Browse Topic: Lithium

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Anode material, responsible for the critical storage and release of lithium ions during charge and discharge cycles, holds paramount importance. By strategically altering the material design and composition of the current graphite, researchers aim to significantly improve fast charging capabilities, energy density, cycling stability and overall electrochemical kinetics within Lithium ion battery. Anode materials operate through three primary mechanisms: insertion/de-insertion that is allowing for reversible lithium ion accommodation within the host structure; alloying, where lithium ions form chemical bonds with the anode material; and conversion reactions, involving the creation of new phases during charge/discharge cycles. This review delves into a captivating array of advanced anode materials with the potential to surpass the limitations of traditional graphite. Carbon-based nanomaterials like graphene and its derivative, reduced graphene oxide, offer exceptional conductivity and
Borkar, ShwetaNahalde, SujayRuban J S, AlwinMore, Hemant
Continuing a common theme among some presenters at The Battery Show North America, the CEO and founder of Pure Lithium, which is betting on lithium vanadium, framed the company's efforts as a way to end China's dominance in the battery market. “The U.S. is facing an existential crisis, and that is the extinction of the U.S. automotive industry,” Emilie Bodoin said. “But unlike the dinosaurs, we can see this comet coming. We're literally in a cold war with China over supply chain.”
Clonts, Chris
Existing commercial battery technologies, which use liquid electrolytes and carbonaceous anodes, have certain drawbacks such as safety concerns, limited lifespan, and inadequate power density particularly at high temperatures. This has prompted researchers to search for solid electrolytes that are safe and compatible with lithium metal anodes, which are known for their high theoretical specific power capacity.
Researchers have developed better rechargeable batteries by applying silicon to the batteries’ cathodes. A previously unknown mechanism by which lithium gets trapped in batteries limits the number of times it can be charged and discharged at full power. By not maxing out their storage capacity, a new approach could provide steady and stable cycling for applications that need it.
Safe and efficient energy storage is important for American prosperity and security. With the adoption of both renewable energy sources and electric vehicles on the rise around the world, it is no surprise that research into a new generation of batteries is a major focus. Researchers have been developing batteries with higher energy storage density, and thus, longer driving range. Other goals include shorter charging times, greater tolerance to low temperatures, and safer operation.
A Columbia Engineering team has published a paper in the journal Joule that details how nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy techniques can be leveraged to design the anode surface in lithium metal batteries. The researchers also present new data and interpretations for how this method can be used to gain unique insight into the structure of these surfaces.
While Daimler Truck and Paccar are pursuing LFP battery cells, Volvo Trucks employs lithium-ion batteries in which lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide (NCA) is used as the cathode — for now anyway. The Swedish truck maker is continuously exploring other battery technologies.
Sodium (Na), which is over 500 times more abundant than lithium (Li), has recently garnered significant attention for its potential in sodium-ion battery technologies. However, existing sodium-ion batteries face fundamental limitations, including lower power output, constrained storage properties, and longer charging times, necessitating the development of next-generation energy storage materials.
The parameterization of the electrochemical pseudo-two-dimensional (P2D) model plays an important role as it determines the acceptance and application range of subsequent simulation studies. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is commonly applied to characterize batteries and to obtain the exchange current density and the solid diffusion coefficient of a given electrode material. EIS measurements performed with frequencies ranging from 1 MHz down to 10 mHz typically do not cover clearly isolated solid state diffusion processes of lithium ions in positive or negative electrode materials. To extend the frequency range down to 10 μHz, the distribution function of relaxation times (DRT) is a promising analysis method. It can be applied to time-domain measurements where the battery is excited by a current pulse and relaxed for a certain period. By means of curve-fitting techniques, the pulse-relaxation measurement can be transferred in a function suitable for the DRT analysis
Chen, ChaoWurzenberger, Johann
RMIT University’s Arnan Mitchell and University of Adelaide’s Dr. Andy Boes led an international team to review lithium niobate’s capabilities and potential applications in the journal Science. The team is working to make navigation systems that help rovers drive on the Moon — where GPS is unable to work — later this decade.
Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed a new lithium metal battery that can be charged and discharged at least 6,000 times — more than any other pouch battery cell — and can be recharged in a matter of minutes.
Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory have invented and patented a new cathode material that replaces lithium ions with sodium and would be significantly cheaper. The cathode is one of the main parts of any battery. It is the site of the chemical reaction that creates the flow of electricity that propels a vehicle.
A team from Chalmers University of Technology has succeeded in observing how the lithium metal in the cell behaves as it charges and discharges. The new method may contribute to batteries with higher capacity and increased safety in our future cars and devices.
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have created a new and efficient way to recycle metals from spent electric vehicle (EV) batteries. The method allows recovery of 100 percent of the aluminum and 98 percent of the lithium in EV batteries. At the same time, the loss of valuable raw materials such as nickel, cobalt, and manganese is minimized. No expensive or harmful chemicals are required in the process because the researchers use oxalic acid – an organic acid that can be found in the plant kingdom.
At the Battery Show North America in Novi, Michigan, in September, a panel of leaders addressed North America's lithium supply challenges and how aggressive movement from companies and governments will attempt to address the problem. Moderator James Frith, a principal with Volta Energy Technologies, opened by laying out the extreme challenges, including the fact that a decade ago, 75% of the world's lithium supply came from China, Chile and Australia. “By 2030,” he said, those countries' share of all supply will be less than 50%.
Clonts, Chris
Engineers have made progress toward lithium-metal batteries that charge as fast as an hour. This fast charging is thanks to lithium metal crystals that can be seeded and grown — quickly and uniformly — on a surprising surface. This new approach, led by University of California San Diego engineers, enables charging of lithium-metal batteries in about an hour, a speed that is competitive against today’s lithium-ion batteries.
ABSTRACT Cornerstone Research Group (CRG) developed a lithium metal (Li-metal) battery cell for military applications. Utilizing a Li-metal anode, high energy density cathode, and an advanced low-temperature fluorinated electrolyte, the cell was designed and developed to provide high-power and low temperature capabilities. The 1.5 Ah Li-metal pouch cell had a specific energy of 247 Wh/kg and was able to discharge at ultra-low temperatures (-57 °C). Moreover, the Li-metal cell demonstrated extremely high-power by fully discharging at 10 C while maintaining over 70% its initial capacity. To demonstrate the Li-metal cell’s utility for military vehicle use, CRG modeled the cell into the 6T battery platform. A novel module housing was designed to evenly apply compression to the Li-metal cells to improve cell performance. Based on these projections, the Li-metal 6T battery could have a capacity of 163 Ah with a specific energy of 179 Wh/kg. Citation: J. Hondred, F. Zalar, P. Nikolaev, B
Hondred, JohnZalar, FrankNikolaev, PashaHenslee, Brian
“Adjacent” strategies such as improving vehicle efficiency and advancing promising chemistries can mitigate the risks associated with today's favored battery materials. Battery electric vehicle (BEV) adoption is taking off for a variety of reasons. Battery cost per kWh of energy stored has dropped 10-fold since 2010. Driving range has increased, making range anxiety less of a concern, particularly for households having Level 2 charging and several vehicles. Government regulations in key vehicle markets and automakers rethinking the electrical architecture to support software-defined vehicles also are stimulating an expanding choice of consumer EVs. With increased EV adoption comes concern for the environmental and human rights impact associated with battery materials mining and processing as well as national-security concerns. Supply volatility, given the huge investments and long-term return, make battery production susceptible to price spikes, as seen in 2022 with lithium and nickel
Borroni-Bird, Chris
Lithium-ion and Lithium polymer batteries are fast becoming ubiquitous in high-discharge rate applications for military and non-military systems. Applications such as small aerial vehicles and energy transfer systems can often function at C-rates greater than 1. To maximize system endurance and battery health, there is a need for models capable of precisely estimating the battery state-of-charge (SoC) under all temperature and loading conditions. However, the ability to perform state estimation consistently and accurately to within 1% error has remained unsolved. Doing so can offer enhanced endurance, safety, reliability, and planning, and additionally, simplify energy management. Therefore, the work presented in this paper aims to study and develop experimentally validated mathematical models capable of high-accuracy battery SoC estimation. In this work, experiments are performed with Lithium Polymer battery cells to measure performance parameters such as current, battery capacity
Sapra, Harsh DarshanElfimova, OlesiaUpadhya, SahanaDesorcy, LukasWagner, MichaelVenkataraman, ShivaramKweon, Chol-BumKokjohn, SageShumaker, Justin
Solid-state lithium-ion batteries that use a solid electrolyte may potentially operate at wide temperatures and provide satisfactory safety. Moreover, the use of a solid electrolyte, which blocks the formation of lithium dendrites, allows batteries to use metallic lithium for the anode, enabling the batteries gain an energy density significantly higher than that of traditional lithium-ion batteries. Solid electrolytes play a role of conducting lithium ions and are the core of solid-state lithium-ion batteries. However, the development of solid lithium electrolytes towards a high lithium ionic conductivity, good chemical and electrochemical stability and scalable manufacturing method has been challenging. We report a new material composed of nitrogen-doped lithium metaphosphate, denoted as NLiPO3. The material delivers a lithium ionic conductivity on the order of 10-4 S/cm at room temperature, which is about two orders of magnitude higher than that of conventional LiPON – the
Zhang, QifengDing, Yi
Electric vehicle battery thermal management based on liquid cooling is the mainstream form of cooling for new energy vehicles. According to energy consumption, the system is divided into active cooling system and passive cooling system. The cooling of battery modules in these two cooling systems is carried out by liquid-cooled plate, which is connected in series in the cooling system. Therefore, the design of the liquid-cooled plate has a great impact on the effect of battery heat dissipation. In this paper, considering the advantages of existing liquid-cooled plates, the author proposed a series-parallel hybrid dc channel liquid-cooled plate structure, taking square lithium iron phosphate battery pack as the research object. Finally, the effects of different inlet flows and temperatures of the liquid-cooled plate on the thermal performance of the liquid-cooled plate were investigated by using single factor analysis. Studies have shown that the liquid-cooled structure can maintain the
Zhong, WenLi, MinShangguan, Wenbin
Lithium-ion batteries have high energy density and a long cycle life, making them indispensable in portable electronics as well as electric vehicles. However, the high cost and limited supply of lithium necessitate the development of alternative energy storage systems. To this end, researchers have suggested sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) as a possible candidate.
In the current research, an aluminum alloy AA8090 is welded using the friction stir welding (FSW) technique. The main objective is to eliminate the chances of defects in the weld joint, which were observed in the conventional joining process. Experiments were planned according to the one factor at a time (OFAT) approach. The input process parameters involved during the present work are welding speed (WS), rotational speed (RS), tilt angle (TA), and dwell time (DT). However, the response variables investigated at different input parametric combinations are tensile strength (TS), percentage elongation (EL), microhardness (MH), and macroscopic structure. Due to the combination of both attributes of optimization (the higher the better in TS and the lower the better in EL), the multi-performance quality characteristics optimization approach, i.e., grey relational analysis (GRA), is implemented. The maximum TS (357 MPa) was observed at a WS of 40 mm/min, RS 500 rpm, TA 1°, and DT 10 s
Dahiya, Munna SinghGupta, Meenu
Among the limitations of electric vehicles (EVs) is the lack of a long-lasting, high-energy-density battery that reduces the need to fuel up on long-haul trips. The same is true for houses during blackouts and power grid failures — small, efficient batteries able to power a home for more than one night without electricity don’t yet exist. A major issue is that while rechargeable lithium metal anodes play a key role in how well this new wave of lithium batteries functions, during battery operation, they are highly susceptible to the growth of dendrites — microstructures that can lead to dangerous short-circuiting, catching on fire, and even exploding.
With the worldwide trends in mobile electrification, consumers' demand for fast charging of electric vehicles (EVs) continues to grow. However, due to the defects of the current mainstream vehicle-mounted lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), lithium plating will occur at the anode during charging at high current rates, reducing battery life and even causing serious safety problems. In this paper, a pseudo two-dimensional (P2D) model integrated with lithium plating and SEI growth reaction is established to simulate the aging behavior of the battery during the cycle aging process. After verifying the model, we set up simulation conditions to quantitatively analyze the relationship between battery operating temperature, charging rate and cycle life, as well as the causes of capacity attenuation under each operating condition. By analyzing the simulation results, we found that lithium deposition can be predicted based on the overpotential, which can provide guidance for healthy and efficient fast
Gao, ZhenhaiXie, HaichengZhang, LishengYu, HanqingMa, BinLiu, XinhuaChen, Siyan
To achieve decarbonization through means such as energy-efficient vehicles, active travel, and electrified road freight, solutions must reduce upstream demands on supply chains. However, even taking such a path, the energy transition will massively increase demand for raw materials such as cobalt, nickel, platinum group metals, and rare earth elements. Many of the metals can be largely substituted if required, so they are not truly critical to decarbonization. Critical Metals, Sourcing, and Long Supply Chains: Constraints on Transport Decarbonization discusses how lithium, silver, and copper are much more difficult to replace, and the energy transition is highly likely to depend on them. Greatly increased and more geographically dispersed investments in mineral extraction are vital. Governments must support this by giving investors clear signals about the rate of the transition, geological survey data, accelerated permits, and government backed finance. Public support for sustainable
Muelaner, Jody E.
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have become a focus of research interest for electric vehicles (EVs) due to their high volumetric and gravimetric energy storage capability, lower self-discharge rate, and excellent rechargeability coupled with high operational voltage as compared with the lead-acid batteries. This paper presents different machine learning approaches to predict health indicators & usable cycle life of LIBs. Here, we focus on two important battery health indicators i.e., battery discharge capacity and Internal resistance (IR). We used publicly available multi-cycled data of the Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP), Lithium-Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt-Oxide (NMC) and Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO) cells. The approach proposed for predicting health indicators involves using a time-series model in the areas where the actual data i.e., from the Beginning of life (BOL) to the End of life (EOL) is not available. This methodology includes dynamically training a time-series based regression models
Joshi, Umita DeepakGambhir, Ameya VMandhana, Abhishek
The element niobium (Nb), a transition metal, stands ready to improve the performance of one of the lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery’s confusing array of possible electrode chemistries — the LTO (lithium titanium oxide) anode, which after graphite is the second most-produced. During battery charging, lithium ions leave the positive cathode and move through the battery’s electrolyte to take up positions of higher energy in the anode. During discharge, this process reverses and drives electrons through an external circuit to power the load.
ABSTRACT PPG formulates N-methyl pyrrolidone free (NMP−free) cathodes for Li−ion batteries capable of delivering sufficient power for automotive starting, lighting and ignition (SLI) as well as adequate charge capacity for powering auxiliary electronics. In this paper, NMP−free energy cathodes and power cathodes were formulated using developmental binders, and refinement of carbon/binder ratio and slurry mix procedure. Learnings from the energy and power cathode development were conceptually combined in the formulation of capacity enhanced power cathodes. These cathodes were evaluated electrochemically via power capability and rate capability testing in battery coin cells, as well as in 0.5 Ah multilayer pouch cells. Carbon content was found to be a critical factor in attaining high cold crank performance. This work represents significant steps toward potential commercialization of NMP−free cathode coated foil for Li−ion batteries. Citation: S. Esarey, A. Kizzie, C. Woodley, I. Matts
Esarey, Samuel L.Kizzie, AustinWoodley, ChristopherMatts, IanHellring, StuartZhou, ZhilianTerrago, Gina
Currently, two materials are used as anodes in most commercially available lithium-ion batteries that power items like cellphones, laptops, and electric vehicles. The most common, a graphite anode, is extremely energy dense — a lithium-ion battery with a graphite anode can power a car for hundreds of miles without needing to be recharged; however, recharging a graphite anode too quickly can result in fire and explosions due to a process called lithium metal plating. A safer alternative, the lithium titanate anode, can be recharged rapidly but results in a significant decrease in energy density, which means the battery needs to be recharged more frequently.
Fast charging of batteries at cold conditions faces the challenge of promoting undesired cell degradation phenomena such as lithium plating. The occurrence of lithium plating is strongly related to local surface potentials and temperatures involving the scales of the electrode surface, the unit cell and the entire module or pack. A multi-scale, multi-domain model is presented, enhancing a Newman based unit cell model with consistent models for heat generation and lithium plating and integrating this 1D+1D approach into a thermal 3D model on module level. The basic equations are presented and three different plating models from literature are discussed. The thermal model is assessed in open-loop simulations and the different plating approaches are compared in charge/discharge simulations at different operating conditions. The full multi-scale, multi-domain model is applied as a virtual sensor for model-based control of fast charging at cold conditions. The virtually given anode surface
Wurzenberger, Johann C.Lechner, ChristophJelovic, MarioMele, IgorKatrasnik, Tomaz
Internal short-circuit in cells/batteries is a phenomenon where there is direct electrical contact between the positive and negative electrodes leading to thermal runaway. The nail penetration tests were used to simulate an internal short circuit within the battery, where a conductive nail was used to pierce the battery cell separator membrane which provided direct electrical contact between the positive and negative electrodes. The batteries tested during this work were common batteries used in existing automotive applications, and they included a nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) battery from a Chevrolet Bolt, a lithium manganese oxide (LMO) battery from a Chevrolet Volt, and a lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery in a hybrid transit bus. The battery abuse and emissions tests were designed to intentionally drive the three different battery chemistries into thermal runaway while measuring battery temperatures, battery voltages and gaseous emissions. During this testing, the batteries were
Surampudi, BapirajuJones, Kevin
Internal short-circuit in cells/batteries is a phenomenon where there is direct electrical contact between the positive and negative electrodes leading to thermal runaway. The nail penetration tests were used to simulate an internal short circuit within the battery, where a conductive nail was used to pierce the battery cell separator membrane which provided direct electrical contact between the positive and negative electrodes. The batteries tested during this work were common batteries used in existing automotive applications, and they included a nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) battery from a Chevrolet Bolt, a lithium manganese oxide (LMO) battery from a Chevrolet Volt, and a lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery in a hybrid transit bus. The battery abuse and emissions tests were designed to intentionally drive the three different battery chemistries into thermal runaway while measuring battery temperatures, battery voltages and gaseous emissions. During this testing, the batteries were
Surampudi, BapirajuJones, KevinShuvodeep Bhattacharyya, Bhattacharyya
As researchers push the boundaries of battery design, seeking to pack ever greater amounts of power and energy into a given amount of space or weight, one of the more promising technologies being studied is lithium-ion batteries that use a solid electrolyte material between the two electrodes, rather than the typical liquid. But such batteries have been plagued by a tendency for branch-like projections of metal called dendrites to form on one of the electrodes, eventually bridging the electrolyte and shorting out the battery cell.
Lithium-metal batteries hold almost twice the energy of their widely used lithium-ion counterparts and they’re lighter. That combination offers the prospect of an electric vehicle that would be lighter and go much farther on a single charge. But lithium-metal batteries in the laboratory have been plagued by premature death, lasting only a fraction of the time of today’s lithium-ion batteries.
The shift over of the automobile sector from the ICE to the electric drives is imminent due to arising global issues of pollution and ever rising pressure on the demand of the natural resources due to lower efficiency of the ICE drives. This has led to uprising of the Lithium-ion batteries, with addition of the burden of living to expectation of clean energy and higher efficiencies. Alongside, with limitation in the availability of the lithium-ion batteries they carry a hefty price tag with them, hence causing huddles in the research. Lack of research leads to failure of batteries and may cause life threatening situations when operating in the vehicle. In order to insight the working of the lithium-ion batteries under different driving and environmental conditions an analytical model is developed for the coupled electro-chemical and thermal phenomenon. This allows anticipating the behaviour of the battery under different conditions that influence its performance. The 18650 cylindrical
Kumar, RavindraChavan, Prof. Dr. Sandip
State of Charge (SoC) estimation of battery plays a key role in strategizing the power distribution across the vehicle in Battery Management System. In this paper, a model for SoC estimation using Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) is developed in Simulink. This model uses a 2nd order Resistance-Capacitance (2RC) Equivalent Circuit Model (ECM) of Lithium Ferrous Phosphate (LFP) cell to simulate the cell behaviour. This cell model was developed using the Simscape library in Simulink. The parameter identification experiments were performed on a new and a used LFP cell respectively, to identify two sets of parameters of ECM. The cell model parameters were identified for the range of 0% to 100% SoC at a constant temperature and it was observed that they vary as a function of SoC. Hence, variable resistance and capacitance blocks are used in the cell model so that the cell parameters can vary as a function of SoC. This facilitates the simulation of voltage drop due to internal resistances of the
Kachate, NiranjanSharma, MinakshiBaidya, Kapil
Lithium battery technology currently dominates the electrical vehicle market and it is expected will dominate over the next decade as it is mature enough to rapidly deliver new electrochemical devices. However, several issues related to safety and large scale availability of Lithium have determined in recent years the development of a new research field, known as "beyond Lithium", in the attempt to identify innovative systems for electric energy storage based on different metal anodes. In this context, metal-air batteries are the most promising electrochemical devices able to provide high theoretical energy and power densities and also, if properly conceived, to satisfy the sustainability characteristics imposed by modern legislations. Among the various metals considered as anode in metal-air batteries, Aluminum is the material with the most satisfactory parameters of economy/ecology and electrochemistry at the same time. The technological challenge in the research on Al-air batteries
Gaele, Maria F.Migliardini, FortunatoDi Palma, Tonia M.
Scientists from Brookhaven National Laboratory (Upton, NY) have identified the primary cause of failure in a state-of-the-art lithium-metal battery — of interest for long-range electric vehicles. Using high-energy X-rays, they followed the cycling-induced changes at thousands of different points across the battery and mapped the variations in performance. At each point, they used the X-ray data to calculate the amount of cathode material and its local state of charge. These findings, combined with complementary electrochemical measurements, enabled them to determine the dominant mechanism driving the loss of battery capacity after many charge-discharge cycles.
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