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The modern-day vehicle’s driverless or driver-assisted systems are developed by sensing the surroundings using a combination of camera, lidar, and other related sensors by forming an accurate perception of the driving environment. Machine learning algorithms help in forming perception and perform planning and control of the vehicle. The control of the vehicle which reflects safety depends on the accurate understanding of the surroundings by the trained machine learning models by subdividing a camera image fed into multiple segments or objects. The semantic segmentation system comes with the objective of assigning predefined class labels such as tree, road, and the like to each pixel of an image. Any security attacks on pixel classification nodes of the segmentation systems based on deep learning result in the failure of the driver assistance or autonomous vehicle safety functionalities due to a falsely formed perception. The security compromisations on the pixel classification head of
Prashanth, K.Y.Rohitha , U.M.
The growing ubiquity of autonomous vehicles (AVs) has introduced a new attack surface for malicious actors: the embedded systems that govern a vehicle's critical operations. Security breaches in these systems could have catastrophic consequences, potentially leading to loss of control, manipulation of sensor data, or even physical harm. To mitigate these risks, robust cybersecurity measures are paramount. This research delves into a specific threat – side-channel attacks – where attackers exploit data leakage through unintentional physical emanations, like power consumption or electromagnetic waves, to steal cryptographic keys or sensitive information. While various software and hardware countermeasures have been proposed, this study focuses on the implementation of masking techniques within the realm of embedded security. Masking techniques aim to obfuscate sensitive data during cryptographic operations, making it significantly harder for attackers to exploit side-channel
Deepan Kumar, SadhasivamR, Vishnu Ramesh KumarM, BoopathiManojkumar, RR, GobinathM, Vignesh
The scope of this document is to provide an overview, process, and implementation guidance on use of blockchain technology for a secure, immutable, and traceable digital authorized release certificate. This document does not standardize the process nor is it meant for authorities to recognize the standard as an acceptable means of recording data collected through the required authorized release certificate (ARC) tags.
G-31 Digital Transactions for Aerospace
Cybersecurity, particularly in the automotive sector, is of paramount importance in today’s digital age. With the advent of connected commercial vehicles, which leverage telematics for efficient fleet management, the landscape of automotive cybersecurity is rapidly evolving. These vehicles, integral to logistics and transportation businesses, are becoming increasingly connected, thereby escalating the risks associated with cybersecurity threats. These commercial vehicles are becoming prime targets for cyber-attacks due to their connectivity and the valuable data they hold. The potential consequences of these cyber-attacks can range from data breaches to disruptions in fleet operations, and even safety risks. This paper analyses the unique challenges faced by the commercial vehicle sector, such as the need for robust telematics systems, secure communication channels, and stringent data protection measures. Case studies of notable cybersecurity incidents involving commercial vehicles are
Mahendrakar, ShrinidhiMadarla, ManojGangapuram, SivaDadoo, Vishal
Data encryption is an essential part of keeping patient information private. It’s also remained relatively unchanged in recent decades — a rarity for anything in the cybersecurity space. The dawn of quantum computing will change that.
Supply chain management is key to industry efficiency, while information security and transparency are at the core of operations management. Blockchain technology shows great potential in this regard and can effectively make up for existing shortcomings. This article deeply explores the application of blockchain in new energy vehicle supply chain management, focusing on enhancing the systematization and collaboration of the supply chain through smart contract mechanisms. We established a collaborative contract model for the three-level supply chain. Especially from the perspective of the intermediate supply chain, we designed a smart contract mechanism to optimize key links such as order processing, payment, and logistics tracking, and used the alliance chain to ensure the safe sharing and sharing of information. At the same time, we have also developed an interactive system for each link of the supply chain and achieved smooth interaction in the new energy vehicle supply chain by
Wang, Peng
Aerospace is an industry where competition is high and the need to ensure safety and security while managing costs is foremost. Stakeholders, who gain the most by working together, do not necessarily trust each other. Changing backbone technologies that drive enterprise systems and secure historical records does not happen quickly (if at all). At best, businesses adapt incrementally, building customized applications on top of legacy systems. The complexity of these legacy systems leads to duplication of efforts and data storage, making them very inefficient. Technology that augments, rather than replaces, is needed to transform these complex systems into efficient, digital processes. Blockchain technology offers collaborative opportunities for solving some of the data problems that have long challenged the aerospace industry. The industry has been slow to adopt the technology even though experts agree that it has real potential to revolutionize the global supply chain—including
Walthall, RhondaDavid, AharonFarell, JamesHann, RichardJohansen, Tor A.
The University of Detroit Mercy Vehicle Cyber Engineering (VCE) Laboratory together with The University of Arizona is supporting Secure Vehicle Embedded Systems research work and course projects. The University of Detroit Mercy VCE Laboratory has established several testbeds to cover experimental techniques to ensure the security of an embedded design that includes: data isolation, memory protection, virtual memory, secure scheduling, access control and capabilities, hypervisors and system virtualization, input/output virtualization, embedded cryptography implementation, authentication and access control, hacking techniques, malware, trusted computing, intrusion detection systems, cryptography, programming security and secure software/firmware updates. The VCE Laboratory testbeds are connected with an Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud-based Cyber-security Labs as a Service (CLaaS) system, which allows students and researchers to access the testbeds from any place that has a secure
Zachos, MarkSatam, PratikNaama, Rami
A model predictive control (MPC) energy management strategy (EMS) coupled with offline dynamic programming (ODP) based on historical average vehicle speed, ODP-MPC, is proposed in this paper. The effectiveness of ODP-MPC is verified using historical traffic flow datasets from the open literature. The simulation results show that ODP-MPC can reduce fuel consumption by 1.1% to 7.3% compared to MPC. Moreover, at the prediction area Hp=3(3s), the fuel consumption of ODP-MPC is only 2.1% higher than that of the DP algorithm. This indicates that ODP-MPC can approximate the theoretical fuel economy. As for the computational effort, the online computation time of ODP-MPC is improved by 6.3%~22.9% compared to MPC, but still less than the 1s time step. Reducing the number of grid cells (m) or increasing the distance step (distf) in offline DP reduces the offline computational cost and the fuel economy of ODP-MPC. The coupled locally encrypted meshing strategy (LEMS) in ODP-MPC resolves the trade
Wu, ChangkunShi, XiuyongNi, Jimin
With the recent advancement in technologies, researchers worldwide have a growing interest in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The last few years have been significant in terms of its global awareness, adoption, and applications across industries. In UAV-aided wireless networks, there are some limitations in terms of power consumption, data computation, data processing, endurance, and security. So, the idea of UAVs and Edge or Fog computing together deals with the limitations and provides intelligence at the network’s edge, which makes it more valuable to use in emergency applications. Fog computing distributes data in a decentralized way and blockchain also works on the principle of decentralization. Blockchain, as a decentralized database, uses cryptographic methods including hash functions and public key encryption to secure the user information. It is a prominent solution to secure the user’s information in blocks and maintain privacy. The ongoing development in collaborative UAVs
Gupta, AkshitaGupta, Sachin Kumar
More than half a century has passed since the birth of quantum signal detection theory, which is the cornerstone of modern quantum communication theory. Quantum stream cipher, the quantum-noise-based direct encryption scheme for optical communications at the center of our research, is based on the foundations of quantum communication theory. For quantum cryptography to progress from a theoretical possibility to a more realistic technology, experimental and theoretical research must be complementary.
Automated Vehicles (A)V development historically placed a significant focus on functionality and less on security. Programs such as Cybersecurity for Robotics and Autonomous Systems Hardening (CRASH) are addressing AV cybersecurity, strengthening security while simultaneously supporting the developer focus on functionality. This task is challenging due to continuous interaction by AVs with the environment through sensors and actuators, command and control, and remote connectivity. This paper presents an approach balancing functionality and security through an AV Zero-Trust Architecture (ZTA) which leverages authentication, cyber policy enforcement, and monitoring to detect and mitigate cyber-attacks. The AV ZTA approach is traceable to NIST 800-217 guidance for applying ZT concepts to Information Technology (IT) networks. The presented AV architecture example begins with a non-self-driving baseline, adding sensors, actuators, command/control, and remote connectivity. NIST 800-207
Murray, VictorLathrop, ScottMikulski, Dariusz
The new generation vehicles these days are managed by networked controllers. A large portion of the networks is planned with more security which has recently roused researchers to exhibit various attacks against the system. This paper talks about the liabilities of the Controller Area Network (CAN) inside In-vehicle communication protocol and a few potentials that could take due advantage of it. Moreover, this paper presents a few security measures proposed in the present examination status to defeat the attacks. In any case, the fundamental objective of this paper is to feature a comprehensive methodology known as Intrusion Detection System (IDS), which has been a significant device in getting network data in systems over many years. To the best of our insight, there is no recorded writing on a through outline of IDS execution explicitly in the CAN transport network system. Therefore, we proposed a top-down examination of IDS through a write-up based on the following perspectives
Appajosyula, Kalyan Sai Vital VamsiPacharla, Sreedhar Reddy
The lack of inherent security controls makes traditional Controller Area Network (CAN) buses vulnerable to Machine-In-The-Middle (MitM) cybersecurity attacks. Conventional vehicular MitM attacks involve tampering with the hardware to directly manipulate CAN bus traffic. We show, however, that MitM attacks can be realized without direct tampering of any CAN hardware. Our demonstration leverages how diagnostic applications based on RP1210 are vulnerable to Machine-In-The-Middle attacks. Test results show SAE J1939 communications, including single frame and multi-framed broadcast and on-request messages, are susceptible to data manipulation attacks where a shim DLL is used as a Machine-In-The-Middle. The demonstration shows these attacks can manipulate data that may mislead vehicle operators into taking the wrong actions. A solution is proposed to mitigate these attacks by utilizing machine authentication codes or authenticated encryption with pre-shared keys between the communicating
Kumar, SharikaDaily, JeremyAhmed, QadeerArora, Anish
CAN bus network proved to be efficient and dynamic for small compact cars as well as heavy-duty vehicles (HDV). However, HDVs are more susceptible to malicious attacks due to lack of security in their intra-vehicle communication protocols. SAE proposed a new standard named J1939-91C for CAN-FD networks which provides methods for establishing trust and securing mutual messages with optional encryption. J1939-91C ensures message authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality by implementing complex cryptographic operations including hash functions and random key generation. In this paper, the three main phases of J1939-91C, i.e., Network Formation, Rekeying, and Message Exchange, are simulated and tested on Electronic Control Units (ECUs) supporting CAN-FD network. Numerous test vectors were generated and validated to support SAE J1939-91C. The mentioned vectors were produced by simulating different encryption and hashing algorithms with variable message and key lengths. Moreover, the
Mokhadder, MohomadZachos, MarkPotter, John
ABSTRACT This paper describes a novel network security appliance -- the Tactical Smart Network Interface Card (TSNIC) – that leverages state-of-the-art Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technologies to continuously maintain the integrity of tactical missions. The Smart NIC appears as an all-hardware “bump-in-the-wire” along any network segment or attached to an industry standard bus interface providing infrastructure defense for ground vehicles. It can be custom configured to provide encryption, protocol and file format validation, and/or protocol encapsulation. These capabilities are achieved by several innovations: high-level synthesis (HLS) for rapid circuit development, automated parser generation to adapt to mission requirements, and a hardware nano-marshal to dynamically adapt defensive posture in the face of changing threat profiles. Citation: J. Dahlstrom, S. Padnos, J. Brock, and S. Taylor, “The Tactical Smart NIC,” In Proceedings of the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering
Dahlstrom, JasonPadnos, StephenBrock, JamesTaylor, Stephen
ABSTRACT Currently there is no method to ensure that the software loaded on a vehicle has been compromised at the software level. Common practice is to use physical port security to secure all network and data bus connection points with physical devices requiring tool, keys, or damage to tamper evident devices to prevent, inhibit, or discourage unauthorized connection; turn off access to the ports in the BIOS and password protect the BIOS. As well as give non-admin access to user accounts and password protect the operating systems. All these countermeasures help to prevent access but there is no way to tell if the software was compromised if not detected by these methods. Blockchain technology ensures that the software has not been compromised by comparing a hash generated at start up and comparing it to the distributed ledger. This technology helps to bring Warfighter technology into the future.
Fortney, George G
The global big data market had a revenue of $162.6 billion in 2021.1 Data is becoming more valuable to companies than gold. However, this data has been used, historically, without contributors’ informed consent and without them seeing a penny from the discoveries the data led to. This article discusses how non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can provide a helpful tool for pharmaceutical companies to track contributed data and compensate contributors accordingly. NFTs are unique, untradable cryptographic assets that can be tracked on a blockchain. NFTs provide a unique traceable token that cannot be replicated, providing a perfect tool to store biodata. The term biodata refers to details regarding a patient’s history and behavioral patterns.
A powerful new generation of test and sim solutions aims to address specific security concerns associated with automotive designs. Today's vehicle is a mobile computer growing in complexity. From infotainment systems to propulsion, to advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles (AV), computers now drive how automobiles and trucks are designed, how they operate and how they're increasingly connected. For that reason, the transformation of vehicles, roadways and cities has created new design considerations for engineers. One aspect that can't be overlooked is cybersecurity and the need for an all-encompassing approach to ensure vehicle safety. A 2019 study conducted by SAE International (in conjunction with Synopsis) highlights the level of angst around securing the advanced technologies designed into automobiles. Eighty-four percent (84%) of survey respondents are concerned that cybersecurity practices are not keeping up with the security landscape. As worrisome
Hendricks, Craig
Security in encrypted communication is a top priority because of our highly connected and mobile society’s increasing reliance on the internet. Engineers at Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT, have developed a new protocol for high-speed communication between two parties with security vouchsafed by the laws of quantum physics. The protocol can also be used to distribute cryptographic keys, as in quantum key distribution (QKD) at much higher secure key rates than existing QKD methods.
The critical role of spectrum superiority in the success of battlefield campaigns is evidenced by the enormous investments being made in electronic warfare (EW) capabilities by governments worldwide. Communication technologies, such as 5G, are quickly being adopted by militaries in an attempt to satisfy the demand for exponentially larger amounts of data transmission in a shorter period of time. As quickly as secure communication strategies are being developed to encrypt mission critical data, so too are the technologies used to detect, decode, and disrupt such communications. The security and integrity of critical communications is of the utmost importance as the world progresses towards an increasingly networked theater of operations.
Members of the electric vehicle industry gathered at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in early April to evaluate enhanced cybersecurity for the connections between EVs and charging infrastructure. As more EVs enter the market and connect to the electrical grid, potentially exposing cyber vulnerabilities, vehicle security is drawing increased interest. The collaborative event supports a two-year project led by SAE International to strengthen EV cybersecurity through wide industry engagement on pre-competitive research and technology prototyping in the EV charging space. The event, held at NREL's Golden, Colorado Energy Systems Integration Facility, was organized to evaluate the application of public key infrastructure (PKI) - a method for encrypting information exchange and certifying the trusted authenticity of devices - to help protect the connection between vehicles and charging stations. Although PKI had been adopted for many industries, this kind of authentication
Weisenberger, Tim
The critical role of spectrum superiority in the success of battlefield campaigns is evidenced by the enormous investments being made in electronic warfare (EW) capabilities by governments worldwide. Communication technologies, such as 5G, are quickly being adopted by militaries in an attempt to satisfy the demand for exponentially larger amounts of data transmission in a shorter period of time. As quickly as secure communication strategies are being developed to encrypt mission critical data, so too are the technologies used to detect, decode, and disrupt such communications. The security and integrity of critical communications is of the utmost importance as the world progresses towards an increasingly networked theater of operations. The militaries of the world appear to be in widespread agreement that the critical communication infrastructure of tomorrow's battlefields need to be: Rapidly deployable and reconfigurable for mission readiness. Designed for minimal spectral footprint
Significant growth of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) has unlocked many services and applications opportunities in the healthcare sector. Aerial transportation of medical cargo delivery can be an effective and alternative way to ground-based transport systems in times of emergency. To improve the security and the trust of such aerial transportation systems, Blockchain can be used as a potential technology to manage, operate and monitor the entire process. In this paper, we present a blockchain network solution based on Ethereum for the transportation of medical cargo such as blood, medicines, vaccines, etc. The smart contract solution developed in solidity language was tested using the Truffle program. Ganache blockchain test network was employed to host the blockchain network and test the operation of the proposed blockchain model. The suitability of the model is validated in real-time using a UAV and all the flight data are captured and uploaded into the blockchain. The model was
M K, PadmanabhanKumar, RaviManoharan, DineshR, PrithvirajS, Rajesh
Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions Ashburn, VA 703-779-7800
Legacy electronic control units are, nowadays, required to implement cybersecurity measures, but they often do not have all the elements that are necessary to realize industry-standard cybersecurity controls. For example, they may not have hardware cryptographic accelerators, segregated areas of memory for storing keys, or one-time programmable memory areas. Such systems must still be protected with a sufficient level of rigor against attackers who wish to modify their operation or extract confidential information from them. A critical interface to defend is the Unified Diagnostics Service (UDS) interface which is used in many areas across the whole vehicle lifecycle. While the UDS service $27 (Security Access) has a reputation for poor cybersecurity, there is nothing inherent in the way it operates which prevents a secure access-control from being implemented. This paper describes an approach to providing UDS Security Access within systems which have very constrained processors (in
Thompson, Martin
The advancements of the automotive system in all the aspects from safety to user experience brings never ending list of electronics components into the system. One of the pure critical components in providing the vehicle safety is the digital key or wireless vehicle entry systems. This component is responsible for protecting all the other components of the vehicle and the vehicle itself from thieves and illegal usage of the vehicle. The compromisations of this critical component is equivalent to a compromisations of the entire vehicle along with some legal implications on the vehicle owner. There are numerous additional systems in automotive electronics which enhances the security of the critical, digital key/wireless vehicle entry system in protecting the vehicles from attackers. However, there is no component available in the market which does user/owner authentication considering its impact and criticality on both the vehicle and its owner. Either the lost key or the stolen key in
Ansari, AsadullahP.C., KarthikD.H., SharathAziz, MohammadMukherjee, Sourik
Multiple approaches have been created to enhance intra-vehicle communications security over the past three decades since the introduction of the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol. The twin pair differential-mode communications bus is tremendously robust in the face of interference, yet physical access to the bus offers a variety of potential attack vectors whereby false messages and/or denial of service are achievable. This paper evaluates extensions of a Physical-layer (PHY) common-mode watermark-based authentication technique recently developed to improve authentication on the CAN bus by considering the watermark as a side-channel communications means for high value information. We also propose and analyze higher layer algorithms, with benefits and pitfalls, for employing the watermark as a physical-layer firewall. All of these results are backed by a software-defined radio (SDR) based hardware testbed that verifies backwards compatibility with commercial CAN transceivers and
Michaels, Alan J.Fletcher, MichaelHenshaw, ChrisPalukuru, Venkata Sai SrikarMoore, John
Vehicles have more connectivity options now-a-days and these increasing connection options are giving more chances for an intruder to exploit the system. So, the vehicle manufacturers need to make the ECU in the vehicle more secure. To make the system secure, the embedded system must secure all the assets in the system. Examples of assets are Software, Kernel or Operating system, cryptographic Keys, Passwords, user data, etc. In this, securing the Kernel is extremely important as an intruder can even exploit the operating system characteristics just by changing the kernel code without introducing a trojan in the system. Also, the Kernel is the one entity that manages all permissions, so, if the kernel is hacked, these permissions also get compromised. The proposed approach is to make the kernel secure by doing the integrity check periodically of the kernel code loaded into the main memory of the system. This method uses ARM TrustZone technology which reduces the risk of attacks by
Thekkumbadan, ShyjuPacharla, Sreedhar ReddyJose, Jipin
The current automotive electronic and electrical (EE) architecture has reached a scalability limit and in order to adapt to the new and upcoming requirements, novel automotive EE architectures are currently being investigated to support: a) an Ethernet backbone, b) consolidation of hardware capabilities leading to a centralized architecture from an existing distributed architecture, c) optimization of wiring to reduce cost, and d) adaptation of service-oriented software architectures. These requirements lead to the development of Zonal EE architectures as a possible solution that require appropriate adaptation of used security mechanisms and the corresponding utilized hardware trust anchors. 1 The current architecture approaches (ECU internal and in-vehicle networking) are being pushed to their limits, simultaneously, the current embedded security solutions also seem to reveal their limitations due to an increase in connectivity. In conjunction with an increasing number of related laws
Ambekar, AbhijitSchneider, RolfSchmidt, KarstenDannebaum, Udo
Bitcoin and other digital currencies utilize blockchain. Blockchain, in summary, is a collection of blocks. Within each block is a collection of transactions. Each computer (node) has the same list of blocks and transactions, which they can see as the blocks are filled with the transactions. While this is the traditional application experienced, there are other applications relevant to cybersecurity. As part of the blockchain technology, the nodes are responsible for decision-making. The blockchain technology may be used for this function in these systems. In adjusting the data flow, this is an option to increase the cybersecurity for a complete system. This addition to the cybersecurity system provides a clear benefit.
Parker, Charles
To help address the issue of message authentication on the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus, researchers at Virginia Tech and Ford Motor Company have developed a proof-of-concept time-evolving watermark-based authentication mechanism that offers robust, cryptographically controlled confirmation of a CAN message's authenticity. This watermark is injected as a common-mode signal on both CAN-HI and CAN-LO bus voltages and has been proven using a low-cost software-defined radio (SDR) testbed. This paper extends prior analysis on the design and proof-of-concept to consider robustness testing over the range of voltages, both steady state drifts and transients, as are commonly witnessed within a vehicle. Overall performance results, along with a dynamic watermark amplitude control, validate the concept as being a practical near-term approach at improving authentication confidence of messages on the CAN bus.
Michaels, Alan J.Fletcher, MichaelHenshaw, ChrisPalukuru, Venkata Sai SrikarMoore, John
The aircraft asset life cycle processes are rapidly being digitalized. Many novel technologies enabled processes of recording these electronic transactions are being emerged. One such technology for recording electronic transactions securely is Blockchain, defined as distributed ledger technologies which includes enterprise blockchain. Blockchain is not widely used in the aerospace industry due to lack of technical understanding and questions about its benefits. Assessment and establishment of business case for implementing blockchain based solution is needed. The aerospace industry is very conservative when it comes to technology adoption and hence it is difficult to change legacy processes. Additionally, the industry is very fragmented. The technology is advancing at a faster rate and applies across geographies under various regulatory oversight which makes blockchain based solution implementation challenging. G-31 electronic transactions for aerospace standards committee of SAE
Kumar, G. V. V. RaviRencher, RobertFabre, ChrisBudeanu, DragosMarkou, ChrisJones, KenRajamani, RaviReed, HarveyBettenhausen, DavidLesmerises, AlanWalthall, RhondaChidambaran, NarayananVeluri, Sastry
The internet of things (IoT) is no stranger to most of us at this point. IoT devices can be seen as belonging either to the consumer, medical, or industrial markets. Whether the device is a video doorbell, an insulin pump, or an industrial sensor, the user will face two significant challenges: 1) getting the device physically/logically connected to the network and 2) making sure that the device has the proper credentials to enable it to interoperate with other devices on the same network or with the server(s) that are expected to collect the device's data. These challenges can be largely grouped into a process known as provisioning.
FPGAs are devices programmed using languages and methodologies originally developed for describing the circuit layouts used in today’s integrated circuits. As such, they are well suited for applications involving bit manipulations performed on a continuous stream of data. However, their general applicability to HPC applications is open to debate.
To find out about the impact of 5G mobile broadband service on the IoT/IIoT, I interviewed Jai Suri, Vice President, IoT and Blockchain Applications Development, Oracle, and Mike Anderson, Embedded Systems Architect, and consultant in the aerospace industry. I asked them if we are close to bringing 5G to industry or whether other applications will likely come first. According to them both, it’s complicated.
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides insights on how to perform a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) to determine the Return on Investment (ROI) that would result from implementing a blockchain solution to a new or an existing business process. The word “blockchain” refers to a method of documenting when data transactions occur using a distributed ledger with desired immutable qualities. The scope of the current document is on enterprise blockchain which gives the benefit of standardized cryptography, legal enforceability and regulatory compliance. The document analyzes the complexity involved with this technology, lists some of the different approaches that can be used for conducting a CBA, and differentiates its analysis depending on whether the application uses a public or a private distributed network. This document is intended for people who do not have a deep technical understanding or familiarity with blockchain solutions to qualify and quantify its economic benefits
G-31 Digital Transactions for Aerospace
ABSTRACT Bitcoin and other digital currencies utilize blockchain. Blockchain, in summary, is a collection of blocks. Within each block is a collection of transactions. Each computer (node) has the same list of blocks and transactions, which they can see as the blocks are filled with the transactions. While this is the traditional application experienced, there are other applications relevant to cybersecurity. As part of the blockchain technology, the nodes are responsible for decision-making. The blockchain technology may be used for this function in these systems. In adjusting the data flow, this is an option to increase the cybersecurity for a complete system. This addition to the cybersecurity system provides a clear benefit. Citation: Parker, C., “Blockchain Vehicle Applications and Cybersecurity: An Appropriate Use or Use Appropriately?”, In Proceedings of the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS), NDIA, Novi, MI, August 10, 2021.
Parker, Charles
The lack of traceability in today’s supply-chain system for auto components makes counterfeiting a significant problem leading to millions of dollars of lost revenue every year and putting the lives of customers at risk. Traditional solutions are usually built upon hardware such as radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags and barcodes, and these solutions cannot stop attacks from supply-chain (insider) parties themselves as they can simply duplicate products in their local database. This industry-academia collaborative work studies the benefits and challenges associated with the use of distributed ledger (or blockchain) technology toward preventing counterfeiting in the presence of malicious supply-chain parties. We illustrate that the provision of a distributed and append-only ledger jointly governed by supply-chain parties themselves makes permissioned blockchains such as Hyperledger Fabric a promising approach toward mitigating counterfeiting. Meanwhile, we demonstrate that the
Lu, DonghangMoreno-Sanchez, PedroMitra, PramitaFeldman, KenFodale, JoshKosofsky, JasonKate, Aniket
If you tell people that exterminators use temperature sensors to eliminate bedbugs, it prompts questions, and people want to know more. You can get the same reaction when you mention that landfill, entomology labs, and banana-ripening managers use sensor data to automate and optimize their operations.
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