Automotive Cybersecurity: Defend the Future of Connected Vehicles



11th SAEINDIA International Mobility Conference (SIIMC 2024)
Authors Abstract
Cybersecurity, particularly in the automotive sector, is of paramount importance in today’s digital age. With the advent of connected commercial vehicles, which leverage telematics for efficient fleet management, the landscape of automotive cybersecurity is rapidly evolving. These vehicles, integral to logistics and transportation businesses, are becoming increasingly connected, thereby escalating the risks associated with cybersecurity threats.
These commercial vehicles are becoming prime targets for cyber-attacks due to their connectivity and the valuable data they hold. The potential consequences of these cyber-attacks can range from data breaches to disruptions in fleet operations, and even safety risks. This paper analyses the unique challenges faced by the commercial vehicle sector, such as the need for robust telematics systems, secure communication channels, and stringent data protection measures.
Case studies of notable cybersecurity incidents involving commercial vehicles are presented, providing valuable insights into the modus operandi of cybercriminals. Strategies and best practices to mitigate these risks are proposed, emphasizing the need for secure vehicle architecture and design, intrusion detection systems, and regular OTA updates.
The role of employee training programs in enhancing cybersecurity awareness is also highlighted. Emerging trends like AI and machine learning in threat detection, blockchain technology for secure data transmission, and collaborations with ethical hackers for vulnerability assessment are discussed.
The paper reviews the current regulatory landscape, stressing the need for international standards specifically for connected commercial vehicles. It concludes with an outlook on anticipated developments in automotive cybersecurity, recommendations for industry stakeholders, and the assertion that prioritizing cybersecurity is crucial for the future of the commercial vehicle industry.
Meta TagsDetails
Mahendrakar, S., Madarla, M., Gangapuram, S., and Dadoo, V., "Automotive Cybersecurity: Defend the Future of Connected Vehicles," SAE Technical Paper 2024-28-0123, 2024,
Additional Details
Dec 5, 2024
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Content Type
Technical Paper