Browse Topic: Legislation

Items (641)
The transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) industry to electric vehicle (EV) industry has significant financial implications for both the automotive industry, government, and associated partners. The shift to EVs could lead to savings in foreign exchange reserves, the creation of new jobs, and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. However, the transition could also result in job losses in the automobile and its associated manufacturing industry. This study aims to analyze the impact of this transition on different stakeholders in India. The study takes into account the different financial aspects that includes production, technology, government policy, skilling, employability, job creation, and other associated aspects on Indian economy. For the projected study different cases were considered with 2030 as the projected year with 30% EVs. A modest attempt is made to analyze the impact on associated partners. The findings of the study suggest that the transition to EVs could
Vashist, DevendraMalik, VarunPandey, Sachchidanand
R-1234yf is used in almost every new car sold in the U.S., but the EU is discussing a ban and the industry is investigating alternatives like CO2 and propane. According to its manufacturer, Chemours, use of R-1234yf has grown so much since the refrigerant replaced the long-established R-134a that it's now used in 95% of new cars sold in the U.S. An estimated 220 million cars on global roads are also using it. The problem with R-134a, which came in cars and trucks in the 1990s, is that it's a gas with “a global warming potential (GWP) that is 1,430 times that of CO2,” according to the EPA. Since 2017, EU legislation has banned the use of any refrigerant in new vehicles with a GWP higher than 150. That rule doomed R-134a but opened the door for R-1234yf, which has a GWP of only four. The EU is currently revisiting R-1234yf emissions rules and may ban the substance in a few years. In the U.S., the EPA stands by its use.
Motavalli, Jim
Sensata Technologies' booth at this year's IAA Transportation tradeshow included two of the company's Precor radar sensors. The PreView STA79 is a heavy-duty vehicle side-monitoring system launched in May 2024 and designed to comply with Europe-wide blind spot monitoring legislation introduced in June 2024. The PreView Sentry 79 is a front- and rear-monitoring system. Both systems operate on the 79-GHz band as the nomenclature suggests. PreView STA79 can cover up to three vehicle zones: a configurable center zone, which can monitor the length of the vehicle, and two further zones that can be independently set to align with individual customer needs. The system offers a 180-degree field of view to eliminate blind spots along the vehicle sides and a built-in measurement unit that will increase the alert level when turning toward an object even when the turn indicator is not used. The system also features trailer mitigation to reduce false positive alerts on the trailer when turning. The
Kendall, John
Growing environmental concerns drive the increasing need for a more climate-friendly mobility and pose a challenge for the development of future powertrains. Hydrogen engines represent a suitable alternative for the heavy-duty segment. However, typical operation includes dynamic conditions and the requirement for high loads that produce the highest NOx emissions. These emissions must be reduced below the legal limits through selective catalytic reduction (SCR). The application of such a control system is time-intensive and requires extensive domain knowledge. We propose that almost human-like control strategies can be achieved for this virtual application with less time and expert knowledge by using Deep Reinforcement Learning. A proximal policy optimization (PPO) -based agent is trained to control the injection of Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) and compared with the performance of a manually tuned controller. The performance is evaluated based on the restrictive emission limits of a
Itzen, DirkAngerbauer, MartinHagenbucher, TimoGrill, MichaelKulzer, Andre
You've got regulations, cost and personal preferences all getting in the way of the next generation of automated vehicles. Oh, and those pesky legal issues about who's at fault should something happen. Under all these big issues lie the many small sensors that today's AVs and ADAS packages require. This big/small world is one topic we're investigating in this issue. I won't pretend I know exactly which combination of cameras and radar and lidar sensors works best for a given AV, or whether thermal cameras and new point cloud technologies should be part of the mix. But the world is clearly ready to spend a lot of money figuring these problems out.
Blanco, Sebastian
Previous studies have shown that dosing AdBlue into the exhaust system of diesel engines to reduce nitrogen oxides can lead to an increase in the number of particles (PN). In addition to the influencing factors of exhaust gas temperature, exhaust gas mass flow and dosing quantity, the dosed medium itself (AdBlue) is not considered as a possible influence due to its regulation in ISO-standard 22241. However, as the standard specifies limit value ranges for the individual regulated properties and components for newly sold AdBlue, in reality there is still some margin in the composition. This paper investigates the particle number increase due to AdBlue dosing using several CPCs. The increase in PN is determined by measuring the number of particles after DPF and thus directly before dosing as well as tailpipe. Several AdBlue products from different sources and countries are measured and their composition is also analyzed with regard to the limit values regulated in the standard. This
Herold, TimNoone, PatrickBeidl, ChristianBoldt, ThomasHochholzner, MichaelKontin, Sinisa
Eastman, BrittanyDukarski, Jennifer
Analysis of pedestrian-to-vehicle collisions can be complex due to the nature of the interaction and the physics involved. The scarcity of evidence like video evidence (from CCTV or dashcams), data from the vehicle's ECU, witness accounts, and physical evidence such as tyre marks, complicates the analysis of these incidents. In cases with limited evidence, current forensic methods often rely on prolonged inquiry processes or computationally intensive simulations. Without adequate data, accurately estimating pedestrian kinematics and addressing hit-and-run scenarios becomes challenging. This research provides an alternative approach to enhancing pedestrian forensic analysis based on machine learning (ML) algorithms trained on over 3000 multi-body computer simulations with a diverse set of vehicle profiles and pedestrian anthropometries. Leveraging information such as vehicle profile, damage, and pedestrian attributes like height and weight, the ML algorithm estimates essential
Shrinivas, VadhirajBastien, ChristopheDavies, HuwDaneshkhah, AlirezaHardwicke, JosephNeal-Sturgess, CliveLamaj, Albi
Options for CNVII emission legislation are being widely investigated in a national program organized by China Vehicle Emission Control Center (VECC) since early 2020. It is foreseen that this possibly last legislation in China will have more stringent emission requirements compared to CNVI, including among other changes especially a further reduction of nitrogen oxide (NOx), inclusion of nitrous oxide (N2O) and sub-23 nm particle number (PN). This study investigates the technical feasibility to fulfill a CNVII emission legislation scenario, based on a modified CNVI 8 L engine operating under both cold and hot World Harmonized Transient Cycle (WHTC) and Low Load Cycle (LLC). Methods to address the challenges are discussed and validated, including application of a twin dosing system, electric heater, hybrid concepts of combining Copper (Cu-), Iron (Fe-) and Vanadium (V-) SCR technologies, filters with ultra-high filtration efficiency and optimization of engine calibration and urea dosing
Wang, YanChen, ShuyueZhang, JunChen, JunyinLong, LucasGeisselmann, AndreasBender, MichaelTao, ZeminZhu, Minlin
In an era characterized by the rapid proliferation and advancement of AI-based technologies across various domains, the spotlight is placed on the integration of these technologies into trustworthy autonomous systems. The integration into embedded systems necessitates a heightened focus on dependability. This paper combines the findings from the TEACHING project, which delves into the foundations of humanistic AI concepts, with insights derived from an expert workshop in the field of dependability engineering. We establish the body of knowledge and key findings deliberated upon during an expert workshop held at an international conference focused on computer safety, reliability and security. The dialogue makes it evident that despite advancements, the assurance of dependability in AI-driven systems remains an unresolved challenge, lacking a one-size-fits-all solution. On the other hand, the positive outcome of this dialogue about the dependability of AI in embedded systems is that
Blazevic, RomanaVeledar, OmarMacher, Georg
Abstract The initial cost of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) is higher than internal combustion engine-powered vehicles (ICEVs) due to expensive batteries. Various factors affect the total cost of ownership of a vehicle. In India, consumers are concerned with a vehicle’s initial purchase cost and prefer owning an economical vehicle. The higher cost and shorter range of BEVs compared to ICEVs severely limit their penetration in the Indian market. However, government subsidies and incentives support BEVs. The total cost of ownership assessment is used to evaluate the entire cost of a vehicle to find the most economical option among different powertrains. This study compares 2W (two-wheeler) and 4W (four-wheeler) BEV’s cost vis-à-vis equivalent ICEVs in Delhi and Mumbai. The cost analysis assesses the current and future government policies to promote BEVs. Two assumed policies were applied to estimate future scenarios. Annual distance traveled, battery replacement assumptions, and fuel
Kumar, DeepakAbdul-Manan, Amir F. N.Kalghatgi, GautamAgarwal, Avinash Kumar
Electric car markets experience exponential growth. As per IEA battery electric vehicles sales exceeded 10 million in 2022 [1] . There is projection from IEA that EV sales will touch 40 million mark by 2030, major contribution from China (12 m) and Europe (13.3 m) regions [2]. This growth projection attributed to many global factors, government policies, automakers commitment, climate change, etc. There is a massive push from global institutions and automobile community for transition to electric mobility. There is a 66% likelihood that the annual average near-surface global temperature between 2023 and 2027 will be more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels for at least one year. There is a 98% likelihood that at least one of the next five years, and the five-year period, will be the warmest on record [3]. Hence transition is imperative to reduce greenhouse gases and adhere to climate change commitments. Today EVs are not popular as ICE. As per WEF [4] there are three major reasons
Channamaneni, Rajesh BabuMR, Vikram
Advanced Autonomous Vehicles (AV) for SAE Level 3 and Level 4 functions will lead to a new understanding of the operation phase in the overall product lifecycle. Regulations such as the EU Implementing Act and the German L4 Act (AFGBV) request a continuous field surveillance, the handling of critical E/E faults and software updates during operation. This is required to enhance the Operational Design Domain (ODD) during operation, offering Functions on Demand (FoD), by increasing software features within these autonomous vehicle systems over the entire digital product lifecycle, and to avoid and reduce downtime by a malfunction of the Autonomous Driving (AD) software stack. Supported by implemented effective management systems for Cyber Security (R155), Software Update Management System (R156) and a Safety Management System (SMS) (in compliance to Automated Lane Keeping System (ALKS) (R157)), the organizations have to ensure safe and secure development, deployment and operation to
Bublitz, LucasHerdrich, Michael
Non-exhaust emissions are clearly one of the focal points for the upcoming Euro 7 legislation. The new United Nations Global Technical Regulation (UN GTR) defining the framework for brake emission measurements is about to be officially published. The first amendment to this text is already on the way through the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) hierarchy for decision making. In real life, the final emission factor as the ultimate result of a test is influenced by inaccuracies of numerous parts of the measurement system as well as additional contributing factors like the performance of the particulate filter handling process, which might not be primarily related to equipment specifications. The regulation’s definitions set the basic requirements for testing, whilst establishing a robust and efficient testing process requires a thorough assessment of the influencing factors on the measurement quality, which in turn can be described using e.g., repeatability and
Weidinger, ChristophMartikainen, SampsaWanek-Ruediger, ChristianHuber, MichaelRainer, Andreas
Exhaust emission standards for road vehicles require on-board diagnostics (OBD) of all comprehensive powertrain components (CCMs) impacting pollutant emissions. The legislation defines the generic malfunction criteria and pollutant threshold limits to trigger the component functional degradation. The electric drivetrain in xEV (more than one propulsion energy converter) applications substitutes or supports the internal combustion engine (ICE) operation with electric machine (EM) power. Malfunctions in the electric drivetrain will lead to an increase in ICE power demand. Hence, the electric drive system is classified as a comprehensive component in the OBD legislation. The regulation defines monitoring of the EM performance. The malfunctions that could prevent the EM(s) from properly operating emission control strategies, including any ICE control activation or electric drivetrain performance degradation, should be monitored by the OBD system. This work demonstrates an approach to
Soundara Rajan, RagupathiRichert, FelixPischinger, Stefan
The Indian market for battery-powered electric vehicles (xEV) is growing exponentially in the coming years, fueled by tumbling lithium-ion battery prices and favorable government policies. Lithium-ion battery is leading in clean mobility ecosystem for electric vehicles. LiBs efficient and safe performance for tropical climatic conditions is one of the primary requirements for xEV to succeed in India. The performance of LiBs, however, is impacted due to ambient temperature as well as the heat generated within cell due to the load cycle electrochemical reaction. The acceptable operating temperature region for LiBs normally is between 20 °C to 45 °C and anything outside of this region will lead to degradation of performance and irreversible damages. Therefore, understanding the thermal behavior is very crucial for an efficient battery thermal management. In this study the authors have focused on battery module thermal management by incorporating the thermal interface material (TIM
Parasumanna, Ajeet BabuAmbhore, YogeshKarle, UjjwalaKumar, RavindraUdawant, Kishor
In today’s Automotive world, there is NO need to advocate “Light weighting”. Government policies for carbon footprint reduction combined with high safety standards are driving OEMs to adopt advanced manufacturing technologies. Steel hot forming is selected as most preferred way to reduce weight as it is easy to adopt and commercially known. It had many advantages compare to conventional cold stamping of standard and high tensile steel. The process consists of heating blank to nearly 1000 °C and quenching it in tool to for martensitic structure. Higher strength up to 2000 MPa can be achieved by this process. There are many examples where part weight is reduced by 15 to 20 % by this method. But Steel hot forming has limitation as specific density of steel is still high. Thus, there is limitation to its weight reduction capability. For further reduction, OEMs have started exploring Aluminium hot forming. This process, similar to steel hot forming improves hardness of the part by series of
In a surprising move that paves the way for the European Union's adoption of a mandate to eliminate vehicle CO2 emissions, on March 25 the EU reached an agreement with Germany to step back from a complete ban of combustion-engine vehicles starting in 2035. The EU agreed to permit sales and registration of IC-engine models after the 2035 deadline - provided those vehicles operate only on carbon-neutral fuels, often generically referred to as ‘e-fuels.’ With a significant portion of its economy related to the historically ICE-based automotive industry, Germany had resisted the EU's total ban, although its Parliament's Green Party supported the forced sunsetting of ICE passenger vehicles. Reuters reported German Transport Minister Volker Wissing as tweeting, “We secure opportunities for Europe by preserving important options for climate-neutral and affordable mobility.” In another Twitter post, Wissing reportedly added, “Vehicles with internal combustion engines can still be newly
Visnic, Bill
Design innovation and an exclusive new tool for measuring carbon footprint have made Adient a sustainability leader among Tier-1s. Sustainability no longer is a vague aspiration for OEMs and suppliers looking for a ‘green’ veil. It's rapidly become a guiding tenet of product innovation, and ESG progress, as the industry pushes toward net-zero carbon goals in most major markets. “Currently, it's coming mainly from the European OEMs and the European legislature,” explained Mike Maddelein, VP engineering, Americas, at seating systems Tier 1 Adient. “They're driving carbon-footprint reduction and the industry is getting very, very serious about it. The European OEMs are starting to specify sustainability targets in their RFQs.” North America is probably two years behind, he believes, but will follow Europe's sustainability plan - if not through direct legislation, then by the OEMs themselves.
Brooke, Lindsay
First responders and traffic crash investigators collect and secure evidence necessary to determine the cause of a crash. As vehicles with advanced autonomous features become more common on the road, inevitably they will be involved in such incidents. Thus, traditional data collection requirements may need to be augmented to accommodate autonomous technology and the connectivity associated with autonomous and semi-autonomous driving features. The objective of this paper is to understand the data from a fielded autonomous system and to motivate the development of requirements for autonomous vehicle data collection. The issue of data ownership and access will be discussed. Additional complicating factors, such as cybersecurity concerns combined with a first responder’s legal authority, may pose challenges for traditional data collection. These additional challenges pose an opportunity to develop standardized event recording and embedded software verification processes to provide
Rayno, MarsSpan, TraeBrown, WestonDaily, Jeremy
China's plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) market with stocks at 7.8 million is the world's largest in 2021, and it accounts for half of the global PEV growth in 2021. The PEV market in China has dramatically evolved since the pandemic in 2020: over 20% of all new PEV sales are from China by mid-2022. Recent features of PEV market dynamics, consumer acceptance, policies, and infrastructure have important implications for both the global energy market and manufacturing stakeholders. From the perspective of demand pull-supply push, this study analyzes China's PEV industry with a market dynamics framework by reviewing sales, product and brand, infrastructure, and government policies from the last few years and outlooking the development of the new government’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025). From the demand side, small-sized sedans and compact sport utility vehicles with increased electric ranges are both popular for PEVs, and the electric range of over 60% of new battery electric vehicles
Hao, XuOu, Shiqi (Shawn)Liu, KexinZhong, RuihengShi, HongWang, HewuHe, Xin
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) is not a certification document; it contains no certification requirements beyond those already contained in existing certification documents. The purpose of this ARP is to provide: a Guidelines for potential usage of life samples depending upon the mission environment and at user discretion to use them or not. b Guidelines of: 1 Who approves the parts to be used. 2 Notification requirements to manufacturers. 3 Traceability and segregation. 4 Packing and labeling of such parts. This ARP does not claim that the recommended practices and artifacts described herein are the only acceptable ones. They are, however, used widely today, and merit serious consideration of potential usage where applicable in the military and space hardware. This ARP does not supersede any contracts or legal agreements between contractual parties.
CE-12 Solid State Devices
In the present scenario, the automotive industry is driven by information technology. Most of the innovations such as automotive interconnectivity, e-mobility, automotive electronics are data-driven systems to decide and to act on the functionality of vehicle architecture. Connectivity has its own concerns about message spoofing, tampering, and increased privacy-focused information hardening by exploiting weak points. Weaknesses ends up in a vulnerability resulting in legal consequences, reputation, cost of recalls, installation of software package bug fixes. Vulnerability tracking and control are taken into consideration because of the incident responses for on-avenue vehicles. Several weaknesses associated with degreed vulnerabilities are documented in databases like CWE (common weakness enumeration) and CVE (common vulnerability and exposures) respectively, significantly to automotive, it’s miles obvious that most of the methods employed by the attackers are known and reused
venkatachalapathy, Sreenikethana
Data is information that has been recorded in a form or format convenient to move or process. It is important to distinguish between data and the format. The format is a structured way to record information, such as engineering drawings and other documents, software, pictures, maps, sound, and animation. Some formats are open source, others proprietary. Regardless of the format, there are three broad types of data. Table 1 lists these types of data and provides examples. DM, from the perspective of this standard, consists of the disciplined processes and systems utilized to plan for, acquire, and provide management and oversight for product and product-related business data, consistent with requirements, throughout the product and data life cycles. Thus, this standard primarily addresses product data and the business data required for stakeholder collaboration extending through the supply chain during product acquisition and sustainment life cycle. This standard has broader application
EIDM Enterprise Information and Data Management
This standard applies to the aerospace and defense industries and their supply chains.
E-1 Environmental Committee
Facial recognition software (FRS) is a form of biometric security that detects a face, analyzes it, converts it to data, and then matches it with images in a database. This technology is currently being used in vehicles for safety and convenience features, such as detecting driver fatigue, ensuring ride share drivers are wearing a face covering, or unlocking the vehicle. Public transportation hubs can also use FRS to identify missing persons, intercept domestic terrorism, deter theft, and achieve other security initiatives. However, biometric data is sensitive and there are numerous remaining questions about how to implement and regulate FRS in a way that maximizes its safety and security potential while simultaneously ensuring individual’s right to privacy, data security, and technology-based equality. Legal Issues Facing Automated Vehicles, Facial Recognition, and Individual Rights seeks to highlight the benefits of using FRS in public and private transportation technology and
Eastman, Brittany
Products and services must be provided without jeopardizing safety for end-users. It is a fact that failures that compromise the health or safety of the user of the product (or with other people that interact with it) are recognized as one of the biggest problems for any manufacturer, mainly if these failures are identified after the product sales which leads to the necessity of the recall, where the manufacturer is responsible for a corrective action under the country’s legislation. In this work, the reasons and causes of the automotive recall were studied from 2011 to 2019, with emphasis on failures resulting from the production process. This research comprised all models and brands of national and or imported vehicles marketed in Brazil in the period, which represented a total of 886 Brazilian automotive recalls were studied individually, and 13,930,803 motor vehicles involved in recalls. The recalls were divided into two main causes: defects arising from failures in product
Baraldi, Emilio C.Kaminski, Paulo C.
An electronic assembly is created by integrating thousands of parts from multiple suppliers utilizing a host of circuit card manufacturing processes. With the lead elimination from electronics resulting from the European Union Reduction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) legislation, many of the heritage aerospace and defense commercial off the shelf (COTS) solder materials with tin–lead have become obsolete. Most notably there has been an increasing cost and schedule pressure to use commercially available pure tin part finishes and lead–free solders in aerospace and defense electronic systems.
This standard is applicable to AQMS COs listed in the Online Aerospace Supplier Information System (OASIS) database. This standard is intended for the management and resolution of AQMS CO’s major QMS nonconformities. This standard is not intended to address QMS nonconformities classified as minor or nonconformities related to the products or services provided by the CO.
G-14 Americas Aerospace Quality Standards Committee (AAQSC)
The diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) is one of the major components of a diesel after treatment system. Earlier, DOCs were majorly used to oxidise un-burnt HC and CO from the exhaust gas to keep these pollutants within legislation limits. As legislative norms evolved towards becoming more stringent, the technology and chemistry of after-treatment catalysts have also advanced simultaneously. For Diesel Engines to meet BSVI emission norm, the DOC has a vital role to play. Apart from oxidizing un-burnt THC and CO, now it has to perform additional functions of converting NOx to NO2 to achieve desired NO2/NOx ratio for better DeNOx in the SCR and also give efficient exotherm across it when the cat burner fuel is injected during DPF Regeneration with minimal HC slip. In this paper, two DOCs having different PGM loadings and volumes are evaluated for their exothermal efficiencies and corresponding THC slips. These DOCs are zonal coated and have different split of Pt:Pd ratios across its length
S, ShivamGambhir, HimanshuBarman, Jyotirmoy
Environmental concerns and government policies aiming to increase biofuel shares have led to the search for alternative fuels from a variety of renewable raw materials. The development of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) type fuels has been strong in the Nordic countries, partly due to the early use of tall oil from the forest industry as feedstock. An innovative production process to convert crude tall oil (CTO) - a residue of pulp production - into high-quality renewable diesel fuel was developed by a Finnish forestry company UPM. Paraffinic, high cetane and low aromatic CTO renewable diesel allows efficient and clean combustion, resulting in reductions of local air pollution in addition to not releasing any new CO2 into the atmosphere during their combustion. This research investigated the influence of CTO renewable diesel on the performance and exhaust emissions of a non-road diesel engine. The examined fuels were neat CTO renewable diesel (BVN) and a blend of BVN and fossil diesel
Spoof-Tuomi, KirsiVauhkonen, VilleNiemi, SeppoOvaska, TeemuLehtonen, ViljaHeikkilä, SonjaNilsson, Olav
Modern automobiles collect around 25 gigabytes of data per hour and autonomous vehicles are expected to generate more than 100 times that number. In comparison, the Apollo Guidance Computer assisting in the moon launches had only a 32-kilobtye hard disk. Without question, the breadth of in-vehicle data has opened new possibilities and challenges. The potential for accessing this data has led many entrepreneurs to claim that data is more valuable than even the vehicle itself. These intrepid data-miners seek to explore business opportunities in predictive maintenance, pay-as-you-drive features, and infrastructure services. Yet, the use of data comes with inherent challenges: accessibility, ownership, security, and privacy. Unsettled Legal Issues Facing Data in Autonomous, Connected, Electric, and Shared Vehicles examines some of the pressing questions on the minds of both industry and consumers. Who owns the data and how can it be used? What are the regulatory regimes that impact
Dukarski, Jennifer
In order to adhere with future automotive legislation and incentives, the electric range of plug-in hybrids has steadily increased. At the same time, the installed electric power has risen as well leading to future hybrid vehicles with an electric power share of more than half of overall system power and hybrid configurations with at least two electrical machines come into focus. The concept of adding a separate electrical axle to a P2-hybrid - a so called P24-hybrid, is of special interest. The system complexity of a such a system increases significantly as the number of possible system states increases. Thus, this paper analyzes the efficiencies and benefits of the different system states within the fuel-optimal operating strategy derived by global optimization. By varying the electrical power distribution between the two axles, the impact on fuel efficiency and the changes within the operating strategy are investigated. Due to the higher system complexity, the control and
Jungen, MarioKimmig, NikolaiLangwiesner, MorrisGoerke, DanielSchmiedler, StefanHofmann, Peter
China 6 emission legislation was finalized in 2018 and the full implementation nationwide is postponed to 2021 due to COVID-19. It is foreseen that the post China 6 legislation will have more stringent primary and secondary emission requirements including further reduction of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and likely to include limits on ammonia (NH3) emissions. This study investigated the secondary emissions (i.e. N2O and NH3) of a variety of China 6 production gasoline vehicles operating under the worldwide harmonized light vehicles test cycle (WLTC) and random test standardized aggressive (RTS 95) cycle. It was found that N2O emissions were less than 5 mg/km on all these vehicles, far below the current China 6 limit (20 mg/km), however NH3 emissions varied from 2 to 48 mg/km among the production vehicles. The mechanisms of N2O and NH3 formation and their correlation with primary emissions were also investigated. Methods to reduce N2O and NH3 emissions were discussed from the
Lei, ZhaoZhang, JunZhou, MinBraun, CarolinSchmidt, MarcusRichter, Joerg MichaelBatke, Sonja
The automotive industry, like so many others, is naturally competitive. Minor errors and differences result not only in monetary losses or gains, but also in impacts that are difficult to measure, such as customer confidence in products of a certain brand, or even its reputation. Among the small differences directly at work after sales is the “invisible” action of legislation of a particular place regarding consumer rights. In order to analyze different legislation guidelines in the event of failures, this work will present the correlation between automotive recalls, call of vehicles carried out in an organized manner after the presentation of abnormal behavior due to the probable error occurred in the assembly or manufacture of the automobile, and the different laws of three regions of interest: Brazil, United States of America and the European Union. The work, after a detailed explanation of the different laws of the three regions, shows concrete relationships between the disclosures
Maione, Bruno F.Kaminski, Paulo C.Baraldi, Emilio C.
Recently, automation of driving has become a significant interest of both industry and academia. Researchers are investigating different facets of automated driving systems (ADS) to address legal, technical, and logistical problems, which will make ADS-equipped vehicles (AVs) a reliable option for daily transportation. One of the most significant challenges that must be addressed before the mass production of AVs is the verification and validation (V&V) of safety and performance. A comprehensive V&V methodology is required to achieve assurance that the AV operates safely even in an uncertain traffic environment. The V&V Task Force under the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) On-Road Automated Driving (ORAD) Committee intends to develop such a V&V testing methodology. The first step in this process is a literature review of various AV V&V efforts, which is the purpose of this document. Subsequently, the objective is to summarize this document and identify a collection of
Wishart, JeffreyComo, SteveForgione, UilaniWeast, JackWeston, LewisSmart, AndrewNicols, GeorgeS, Ramesh
With the rapid development of e-commerce in China, the automated and intelligent level of logistics distribution is continuously improving, and it is heading towards large-scale production and all-round commercial application. Since 2015, driverless delivery vehicles in China have been developing rapidly, and the imp act of “COVID-19” has accelerated the application of driverless delivery vehicles. At present, the application scenarios of driverless delivery vehicles can be divided into closed areas and open areas. However, there is a dispute about the legal status definition of the driverless delivery vehicle, whether it is a “mobile intelligent express box” or a “vehicle in freight transportation.” Regarding these two different legal statuses, the differences in legal regulation applicability and supervision are discussed in detail. This paper proposes that the legal status should be defined based on the type of application scenario. If it is applied in a closed area, such as school
Yang, HanZhou, MiGeng, Rui
Korea has promulgated its automated-vehicle specific law, in proactive consideration of developing marketable automated vehicles and thus possessing competitive edge in future competition. Correspondingly, market-friendly mechanisms for automated vehicles in China fall relatively much behind. The Korean law concerning automated driving can be suggestive, through careful analyses of basic provisions and administrative mechanisms therein, with regard to national guidelines for developing automated vehicles in China’s automated vehicles.
Gui, NingShen, YangliuZhu, YifangLiu, Yu
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