Browse Topic: Air data computers

Items (93)
This AS covers subsonic and supersonic Mach meter instruments which, when connected to sources of static (Ps), and total (Pt), or impact (Pt-Ps), pressure provide indication of Mach number. These instruments are known as Type A. This AS also covers servo-operated repeater or digital display instruments which indicate Mach number when connected to the appropriate electrical output of a Mach transducer of Air Data Computer. These instruments are known as Type B.
A-4ADWG Air Data Subcommittee
This Aerospace Standard covers all automatic pressure altitude code generating equipment manufactured under this standard and complying with the requirements specified herein up to the maximum range of pressure altitude as indicated on the equipment nameplate. In those cases where the code generating equipment forms part of an aircraft system, such as a pressure altimeter, an air data computer or an ATC Transponder, this standard applies only to the code generating equipment as defined in paragraph 1.2.
A-4ADWG Air Data Subcommittee
This AS defines instruments which use inputs of static and pitot pressure equal to those which are utilized to establish the pressure altitude and speed of that aircraft. These pressures are applied to the instrument ports to provide means for generation of an aural warning whenever the aircraft reaches or exceeds the maximum operating limit speed. This Over Speed Warning Instrument function may be incorporated as part of an Air Data Computer, or an Air Speed Indicator, or an Air Speed/Mach Number Indicator, or other instruments. In those cases where the Over Speed Warning Instrument is part of another instrument, the standards contained herein apply only to the Over Speed Warning Instrument function. Each aircraft type and model has a defined maximum operating limit speed curve or curves which are a part of the airframe manufacturer's type certification approval data; this limit speed data shall be available from the subject airframe manufacturer as published in the operating manual
A-4ADWG Air Data Subcommittee
This Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides information on systems integration rigs, commonly referred to as “Iron Birds” for aerospace applications. a It includes background historical information including descriptions of Iron Birds produced to date, important component elements and selection rationale, hydraulic system design and operational modes and illustrates the design approaches to be considered. b It provides illustrations of the various systems that should be considered for Iron Bird testing in the development phase and utilization during the production program. c It includes recommendations for simulation, component development tests, system integration and lessons learned.
A-6A3 Flight Control and Vehicle Management Systems Cmt
This document is applicable to commercial and military aircraft fuel quantity indication systems. It is intended to give guidance for system design and installation. It describes key areas to be considered in the design of a modern fuel system and builds upon experiences gained in the industry in the last 10 years.
AE-5A Aerospace Fuel, Inerting and Lubrication Sys Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) covers the following basic types: Type I - Pitot pressure, straight and L-shaped, electrically heated. Type II - Pitot and static pressures, straight and L-shaped, electrically heated.
A-4ADWG Air Data Subcommittee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) specifies minimum performance requirements for pressure altimeter systems other than air data computers. This document covers altimeter systems that measure and display altitude as a function of atmospheric pressure. The pressure transducer may be contained within the instrument display case or located remotely. Requirements for air data computers are specified in AS8002. Some requirements for nontransducing servoed altitude indicators are included in AS791. This document does not address RVSM requirements because general RVSM requirements cannot be independently detailed at the component level. The instrument system specified herein does not include aircraft pressure lines. Unless otherwise specified, whenever the term “instrument” is used, it is to be understood to be the complete system of pressure transducer components, any auxiliary equipment, and display components. The test procedures specified herein apply specifically to mechanical type
A-4ADWG Air Data Subcommittee
This document collates the ways and means that existing sensors can identify the platform’s exposure to volcanic ash. The capabilities include real-time detection and estimation, and post flight determinations of exposure and intensity. The document includes results of initiatives with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Transport Canada, various research organizations, Industry and other subject matter experts. The document illustrates the ways that an aircraft can use existing sensors to act as health monitoring tools so as to assess the operational and maintenance effects related to volcanic ash incidents and possibly help determine what remedial action to take after encountering a volcanic ash (VA) event. Finally, the document provides insight into emerging technologies and capabilities that have been specifically pursued to detect volcanic ash encounters but are not yet a part
HM-1 Integrated Vehicle Health Management Committee
The function of a multifunctional display (MFD) system is to provide the crew access to a variety of data, or combinations of data, used to fly the aircraft, to navigate, to communicate, and to manage aircraft systems. MFDs may also display primary flight information (PFI) as needed to insure continuity of operations. This document sets forth design and operational recommendations concerning the human factors considerations for MFD systems. The MFD system may contain one or more electronic display devices capable of presenting data in several possible formats. MFDs are designed to depict PFI, navigation, communication, aircraft state, aircraft system management, weather, traffic, and/or other information used by the flight crew for command and control of the aircraft. The information displayed may be combined to make an integrated display or one set of data may simply replace another. The information contained in this document can be applied to the design of all MFDs, including
G-10EAB Executive Advisory Group
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) covers air data computer equipment (hereinafter designated the computer) which when connected to sources of aircraft electrical power, static pressure, total pressure, outside air temperature, and others specified by the manufacturer (singly or in combination) provides some or all of the following computed air data output signals (in analog and/or digital form) which may supply primary and/or standby flight instruments: Pressure Altitude Pressure Altitude, Baro-Corrected Vertical Speed Calibrated Airspeed Mach Number Maximum Allowable Airspeed Over-speed Warning Total Air Temperature
A-4ADWG Air Data Subcommittee
AIR1608 ESTIMATION OF TOTAL ERROR IN ALTIMETRY proposes a method of estimating overall error of altimetry in order to provide a basis for safe vertical separation of aircraft.
A-4 Aircraft Instruments Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is concerned only with aspects directly relating to available accuracy. While well-designed photoelectric, inductive or capacitive readers and pressure regulators, and other accessories are highly desirable for convenience and production rate, they are considered to be outside the scope of this AIR.
A-4 Aircraft Instruments Committee
In-Flight Thrust Determination, SAE AIR1703 reviews the major aspects of processes that may be used for the determination of in-flight thrust (IFT). It includes discussions of basic definitions, analytical and ground test methods to predict installed thrust of a given propulsion system, and methods to gather data and calculate thrust of the propulsion system during the flight development program of the aircraft. Much of the treatment is necessarily brief due to space limitations. This document and the British Ministry/Industry Drag Analysis Panel (MIDAP) Guide (Reference 1.11), which SAE Committee E-33 used as a starting point, can be used to understand the processes and limitations involved in the determination of in-flight thrust. Application to a specific in-flight thrust determination program will require the use of many important assumptions not fully developed in this document, and these assumptions must be evaluated during the conduct of the program. The determination of in
E-33 In Flight Propulsion Measurement Committee
This document is applicable to commercial and military aircraft fuel quantity indication systems. It is intended to give guidance for system design and installation. It describes key areas to be considered in the design of a modern fuel system, and builds upon experiences gained in the industry in the last 10 years.
AE-5A Aerospace Fuel, Inerting and Lubrication Sys Committee
The emphasis in this standard is the development of data word and message formats for AS15531 or MIL-STD-1553 data bus applications. This standard is intended as a guide for the designer to identify standard data words and messages for use in avionics systems and subsystems. These standard words and messages, as well as the documentation format for interface control document (ICD) sheets, provide the basis for defining 15531/1553 systems. Also provided in this standard is the method for developing additional data word formats and messages that may be required by a particular system but are not covered by the formats provided herein. It is essential that any new word formats or message formats that are developed for a 15531/1553 application follow the fundamental guidelines established in this standard in order to ease future standardization of these words and messages. The standard word formats presented represent a composite result of studies conducted by the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air
AS-1A Avionic Networks Committee
NASA’s Langley Research Center has developed a new method for calibrating pitot-static air data systems used in aircraft. Pitot-static systems are pressure-based instruments that measure the aircraft’s airspeed. These systems must be calibrated in flight to minimize potential error. Current methods — including trailing cone, tower fly-by, and pacer airplane — are time- and cost-intensive, requiring extensive flight time per calibration. NASA’s method can reduce this calibration time by up to an order of magnitude, cutting a significant fraction of the cost. In addition, NASA’s calibration method enables near-real-time monitoring of error in airspeed measurements, which can be used to alert pilots when airspeed instruments are inaccurate or failing. Because of this feature, the technology also has applications in the health usage and monitoring (HUMS) industry. Flight test engineers can be trained to use this method proficiently in 12 days without costly specialized hardware.
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) supplies information on the flight control systems incorporated on various current and historic fixed wing, rotary wing, and tilt rotor aircraft. A brief description of the aircraft is followed by a description of the flight control system, some specific components, drawings of the internal arrangement, block diagrams, and schematics. System operation redundancy management is also presented.
A-6A3 Flight Control and Vehicle Management Systems Cmt
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) specifies minimum performance standards for Electronic Flight Information System (EFIS) displays that are head-down and intended for use in the flight deck by the flight crew in all 14 CFR Part 23, 25, 27, and 29 aircraft. This document is expected to be used by multiple regulatory agencies as the basic requirement for a technical standard order for EFIS displays. The requirements and recommendations in this document are intended to apply to, but are not limited to, the following types of display functions: Primary Flight and Primary Navigation displays, including vertical situation and horizontal situation functions. Displays that provide flight crew alerts, which may include engine instrument, aircraft systems information/control. Control displays including communication, navigation and system control displays. Information displays, which may include navigation displays used for situation awareness only, supplemental data, and maintenance and
A-4EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System Display
This ARP covers the basic criteria for the design of cabin pressure control systems (CPCS) for general aviation, commercial and military pressurized aircraft.
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides an overview of temperature measurement for engine monitoring systems in various areas of aircraft gas turbine engines while focusing on current usage and methods, systems, selection criteria, and types of hardware. This document emphasizes temperature monitoring for diagnostics and condition monitoring purposes.
E-32 Aerospace Propulsion Systems Health Management
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides methodologies and approaches that have been used to install and integrate full-authority-digital-engine-control (FADEC) systems on transport category aircraft. Although most of the information provided is based on turbofan engines installed on large commercial transports, many of the issues raised are equally applicable to corporate, general aviation, regional and commuter aircraft, and to military installations, particularly when commercial aircraft are employed by military users. The word “engine” is used to designate the aircraft propulsion system. The engine station designations used in this report are shown in Figure 1. Most of the material concerns an Electronic Engine Control (EEC) with its associated software, and its functional integration with the aircraft. However, the report also addresses the physical environment associated with the EEC and its associated wiring and sensors. Since most of today’s transport category
E-36 Electronic Engine Controls Committee
This document is applicable to commercial and military aircraft fuel quantity indication systems. It is intended to give guidance for system design and installation. It describes key areas to be considered in the design of a modern fuel system, and builds upon experiences gained in the industry in the last 10 years.
AE-5A Aerospace Fuel, Inerting and Lubrication Sys Committee
The emphasis in this standard is the development of data word and message formats for AS15531 or MIL-STD-1553 data bus applications. This standard is intended as a guide for the designer to identify standard data words and messages for use in avionics systems and subsystems. These standard words and messages, as well as the documentation format for interface control document (ICD) sheets, provide the basis for defining 15531/1553 systems. Also provided in this standard is the method for developing additional data word formats and messages that may be required by a particular system but are not covered by the formats provided herein. It is essential that any new word formats or message formats that are developed for a 15531/1553 application follow the fundamental guidelines established in this standard in order to ease future standardization of these words and messages. The standard word formats presented represent a composite result of studies conducted by the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air
AS-1A Avionic Networks Committee
This Aerospace Recommended Practice covers the test procedures and equipment for performing flight testing on pitot-static systems installed in subsonic transport type aircraft.
A-4 Aircraft Instruments Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) outlines concepts for the design and use of fault isolation equipment that have general application. The specific focus is on fault isolation of environmental control systems (ECS) in commercial transports. Presented are general fault isolation purposes, design principles, and demonstration of compliance criteria. These are followed by three design examples to aid in understanding the design principles. Future trends in built-in-test-equipment (BITE) design are discussed, some of which represent concepts already being implemented on new equipment.
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
AIR1608 ESTIMATION OF TOTAL ERROR IN ALTIMETRY proposes a method of estimating overall error of altimetry in order to provide a basis for safe vertical separation of aircraft.
A-4 Aircraft Instruments Committee
This Standard covers air data equipment (hereinafter designated the instrument) which when connected to sources of aircraft electrical power, static pressure, total pressure and outside air temperature (singly or in combination) provides some or all of the following computed air data output signals: Pressure Altitude* Total Temperature* Pressure Altitude (Reporting) Altitude Rate Baro-Corrected Pressure Altitude* Overspeed Warning Vertical Speed* Altitude Hold Computed Airspeed* Airspeed Hold Mach Number* Mach Hold Maximum Allowable Airspeed* qc (impact pressure) Static Air Temperature (*when used as an alternate for total temperature) True Airspeed Others
A-4 Aircraft Instruments Committee
This standard provides minimum performance criteria for air data instruments intended to provide cockpit indication of: a Indicated airspeed (Vi) b Computer airspeed (Vc) c True airspeed (Vt) d Equivalent airspeed (Ve) e Mach number (M) f Altitude (H) g Vertical speed (Hpr) h Maximum operating limit speed (Vmo) i True angle of attack (αt) j Free air temperature (Tfat) k Total temperature (Tt) These functions shall be derived from a central air data computer (AS 417) and through system wiring applied to the respective indicator.
A-4 Aircraft Instruments Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) specifies minimum performance requirements for primary pressure altimeter systems other than air data computers. This document covers altimeter systems that measure and display altitude as a function of atmospheric pressure. The pressure transducer may be contained within the instrument display case or located remotely. Requirements for air data computers are specified in AS8002. Some requirements for nontransducing servoed altitude indicators are included in AS791. The instrument system specified herein does not include aircraft pressure lines. Unless otherwise specified, whenever the term “instrument” is used, it is to be understood to be the complete system of pressure transducer components, any auxiliary equipment, and display components. The test procedures specified herein apply specifically to analog type instruments. Digital instruments or automatic test instrumentation may require other test procedures. Such differing procedures shall be
A-4ADWG Air Data Subcommittee
The primary function of this specification is to cover the general requirements for manual reset trip-free arc fault/thermal circuit breakers for use in aircraft electrical systems conforming to MIL-STD-704. As a secondary function, this specification may possibly cover the general requirements for AFCBs for use in primary vehicles, other than aircraft, when mounted directly to the structure.
AE-8B1 Protective Devices Committee
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