Browse Topic: Chromium

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Electrical discharge machining (EDM) technology is one of the unconventional machining processes with an ability to machine intricate geometrics with micro finishing. Powder-mixed EDM (PMEDM) extends the EDM process by adding conductive powder to the dielectric fluid to improve performance. This set of experiments summarizes the effect of brass and copper electrode on HcHcr D2 tool steel in chromium powder-mixed dielectric fluid. Powder concentration (PC), peak current (I), and pulse on-time (Ton) are considered as variable process parameters. General full factorial design of experiment (DOE) and ANOVA has been used to plan and analyze the experiments where powder concentration is observed as the most significant process parameter. The results also reveal that a brass electrode offers a high material removal rate (MRR). Whereas, the copper electrode has reported noteworthy improvement in surface roughness (Ra). Moreover, teaching–learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm has been
Sonawane, Gaurav DinkarSulakhe, VishalDalu, RajendraKaware, KiranMotwani, Amit
Purified nickel and a large number of MgTi2 / NiO2 catalysts with various MgTi2 loadings were produced using the traditional incipient wetness method. X-ray crystallography and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy were used to examine the catalysts. To understand the material's microstructure better, the researchers investigated oxygen adsorption at 90K. The amine titration method was used to investigate the acidic characteristics of these catalysts. In a study on cumene cracking, these catalysts were employed. The catalyst was found to be amorphous up to a loading of 12 weight percent MgTi2, but at higher loadings, crystalline MgTi2 phase formed on an amorphous silica substrate. When NiO2 is doped with more MgTi2, there are significant differences in the structure, surface acidity, and catalytic activity of the catalysts. Catalysts with a higher MgTi2 loading are noticeably more acidic than those with a lower MgTi2 loading. A correlation between the amount of cracking activity and
Ashok Kumar, B.Dhiyaneswaran, J.Selvaraj, MalathiPradeepkumar, M.Shajeeth, S.
Super duplex stainless steel (SDSS) is a type of stainless steel made of chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), and iron (Fe). In the present work, a 1.6 mm wide thin sheet of SDSS is joined using gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). The ideal parameter for a bead-on-plate trial is found, and 0.216 kJ/mm of heat input is used for welding. As an outcome of the welding heating cycle and subsequent cooling, a microstructural study revealed coarse microstructure in the heat-affected zone and weld zone. The corrosion rate for welded joints is 9.3% higher than the base metal rate. Following the corrosion test, scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis revealed that the welded joint’s oxide development generated a larger corrosive attack on the weld surface than the base metal surface. The percentages of chromium (12.5%) and molybdenum (24%) in the welded joints are less than those in the base metal of SDSS, as per energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. Corrosion modeling is done using the COMSOL
Kumar, SujeetKumar, YogeshE. K., Vimal K.
High-strength steel has several industrial applications such as automobile, tool and die, construction industries etc. However, it is challenging to achieve it. Various strengthening mechanisms, such as dispersion strengthening, alloying, grain boundary strengthening etc., plays a vital role in deciding the properties of the steel. At the industrial level, high-strength steel is produced by adding alloying elements such as Tungsten, Chromium, and Molybdenum in the steel matrix, increasing the high-strength steel cost. On the other hand, Wire Arc Additive manufacturing (WAAM) can produce dispersion strengthening in steel to mimic the properties of a high-strength steel matrix. The WAAM is a relatively low-cost additive manufacturing technology which uses a welding process to build up layers of material to fabricate the finished product. We have dispersed hard silicon carbide (SiC) particles in the mild steel matrix using the WAAM process in this work. SiC-dispersed steel's hardness is
Natarajan, HarshavardhanaVincent, Akash
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of sheet and plate 0.006 to 3.000 inches (0.15 to 76.20 mm), inclusive, in nominal thickness (see 8.5).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, and forging stock.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
Electroplating is a process whereby an object is coated with one or more relatively thin, tightly adherent layers of one or more metals. It is accomplished by placing the object to be coated on a plating rack or a fixture, or in a basket or in a rotating container in such a manner that a suitable current may flow through it, and then immersing it in a series of solutions and rinses in planned sequence. The advantage to be gained by electroplating may be considerable; broadly speaking, the process is used when it is desired to endow the basis material (selected for cost, material conservation, and physical property reasons) with surface properties it does not possess. It should be noted that although electroplating is the most widely used process for applying metals to a substrate, they may also be applied by spraying, vacuum deposition, cladding, hot dipping, chemical reduction, mechanical plating, etc. The purpose for applying an electroplate and the metals used for various
Metals Technical Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of coiled sheet 0.010 to 0.249 inch (0.25 to 6.32 mm), inclusive, in thickness, supplied in the -T4 temper (see 8.5).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
The present work discusses the effects of Electrolytically deposited chromium coating on the Tribological behaviour of piston ring material. The frictional behaviours were evaluated using the linear reciprocating Tribometer under varying conditions of load and temperature. Test temperatures of 25, 50, and 100 degrees Celsius and loads of 20, 30, and 40N were applied during the tests to obtain the wear response of the coating under conditions similar to real piston cylinder/ring friction conditions. Tests were carried out with a constant sliding speed of 0.1 m/s. Optical micrographs and scanning electron microscope were used to analyze the nature of wear. It has been found that for lubricated or non-lubricated and coated or uncoated specimens, on increasing load, wear and surface roughness both increased for pins and plates. For dry conditions and a fixed load of 30N, wear of coated pins is found to be increasing with temperature from 25॰C to 100॰C, but plate wear shows a fully opposite
Sharma, Vipin KumarJoshi, SumitMittal, RajatKaushik, IshaanVashisth, GarvitGoel, KunalGupta, Tarun
This paper will illustrate the surface treatment coating that forms a strong metallurgical bond between the titanium alloy matrix regarding the high friction properties and challenging lubricating of titanium alloys. In this research, TC4 has been selected as a base material instead of TiC. Then Ni-composite coating was employed as the surface treatment of TC4 by laser cladding (LC) process. The Ni-based alloy coating material powder is good self-fluxing, has high-temperature resistance, and is analytically pure with 200 mesh. The chemical properties of Ni composite coating include 31.2 % Chromium, 8%Titenium, and 3.6% Carbon. Overall characterization and microstructure analysis of the prepared coating utilizing OM, XRD, SEM, EDS, and EPMA with different laser-specific energies (LSP) performance impact. It is evident that an excellent coating can be employed at the LSP of about 12.5kJ/cm2. The TiC ceramic particle reinforced phase is dispersed into a two-phase solid solution of β-Ti
Miah, Md HelalChand, Dharmahinder SinghMalhi, Gurmail SinghKhan, Shahrukhal Muin, Abdullah
This specification covers the requirements for electrodeposited chromium plating.
AMS B Finishes Processes and Fluids Committee
This specification defines limits of variation for determining acceptability of the composition of wrought low-alloy and carbon steel parts and material acquired from a producer.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
This specification covers an aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, mechanical tubing, and forging stock.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
This specification covers an aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of sheet, strip, and plate.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
In current scenario, there is trend to use stainless steels in place of carbon steels and aluminized carbon steels for Exhaust application. In response to changing regulatory requirements and durability performance requirements of exhaust systems, the ferritic stainless steels are proven to be best suited for the purpose. There are multiple ferritic stainless steels available as options for exhaust system. The material in an exhaust system is subject to heat, oxidation, corrosion and condensate. These environment condition demands that exhaust material should possess high temperature corrosion and oxidation resistance along with required mechanical performance such as vibration and thermo-mechanical load cycles. This work is an attempt to develop simulated test methods for corrosion and thermal environment and evaluate performance of commonly used ferritic stainless steels. The ferritic stainless steels, in this study, were subjected to corrosive media and synthetic exhaust environment
Chauhan, ShivPonkshe, ShripadrajPolisetti, Venkata Sumanth
This specification defines limits of variation for determining acceptability of the composition of cast or wrought nickel, nickel alloy, and cobalt alloy parts and material acquired from a producer.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of sheet and plate 0.020 to 4.00 inches (0.51 to 101.60 mm), inclusive, in nominal thickness (see 8.5).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of sheet and plate 0.008 to 4.000 inches (0.20 to 101.6 mm), inclusive, in thickness (see 8.6).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of sheet and plate with thickness from 0.008 to 4.000 inches (0.20 to 101.6 mm), inclusive, clad on two sides (see 8.6).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of sheet clad on both sides with a different alloy for sheet thicknesses of 0.020 to 0.128 inches (0.51 to 3.25 mm), inclusive, in nominal thickness (see 8.5).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of sheet and plate 0.008 to 1.000 inch (0.20 to 25.40 mm), inclusive, in thickness, clad on two sides, supplied in the annealed (O) condition. When specified, product shall be supplied in the “as fabricated” (F) temper (see 8.6).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers a corrosion-resistant steel in the form of flat wire 0.005 to 0.095 inch (0.13 to 2.41 mm) thick, inclusive.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, flash welded rings, and stock for forging or flash welded rings.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
This specification covers an aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, mechanical tubing, and forging stock.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
This specification covers a blend of chromium carbide and a nickel-chromium alloy in the form of powder.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
Hexavalent chromium is not a term frequently associated with engineers. Residents of Hinkley, California, however, know all about it. So do workers tasked with the labor-intensive process of depainting aircraft.
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of sheet and plate from 0.006 to 6.000 inches (0.15 to 152.40 mm), inclusive, in nominal thickness (see 8.6).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of wire (see 8.7).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of sheet, strip, and plate.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
This specification covers tungsten carbide-cobalt chrome in the form of powder.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
SS304 (Stainless Steel 304) is a nickel- chromium based alloy, that is extensively used for the applications like cryogenic vessels, valves, refrigerator equipment and evaporators because of its high corrosion resistance, ductility and ability to remain as solid up to a temperature of 14000 C. SS304 is one of the tough to machine materials by conventional methods of machining. Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM) facilitates the ease of machining complicated cuts with hard to machine, conductive materials where high surface finish is required. In this investigation, a study has been done on WEDM of SS304 and mainly to optimize the process parameters during the machining of SS304 by using Taguchi’s analysis. Taguchi’s DoE approach is used to plan the experimental runs and by considering the process parameters such as pulse on time, pulse off time and peak current at three different levels the experiments were conducted. The performance measures considered in present analysis are
Thejasree, P.N, ManikandanKrishnamachary, PCVaraprasad, K CJoseph Selvi, Binoj
This specification covers a low-alloy steel in the form of sheet, strip, and plate 4.00 inches (101.6 mm) and under in thickness.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
Foundry industries are very much familiar and rich experience of producing ferrous castings mainly Flake Graphite (FG) and Spheroidal Graphite (SG) cast iron. Grey cast iron material is mainly used for dampening applications and spheroidal graphite cast iron is used in structural applications wherein high strength and moderate ductility is necessary to meet the functional requirements. However, both types of cast iron grades are very much suitable in terms of manufacturing in an economical way. Those grades are commercially available and being consumed in various industries like automotive, agriculture etc, High strength SG Iron grades also being manufactured by modifying the alloying elements with copper, chromium, manganese andcobalt. but it has its own limitation of reduction in elongation when moving from low to high strength SG iron material. To overcome this limitation a new cast iron developed by modifying the chemical composition. Additionally, strengthening mechanism were
Gunalan, MagendranAnandeswaran, V.A
This specification covers the procurement of granular heat-treating salts suitable for use in the molten state.
AMS B Finishes Processes and Fluids Committee
This specification covers an aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of bars, forgings, mechanical tubing, and forging stock.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
Supplementary to the heat or cast analysis, a product analysis may be made on steel in the semifinished or finished form. For definitions and methods of sampling steel for product chemical analysis, refer to SAE J408. A product analysis is a chemical analysis of the semifinished or finished steel to determine conformance to the specification requirements. The range of the specified chemical composition is normally expanded to take into account deviations associated with analytical reproducibility and the heterogeneity of the steel. Individual determinations may vary from the specified heat or cast analysis ranges or limits to the extent shown in Tables 1 through 5. The several determinations of any element in a heat or cast may not vary both above and below the specified range except for lead. Tables 1 through 5 provide permissible limits for various steel forms and composition types. For rephosphorized and resulfurized steels, the product analysis tolerance limits are not applicable
Metals Technical Committee
This specification covers a cobalt alloy in the form of powder.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a free-machining, corrosion-resistant steel in the form of bars, wire, forgings, and forging stock.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a free-machining, corrosion-resistant steel in the form of bars, forgings, and forging stock.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
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