Browse Topic: Helmets

Items (135)
The advent of neck braces for the helmeted motorcycle rider has introduced a pertinent research question: To what extent do they reduce measures related to the major mechanism of neck injury in unrestrained torso accidents, i.e., compression flexion (CF)? This question requires a suitable method of testing and evaluating the measures for a load case resulting in the required mechanism. This study proposes a weighted swinging anvil striking the helmeted head of a supine HIII ATD by means of a near vertex impact with a low degree of anterior head impact eccentricity to induce CF of the neck. The applied impact was chosen for the baseline (no neck brace) so that the upper and lower neck axial forces approached injury assessment reference values (IARV). The head impact point evaluated represents those typically associated with high-energy burst fractures occurring within the first 20 ms, with possible secondary disruption of posterior ligaments. The proposed test can be used to evaluate
de Jongh, Cornelis U.Basson, Anton H.Knox, Erick H.Leatt, Christopher J.
Researchers have designed a lightweight helmet with tiny LEGO-size sensors that scan the brain while a person moves. The helmet is the first of its kind to accurately record magnetic fields generated by brain activity while people are in motion. This advance could make it easier to conduct brain scans in young children and individuals with neurological disorders who can’t always remain still in conventional scanners
Wearing Helmet is a critical safety measure not only for riders but also for passengers. However, people often tend to skip wearing these protective headgears, thereby leading to, increased risk of injury or death in the event of an accident. There is a growing necessity to develop innovative methods that automatically monitor and prevent unsafe driving. To address this issue, we have developed a computer vision-based helmet detection system that can detect if a rider has his helmet on in real-time. We use state-of-the-art computer vision-based techniques for helmet detection. This paper covers various aspects of helmet detection, including image pre-processing, feature extraction, and classification. The system is evaluated on performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, and recall. Further enhancement of the system is proposed in the potential directions for future research. The results demonstrate that computer vision-based helmet detection systems hold significant potential to
D, Bhavanash Rai
Non-usage of helmets does not cause accidents but is critical for averting fatal and grievous injuries in the event of road occurrence accidents. Currently, traffic police use the helmet detection solution on surveillance videos to identify the vehicle number plate of a person who is not wearing a helmet and issue challan. But on the vehicle side, it is not yet implemented. At present, vehicles are neither equipped to issue warnings nor there are any safety measures taken to minimize the risk when the rider is not wearing a helmet. This paper suggests a passive safety system for two-wheelers that uses an integrated camera to detect if the rider is wearing a helmet or not by utilizing image processing techniques. Based on the result, if a helmet is not detected, then the vehicle can send control frames to vehicle HMI for alerts. This paper suggests two approaches to implement the solution. One is Machine Learning Model deployment, and another is OpenCV-based helmet detection. Each
Kishor, KaushalTarte, MalayJoshi, Umita
U.S. military service members are provided protective head gear for use in training and operational environments. This headgear is typically in the form of a helmet, at a minimum consisting of a rigid outer shell and an individual fitting and retention system, which is an essential personal protective equipment (PPE) item. Many different helmet configurations are used by the U.S. soldier, depending on their military occupational series, the anticipated threat, and the operational environment
During development of military helmets and HMDs, materiel developers need a valid and repeatable test methodology for measuring their mass properties. DEVCOM SC and USAARL reviewed existing mass properties measurement procedures and identified critical items to incorporate into a unified Army methodology. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Soldier Center, Natick, MA U.S. military service members are provided protective head gear for use in training and operational environments. This headgear is typically in the form of a helmet, at a minimum consisting of a rigid outer shell and an individual fitting and retention system, which is an essential personal protective equipment (PPE) item. Many different helmet configurations are used by the U.S. soldier, depending on their military occupational series, the anticipated threat, and the operational environment. Helmet designs have evolved to provide protection beyond fragmentation, to include head protection from blunt head impact
The hippocampus plays a crucial role in brain function and is one of the important areas of concern in closed head injury. Hippocampal injury is related to a variety of factors including the strength of mechanical load, animal age, and helmet material. To investigate the order of these factors on hippocampal injury, a three-factor, three-level experimental protocol was established using the L9(34) orthogonal table. A closed head injury experiment regarding impact strength (0.3MPa, 0.5MPa, 0.7MPa), rat age (eight- week-old, ten-week-old, twelve-week-old), and helmet material (steel, plastic, rubber) were achieved by striking the rat's head with a pneumatic-driven impactor. The number of hippocampal CA3 cells was used as an evaluation indicator. The contribution of factors to the indicators and the confidence level were obtained by analysis of variance. The results showed that impact strength was the main factor affecting hippocampal injury (contribution of 89.2%, confidence level 0.01
Wang, PengSong, XueweiZhu, XiyanQiu, JinlongYang, ShuaijunZhao, Hui
A critically high noise level inside protective helmet is a prevalent concern for motorcyclists. Especially at highway speeds where the noise level, regardless of helmet type can exceed 100 dB(A) and approaches threshold of discomfort, often resulting in temporary hearing loss. Despite of large share of persons exposed to such noise disturbance around the world, the in helmet noise levels have not significantly decreased over the last decades. Only few scientific publications can be found to systematically address this issue. Furthermore, in respect of driving safety even moderate noise levels are reported to impair reaction times and reduce attention of motorcyclists. At higher speeds the dominant helmet noise source is linked to aerodynamic turbulence around the helmet shell. The loudness and spectral contents mainly depend on the driving speed, windscreen configuration, riding position and helmet geometry. In this paper a series of on-road tests and laboratory experiments with three
Lavrentjev, JüriRämmal, Hans
Composite materials are desirable for aeronautical and aerospace applications for many reasons including their high strength-to-weight ratios, fatigue and corrosion resistance, design adaptability, and performance capabilities in harsh environments. Because of these qualities, composites are useful in many applications such as in armor, helmets, and helicopters, and as structural components
By mimicking the outer coating of pearls (nacre or mother of pearl), researchers created a lightweight plastic that is 14 times stronger and eight times lighter (less dense) than steel. It could be applicable to vests, helmets, and other types of body armor as well as protective armor for ships, helicopters, and other vehicles
As the medical community learns more about brain injury, the importance of blunt impact mitigation becomes more apparent. As such, it is critical to make sure that research labs are not only capable of performing testing in this field, but also show inter-laboratory consistency and reproducibility. This study is a comparison between the two validated blunt impact testing labs (Aberdeen Test Center (ATC) and National Technical Systems (NTS) Chesapeake Testing Services (CTS)), and Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC
In this project work, composites were prepared by using matrix method in which good adhesion was generated by a combination of hand layup method. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the suitability of natural fiber composites using luffa fiber, palm fiber and bamboo fiber and to fabricate the safety helmet by combining these three fibers. Initially these fibers were treated in sodium hydroxide solution in order to improve fiber interfacial bonding. Generally, composites that contain treated fiber have a higher tensile modulus and greater flexural modulus than do untreated fiber composites. Here using 40% fibers and 60% matrix for fabricating natural composites and to investigate its tensile strength, flexural strength, impact strength and hardness strength. It was observed that the effects of reinforcing epoxy resin matrix with the fibers caused the composites to be more flexible and easily deform due to high strain values and reduction of high resonant amplitude. In the present
J, ThanikachalamN, VasirajaV, Vignesh
The continuous development of sport technologies constantly demands advancements in protective headgear to reduce the risk of head injuries. This article introduces new cellular helmet liner designs through two approaches. The first approach is the study of energy-absorbing biological materials. The second approach is the study of lattices comprised of force-diverting compliant mechanisms. On the one hand, bio-inspired liners are generated through the study of biological, hierarchical materials. An emphasis is given on structures in nature that serve similar concussion-reducing functions as a helmet liner. Inspiration is drawn from organic and skeletal structures. On the other hand, compliant mechanism lattice (CML)-based liners use topology optimization to synthesize rubber cellular unit cells with effective positive and negative Poisson’s ratios. Three lattices are designed using different cellular unit cell arrangements, namely, all positive, all negative, and alternating effective
Najmon, Joel C.DeHart, JacobWood, ZebulunTovar, Andres
Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) conducted a comprehensive analysis of data collected during the evaluation of head and neck impact during injurious and non-injurious loading. This evaluation included impact velocity, helmet to roof clearance, and neck angle using a fully instrumented Hybrid III head and neck assembly. The results of this effort were compared against post mortem human subject (PMHS) data from similar testing conducted in conjunction with the Warrior Injury Assessment Manikin (WIAMan) program. The results identified the most severe helmet to roof clearance and neck angles. TARDEC used this knowledge as the foundation for continued research into head and neck impact injury mitigation through the use of passive technology and interior vehicle design
Klima, JulieKang, JianMeldrum, AnnMariePankiewicz, Steven
Most football fans have seen players get hit so hard they can barely walk back to the sideline. All too often in years past, those players were back on the field just a few plays later, despite suffering what appeared to be a head injury. While football-related concussions have been top of mind in recent years, people have struggled to create technology to accurately measure them in real time
The purpose of this study was to determine the frictional properties between the exterior surface of a motorcycle helmet and ‘typical’ roadway surfaces. Motorcycle helmet impacts into asphalt and concrete surfaces were compared to abrasive papers currently recommended by government helmet safety standards and widely used by researchers in the field of oblique motorcycle helmet impact testing. A guided freefall test fixture was utilized to obtain nominal impact velocities of 5, 7 and 9 m/s. The impacting surfaces were mounted to an angled anvil to simulate an off-centered oblique collision. Helmeted Hybrid III ATD head accelerations and impact forces were measured for each test. The study was limited to a single helmet model and impact angle (30 degrees). Analysis of the normal and tangential forces imparted to the contact surface indicated that the frictional properties of abrasive papers differ from asphalt and concrete in magnitude, duration and onset. Reduction in head acceleration
Bonugli, EnriqueCormier, JosephReilly, MatthewReinhart, Lars
In partnership with General Motors, researchers from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, have revealed that honeycomb “cellular” materials support a range of new applications, such as shock-absorbing football helmets and biomedical implants. Without any additional reprocessing, effective mechanical properties of the shape-memory polymer can be modified after fabrication
Aerodynamics is one of the most important factors in the development of racing cars. At the speeds of formula cars reach the formula cars, the driver's neck can be subjected to stresses resulting from the aerodynamic forces acting on the helmet; developing an aerodynamic project that takes into account the comfort of the driver without affecting performance is certainly considered a challenging activity. The aim of the present work is to develop a low-pitching-momenthelmet for formula racing cars optimizing the shape and location, applying some aerodynamic appendices. This goal is pursued by adopting an approach based on both experimental and numerical activities. First, the aerodynamic configuration of an existing helmet was examined; through a testing campaign in the wind tunnel facilities of Perugia University, pressures acting on the helmet were scanned at various speeds and data about aerodynamic drag were collected. Flow visualization methods were even performed to locate the
Mariani, FrancescoRisi, FrancescoBartolini, NicolaCastellani, FrancescoScappaticci, Lorenzo
The main purpose of this study is to define the relationship between the car impact velocity and serious injury risk or fatality risk of cyclists. The authors investigated the risks of serious injuries and fatalities of cyclists using vehicle-cyclist accident data from the database of the Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis (ITARDA) in Japan. The vehicle types considered are sedans, mini vans, box vans, light passenger cars and light cargo vans. The results revealed that a 10-km/h decrease in the impact velocity could reduce the severe injury risk and fatality risk for impact velocities of 40 km/h or higher. Specifically, when the impact velocity was less than or equal to 30 km/h, the serious injury risks were less than 21% and the fatality risks were less than or equal to 1% for the above listed vehicle types. Therefore, if the Collision Damage Mitigation Braking System (CDMBS) equipped vehicles can perform its functions effectively so as to reduce the impact
Matsui, YasuhiroOikawa, Shoko
Fatal injuries suffered by cyclists in vehicle-versus-cyclist accidents are investigated to provide information for the introduction of safety countermeasures. We analyzed characteristics of cyclist injuries in real fatal accidents and compared them with severity levels of head injury in impact tests against a road surface. In the accident analyses, we investigated the main body regions whose injuries led to fatalities using a macro vehicle-cyclist accident database of the Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis of Japan. Using data from 2009 to 2013, we investigated the frequency of cyclist fatalities by gender, age group, vehicle speed, and the source of fatal head injury (impact with the vehicle or road surface). Results indicated that head injuries are the most common cause of cyclist fatalities in car-cyclist accidents. The results also indicated that the percentage of fatalities due to hip injuries was significantly higher for females than for males, and
Matsui, YasuhiroOikawa, Shoko
According to the “Report 2010” of the Association des Constructeurs Européens de Motocycles (European motorcycle manufacturers' association), the number of motorcycles throughout the European Union rose from 16 million to more than 22 million between 2001 and 2008. Taking all two-wheeled motor vehicles into account, in 2008 approximately 33 million vehicles were registered. At the same time, motorcycles are by far the most dangerous means of transport. Two groups (children and elderly people) are especially vulnerable due to their weakness against impact, reflexes and reaction to risk, resistance to the generated forces, etc. According to the latest accidents data from the European Community database on road accidents (CARE), more than 110 children under 14 years old who were passengers on PTW's were killed on the roads of the Community between 1991 and 2000. The European Commission is not aware of any specific national standard in the Member States apart from requiring the use of
Boix, EloiAzpeitia, José AntonioFerris, SergiAlba, Juan José
This study deals with the risk of injury to the bicyclist's head and the benefits of wearing a bicycle helmet in terms of reduction of injury severity or even injury avoidance. The accident data of 4,245 injured bicyclists as a randomized sample, collected by a scientific research team within the GIDAS project (German In-Depth Accident Study) were analyzed. Given that head injuries result in approximately 40% of bicycle-related crashes, helmet usage provides a sensible first-level approach for improving incidence and severity of head injuries. The effectiveness of the bicycle helmet was examined using descriptive and multivariate analysis for 433 bicyclists with a helmet and 3,812 bicyclists without a helmet. Skull fractures, severe brain injuries and skull base fractures were up to 80% less frequent for bicyclists wearing a helmet. Among individuals 40 years of age and older, a significant increase of severe head injuries occurred if no helmet was used compared to younger persons with
Otte, DietmarWiese, Birgitt
A new form of head and neck protection for racing car drivers is examined. The concept is one whereby the helmet portion of the system is attached, by way of a quick release clamp, to a collar-like platform which is supported on the driver's shoulders. The collar, which encircles the back and sides of the driver's neck, is held in place by way of the on-board restraint belts. The interior of the helmet portion of the assembly is large enough to provide adequate volitional head motion. The overall objective of the design is to remove the helmet from the wearer's head and thereby to mitigate the deleterious features of helmet wearing such as neck fatigue, poor ventilation and aerodynamic buffeting. Just as importantly, by transferring the weight of the helmet and all attendant reaction forces associated with inertial and impact loads to the shoulder complex (instead of to the neck), reduced head and neck injury probability should be achievable. This paper describes the concept
Newman, James A.Withnall, ChristopherWonnacott, Michael
Since their introduction into NASCAR® (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc.) in the early 1950s roll bars have played a vital role in protecting race car drivers from injury during crashes. Just as helmets, seats, seatbelts and a multitude of other safety enhancements have evolved and transformed racing safety, so too have roll bars. From serving as additional bracing in early stock cars, to being the primary chassis and frame system in modern NASCAR vehicles, tubular roll bars have changed dramatically. This paper summarizes extensive quasi-static testing of tubular joints. Test variables included joining method and gusset design. Also described are the material properties, engineering characteristics and joining methods currently used in modern NASCAR vehicle chassis fabrication
Patalak, JohnGideon, Thomas
Anthropometric data of a country is vital database for automotive design and other design applications. It is also an important parameter in population studies. Most developed countries have invested resources over the years to develop such a database and this information is accessed by many OEMs and major Design Houses. However, an updated and comprehensive Anthropometry of Indian Population is largely unknown. In the past, a few institutions have done projects to bring out a picture of the Indian Anthropometry. However, keeping in view the rapid industrialization and increase of India-specific designs which require an access to latest Anthropometric database, the project “SIZE INDIA” has been initiated. For the first time in India, a state of the art 3D Whole body scanner technology has been used and thereby large volume of data has been generated in a very short span of time. The project will provide 3D whole body scan data and digital images of hand and feet of more than 5000
Kulkarni, DileepS, RanjanChitodkar, VivekGurjar, VaradaGhaisas, C. V.Mannikar, A. V.
It is widely accepted that a motorcycle helmet will reduce the risk of a serious brain injury during an accident through energy dissipation. Currently, there is no literature on what happens to a motorcycle helmet after repeated significant impacts or why it cannot be re-used according to the DOT label. It is also unclear experimentally if the foam liner is permanently affected after repeated impacts. In this study, we repetitively dropped one style of DOT-approved motorcycle helmet using a drop tower system in accordance with FMVSS 218. Helmeted Hybrid III and magnesium headforms were dropped onto a flat anvil with contact to the apical region of the helmets. Strips of pressure-indicating film were placed in the mid-sagittal plane between the foam liner and the headform. Headform accelerations and head injury criterion (HIC) for the Hybrid-III headform were calculated for each drop test. There was a trend for maximum headform acceleration to increase with the number of impacts. The
Lam, TackGates, Deanna
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