Pre-Print Article

Mechanism to identify legitimate vehicle user in remote keyless entry system



Authors Abstract
The advancements of the automotive system in all the aspects from safety to user experience brings never ending list of electronics components into the system. One of the pure critical components in providing the vehicle safety is the digital key or wireless vehicle entry systems. This component is responsible for protecting all the other components of the vehicle and the vehicle itself from thieves and illegal usage of the vehicle. The compromisations of this critical component is equivalent to a compromisations of the entire vehicle along with some legal implications on the vehicle owner. There are numerous additional systems in automotive electronics which enhances the security of the critical, digital key/wireless vehicle entry system in protecting the vehicles from attackers. However, there is no component available in the market which does user/owner authentication considering its impact and criticality on both the vehicle and its owner. Either the lost key or the stolen key in the hands of the illegitimate person who may be an attacker or a thief result in the vehicle theft or the usage of the stolen vehicle for the illegal purposes. These situations cause legal circumstances on the legitimate owner of the vehicle. Hence, in this regard there is a need of user/owner authentication in the existing digital key/wireless vehicle entry systems. The proposed system tries to address this concern by combining the user/owner biometrics with the command passing from the user in-hand device. The proposed system transmits the cryptographically secure combined bio-crypto data from the user in-hand device to the vehicle, where the cryptographic verification if followed by a user verification before proceeding on executing the user requested commands on the vehicle. Upon successful user verification, the respective command actions will be undertaken. Otherwise, the command is considered to be from an illegitimate user using the in-hand device and is discarded. This system also proposes an infrastructure support and mechanism for the user biometric enrollments through Tier-1s and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs).
Meta TagsDetails
Ansari, A., P.C., K., D H, S., Aziz, M. et al., "Mechanism to identify legitimate vehicle user in remote keyless entry system," SAE MobilityRxiv™ Preprint, submitted February 1, 2022,
Additional Details
Feb 1, 2022
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Pre-Print Article