Browse Topic: Canards

Items (45)
In subsonic aircraft design, the aerodynamic performance of aircraft is compared meaningfully at a system level by evaluating their range and endurance, but cannot do so at an aerodynamic level when using lift and drag coefficients, CL and CD , as these often result in misleading results for different wing reference areas. This Part I of the article (i) illustrates these shortcomings, (ii) introduces a dimensionless number quantifying the induced drag of aircraft, and (iii) proposes an aerodynamic equation of state for lift, drag, and induced drag and applies it to evaluate the aerodynamics of the canard aircraft, the dual rotors of the hovering Ingenuity Mars helicopter, and the composite lifting system (wing plus cylinders in Magnus effect) of a YOV-10 Bronco. Part II of this article applies this aerodynamic equation of state to the flapping flight of hovering and forward-flying insects. Part III applies the aerodynamic equation of state to some well-trodden cases in fluid mechanics
Burgers, Phillip
An advanced composite Blended Wing Body (BWB) air frame previously used as a study aircraft to transport a 75-ton military cargo halfway around the world and back unrefueled has been modified and evaluated as a 150-ton heavy lifter. The modifications include enlarging the forward trim canard, reducing fuel load by 151,850 lbs, increasing the high-mach NASA-type counter-rotating propellers from 12 feet to 13 feet diameter, extending the propeller support pylons' height by 6 inches and modifying cruise flight and prop control strategies. Due to structural and propulsion system changes, the air frame Operational Empty Weight (OEW) was increased by 1,850 lbs. but the maximum Take Off Gross Weight (TOGW) was held to 800,000 lbs. Brief descriptions of the major propulsion system components are provided. In addition, a comparison of three different counter-rotating propeller systems is presented. The first is a Standard configuration. The second Modified (Mod.) configuration uses a proposed
Johnston, Richard P.
During the 1930s and 1940s, aircraft designers worked on developing novel design features. Some of these features worked and are commonplace today. Other features fell by the wayside and have been forgotten. These novel design features include laminar flow wings, low-drag cooling systems, buried propulsion systems, canard configurations, jet engines, break-away wing tips, pressure cabins and swept wings. The development and applications of these features will be examined. Specific technical details of these applications will be included in this examination. For the design features that fell by the wayside, the reasons for this outcome will be discussed
Lednicer, David
In comparison with traditional aircraft design, the configuration design phase of a hybrid buoyant aircraft is quite complex due to the augmentation of aerostatic and aerodynamic lift. The first step in assessing the optimal configuration for such aircraft is to approach the design in a number of different ways with different shapes of hull and diversed empennage arrangements. Concept selection methods like Pugh concept selection charts can assist to rank the population of different concepts of such aircraft. In the present work, an effort was done to explore the potential usage of Pugh's method in a comprehensive manner and to establish a basis for choosing a particular design concept. Driving factors of such design concepts were reviewed alongwith the selection of figure of merits, which were further evaluated by taking Megalifter as a reference with which all other configurations under consideration were compared. The initial set of concept generation was obtained on some initial
ul Haque, AnwarAsrar, WaqarSulaeman, ErwinOmar, AshrafAli, Jaffar Syed Mohamed
This paper presents a novel UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) designed for excellent low speed operations and VTOL performance. This aerial vehicle concept has been designed for maximizing the advantages by of the ACHEON (Aerial Coanda High Efficiency Orienting-jet Nozzle) propulsion system, which has been studied in a European commission under 7th framework programme. This UAS concept has been named MURALS (acronym of Multifunctional Unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft for Low-speed and STOL operation). It has been studied as a joint activity of the members of the project as an evolution of a former concept, which has been developed during 80s and 90s by Aeritalia and Capuani. It has been adapted to host an ACHEON based propulsion system. In a first embodiment, the aircraft according to the invention has a not conventional shape with a single fuselage and its primary objective is to minimize the variation of the pitching moment allowing low speed operations. The shape with convex wings has
Trancossi, MicheleBingham, ChrisCapuani, AlfredoDas, ShyamDumas, AntonioGrimaccia, FrancescoMadonia, MauroPascoa, JoseSmith, TimStewart, PaulSubhash, MaharshiSunol, AnnaVucinic, Dean
An improved secondary wing system of the canard type has been invented to improve performance and increase efficiency of airplanes capable of flight at supersonic and high subsonic speeds. Canards, including small forward-mounted secondary wings, are used to increase the total wing surface areas of airplanes in order to improve their low-speed lift-to-drag ratios and trim characteristics. Although canards have been used on supersonic airplanes to increase low-speed performance, heretofore the designs of canards have not provided for optimal high-speed performance and aerodynamic efficiency.
Wind tunnel investigations were conducted as part of an effort to develop a stability and control database for an aerospace plane concept across a broad range of Mach numbers. The generic conical design used in these studies represents one of a number of concepts being studied for this class of vehicle. The baseline configuration incorporated a 5° cone forebody, a 75.96° delta wing, a 16°leading-edge sweep deployable canard and a centerline vertical tail. Tests were conducted in the following NASA-Langley facilities spanning a Mach range of 0.1 to 6:30- by 60-Foot Tunnel,14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel, Low Turbulence Pressure Tunnel, National Transonic Facility, Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel, and the 20 Inch Mach 6 Tunnel. Data were collected for a number of model geometry variations and test conditions in each facility. This paper highlights some of the key results of these investigations pertinent to stability considerations about all three axes. The effects of the canard on pitch
Hahne, David E.Luckring, James M.Covell, Peter F.Phillips, W. PelhamGatlin, Gregory M.Shaughnessy, John D.Nguyen, Luat T.
A decentralized, multivariable controls methodology is being developed for the functional integration of a fighter's aerodynamic controls with those of its propulsion system (inlet, engine, and thrust vectoring/reversing nozzle). Integrated controls account for, and take advantage of the significant cross-coupling between these system elements. A high-fidelity, six-degrees-of-freedom (6 DOF) aircraft simulation has been developed, incorporating advanced tactical fighter features such as variable cycle engines, variable geometry inlets, 2D-CD TV/TR nozzles, canards and a propulsive lift concept. A comprehensive evaluation test plan, including a piloted simulation, has been developed to validate this integrated-controls design methodology. Preliminary results show significant benefits of integrated control in terms of enhanced aircraft maneuverability, precise flight path control, reduced pilot workload, and fault tolerant system design.
Joshi, Dinesh S.Shaw, Peter D.Hodgkinson, JohnRock, Steven M.Vincent, James H.Fisk, William S.
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