Browse Topic: Driver behavior

Items (639)
Road safety remains a critical concern globally, with millions of lives lost annually due to road accidents. In India alone, the year 2021 witnessed over 4,12,432 road accidents resulting in 1,53,972 fatalities and 3,84,448 injuries. The age group most affected by these accidents is 18-45 years, constituting approximately 67% of total deaths. Factors such as speeding, distracted driving, and neglect to use safety gear increases the severity of these incidents. This paper presents a novel approach to address these challenges by introducing a driver safety system aimed at promoting good driving etiquette and mitigating distractions and fatigue. Leveraging Raspberry Pi and computer vision techniques, the system monitors driver behavior in real-time, including head position, eye blinks, mouth opening and closing, hand position, and internal audio levels to detect signs of distraction and drowsiness. The system operates in both passive and active modes, providing alerts and alarms to the
Ganesh, KattaPrasad, Gvl
The integration of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication technologies holds immense potential to revolutionize the automotive industry by enabling vehicles to communicate with each other (V2V) and with infrastructure (V2I). This paper investigates the feasibility of V2X and V2I communication, exploring available communication methods for vehicles to communicate. Many a times people like to travel together and it involves more than one vehicle travelling together, in such cases they often get lost the information about fellow vehicles due to the traffic condition and different driving behaviors of the individual driver. In such cases they communicate over phones to get to know the location of fellow vehicle or keep sharing their live locations. In such cases they don’t just follow the destination in maps also they should be continuously monitoring their fellow vehicles position. It is important for vehicles travelling in group to have communication and be connected so that they know
Barre, Deva Harshitha
In order to meet the driving characteristics and needs of different types of drivers and to improve driving comfort and safety, this article designs personalized variable transmission ratio schemes based on the classification results of drivers’ steering characteristics and proposes a switching strategy for selecting variable transmission ratio schemes in response to changes in driver types. First, data collected from driving simulator experiments are used to classify drivers into three categories using the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm, and the steering characteristics of each category are analyzed. Subsequently, based on the steering characteristics of each type of driver, suitable speed ranges, steering wheel travel, and yaw rate gain values are selected to design the variable transmission ratio, forming personalized variable transmission ratio schemes. Then, a switching strategy for variable transmission ratio schemes is designed, using a support vector machine to build a
Chen, ChenZheng, HongyuZong, Changfu
India is a diverse country in terms of road conditions, road maintenance, traffic conditions, traffic density, quality of traffic which implies presence of agricultural tractors, bullock carts, autos, motor bikes, oncoming traffic in same lane, vulnerable road users (VRU) walking in the same lanes as vehicles, VRU’s crossing roads without using zebra crossings etc. as additional traffic quality deterrents in comparison to developed countries. The braking capacity of such vivid road users may not be at par with global standards due to their maintenance, loading beyond specifications, driver behavior which includes the tendency to maintain a close gap between the preceding vehicle etc. which may lead to incidents specifically of rear collisions due to the front vehicle going through an emergency braking event. The following paper provides a comprehensive study of the special considerations or intricacies in implementation of Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEBS) feature into Indian traffic
Kartheek, NedunuriKhare, RashmitaSathyamurthy, SainathanManickam, PraveenkumarKuchipudi, Venkata Sai Pavan
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) have become an integral part of today’s vehicle development. These systems are designed to provide secondary support to the driver, but the driver is primarily responsible for the driving task, e.g., lane-keeping assist (LKA). The driving setup and testing of these LKA systems is very time-consuming and usually applied in the car, based on experiences and subjective evaluation. This results in a cost-intensive calibration of the system. An objective-based calibration procedure can increase efficiency. For a targeted calibration of the system, it is necessary to define and identify key performance indicators (KPIs), which are able to describe the secondary support in sufficient detail. Usually, subjective feelings are used to derive KPIs. Vice versa, there are no results on how to design an LKA without any subjective assessment, before the calibration. With this in mind, this paper is focused on filling this unknown aspect by using virtual
Baumann, BenjaminIatropolous, JannesPanzer, AnnaHenze, Roman
This research aims at understanding how the driver interacts with the steering wheel, in order to detect driving strategies. Such driving strategies will allow in the future to derive accurate holistic driver models for enhancing both safety and comfort of vehicles. The use of an original instrumented steering wheel (ISW) allows to measure at each hand, three forces, three moments, and the grip force. Experiments have been performed with 10 nonprofessional drivers in a high-end dynamic driving simulator. Three aspects of driving strategy were analyzed, namely the amplitudes of the forces and moments applied to the steering wheel, the correlations among the different signals of forces and moments, and the order of activation of the forces and moments. The results obtained on a road test have been compared with the ones coming from a driving simulator, with satisfactory results. Two different strategies for actuating the steering wheel have been identified. In the first strategy, the
Previati, GiorgioMastinu, GianpieroGobbi, Massimiliano
Driving safety in the mixed traffic state of autonomous vehicles and conventional vehicles has always been an important research topic, especially on highways where autonomous driving technology is being more widely adopted. The merging scenario at highway ramps poses high risks with frequent vehicle conflicts, often stemming from misperceived intentions [1]. This study focuses on autonomous and conventional vehicles in merging scenarios, where timely recognition of lane-changing intentions can enhance merging efficiency and reduce accidents. First, trajectory data of merging vehicles and their conflicting vehicles were extracted from the NGSIM open-source database in the I-80 section. The segmented cubic polynomial interpolation method and Savitzky–Golay filtering are utilized for data outlier removal and noise reduction. Second, the processed trajectory data were used as input to a hybrid Gaussian hidden Markov (GMM-HMM) model for driving intention classification, specifically lane
Ren, YouWang, XiyaoSong, JiaqiLu, WenyangLi, PenglongLi, Shangke
This article aims to address the challenge of recognizing driving styles, a task that has become increasingly complex due to the high dimensionality of driving data. To tackle this problem, a novel method for driver style clustering, which leverages the principal component analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction and an improved GA-K-means algorithm for clustering, is proposed. In order to distill low-dimensional features from the original dataset, PCA algorithm is employed for feature extraction and dimensionality reduction. Subsequently, an enhanced GA-K-means algorithm is utilized to cluster the extracted driving features. The incorporation of the genetic algorithm circumvents the issue of the model falling into local optima, thereby facilitating effective driver style recognition. The clustering results are evaluated using the silhouette coefficient, Calinski–Harabasz (CH) index, and GAP value, demonstrating that this method yields more stable classification results compared to
Chen, YinghaoWu, GuangqiangWu, JianWang, Hao
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) provide an effective solution for enhancing traffic safety. In the last few years, there have been significant efforts and progress in the development of AVs. However, the public acceptance has not fully kept up with technological advancements. Public acceptance can restrict the growth of AVs. This study focuses on investigating the acceptance and takeover behavior of drivers when interacting with AVs of different styles in various scenarios. Manual and autonomous driving experiments were designed based on the driving simulation platform. To avoid subjective bias, principal component analysis (PCA) and the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) were used to classify driving styles. A total of 34 young participants (male-dominated) were recruited for this study. And they were classified into three driving styles (aggressive, moderate, and conservative). And AV styles were designed into three corresponding categories according to the different driving behavior
Li, GuanyuYu, WenlinChen, XizhengWang, WuhongGuo, HongweiJiang, Xiaobei
The optimization and further development of automated driving functions offers great potential to relieve the driver in various driving situations and increase road safety. Simulative testing in particular is an indispensable tool in this process, allowing conclusions to be drawn about the design of automated driving functions at a very early stage of development. In this context, the use of driving simulators provides support so that the driving functions of tomorrow can be experienced in a very safe and reproducible environment. The focus of the acceptance and optimization of automated driving functions is particularly on vehicle lateral control functions. As part of this paper, a test person study was carried out regarding manual vehicle lateral control on the dynamic vehicle road simulator at the Institute of Automotive Engineering. The basis for this is the route generation as a result of the evaluation of curve radii from several hundred thousand kilometers of real measurement
Iatropoulos, JannesPanzer, AnnaHenze, Roman
As part of the safety validation of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and automated driving (AD) functions, it is necessary to demonstrate that the frequency at which the system exhibits hazardous behavior (HB) in the field is below an acceptable threshold. This is typically tested by observation of the system behavior in a field operational test (FOT). For situations in which the system under test (SUT) actively intervenes in the dynamic driving behavior of the vehicle, it is assessed whether the SUT exhibits HB. Since the accepted threshold values are generally small, the amount of data required for this strategy is usually very large. This publication proposes an approach to reduce the amount of data required for the evaluation of emergency intervention systems with a state machine based intervention logic by including the time periods between intervention events in the validation process. For this purpose, a proximity measure that indicates how close the system is to an
Schrimpf, MalteBetschinske, DanielPeters, Steven
Investigating human driver behavior enhances the acceptance of the autonomous driving and increases road safety in heterogeneous environments with human-operated and autonomous vehicles. The previously established driver fingerprint model, focuses on the classification of driving styles based on CAN bus signals. However, driving styles are inherently complex and influenced by multiple factors, including changing driving environments and driver states. To comprehensively create a driver profile, an in-car measurement system based on the Driver-Driven vehicle-Driving environment (3D) framework is developed. The measurement system records emotional and physiological signals from the driver, including the ECG signal and heart rate. A Raspberry Pi camera is utilized on the dashboard to capture the driver's facial expressions and a trained convolutional neural network (CNN) recognizes emotion. To conduct unobtrusive ECG measurements, an ECG sensor is integrated into the steering wheel
Ji, DejieFlormann, MaximilianWarnecke, Joana M.Henze, RomanDeserno, Thomas M.
In the realm of transportation science, the advent of deep learning has propelled advancements in predicting longitudinal driving behavior. This study explores the application of deep neural network architectures, specifically long–short-term memory (LSTM) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recognized for their effectiveness in handling sequential data. Using a 3-s temporal window that includes past vehicle progress, speed, and acceleration, the proposed model, a hybrid LSTM–CNN architecture, predicts the vehicle’s speed and progress for the next 6 s. The approach achieves state-of-the-art performance, particularly within a 4 s horizon, but remains competitive even for longer-term predictions. This is achieved despite the simplicity of its input space, which does not include information about vehicles other than the target vehicle. As a result, while its performance may decrease slightly for longer-term predictions due to the lack of environmental information, it still offers
Lucente, GiovanniMaarssoe, Mikkel SkovKahl, IrisSchindler, Julian
iMotions employs neuroscience and AI-powered analysis tools to enhance the tracking, assessment and design of human-machine interfaces inside vehicles. The advancement of vehicles with enhanced safety and infotainment features has made evaluating human-machine interfaces (HMI) in modern commercial and industrial vehicles crucial. Drivers face a steep learning curve due to the complexities of these new technologies. Additionally, the interaction with advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) increases concerns about cognitive impact and driver distraction in both passenger and commercial vehicles. As vehicles incorporate more automation, many clients are turning to biosensor technology to monitor drivers' attention and the effects of various systems and interfaces. Utilizing neuroscientific principles and AI, data from eye-tracking, facial expressions and heart rate are informing more effective system and interface design strategies. This approach ensures that automation advancements
Nguyen, Nam
With population aging and life expectancy increasing, elderly drivers have been increasing quickly in the United States and the heterogeneity among them with age is also increasingly non-ignorable. Based on traffic crash data of Pennsylvania from 2011 to 2019, this study was designed to identify this heterogeneity by quantifying the relationship between age and crash characteristics using linear regression. It is found that for elderly driver-involved crashes, the proportion leading to casualties significantly increases with age. Meanwhile, the proportions at night, on rainy days, on snowy days, and involving driving under the influence (DUI) decrease linearly with age, implying that elderly drivers tend to avoid traveling in risky scenarios. Regarding collision types, elderly driver-involved crashes are mainly composed of angle, rear-end, and hit-fixed-object collisions, proportions of which increase linearly, decrease linearly, and keep consistent with age, respectively. The increase
Zhang, ZihaoLiu, Chenhui
Understanding left-turn vehicle-pedestrian accident mechanisms is critical for developing accident-prevention systems. This study aims to clarify the features of driver behavior focusing on drivers’ gaze, vehicle speed, and time to collision (TTC) during left turns at intersections on left-hand traffic roads. Herein, experiments with a sedan and light-duty truck (< 7.5 tons GVW) are conducted under four conditions: no pedestrian dummy (No-P), near-side pedestrian dummy (Near-P), far-side pedestrian dummy (Far-P) and near-and-far side pedestrian dummies (NF-P). For NF-P, sedans have a significantly shorter gaze time for left-side mirrors compared with light-duty trucks. The light-duty truck’s average speed at the initial line to the intersection (L1) and pedestrian crossing line (L0) is significantly lower than the sedan’s under No-P, Near-P, and NF-P conditions, without any significant difference between any two conditions. The TTC for sedans is significantly shorter than that for
Matsui, YasuhiroNarita, MasashiOikawa, Shoko
Autonomous vehicles or self-driving cars and semi-autonomous cars provide numerous driving assistance to the driver and passengers. However, with the advancements in driving technology the driver’s experiences and preferences are also taken into consideration for achieving the advanced safety goals. The drivers’ comfort and experiences are considered with the design and development of modern-day vehicles makes the driver’s preferences crucial for providing the driving experience. During the process of driving, the experience received by the driver is associated with the functional safety of the automotive system and hence the experience should be smooth with respect to safety. In this regard, the personalization in the space of the driver assistance system is gaining importance in analysing the driver’s behaviors and providing personal driving experiences to the driver. From the driver’s perspective the driving environment, the driving patterns of the different drivers, road conditions
Ansari, AsadullahP.C., KarthikD H, SharathSikander, SaheelChidambaram, Vivke
ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) is a growing technology in automotive industry, intended to provide safety and comfort to the passengers with the help of variety of sensors like radar, camera, LIDAR etc. Though ADAS improved safety of passengers comparing to conventional non-ADAS vehicles, still it has some grey areas for safety enhancement and easy assistance to drivers. BSW (Blind Spot Warning) and LCA (Lane Change Assist) are ADAS function which assists the driver for lane changing. BSW alerts the driver about the vehicles which are in blind zone in adjacent lanes and LCA alerts the driver about approaching vehicles at a high velocity in adjacent lanes. In current ADAS systems, BSW and LCA alerts are given as optical and acoustic warnings which is placed in vehicle side mirrors. During lane change the driver must see the side mirrors to take a decision. Due to this, there is a reaction time for taking a decision since driver must divert attention from windshield to side
R, ManjunathSaddaladinne, Jagadeesh BabuD, Gopinath
Highway safety remains a significant concern, especially in mixed traffic scenarios involving heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) and smaller passenger cars. The vulnerability of HDVs following closely behind smaller cars is evident in incidents involving the lead vehicle, potentially leading to catastrophic rear-end collisions. This paper explores how automatic speed enforcement systems, using speed cameras, can mitigate risks for HDVs in such critical situations. While historical crash data consistently demonstrates the reduction of accidents near speed cameras, this paper goes beyond the conventional notion of crash occurrence reduction. Instead, it investigates the profound impact of driver behavior changes within desired travel speed distribution, especially around speed cameras, and their contribution to the safety of trailing vehicles, with a specific focus on heavy-duty trucks in accident-prone scenarios. To conduct this analysis, we utilize SUMO, an open-source microscopic traffic
Shiledar, AnkurSujan, VivekSiekmann, AdamYuan, Jinghui
With further development of autonomous vehicles additional challenges appear. One of these challenges arises in the context of mixed traffic scenarios where automated and autonomous vehicles coexist with manually operated vehicles as well as other road users such as cyclists and pedestrians. In this evolving landscape, understanding, predicting, and mimicking human driving behavior is becoming not only a challenging but also a compelling facet of autonomous driving research. This is necessary not only for safety reasons, but also to promote trust in artificial intelligence (AI), especially in self-driving cars where trust is often compromised by the opacity of neural network models. The central goal of this study is therefore to address this trust issue. A common approach to imitate human driving behavior through expert demonstrations is imitation learning (IL). However, balancing performance and explainability in these models is a major challenge. To efficiently generate training data
Rebling, PatrickKriesten, ReinerNenninger, Philipp
A fully instrumented Tesla Model 3 was used to collect thousands of hours of real-world automated driving data, encompassing both Autopilot and Full Self-Driving modes. This comprehensive dataset included vehicle operational parameters from the data busses, capturing details such as powertrain performance, energy consumption, and the control of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Additionally, interactions with the surrounding traffic were recorded using a perception kit developed in-house equipped with LIDAR and a 360-degree camera system. We collected the data as part of a larger program to assess energy-efficient driving behavior of production connected and automated vehicles. One important aspect of characterizing the test vehicle is predicting its car-following behavior. Using both uncontrolled on-road tests and dedicated tests with a lead car performing set speed maneuvers, we tuned conventional adaptive cruise control (ACC) equations to fit the vehicle’s behavior. We
Duoba, MichaelVellamattathil Baby, TinuPulpeiro Gonzalez, JorgeHomChaudhuri, Baisravan
Data-driven driving safety assessment is crucial in understanding the insights of traffic accidents caused by dangerous driving behaviors. Meanwhile, quantifying driving safety through well-defined metrics in real-world naturalistic driving data is also an important step for the operational safety assessment of automated vehicles (AV). However, the lack of flexible data acquisition methods and fine-grained datasets has hindered progress in this critical area. In response to this challenge, we propose a novel dataset for driving safety metrics analysis specifically tailored to car-following situations. Leveraging state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, we employ drones to capture high-resolution video data at 12 traffic scenes in the Phoenix metropolitan area. After that, we developed advanced computer vision algorithms and semantically annotated maps to extract precise vehicle trajectories and leader-follower relations among vehicles. These components, in conjunction
Lu, DuoHaines, SamJammula, Varun ChandraRath, Prabin KumarYu, HongbinYang, YezhouWishart, Jeffrey
Human driving behavior's inherent variability, randomness, individual differences, and dynamic vehicle-road situations give human-machine cooperative (HMC) driving considerable uncertainty, which affects the applicability and effectiveness of HMC control in complex scenes. To overcome this challenge, we present a novel data-enabled game output regulation approach for HMC driving. Firstly, a global human-vehicle-road (HVR) model is established considering the varied driver's steering characteristic parameters, such as delay time, preview time, and steering gain, as well as the uncertainty of tire cornering stiffness and variable road curvature disturbance. The robust output regulation theory has been employed to ensure the global DVR system's closed-loop stability, asymptotic tracking, and disturbance rejection, even with an unknown driver's internal state. Secondly, an interactive shared steering controller has been designed to provide personalized driving assistance. Two control
Guo, HongyanShi, WanqingZhang, JiamingLiu, Jun
Connectivity in ground vehicles allows vehicles to share crucial vehicle data, such as vehicle acceleration and speed, with each other. Using sensors such as radars and lidars, on the other hand, the intravehicular distance between a leader vehicle and a host vehicle can be detected. Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) builds upon ground vehicle connectivity and sensor information to form convoys with automated car following. CACC can also be used to improve fuel economy and mobility performance of vehicles in the said convoy. In this paper, a CACC system is presented, where the acceleration of the lead vehicle is used in the calculation of desired vehicle speed. In addition to the smooth car following abilities, the proposed CACC also has the capability to calculate a speed profile for the ego vehicle that is fuel efficient, making it an Ecological CACC (Eco-CACC) model. Simulations were run to model and test the Eco-CACC algorithms with different lead vehicle driving behaviors
Kavas-Torris, OzgenurGuvenc, Levent
DC fast charging (DCFC) also referred to as L3 charging, is the fastest charging technology to replenish the drivable range of an electric vehicle. DCFC provides the convenience of faster charging time compared to L1 and L2 at the expense of potentially increased battery health degradation. It is known to accelerate battery capacity fade leading to reduced range and lifetime of the EV battery. While there are active efforts and several means to reduce the downsides of DCFC at cell chemistry level, this trade-off is still an important consideration for most battery cells in automotive propulsion applications. Since DCFC is a customer driven technology, informing drivers of the trade-off of each DCFC event can potentially result in better outcomes for the EV battery life. Traditionally, the driver is advised to limit DCFC events without providing quantifiable metrics to inform their decisions during EV charging. A recommendation system for DCFC based on battery health optimization is
Hegde, BharatkumarHaskara, Ibrahim
In the face of growing concerns about environmental sustainability and urban congestion, the integration of eco-driving strategies has emerged as a pivotal solution in the field of the urban transportation sector. This study explores the potential benefits of a CAV functioning as a virtual eco-driving controller in an urban traffic scenario with a group of following human-driven vehicles. A computationally inexpensive and realistic powertrain model and energy management system of the Chrysler Pacifica PHEV are developed with the field experiment data and integrated into a forward-looking vehicle simulator to implement and validate an eco-driving speed planning and energy management strategy assuming longitudinal automation. The eco-driving algorithm determines the optimal vehicle speed profile and energy management strategy. Then, a microscopic traffic model that represents the driving behaviors of the human-driven vehicle queue is introduced to investigate the overall energetic impact
Ozkan, Mehmet F.Gupta, ShobhitD'Alessandro, StefanoSpano, MatteoKibalama, DennisPaugh, JacobCanova, MarcelloStockar, StephanieReese, Ronald A.Wasacz, Bryon
Complex chassis systems operate in various environments such as low-mu surfaces and highly dynamic maneuvers. The existing metrics for lateral motion hazard by Neukum [13] and Amberkar [17] have been developed and correlated to driver behavior against disturbances on straight line driving on a dry surface, but do not cover low-mu surfaces and dynamic driving scenarios which include both linear and nonlinear region of vehicle operation. As a result, an improved methodology for evaluating vehicle yaw dynamics is needed for safety analysis. Vehicle yaw dynamics safety analysis is a methodical evaluation of the overall vehicle controllability with respect to its yaw motion and change of handling characteristic. The yaw dynamics safety analysis is crucial for understanding how a driver-vehicle system responds to disturbances (external forces such as failure modes) in various driving scenarios and maneuvers., and it plays a significant role in evaluating the overall safety and performance of
paik, ScottAlmasri, HossamRao Medidha, NeelakantaCapobianco, AnthonyEvans, AndrewSevillano, Yvette
Understanding driving behavior is crucial for enhancing traffic safety. While previous studies have primarily explored driving behavior using either statistical or machine learning methods, comprehensive assessments employing both methods under various driving mode are limited. In this study, we employ both machine learning and statistical approaches to model driving behavior. First, we design a comprehensive driver grading system to assess the behavior of drivers under different driving modes. Additionally, we present an extended isolation forest-based model to classify driving behavior using data without labels, saving time and effort. Results illustrate that safe driving is more consistent and stable, while aggressive driving exhibits more intensive changes. They also demonstrate that drivers can exhibit various behaviors under different modes, serving as a benchmark for further driver modeling
Guo, BinHansen, John
Accurately predicting real-world vehicle energy consumption is essential for optimizing vehicle designs, enhancing energy efficiency, and developing effective energy management strategies. This paper presents a data-driven approach that utilizes machine learning techniques and a comprehensive dataset of vehicle parameters and environmental factors to create precise energy consumption prediction models. The methodology involves recording real-world vehicle data using data loggers to extract information from the CAN bus systems for ICE and hybrid electric, as well as hydrogen and battery fuel cell vehicles. Data cleaning and cycle-based analysis are employed to process the dataset for accurate energy consumption prediction. This includes cycle detection and analysis using methods from statistics and signal processing, and then pattern recognition based on these metrics. K-means clustering and t-SNE were used to influence the design of the prediction model and inform about vehicle and
Whitmore, GarrettRockstroh, TobyHaenel, PatrickWilbrand, KarstenPomrehn, Michael
Compared with urban areas, the road surface in mountainous areas generally has a larger slope, larger curvature and narrower width, and the vehicle may roll over and other dangers on such a road. In the case of limited driver information, if the two cars on the mountain road approach fast, it is very likely to occur road blockage or even collision. Multi-vehicle cooperative control technology can integrate the driving data of nearby vehicles, expand the perception range of vehicles, assist driving through multi-objective optimization algorithm, and improve the driving safety and traffic system reliability. Most existing studies on cooperative control of multiple vehicles is mainly focused on urban areas with stable environment, while ignoring complex conditions in mountainous areas and the influence of driver status. In this study, a digital twin based multi-vehicle cooperative warning system was proposed to improve the safety of multiple vehicles on mountain roads. First, implement
Tian, LihengYu, ZiruiChen, Xinguo
Battery Run-down under the Electric Vehicle Operation (BREVO) model is a model that links the driver’s travel pattern to physics-based battery degradation and powertrain energy consumption models. The model simulates the impacts of charging behavior, charging rate, driving patterns, and multiple energy management modules on battery capacity degradation. This study implements reinforcement learning (RL) to the simplified BREVO model to optimize drivers’ decisions on charging such as charging rate, charging time, and charging capacity needed. This is done by a reward function that considers both the driver’s daily travel demands and the minimization of battery degradation over a year. It shows that using appropriate charger type (No Charge, Level 1, Level 2, direct-current Fast Charge [DCFC], extreme Fast Charging [xFC]) with an appropriate charging time can reduce battery degradation and total charging cost at the end of the year while satisfying driver’s daily travel demand. Using the
Altiner, IremOu, Shiqi (Shawn)
Driver state monitoring is a crucial technology for enhancing road safety and preventing human error-caused accidents in the era of autonomous vehicles. This paper presents CogniSafe, a comprehensive driver monitoring system that uses deep learning and computer vision methods to detect various types of driver distractions and fatigue. CogniSafe consists of four modules: Driver anomaly detection and classification: A novel two-phase network that proposes and recognizes driver anomalies, such as texting, drinking, and adjusting radios, using multimodal and multiview input. Gaze estimation: A video-based neural network that jointly learns head pose and gaze dynamics, achieving robust and efficient gaze estimation across different head poses. Eye state analysis: A multi-tasking CNN that encodes features from both eye and mouth regions, predicting the percentage of eye closure (PERCLOS) and the frequency of mouth opening (FOM). Head pose estimation: A CNN-based method that estimates the
Wani, AnkitSingh, JyotsanaKumari, DeepaIthape, AvinashRapanwad, Govind
The goal of this study was to use naturalistic driving data to characterize the motion of vehicles making right turns at signalized intersections. Right-turn maneuvers from 13 intersections were extracted from the Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) database and categorized based on whether or not the vehicle came to a stop prior to making its turn. Out of the vehicles that did stop, those that were the first and second in line at the intersection were isolated. This resulted in 186 stopped first-in-line turns, 91 stopped second-in-line turns, and 353 no stop turns. Independent variables regarding the maneuver, including driver’s sex and age, vehicle type, speed, and longitudinal and lateral acceleration were extracted. The on-board video was reviewed to categorize the road as dry/wet and if it was day/night. Aerial photographs of the intersections were obtained, and the inner radius of the curve was measured using the curb as a reference. For vehicles that stopped at the
Flynn, Thomas I.Wilkinson, CraigSiegmund, Gunter P.
Driver steering feature clustering aims to understand driver behavior and the decision-making process through the analysis of driver steering data. It seeks to comprehend various steering characteristics exhibited by drivers, providing valuable insights into road safety, driver assistance systems, and traffic management. The primary objective of this study is to thoroughly explore the practical applications of various clustering algorithms in processing driver steering data and to compare their performance and applicability. In this paper, principal component analysis was employed to reduce the dimension of the selected steering feature parameters. Subsequently, K-means, fuzzy C-means, the density-based spatial clustering algorithm, and other algorithms were used for clustering analysis, and finally, the Calinski-Harabasz index was employed to evaluate the clustering results. Furthermore, the driver steering features were categorized into lateral and longitudinal categories. Different
Chen, ChenZong, Changfu
Driver Assistance and Autonomous Driving features are becoming nearly ubiquitous in new vehicles. The intent of the Driver Assistant features is to assist the driver in making safer decisions. The intent of Autonomous Driving features is to execute vehicle maneuvers, without human intervention, in a safe manner. The overall goal of Driver Assistance and Autonomous Driving features is to reduce accidents, injuries, and deaths with a comforting driving experience. However, different drivers can react differently to advanced automated driving technology. It is therefore important to consider and improve the adaptability of these advances based on driver behavior. In this paper, a human-centric approach is adopted to provide an enriching driving experience. We perform data analysis of the naturalistic behavior of drivers when performing lane change maneuvers by extracting features from extensive Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) data of over 5,400,000 data files. First, the
Lakhkar, Radhika AnandraoTalty, Tim
After a severe lane change, a wind gust, or another disturbance, the driver might be unable to recover the intended motion. Even though this fact is known by any driver, the scientific investigation and testing on this phenomenon is just at its very beginning, as a literature review, focusing on SAE Mobilus® database, reveals. We have used different mathematical models of car and driver for the basic description of car motion after a disturbance. Theoretical topics such as nonlinear dynamics, bifurcations, and global stability analysis had to be tackled. Since accurate mathematical models of drivers are still unavailable, a couple of driving simulators have been used to assess human driving action. Classic unstable motions such as Hopf bifurcations were found. Such bifurcations seem almost disregarded by automotive engineers, but they are very well-known by mathematicians. Other classic unstable motions that have been found are “unstable limit cycles.” The driving simulator results
Mastinu, Giampiero R. M.Previati, GiorgioDella Rossa, FabioGobbi, MassimilianoFainello, Marco
For commercial vehicles, reliability is key since the vehicle is typically linked to the daily earnings of the owner. To ensure continuous vehicle operation, early diagnostics of critical issues and proactive maintenance are important. However, an electric vehicle is a complex and dynamic system consisting of numerous components interacting with each other and with external environments such as road conditions, traffic, weather, and driving behavior. Thus, vehicle operation and performance are highly contextual and for identifying an abnormal operation (diagnostics) the solution must consider the conditions under which it is driven. To address this, the paper proposes an AI-based digital twin of an electric three-wheeler vehicle. TabNet a deep-learning based model is used to learn and generate near-ideal vehicle behavior. The focus of the paper is motor subsystem. The model is trained using appx 200 vehicles first 1500 km driven data. To ensure, the digital twin model learns near-ideal
Jain, SiddhantKumar, VedantSoni, NimishSaran, Amitabh
The paper talks about Quantification of Alertness for vision based Driver Drowsiness and Alertness Warning System (DDAWS). The quantification of alertness, as per Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS), reads the basic input of facial features & behaviour recognition of driver in a standard manner. Although quantification of alertness is inconclusive with respect to the true value, the paper emphasised on systematic validation process of the system covering various scenarios in order to evaluate the system’s functionality very close to the reality. The methodology depends on definition of threshold values of blink and head pose. The facial features are defined by number of blinks with classification of heavy blink and light blink and head pose in (x, y, z) directions. The Human Machine Interface (HMI) warnings are selected in the form of visual and acoustic signals. Frequency, Amplitude and Illumination of HMI alerts are specified. The protocols and trigger functions are defined and KSS
Balasubrahmanyan, ChappagaddaAkbar Badusha, AViswanatham, Satish
Range anxiety is one of the major factors to be dealt with for increasing penetration of EVs in current Automotive market. The major reasons for range anxiety for customers are sparse charging infrastructure availability, limited range of Electric vehicles and range uncertainty due to diverse real-world usage conditions. The uncertainty in real world range can be reduced by increasing the correlation between the testing condition during vehicle development and real-world customer usage condition. This paper illustrates a more accurate test methodology development to derive the real-world range in electric vehicles with experimental validation and system level analysis. A test matrix is developed considering several variables influencing vehicle range like different routes, drive modes, Regeneration levels, customer drive behavior, time of drive, locations, ambient conditions etc. Based on the real-world customer usage inputs, the route type is divided into Core city, City, 2Lane
B, SakthivelShams, TausifLalasure, SantoshKarnure, Shabbir LalasoRajakumar, K.Omprasad, Karthick
The automotive world is rapidly moving towards achieving shorter lead time using high-end technological solutions by keeping up with day-to-day advancements in virtual testing domain. With increasing fidelity requirements in test cases and shorter project lead time, the virtual testing is an inevitable solution. This paper illustrates method adopted to achieve best approximation to emulate driver behavior with 1-D (one dimensional) simulation based modeling approach. On one hand, the physical testing needs huge data collection of various parameters using sensors mounted on the vehicle. The vehicle running on road provides the real time data to derive durability test specifications. One such example includes developing duty cycle for powertrain durability testing using Road Torque Data Collection (RTDC) technique. This involves intense physical efforts, higher set-up cost, frequent iterations, vulnerability to manual errors and causing longer test lead-time. Whereas, on the other hand
Purohit, SuryakantMullapudi, DattatreyuduShevate, HemantChaskar, Mithun
Regenerative braking is an effective approach for electric vehicles (EVs) to extend their driving range. To enhance the braking performances and regenerative energy, regenerative braking control strategy based on multi objective optimization is explained in this paper. This technical paper would be focusing on extracting optimum Range with effective brake performances without affecting drivability and performances in different drives modes. An extensive research study on public road driving patterns is done to understand the percentage utilization of brakes at various (low-mid-high) speeds as per the customer driving behavior. Multi-Objective optimization function with three vital factors is defined where output generated power, torque smoothness and current smoothness are selected as optimization objective to improve the driving range, braking comfort, and battery lifetime respectively. Braking regeneration maps are calibrated along with optimized foundation brake hardware’s to get
Kumar, PrabhakarK, RajakumarKrishnan, NandhakumarSuhail, Mohammed Thamjeed
Wearing Helmet is a critical safety measure not only for riders but also for passengers. However, people often tend to skip wearing these protective headgears, thereby leading to, increased risk of injury or death in the event of an accident. There is a growing necessity to develop innovative methods that automatically monitor and prevent unsafe driving. To address this issue, we have developed a computer vision-based helmet detection system that can detect if a rider has his helmet on in real-time. We use state-of-the-art computer vision-based techniques for helmet detection. This paper covers various aspects of helmet detection, including image pre-processing, feature extraction, and classification. The system is evaluated on performance metrics such as accuracy, precision, and recall. Further enhancement of the system is proposed in the potential directions for future research. The results demonstrate that computer vision-based helmet detection systems hold significant potential to
D, Bhavanash Rai
Good driving practices, encompassing actions like maintaining smooth acceleration, sustaining a consistent speed, and avoiding aggressive maneuvers, can yield several benefits. These practices enhance energy efficiency, reduce accident risks, and significantly lower maintenance costs. Consequently, the presence of a system capable of providing actionable insights to promote such driving behavior is crucial. Addressing this need, the Drive-GPT model is introduced, representing an AI-based generative pre-trained transformer. Within this study, the transformative potential of deep learning networks, specifically based on transformers, is showcased in capturing the typical driving patterns exhibited by individuals in diverse road, traffic, weather, and vehicle health scenarios. The model's training dataset comprises an extensive 90 million data points from multivariate time series originating from telematics systems in 100 vehicles traversing eight distinct Indian cities over a six-month
Kumar, VedantJain, SiddhantSoni, NimishSaran, Amitabh
Ergonomics plays an important role in safety, comfort, and convenience of occupants in passenger cars. Customers come in different sizes; have different preferences and exhibit different seating behaviors while driving a car. With sophisticated interior styling themes aimed at satisfying the increasing customer demands, dashboard packaging and its integration in the vehicle has become a challenging task. This has a deteriorating effect on the driver knee clearance since dashboard has penetrated more into cockpit area to house the complex integration. With drivers having significant workload, their postures are within a presumable range of prediction. However, there still exists ‘out-of-customary’ behaviors while driving a vehicle. Drivers tend to sit in a slouched posture, and this leads to an involuntary knee engagement resulting in activation of critical controls like EPB (Electronic Parking Brake). EPB is an Active Safety feature and on activating it, the vehicle stops immediately
Rajakumaran, SriramDevan, Rohan MarutiManekar, RahulBabaleshwar, VinodKunnanath, Jasar
The commercial vehicle sector (especially trucks) has major role in economic growth of a nation. With improving infrastructure, increasing number of commercial vehicles and growing amount of Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) on roads, accidents are also increasing. As per RASSI (Road Accident Sampling System India) FY2016-21 database, commercial vehicles are involved in 43% of total accidents on Indian roads. One of the major causes of these accidents is Driver Drowsiness and Inattention (DDI) (approx. 10% contribution in total accidents). This paper describes novel driver-in-loop performance assessment methodology for comprehensive verification of Driver Monitoring System (DMS) for commercial vehicle application. Novelty lies in specification of test subjects, driving styles and variety of road traffic scenarios for verification of DMS system. Test setup is made modular to cater to different platform environments (Heavy, Intermediate, Light) with minor modifications. The test setup
Sudarshan, BVJarhad, ManojDey, Susanta KumarJoshi, Kedar ShrikantGadekar, Ganesh
Automatic transmission fluid (ATF) or automatic transmission oil which has high potential resource conservation capability considering the current servicing methods. It also plays a crucial role in the performance and longevity of the transmission system. Predicting the actual life of the ATF can be challenging due to various factors such as its application, driving conditions, driving behavior, oil grade, and maintenance schedules, which can help prevent costly repairs and improve the vehicle’s overall performance. Present work is focused on developing a predictive model utilizing the critical oil properties in real time by giving an indication to the driver/fleet owner. Data is gathered by considering various vehicle parameters, including usage patterns such as shift density, vehicle load, torque, current gear, lock-up state, input/output shaft speed, oil temperature, and more. This data is obtained from a test vehicle over a specific period. The approach encompasses several steps
Badiger, AishwaryalaxmiPriyadarshi, PriyamvadBhat, Goutam
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