However, one of the major challenges for these vehicles is to achieve the same driving ranges as that of ICEs. This can be attained by increasing the power of cells without altering their sizes; conversely, this has important effects on the cell thermal behaviour. The focus of this paper is to analyse the impact of changing the characterizing materials thicknesses of collectors and electrodes of a cylindrical cell on its thermal response and to determine an optimal configuration. The CFD software considered to conduct this research uses the equivalent circuit model (ECM) to represent a cell and requires material physical properties to calculate the thermal response. In the calculations presented, resistance, capacitance, and Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) needed for the ECM are obtained from experimental measurements. The electric model provides the flow of current in the cell, that can only be elicited
Broatch, AlbertoOlmeda, PabloMargot, XandraKumar, Kundan
Pre-chamber (PC) natural gas and hydrogen (CH4-H2) combustion can improve thermal efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions from decarbonized stationary engines. However, the engine efficiency is worsened by prolonged combustion duration due to PC jet velocity extinction. This work investigates the impact of cylindrical PC internal shapes to increase its jet velocity and shorten combustion duration. A rapid compression and expansion machine (RCEM) is used to investigate the combustion characteristics of premixed CH4 gas. The combustion images are recorded using a high-speed camera of 10,000 fps. The experiments are conducted using two types of long PC shapes with diameters φ=4 mm (hereafter, longφ4) and 5 mm (hereafter, long φ5), and their combustions are compared against a short PC shape (φ=12 mm). For all designs of the PC shapes, the PC holes are 6 with 2 mm in diameter. Initial recorded results using only CH4 show that jet extinction does not occur using the short and long 5mm types
Feng, YixinYamazaki, RyoSok, RatnakKusaka, Jin
Synthetic fuels can significantly improve the combustion and emission characteristics of heavy-duty diesel engines toward decarbonizing heavy-duty propulsion systems. This work analyzes the effects of engine operating conditions and synthetic fuel properties on spray, combustion, and emissions (soot, NOx) using a supercharging single-cylinder engine experiment and KIVA-4 code combined with CHEMKIN-II and in-house phenomenological soot model. The blended fuel ratio is fixed at 80% diesel and 20% n-paraffin by volume (hereafter DP). Diesel, DP1 (diesel with n-pentane C5H12), DP2 (diesel with n-hexane C6H14), and DP3 (diesel with n-heptane C7H16) are used in engine-like-condition constant volume chamber (CVC) and engine experiments. Boosted engine experiments (1080 rpm, common-rail injection pressure 160 MPa, multi-pulse injection) are performed using the same DP fuel groups under various main injection timings, pulse-injection intervals, and EGR = 0-40%. Once the 3D-CFD model is
Shimizu, KunihiroNarushima, TomokiSok, RatnakKusaka, Jin
A viable option to reduce global warming related to internal combustion engines is to use renewable fuels, for example methanol. However, the risk of knocking combustion limits the achievable efficiency of SI engines. Hence, most high load operation is run at sub-optimal conditions to suppress knock. Normally the fuel is a limiting factor, however when running on high octane fuels such as methanol, other factors also become important. For example, oil droplets entering the combustion chamber have the possibility to locally impact both temperature and chemical composition. This may create spots with reduced octane number, hence making the engine more prone to knock. Previous research has confirmed a connection between oil droplets in the combustion chamber and knock. Furthermore, previous research has confirmed a connection between oil droplets in the combustion chamber and exhaust particle emissions. However, the co-variation between oil originating particle emissions and knock has not
Ainouz, FilipAdlercreutz, LudvigCronhjort, AndreasStenlaas, Ola
The urban mobility electrification has been proposed as the main solution to the vehicle emission issues in the next years. However, internal combustion engines have still great potential to decarbonize the transport sector through the use of low/zero-carbon fuels. Alcohols such us methanol, have long been considered attractive alternative fuels for spark ignition engines. They have properties similar to those of gasoline, are easy to transport and store. Recently, great attention has been devoted to gaseous fuels that can be used in existing engine after minor modification allowing to drastically reduce the pollutant emissions. In this regard, this study tries to provide an overview on the use of alternative fuels, both liquid and gaseous in spark ignition engines, highlighting the benefits as well as the criticalities. The investigation was carried out on a small displacement spark ignition engine capable to operate both in port fuel and direct injection mode. Engine was fueled with
Catapano, FrancescoDi Iorio, SilvanaMagno, AgneseSementa, PaoloVaglieco, Bianca Maria
To mitigate climate change, it is essential that sustainable technologies emerge in the transport industry. One viable solution is the use of methanol or hydrogen combined with internal combustion engines (ICEs). The dual-fuel technology in particular, in which a diesel pilot ignites port fuel injected methanol or hydrogen, is of great interest to transition from diesel engines to ICEs using purely these fuels. This approach allows for a significant portion of fossil diesel to be replaced with sustainable methanol or hydrogen, while maintaining high efficiencies and the possibility to run solely on diesel if required. Additionally, lower engine-out pollutant emissions (NOx, soot) are produced. Although multiple experimental research results are available, numerical literature on both fuels in dual-fuel mode is scarce. Therefore, this study aims to develop a multi-zone dual-fuel combustion model for engine simulations. The model incorporates and describes specific sub-models for
Dierickx, JeroenMattheeuws, LucChristianen, KoenStenzel, KarstenVerhelst, Sebastian
Using renewable fuels is a reliable approach for decarbonization of combustion engines. iso-Butanol and n-butanol are known as longer chain alcohols and have the potential of being used as gasoline substitute or a renewable fraction of gasoline. The combustion behavior of renewable fuels in modern combustion engines and advanced combustion concepts is not well understood yet. Low-temperature combustion (LTC) is a concept that is a basis for some of the low emissions-high efficiency combustion technologies. Fuel ɸ-sensitivity is known as a key factor to be considered for tailoring fuels for these engines. The Lund ɸ-sensitivity method is an empirical test method for evaluation of the ɸ-sensitivity of liquid fuels and evaluate fuel behavior in thermal. iso-Butanol and n-butanol are two alcohols which like other alcohol exhibit nonlinear behavior when blended with (surrogate) gasoline in terms of RON and MON. In this study, first the Lund ɸ-sensitivity numbers of iso-butanol and n-butanol
Alemahdi, NikaGarcia, AntonioTuner, Martin
In future decarbonized scenarios, hydrogen is widely considered as one of the best alternative fuels for internal combustion engines, allowing to achieve zero CO2 emissions at the tailpipe. However, NOx emissions represent the predominant pollutants and their production has to be controlled. In this work different strategies for the control and abatement of pollutant emissions on a H2-fueled high-performance V8 twin turbo 3.9L IC engine are tested. The characterization of pollutant production on a single-cylinder configuration is carried out by means of the 1D code Gasdyn, considering lean and homogeneous conditions. The NOx are extremely low in lean conditions with respect to the emissions legislation limits, while the maximum mass flow rate remains below the turbocharger technical constraint limit at λ=1 only. To find a trade-off between the two mixture conditions, three different engine control strategies are simulated, imposing a variation of air-to-fuel ratio from λ=2.3 at low
Bulgarini, MargheritaDella Torre, AugustoBarillari, LorisMontenegro, GianlucaOnorati, AngeloGullino, FabrizioTonelli, Roberto
The current political push for e-mobility marked a major decline in the R&D interest to internal combustion engine (ICE). Following this global trend, Ford is committed to going 100% electric by 2030 for passenger cars and 2035 for light commercial vehicles. At the same time, many researchers admit that, due to many objective factors, vehicles powered by ICE will remain in operation for decades to come. Development of alternative carbon-neutral fuels can bring a renaissance in the ICE development as practical limitations of electric-only approach get exposed. Since a significant part of energy losses in the ICE comes from friction, engine tribology has been an important research topic over the past two decades and a significant progress in improving the engine efficiency was achieved. On the global scale, the improved efficiency of new engines built over the past decade is contributing to curbing the greenhouse gas emissions far more than all electrical vehicles in use, though the
Zhmud, BorisBasiri, DanielMorawitz, UrbanSchulz, Daniel
Transport sector decarbonization is a key requirement to achieve Green House Gases emissions reduction. Future regulations and the large deployment of Low Emission Zones (LEZ) will lead to deep changes in this sector. The green hydrogen appears as a promising fuel, containing no carbon. H2 Internal combustion engine (H2 ICE) offers the opportunities of quick refueling, known reliability, relative low total cost of ownership. It is based on mature manufacturing processes and tools. Hence this solution can be commercialized in a near future, offering a short term pathway to decarbonization and a H2 market growth accelerator. However, hydrogen combustion in air generates NOx emissions, which should be reduced close to zero to fulfill future requirements. The HyMot project gathers seven public and industrial partners to develop an H2 engine for Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) application offering the same performances as the replaced Diesel Engine. Target is intercity use with access to LEZ
Dubouil, RémiPerrot, NicolasGoumy, GuillaumeChesse, Pascal
Electric aviation mirrors the early stages of the electric vehicle revolution After decades of tantalizing breakthroughs in battery technology, the last decade witnessed the emergence of energy storage as a challenger to fossil fuels for powering vehicles. We are now in the midst of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change the energy landscape and electrify all forms of transportation: light duty passenger cars, heavy duty commercial vehicles, as well as various forms of transportation such as trains, ships, and aircraft. Such a dramatic transition will require a multifaceted approach that takes into consideration technology needs, infrastructure support, workforce transitions, safety and regulations, and energy justice. The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, with numerous public and private sector collaborators, has been strategizing about this transition to ensure the lessons from the past are applied to the future
Drop-in replacement biofuels and electrofuels can provide net-zero CO2 emissions with dramatic reductions in contrail formation. Biofuels must transition to second-generation cellulosic feedstocks while improving land and soil management. Electrofuels, or "e-fuels,” require aggressive cost reduction in hydrogen production, carbon capture, and fuel synthesis. Hydrogen has great potential for energy efficiency, cost reduction, and emissions reduction; however, its low density (even in liquid form) combined with it’s extremely low boiling temperature mean that bulky spherical tanks will consume considerable fuselage volume. Still, emerging direct-kerosene fuel cells may ultimately provide a superior zero-emission, energy-dense solution. Decarbonized Power Options for Civil Aviation discusses the current challenges with these power options and explores the economic incentives and levers vital to decarbonization. Until common and enforceable global carbon pricing arrives, targeted national
Muelaner, Jody E.
Climate change and its detrimental effects on the environment have led to an urgent need for a transition toward a fossil-free energy future. To achieve this goal, renewable energy sources, especially hydrogen, will play a crucial role. However, to make them more viable, various sectors like Power, Industrial, Mobility, etc., are looking for ways to store and transport the energy generated from hydrogen. The advancement of Power-to-X (PtX) technologies has caught attention, as it offers a solution for converting renewable energy into chemical or fuel forms that can be used in various applications and overcome the problem of storage associated with hydrogen. This concept is being looked at as a potential game-changer in the energy sector. This review focuses on two key areas within the Power-to-X (PtX) technology that holds significant potential for transitioning towards a fossil-free energy future: eFuels synthesis and Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology. efuels provide an opportunity
Sankhe, SauravKrishna, S V MohanaJUTURU, RAGA MADHURISubrahmanyam, Ch
In the United States (USA), transportation is the largest single source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, representing 27% of total GHGs emitted in 2020. Eighty-three percent of these came from road transport, and 57% from light-duty vehicles (LDVs). Internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, which still form the bulk of the United States (US) fleet, struggle to meet climate change targets. Despite increasingly stringent regulatory mechanisms and technology improvements, only three US states have been able to reduce their transport emissions to the target of below 1990 levels. Fifteen states have made some headway to within 10% of their 1990 baseline. Largely, however, it appears that current strategies are not generating effective results. Current climate-change mitigation measures in road transport tend to be predominantly technological. One of the most popular measures in the USA is fleet electrification, receiving regulatory and fiscal encouragement from 45 US states and federal
Primlani, Ritu VasuMisra, Kajri
In a surprising move that paves the way for the European Union's adoption of a mandate to eliminate vehicle CO2 emissions, on March 25 the EU reached an agreement with Germany to step back from a complete ban of combustion-engine vehicles starting in 2035. The EU agreed to permit sales and registration of IC-engine models after the 2035 deadline - provided those vehicles operate only on carbon-neutral fuels, often generically referred to as ‘e-fuels.’ With a significant portion of its economy related to the historically ICE-based automotive industry, Germany had resisted the EU's total ban, although its Parliament's Green Party supported the forced sunsetting of ICE passenger vehicles. Reuters reported German Transport Minister Volker Wissing as tweeting, “We secure opportunities for Europe by preserving important options for climate-neutral and affordable mobility.” In another Twitter post, Wissing reportedly added, “Vehicles with internal combustion engines can still be newly
Visnic, Bill
With the backdrop of net-zero emissions as an essential element of national security, this study undertook an analytical approach to evaluate current Department of the Navy (DON) emissions and understand energy needs to support mission readiness while reducing emissions over time. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California This report is based on a broad study of strategies for the Department of the Navy (DON) to achieve net zero global emissions by 2050 to comply with recent Executive Orders and goals set out for the Department of Defense (DOD) and the DON (Melillo, 2022). In January 2021, Executive Order 14008 called for a government-wide approach for meeting climate related challenges in the U.S. and set goals for agencies. In December 2021, Executive Order 14057 set the specific goal of net zero emissions from overall federal operations, including DOD, by 2050 and a 65 percent emissions reduction by 2030. These are challenging targets for the DOD: 2019 data shows that the DOD
Design innovation and an exclusive new tool for measuring carbon footprint have made Adient a sustainability leader among Tier-1s. Sustainability no longer is a vague aspiration for OEMs and suppliers looking for a ‘green’ veil. It's rapidly become a guiding tenet of product innovation, and ESG progress, as the industry pushes toward net-zero carbon goals in most major markets. “Currently, it's coming mainly from the European OEMs and the European legislature,” explained Mike Maddelein, VP engineering, Americas, at seating systems Tier 1 Adient. “They're driving carbon-footprint reduction and the industry is getting very, very serious about it. The European OEMs are starting to specify sustainability targets in their RFQs.” North America is probably two years behind, he believes, but will follow Europe's sustainability plan - if not through direct legislation, then by the OEMs themselves
Brooke, Lindsay
The EV bandwagon has obscured potential solutions for decarbonizing the enormous global ICE legacy fleet. Put the promise of mass vehicle electrification and its myriad challenges aside for a moment, and consider: What if most IC-engine vehicle owners don't switch to EVs as the industry and regulators hope they will? And how long will it take to alter the existing global vehicle parc, estimated at more than one billion mostly ICE-powered vehicles, to the extent its greenhouse-gas emissions are insignificant in the crusade to achieve net-zero (and thwart global warming) by 2050
Brooke, Lindsay
The development of carbon-neutral e-fuels enjoyed a major boost from European regulators, but production cost and scale remain issues. Synthetic and bio-based liquid “e-fuels” have in various forms enjoyed fits and starts of industry attention and R&D investment in recent years. They got the most significant boost ever in March 2023 when a politically charged deal between the European Union and Germany brokered an exemption in the EU's mandate for sales only of EVs starting in 2035. The agreement allows manufacturers to continue selling internal-combustion models after the 2035 deadline - but only if they run on carbon-neutral e-fuels. In an instant, e-fuels were guaranteed a market all to themselves. It remains to be seen whether e-fuels - at least in their current state of technology - can answer the call. But as some supporters enthused after the EU's escort of e-fuels into the post-EV landscape, developers have more than a decade to address technical challenges and concerns about
Visnic, Bill
Altering manufacturing processes and using a much higher percentage of low emission energy can help the battery industry get greener rapidly, according to a new McKinsey & Co. report. A report from consultants at McKinsey & Co. strikes an optimistic tone that major reductions in carbon emissions from the electric vehicle battery supply chain can be attained in the next five to 10 years. The recently released report, authored by five members of the firm's Automotive and Assembly Practice, said that production of the massive lithium-ion batteries currently favored by OEMs account for 40% to 60% of total production emissions. “Making batteries can generate as much emissions as producing all the other materials that go into making an EV - or even more,” the authors noted
Clonts, Chris
There is an urgent need to decarbonize various industry sectors, including transportation; however, this is difficult to achieve when relying solely on today’s lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery technology. A lack of sufficient supply of critical materials—including lithium, nickel, and cobalt—is a major driving force behind research, development, and commercialization of new battery chemistries that can support this energy transition. Many emerging chemistries do not face the same supply, safety, and often durability challenges associated with Li-ion technology, yet these solutions are still very immature and require significant development effort to be commercialized. Emerging Automotive Battery Chemistries: Hedging Market identifies and evaluates various chemistries suitable for deployment in the automotive industry and describes advantages, disadvantages, and development challenges for each identified technology. Additionally, it outlines development timelines, contending that, to
Kolodziejczyk, Bart
In recent years, the electric vehicle industry has been booming rapidly to decarbonize the world. One of the major concerns in an electric vehicle is the noise emitted from the electric powertrain system, which affects the driving comfort assistance in electric vehicles. Thus, we have to find the methodology to measure the noise level in an automotive transmission system during the design stage itself. This drives us to develop the methodology on a simple design, having a structural and fluid coupling and then followed by an acoustics analysis. A Transient CFD simulation is performed to generate an excitation source for noise; excitation forces observed in the transient simulation are converted into the frequency domain by performing a fast Fourier transform (FFT). To understand this structural behavior, modal analysis is performed for a simple test model to identify the critical modes. Harmonic excitation sources from CFD fluid coupling are imported to a structural model, replicating
Krishnan, ParanthamanYang, ZaneVelayudham, VijayakumarDuraipandi, Arumuga Pandian
Ammonia is a zero-carbon candidate fuel for the decarbonization of internal combustion (IC) engines. A concern when using ammonia in IC engines is the increased emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX), due to the additional nitrogen in the ammonia molecule. Compared to conventional petroleum such as gasoline and diesel, ammonia combustion adds the fuel NOX formation mechanism in addition to the original thermal NOX generation pathway, which further complicates the NOX emission characteristics of ammonia engines. Decoupling fuel NOX and thermal NOX helps to increase the understanding of the formation and evolutionary characteristics of nitrogen oxides occurring inside ammonia engines, but the available literature lacks studies in this respect. The purpose of this study is to fill this research gap and to propose a methodology for decoupling fuel NOX and thermal NOX. In brief, an artificial elemental nitrogen is applied to the Zeldovich mechanism and to the diatomic nitrogen in the combustion
Yang, RuomiaoYan, YuchaoLiu, ZhentaoLiu, Jinlong
The goal of mitigating climate change has driven research to the use of carbon-free energy sources. In this regards, green hydrogen appears as one of the best options, however, its storage remains difficult and expensive. Indeed, there is room to consider the use of ammonia (an efficient hydrogen carrier) directly as a fuel for internal combustion engines or gas turbines. Currently, there are very few works in the literature describing liquid ammonia sprays, both from experimental and modeling point of view, and especially dealing with flash-boiling conditions. In this research work, the direct injection ammonia spray is modeled with the Lagrangian particle approach, building up a numerical model within the OpenFOAM framework, for transient analyses using the U-RANS approach. An evaluation of main spray modeling parameters is carried out to build a predictive Lagrangian model for ammonia based on the comparison with experiments in terms of liquid and vapor tip penetration, local values
Pandal, AdrianZembi, JacopoBattistoni, MicheleHespel, CamillePele, RonanBREQUIGNY, PierreRousselle, Christine
To decarbonize heavy-duty vehicles solely through electrification with batteries is challenging as large batteries are required for a meaningful range, severely impacting payload. Employment of hybrid electric powertrains where fuel cells are integrated with batteries can deliver increased range and payload. However, the energy balance between the fuel cell and the battery needs to be analyzed to optimize the sizing of the powertrain components. This study has performed a multi-objective optimization using genetic algorithm to obtain the optimum range and hydrogen consumption for a DAF 44 tons heavy-duty truck. The proposed truck powertrain has been numerically modelled in AVL CRUISE M software. The electric drive from Involution Technologies Ltd and Bramble Energy Ltd’s printed circuit board fuel cell (PCBFC) are used in the model. The model considers the main powertrain control system variables, and the optimization is performed using AVL real road driving cycle, which is based on
Salek, FarhadAbouelkhair, EyadBabaie, MeisamCunliffe, FrankNock, William
China's plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) market with stocks at 7.8 million is the world's largest in 2021, and it accounts for half of the global PEV growth in 2021. The PEV market in China has dramatically evolved since the pandemic in 2020: over 20% of all new PEV sales are from China by mid-2022. Recent features of PEV market dynamics, consumer acceptance, policies, and infrastructure have important implications for both the global energy market and manufacturing stakeholders. From the perspective of demand pull-supply push, this study analyzes China's PEV industry with a market dynamics framework by reviewing sales, product and brand, infrastructure, and government policies from the last few years and outlooking the development of the new government’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025). From the demand side, small-sized sedans and compact sport utility vehicles with increased electric ranges are both popular for PEVs, and the electric range of over 60% of new battery electric vehicles
Hao, XuOu, Shiqi (Shawn)Liu, KexinZhong, RuihengShi, HongWang, HewuHe, Xin
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