Pre-Print Article

Cryptographic verification method for an emergency vehicle to non-emergency vehicle communication



Authors Abstract
An emergency vehicle is one of the critical vehicles designed by the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to support the emergency assistance and maintenance for different emergency situations such as fire, health, etc. These vehicles are provided a special provision by the legal authorities to bypass the road traffic scenarios and guidelines. The special provisions mainly include a co-operation of the non-emergency vehicles on the road for providing a smooth provision for the emergency vehicles to move, bypassing of traffic signals, etc. Sometimes, the intruders utilize these provisions to hide their original identities by utilizing the emergency vehicles for their transportation. The vehicles utilized by intruders for this purpose are the illegitimate ones, which are carried by attackers for illegal purposes, but they possess the same external appearances and special alerting system as the legitimate emergency vehicles. Hence, these fake vehicles pose a serious challenge to the legal authorities as well as the other vehicles on the road who got fooled by assisting them using their special co-operative assistance system. In this regard, here an approach is proposed to detect these emergency fake emergency vehicles using the cryptography verification associated vehicular communication system. In the proposed system, the non-emergency vehicles verify the authenticity with the emergency vehicles using the cryptographic verification over the Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) channel before assisting them for emergency movement. Finally, the proposed system help the non-emergency vehicles by not assisting the intruder emergency vehicles and by assisting the legitimate vehicles on the road infrastructure.
Meta TagsDetails
Ansari, A., D H, S., P.C., K., Uddin, S. et al., "Cryptographic verification method for an emergency vehicle to non-emergency vehicle communication," SAE MobilityRxiv™ Preprint, submitted February 1, 2022,
Additional Details
Feb 1, 2022
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Pre-Print Article