Browse Topic: End-of-life vehicles

Items (108)
Additive Manufacturing (AM), particularly Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), has revolutionized the manufacturing sector by enabling the production of complex geometries using various materials. Polylactic Acid (PLA) is a biodegradable thermoplastic often used in additive manufacturing (AM) because to its eco-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and processing simplicity. This research seeks to enhance the parameters of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) for PLA material with the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) methodology. The researchers conducted experimental trials to investigate the influence of key FDM parameters, including layer thickness, infill density, printing speed, and nozzle temperature, on essential outcomes such as dimensional accuracy, surface quality, and mechanical qualities. The design of experiments (DOE) technique facilitated a systematic investigation of parameters. The TOPSIS method, a decision-making tool based on several
Natarajan, ManikandanPasupuleti, ThejasreeC, NavyaKiruthika, JothiSilambarasan, R
A general automotive car is majorly composed of high strength steel (6%), other steel (50%), Iron (15%), Plastics (7%), Aluminum (4%) and others (Rubber, Glass, Textile) about 18%. End-of-life vehicles (ELVs) are a significant source of waste and pollution in the automotive industry. Recycling ELVs, particularly their plastic components, Li-ion batteries, catalytic converters, and critical technology components such as alternators, semi-conductor chips, and high tensile strength steel can reduce their environmental impact and conserve valuable raw materials. The paper conducts a SWOT analysis and a life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the long-term viability and potential of ELV recycling, environmental impact, and carbon footprint. This paper examines the current state and challenges of ELV recycling in India and proposes a sustainable recycling solution for waste bumpers that includes paint removal, modification, reprocessing & recovery of precious metals from xEV Li-ion batteries
Baviskar, AjayKhera, PankajTelgote, AshishDhuria, HimanshuSharma, Amit
While there are various types of Fuel Cell architectures being developed, the focus of this document is on Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell stacks and ancillary components for automotive propulsion applications. Within the boundaries of this document are the: Fuel Supply and Storage, Fuel Processor, Fuel Cell Stack, and Balance of Plant, as shown in Figure 1.
Fuel Cell Standards Committee
Major cause of air pollution in the world is due to burning of fossil fuels for transport application; around 23% GHG emissions are produced due to transport sector. Likewise, the major cause of air pollution in Indian cities is also due to transport sector. Marginal improvement in the fuel economy provide profound impact on surrounding air quality and lightweighting of vehicle mass is the key factor in improving fuel economy. The paper describes robust and integrated approach used for design and development of lightweight bus structures for Indian city bus applications. An attempt is made to demonstrate the use of environment friendly material like aluminium in development of lightweight superstrutured city buses for India. Exercise involved design, development and prototype manufacturing of 12m Low Entry and 12m Semi Low Floor (SLF) bus models. Aluminium lightweight Bus prototypes conforms to the Indian regulatory requirement viz. bus body code AIS:052, AIS:153 and strength
Patwardhan, Mahesh AnandJawale, PradeepNirmal, Pankaj
Access mechanisms to system data and/or control is a primary use case of the hardware protected security environment (hardware protected security environment) during different uses and stages of the system. The hardware protected security environment acts as a gatekeeper for these use cases and not necessarily as the executor of the function. This section is a generalization of such use cases in an attempt to extract common requirements for the hardware protected security environment that enable it to be a gatekeeper. Examples are: Creating a new key fob Re-flashing ECU firmware Reading/exporting PII out of the ECU Using a subscription-based feature Performing some service on an ECU Transferring ownership of the vehicle Some of these examples are discussed later in this section and some have detailed sections of their own. This list is by no means comprehensive. Other use cases that require hardware protected security environment-based access control may be used by each manufacturer
Vehicle Electrical System Security Committee
Climate change is primary driver in the current discussions on CO2 reduction in the automotive industry. Current Type approval emissions tests (BS III, BS IV) covers only tailpipe emissions, however the emissions produced in upstream and downstream processes (e.g. raw material sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, vehicle usage, recycle phases) are not considered in the evaluation. The objective of this project is to assess the environmental impact of the product considering all stages of the life cycle, understand the real opportunities to reduce environmental impact across the product life cycle. As a part of environmental sustainability journey in business value chain, lifecycle assessment (LCA) technique helps to understand the environmental impact categories. To measure overall impact, a cradle to grave approach helps to assess entire life cycle impact throughout various stages. LCA is a technique to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's
Lalwani, RahulN, SaravananVeeraputhiran, ArunmozhiD, IlavarasIi
This recommended best practice outlines a method for estimating CO2-equivalent emissions using life cycle analysis.
Interior Climate Control Vehicle OEM Committee
The number of vehicles being sold is steadily increasing, as well as the amount of processed resources. Moreover, alternative powertrain concepts open up a new field of materials such as rare-earth metals, lithium, and cobalt. This results in a growing importance and complexity of the vehicle end-of-life phase and thus demands for a more detailed environmental evaluation and an integration into life cycle assessment. Due to high recycling rates, established recycling routes, and a low environmental impact regarding the materials used for conventional propulsion systems, by now the recycling is mostly neglected within the life cycle assessment of vehicles. The introduced materials for alternative concepts challenge this method with new and complex processes, the lack of available recycling routes, selective recovery of only few materials, as well as the threat of landfill, an increased share of incineration, resource shortfalls, and resource exploitation. This study investigates the
Schwarz, LeaStumper, BenediktBargende, MichaelDreyer, StefanBaretzky, UlrichKotauschek, WolfgangBach, Florian
This document will focus on the language used to describe batteries at the end of battery or vehicle life as batteries are transitioned to the recycler, dismantler, or other third party. This document also provides a compilation of current recycling technologies and flow sheets, and their application to different battery chemistries at the end of battery life. At the time of document authorship, the technical information cited is most applicable to Li-ion battery type rechargeable energy storage systems (RESS), but the language used is not to be limited by chemistry of the battery systems and is generally applicable to other RESS.
Battery Standards Recycling Committee
Current End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) recycling processes are mainly based on mechanical separation techniques. These methods are designed to recycle those metals with the highest contribution in the vehicle weight such as steel, aluminum, and copper. However, a conventional vehicle uses around 50 different types of metals, some of them considered critical by the European Commission. The lack of specific recycling processes makes that these metals become downcycled in steel or aluminum or, in the worst case, end in landfills. With the aim to define several ecodesign recommendations from a raw material point of view, it is proposed to apply a thermodynamic methodology based on exergy analysis. This methodology uses an indicator called thermodynamic rarity to assess metal sustainability. It takes into account the quality of mineral commodities used in a vehicle as a function of their relative abundance in Nature and the energy intensity required to extract and process them. This method is
Ortego, AbelValero, AliciaValero, AntonioIglesias, Marta
Due to the large number of end of life vehicles in our country, our work is aimed at recycling a very important material present in all cars, which is the platinum found in automotive catalysts. Platinum is a rare metal and high value-added, recovery from secondary sources is crucial to ensure its supply for various applications in the market, especially in regions with scarce resources. For this reason, the recycling of platinum, particularly of automotive catalysts becomes very important for the market. The methodology to be applied along the development of the work approaches from the characterization of the catalyst (by technical analysis of microscopy), recycling of platinum (by hydro-metallurgical processes), finally the tests and analysis of the recycled platinum, through physical tests, chemicals. Through the platinum recycling process, it is expected that an economically feasible form has been determined as well as the process method for platinum recycling, in addition to
da Silva, Lucas Gonçalvesde Almeida, Rodolpho Faria DiasSilva Faustino, Vinícius MarinhoJúnior, Pedro Américo Almeida Magalhãe
The survival of humanity in the upcoming decades will depend on the sustainability of the consumed products. There is a global effort to develop solutions to reduce environmental and energy impacts with the production of these products. This paper presents a careful analysis of automotive recycling and the role of aluminum in the life cycle of these vehicles. It is known that the number of vehicles is getting close to 1 billion units while the number of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) has also been increasing dramatically throughout the entire planet. The average car has between 30 to 150 kg of aluminum, there is an increasing trend in this amount in exchange of a reduced final weight of the vehicle. Aluminum can be recycled repeatedly without losing its physical-chemical properties. There are two ways of obtaining the metal; one is by the direct extraction of natural resources through the mining of bauxite and the second through its recycling. The two processes are analyzed through
Lemos, Thiago MarandolaCastro, Daniel Enrique
Global sales of electric and hybrid vehicles continue to grow as emission legislation forces vehicle manufacturers to build cleaner vehicles, with some 8 million already in service. Hybrid and Electric vehicles contain some of the most complex systems ever used in the automotive field, sophisticated and unique electric hybrid systems are added to modern motor vehicles which are already quite complex. As these vehicles reach the end of their lives they will be processed by the global vehicle recycling industry and the high voltage components will be reused, recycled or re-purposed. This paper explores safe working practices for businesses involved in a global marketplace who are completing battery disabling, removal, disassembly, storage and shipping; includes the various technologies and safe working practices along with some of the legal restrictions on dismantling, storage and shipping of high voltage batteries around the world. The paper will also explore how detailed safety
Hobbs, DavidOssenkop, CharlesLatham, Andy
The Indian Economy is becoming significant in the late years. There will be more middle class individuals in the coming years having higher purchasing power, bringing about sharp increment in the ownership of vehicles. The quantity of End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) in 2015 is evaluated at 8.7 million and by 2025, this figure is assessed to ascend to 21.8 million. Car breaking yards' ELV recycling practices result in inadequate resource recovery and various forms of pollution. 75-80% of the ELV constitutes of metal and recycled due to its economic benefits. The rest of the 25-30% comprises of plastics, rubber, glass and operating fluids which are mostly disposed off in land or water. Existing international literature has analyzed ELV recycling and remanufacturing practices in India as separate topics. By adopting Circular Economy practices such as 3R (spare parts reuse, component remanufacturing and materials recycling), the institutional framework proposed in this paper considers both ELV
Venkatesan, MurugesanAnnamalai, VE
While there are various types of Fuel Cell architectures being developed, the focus of this document is on Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell stacks and ancillary components for automotive propulsion applications. Within the boundaries of this document are the: Fuel Supply and Storage, Fuel Processor, Fuel Cell Stack, and Balance of Plant, as shown in Figure 1.
Fuel Cell Standards Committee
Currently in the general industry, the awareness of the population and the governments concerns for the environment and processes, such as sustainable products is increasing each year. The automotive industry follows the same trend. In a vehicle, 99% of its components can be recycled. These recyclables can supply the own automotive industry, and other industries as well, such as the manufacture of batteries made with recycled metal vehicles. Recycling vehicles also provides energy saving, conserving natural resources, and reducing water and air pollution, eliminating in a proper way harmful emissions in the environment as the lead and mercury. It is estimated that the market for recycling vehicles in the United States, injects 32 billion dollars every year in the economy, employing more than 140,000 people and have approximately 9,000 local collection and recycling. This paper aims to address the vehicle recycling process, the population and manufactures responsibility around the globe
Junior, Eduardo OrfaleLuiz, AndreSerigiolle, LessandreMarcial, Mauro
Life-cycle assessments (LCAs) conducted, to date, of the end-of-life phase of vehicles rely significantly on assumed values and extrapolations within models. The end phase of vehicles, however, has become all the more important as a consequence of increasing regulatory requirements on materials recovery, tightening disposal restrictions, and the rapid introduction of new materials and electronics, all potentially impacting a vehicle's efficacy for achieving greater levels of sustainability. This article presents and discusses selected research results of a comprehensive gate-to-gate life-cycle-inventory (LCI) of end-of-life vehicle (ELV) dismantling and shredding processes, constructed through a comprehensive and detailed case study, and argues that managing and implementing creative dismantling practices can improve significantly the recovery of both reusable and recyclable materials from end-of-life vehicles. Although the amount of parts and materials recovered and directed for reuse
Sawyer-Beaulieu, SusanTam, Edwin K.L.
The automotive industry is one of the industries that have visibility suffered a strong demand for higher environmental performance. This industry have enjoyed years as the main source of employment and economic growth, today it is being pointed out as one of the major contributors to air pollution in urban centers. Indeed the benefits of automobile provide the means of gaining access to life's necessities and employment and a source of pleasure. However, despite these benefits there are environmental burdens as well: local air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, road congestion, noise, mortality and morbidity from accidents and less open space to roads. Thus companies in the sector have been trying different strategies to overcome these challenges Evaluation of Emission development for commercial vehicles had always been great challenge to continuously migrate from one level of emission norm to other maintaining the business continuity. With every migration its necessary to cross the
Hatti, Kalyan S.sankaranarayana, Sai
Develop terminology and definitions specifically for the automotive industry that defines greener and more sustainable materials and practices. The document will provide information and context for how and where the terms are used in the auto sector. In some cases, there may be more than one definition provided as some terms have different meanings in different countries.
Green Technology Steering Committee
This study aims to determine environmental aspects of an end-of-vehicle recycling process through life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. Functional unit of the study was an end-of-vehicle with a weight of 1432 kg. System boundaries included transportation of the scrap car to disassembly and shredding facility, disassembly and shredding processes and transportation of the materials to recycling facilities. Data regarding process was gathered from a shredding facility, literature and the libraries of the SimaPro 7.3.2. Gathered data was evaluated through CML 2 baseline 2000 methodology by the means of abiotic depletion, acidification, global warming, ozone depletion, human toxicity, fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity, marine aquatic ecotoxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity and photochemical oxidation. According to results, transportation and diesel consumption are the important factors for ELV recycling. It is thought that decreasing of diesel consumption and selection of closest sites to
Erses Yay, SunaYay, Kubilay
The purpose of this study is to define requirements for technological and business success in the world's first implementation of Reverse-Supply-Chain, in which bumper materials of end-of-life vehicles (ELV) are recycled for use as ingredients in new bumper materials. In Japan, ELVs are recovered following to the government regulation. About 20% (700,000 ton) of such collected ELVs are automotive shredder residues (ASR), most of which are burnt as fuel or used as landfill trash. ASRs are mainly plastics, which are largely used as materials of bumpers. The reverse-supply-chain was started as a small business by a collaboration between the car manufacture (Mazda), dismantler, and resource-recycling business operator, and enhanced by the development of easy-to-recycle bumpers, technologies of paint removal from crushed bumpers and sorting-out, a material quality control method, and improvement in transportation efficiency. In this paper, requirements for the establishment of the reverse
Nitta, ShigekiIto, Kanako
The objective of “Experimental Investigation of Light Metal on Out-of-Plane Tearing and Shredding Test (wall thickness less than or equal to 10mm)” is to find solutions to shredding and recovery processing of end-of-life vehicles and household appliances. By way of tensile test, the mechanical characteristics of the light metal scrap material were obtained. On the basis of strengthening effect, the constitutive relations of materials were reduced to bilinear model. Through the trousers test, Light Metal Scrap produced equal and opposite elastic-plastic bending deformation twice in the tearing process was observed. So in process of trousers tearing test, the total work external force did was mainly composed of specific tearing work and elastic-plastic bending work of trousers legs. The features of light metal scrap materials in tearing and shredding process are investigated, and the specific tearing work per unit area of new crack surface was regarded as a tearing property of light
Liu, Jianxiong
Since the industrial application of the internal combustion engine, the number of vehicles and their technologies has continuously grown world-wide to over 50 million vehicles yearly since 2000 and are forecast to grow to 180 million yearly by 2050. Over time societal and consumer needs with regard to vehicles have changed and environmental considerations have become much more important such as increasing fuel efficiency and reducing vehicle emissions. The precious metals group (PGM) plays an important role in meeting these needs. The continuously increasing use of metals combined with the fact that natural resources are finite make that business as usual is not sustainable. The automotive industry is the single largest user of PGM's and those contained in end of life catalytic converters are richer than any known primary source of PGM. The vehicle is a “mine on wheels” not only for the PGM contained in the converters but also for other metals used in the advanced technology vehicles
Caffarey, MarkMeskers, ChristinaVan Kerckhoven, Thierry
Time-temperature analysis methods are usually applied to predict the useful life of automotive components. Components life is affected by exposure to heat during vehicle service life. The extent of reduction in component life, which may be caused by material thermal degradation, depends on the component temperature and the time duration at that temperature. The rate of material thermal degradation of automotive components varies widely depending on material thermal stability, vehicle duty cycle, and the thermal environment that the component is exposed to. Thermodynamic properties such as the activation energy of each material are used to determine the rate of thermal degradation [1,2]. In this approach, material thermal degradation models are used to predict component life during the service life of a vehicle. As the rate of thermal degradation increases with increasing material temperature, the useful life of a component will be reduced as the material temperature increases
El-Sharkawy, AlaaKamrad, Joshua
While there are various types of Fuel Cell architectures being developed, the focus of this document is on Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell stacks and ancillary components for automotive propulsion applications. Within the boundaries of this document are the: Fuel Supply and Storage, Fuel Processor, Fuel Cell Stack, and Balance of Plant, as shown in Figure 1.
Fuel Cell Standards Committee
Over 250 million vehicles are operating on United States roads and highways and over 12 million of them reach the end of their useful lives annually. These end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) contain over 24 million tons (21.8 million metric tonnes) of materials including ferrous and non-ferrous metals, polymers, glass, and automotive fluids. They also contain many parts and components that are still useable and some that could be economically rebuilt or remanufactured. Dismantlers acquire the ELVs and recover from them parts for resale “as-is” or after remanufacturing. The dismantler then sells what remains of the vehicle, the “hulk”, to a shredder who shreds it to recover and sell the metals. Presently, the remaining non-metallic materials, commonly known as shredder residue, are mostly landfilled. The vehicle manufacturers, now more than ever, are working hard to build more energy efficient and safer, more affordable vehicles. In the process, new valuable materials and parts are constantly
Bassam, JodyPomykala, Joseph A.Spangenberger, J.Daniels, Edward J.
The goal of this research was to determine and quantify today's actual end-of-life vehicle disposition rates based on their age and material content. The current facts and status of today's automotive recycling industry were sought. Disposition rates and material trends were projected using adjusted ELV age data from Duranceau and Linden's 1999 research and average materials content data from open-sources. End-of-life vehicle age and population data adjustments were used to estimate representative material compositions for the US and Canadian ELV fleet. The disposition rates were broken down by percentages of (1) part weight reused, (2) part weight remanufactured, (3) part weight recycled pre-shredder, (4) weight of recovered fluids, and (5) weight of metals recycled post shredder. The 86.3% percent material recovery established in this study was compared to the 84% reported in Paul's 2001.
Duranceau, Claudia M.Sawyer-Beaulieu, Susan
Diverse factors of sustainability drive the life cycle analysis of the product which already exists and need to go through Eco-redesign strategy. Sustainability in all sphere of the design approach requires compliance with regulations and standards. The concept of the reverse logistics and take back is getting very important in the wake of product recalls for exclusive compliance of safety requirements to satisfy the regulations. That is why it is very important that the reverse logistic supply chain net work for the product return lead time and life cycle impact of product planning should begins long before disposal and at the new product design time. This is why it is now believed to be best the way to measure the impact through a Life cycle analysis and reverse logistic planning which necessarily to be decided at the conceptual stage as to how the steps and stage of reverse logistic will be followed. The EU End of life vehicle directive and its effect are very important in this
Ali Qureshi, Zulfiqar
Environmental regulations all over the globe and the demand on fuel efficient engines have increased bearing loads dramatically over the last 20 years, especially in small and high speed Diesel engines. Lead containing Bronze bearings, often with a Lead based overlay have become a standard in the automotive industry and are used over decades. Due to the harmful and poisonous effect of lead on the environment the European Union has set up the Vehicle end-of-life Regulation to reduce use of lead, also in tribological products. In order to fulfill the high load capability and the necessary tribological behavior of engine bearings new approaches in fatigue, temperature stability and Tribology has to be taken. Basic investigation of the tribological working principles in bearings combining short term failure mechanism and long term behavior were carried out to understand the interaction of materials, layers and lubrication. Design guidelines for different bearing types were set up based on
Aufischer, Rainer
This recommended best practice outlines a method for estimating CO2-Equivalent emissions using the GREEN-MAC-LCCP© (Global Refrigerants Energy and ENvironmental – Mobile Air Conditioning – Life Cycle Climate Performance) model (also referred to as “the model” in this standard).
Interior Climate Control Vehicle OEM Committee
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