Vehicle Decarbonization: Vol. 2



Authors Abstract
The transportation sector has an enormous demand for resources and energy, is a major contributor of emissions (i.e., greenhouse gases in particular), and is defined largely by the kind of energy it uses—be it electric cars, biofuel trucks, or hydrogen aircraft. Given the size of this sector, it has a crucial role in combating climate change and securing sustainability in its three forms: environmental, societal, and economic.
In this context, there are many questions concerning energy options on the path toward a more sustainable transportation sector. Is hydrogen the fuel of the future? Is there enough electricity to power a fully electric transportation sector? What happens when millions of electric vehicle batteries need to be decommissioned? Which regulatory measures are effective and appropriate for moving the sector in the right direction? What is the “right” direction?
This chapter does not aim to answer all those questions. It does, however, highlight and discuss the most pressing issues in terms of what is simply unanswered at this point. It also addresses solutions on the horizon which experts are still debating. Therefore, this chapter is directed at practitioners in the transportation and energy sectors who want a comprehensive picture assembled by experts in the field, who wish to better tell different perspectives apart, and who will prepare their respective organizations for what is arguably one of the biggest transformations in our lifetime.
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Beiker, S., and Muelaner, J., "Vehicle Decarbonization: Vol. 2," SAE Technical Paper EPRCOMPV252023, 2024,
Additional Details
May 10, 2024
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