Browse Topic: Connectivity
The term Software-Defined Vehicle (SDV) describes the vision of software-driven automotive development, where new features, such as improved autonomous driving, are added through software updates. Groups like SOAFEE advocate cloud-native approaches – i.e., service-oriented architectures and distributed workloads – in vehicles. However, monitoring and diagnosing such vehicle architectures remain largely unaddressed. ASAM’s SOVD API (ISO 17978) fills this gap by providing a foundation for diagnosing vehicles with service-oriented architectures and connected vehicles based on high-performance computing units (HPCs). For service-oriented architectures, aspects like the execution environment, service orchestration, functionalities, dependencies, and execution times must be diagnosable. Since SDVs depend on cloud services, diagnostic functionality must extend beyond the vehicle to include the cloud for identifying the root cause of a malfunction. Due to SDVs’ dynamic nature, vehicle systems
Cybersecurity, particularly in the automotive sector, is of paramount importance in today’s digital age. With the advent of connected commercial vehicles, which leverage telematics for efficient fleet management, the landscape of automotive cybersecurity is rapidly evolving. These vehicles, integral to logistics and transportation businesses, are becoming increasingly connected, thereby escalating the risks associated with cybersecurity threats. These commercial vehicles are becoming prime targets for cyber-attacks due to their connectivity and the valuable data they hold. The potential consequences of these cyber-attacks can range from data breaches to disruptions in fleet operations, and even safety risks. This paper analyses the unique challenges faced by the commercial vehicle sector, such as the need for robust telematics systems, secure communication channels, and stringent data protection measures. Case studies of notable cybersecurity incidents involving commercial vehicles are
Virtualization features such as digital twins and virtual patching can accelerate development and make commercial vehicles more agile and secure. There is one sure-fire way to secure commercial vehicles from cyber-attacks. “You just remove the connectivity,” quipped Brandon Barry, CEO of Block Harbor Cybersecurity and the moderator of a panel session on “cybersecurity of virtual machines” at the SAE COMVEC 2024 conference in Schaumburg, Illinois. Obviously, that train has left the station - commercial vehicles of all types, including trains, are only becoming more automated and connected, which increases the risks for cyber-attacks. “We have very connected vehicles, so attacks can be posed not just through powertrain solutions but also through telemetry, infotainment systems connected to different applications and services, and also through cloud platforms,” said Trisha Chatterjee, current product support and data specialist for fuel cell and hydrogen technology at Accelera by Cummins
ABSTRACT The advent of both new bidirectional communications capabilities and increasing levels of automation to offload driver workload is requiring the vehicle’s architecture to evolve substantially. Military vehicles of the US Armed Forces are subject to even greater cybersecurity threats. New vehicle hardware includes many sensors, cameras and other systems to capture road, weather and traffic conditions. These systems will be communicating the data both internally and externally from the vehicle. In addition, the vehicles will send and receive data via multiple communications protocols. Each of these communication protocols have unique capabilities and inherent weaknesses with regard to secure communications. With this vehicle evolution, and with the pervasive cyber threats, the vehicle will have to be architected for holistic vehicle cyber situational awareness. The US Army and US Marine Corps need to be fully versed and trained to recognize threats and effectively deal with them
Abstract Increased connectivity, burgeoning functionality, as well as surging software and integration complexity all conspire to blur the lines for requirements sourcing and implementation of new Ground Vehicles
ABSTRACT Antennas are critical to providing digital connectivity to our warfighters. Military mobile networks are much more constrained in operation compared to commercial wireless networks. Military vehicles are limited in size, and must support a large number of different radios. Challenges to both the network and the mobile vehicles require antennas to perform to higher standards. Antenna performance tradeoffs are presented, along with a description of antenna integration methods and emerging technologies to solve integration challenges
ABSTRACT The concept of handheld control systems with modular and/or integrated display provides the flexibility of operator use that supports the needs of today’s warfighters. A human machine interface control system that easily integrates with vehicle systems through common architecture and can transition to support dismounted operations provides warfighters with functional mobility they do not have today. With Size, Weight and Power along with reliability, maintainability and availability driving the needs of most platforms for both upgrade and development, moving to convertible (mounted to handheld) and transferrable control systems supports these needs as well as the need for the warfighter to maintain continuous control and command connectivity in uncertain mission conditions
ABSTRACT The concept of handheld control systems with modular and/or integrated display provides the flexibility of operator use that supports the needs of today’s warfighters. A human machine interface control system that easily integrates with vehicle systems through common architecture and can transition to support dismounted operations provides warfighters with functional mobility they do not have today. With Size, Weight and Power along with reliability, maintainability and availability driving the needs of most platforms for both upgrade and development, moving to convertible (mounted to handheld) and transferrable control systems supports these needs as well as the need for the warfighter to maintain continuous control and command connectivity in uncertain mission conditions
ABSTRACT Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) leverage onboard sensing and external connectivity using Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technologies to "know" the upcoming operating environment with some degree of certainty, significantly narrowing prior information gaps. These technologies have been traditionally developed and used for driver assistance and safety but are now being used to operate the vehicle more efficiently [1–5]. The eco-driving algorithm, which leverages the data available through these streams, performs two key functions: (1) acceleration smoothing and (2) eco-approach and departure (Eco-AND) at signalized intersections. The algorithm uses information from neighboring vehicles and signalized intersections to calculate an energy-efficient speed trajectory. This paper presents the development of an Android-based driver advisory application that leverages cellular Internet connectivity and Traffic
ABSTRACT The modern battlefield demands a high degree of electronic capability for both on board processing and off board command and control. The trend for additional electronic systems on board combat vehicles continues to increase at a geometric rate. Battlefield demands and operational scenarios have resulted in a greater need for, advanced sensor technology, increased processing power, greater connectivity and systems interoperability (VICTORY). The integration of these advanced sensors with communications place a large bandwidth and power demand on the vehicle infrastructure. This paper will identify an advanced vehicle electronic architecture enabled by the latest high density processing technologies. An architecture has been developed and is under continued investigation at GDLS. The architecture includes deterministic network technology for spatial and temporal coherence of the sensor data. It provides a mission capability that is crew centric for any function at any crew
ABSTRACT The goal of Secure Wireless Communications is to provide controlled access to classified or controlled unclassified information (CUI) over any RF transport in the field – between vehicles and end users alike. Secure – yet simplified – system deployment, node integration, managed accessibility, network situational awareness, and configuration management are all essential for maintainability. Citation: D. Jedynak, C. Kawasaki, D. Gregory, “Managing Next Generation Open Standard Vehicle Electronics Architectures”, In Proceedings of the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS), NDIA, Novi, MI, Aug. 13-15, 2019
ABSTRACT FEV North America will discuss application of advanced automotive cybersecurity to smart vehicle projects, - software safety - software architecture and how it applies to similar features and capabilities across the fleet of DoD combat and tactical vehicles. The analogous system architectures of automotive and military vehicles with advanced architectures, distributed electronic control units, connectivity to networks, user interfaces and maintenance networks and interface points clearly open an opportunity for DoD to leverage the technology techniques, hardware, software, management and human resources to drive implementation costs down while implementing fleet modifications, infrastructure methodology and many of the features of the automotive cyber security spectrum. Two of the primary automotive and DoD subsystems most relevant to Cyber Security threat and protection are the automotive connected vehicles analogous to the DoD Command, Control, Communications, Computers
Many organizations have data stored in differing formats and various locations throughout the organization and often outside the organization. It is often difficult to access such data and to determine and access interconnected data and data derivatives. Developed at NASA Ames Research Center is a novel data management platform for managing interconnected data and its derivatives
The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is the nervous system in manufacturing facilities worldwide, with programmable logic controllers (PLCs) serving as its vital synapses. This digital neural network is transforming isolated machines into interconnected ecosystems of unprecedented intelligence and efficiency. PLCs have evolved from simple control devices into sophisticated nodes in a vast, responsive network
The deployment of autonomous urban buses brings with it the hope of addressing concerns associated with safety and aging drivers. However, issues related autonomous vehicle (AV) positioning and interactions with road users pose challenges to realizing these benefits. This report covers unsettled issues and potential solutions related to the operation of autonomous urban buses, including the crucial need for all-weather localization capabilities to ensure reliable navigation in diverse environmental conditions. Additionally, minimizing the gap between AVs and platforms during designated parking requires precise localization. Next-gen Urban Buses: Autonomy and Connectivity addresses the challenge of predicting the intentions of pedestrians, vehicles, and obstacles for appropriate responses, the detection of traffic police gestures to ensure compliance with traffic signals, and the optimization of traffic performance through urban platooning—including the need for advanced communication
The emergence of connected vehicles is driven by increasing customer and regulatory demands. To meet these, more complex software applications, some of which require service-based cloud and edge backends, are developed. Due to the short lifespan of software, it becomes necessary to keep these cloud environments and their applications up to date with security updates and new features. However, as new behavior is introduced to the system, the high complexity and interdependencies between components can lead to unforeseen side effects in other system parts. As such, it becomes more challenging to recognize whether deviations to the intended system behavior are occurring, ultimately resulting in higher monitoring efforts and slower responses to errors. To overcome this problem, a simulation of the cloud environment running in parallel to the system is proposed. This approach enables the live comparison between simulated and real cloud behavior. Therefore, a concept is developed mirroring
Modern cars and autonomous vehicles (AVs) use millimeter wave (mmWave) radio frequencies to enable self-driving or assisted driving features that ensure the safety of passengers and pedestrians. This connectivity, however, can also expose them to potential cyberattacks
The pace of innovation in automotive and heavy-duty transportation is rapidly accelerating. Manufacturers are harnessing advancements in electrification and electronification, ushering in new levels of safety, comfort, infotainment, connectivity, performance, and sustainability
Following its annual report detailing the growing cybersecurity threats to vehicles, fleets, and the networks they rely on, Upstream Security announced the launch of a generative AI tool to enhance its ability to reduce the risk posted by global threats. Israel-based Upstream, which has a vehicle security operations center (VSOC) in Ann Arbor, Mich., monitors millions of connected vehicles and Internet of Things (IoT) devices and billions of API transactions monthly. Ocean AI is built into the company's detection and response platform, called M-XDR, enabling its analysts, as well as those from OEMs and IoT vendors, to efficiently detect threat patterns and automate investigations before prioritizing a response
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