Treatment of End of Life Vehicles in Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities



21st SAE Brasil International Congress and Exhibition
Authors Abstract
Style changes and technological advances have led to reduced service life of current products as automobiles. These are among the goods that are constantly re-designed to meet our growing needs for improved products.
However, these demands for new products and more modern has meant a great cost to our natural resources, such as excessive use of raw materials, water and energy during production, use and end of life cycle of these assets.
The increasing scarcity of land available for the proper disposal of waste in landfills, in addition to the high cost of implementing these areas and the increasing distances to urban centers imply the need to reduce solid waste generation, including here the automotive. The growth of the automotive market has created a serious problem due to the disposal of urban waste volumes generated, the great diversity of materials involved and their toxicity.
The objective of this study is to analyze the various constituent materials of the vehicle and its impact on the environment (APPENDIX 1). We will deal with some aspects of the project, construction, use and final disposal of automotive vehicles. We will understand how the decisions within the project to meet the performance requirements and vehicle safety may have an impact on the recyclability of motor vehicles.
We are also going to discuss implications of the taxes and how they can encourage or obstruct sustainable practices. We will look at how the legislation must be improved to develop the automotive recycling industry. In the end, we will examine the current conditions present in the country for treatment of vehicles at the end of the cycle of life and identify the challenges, barriers and opportunities for the treatment of End of Life Vehicles (ELV) in Brazil.
We will discuss the current disposal ELV in Brazil and how this impacts on the environment and natural resources.
Meta TagsDetails
Filho, J., "Treatment of End of Life Vehicles in Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities," SAE Technical Paper 2012-36-0217, 2012,
Additional Details
Oct 2, 2012
Product Code
Content Type
Technical Paper