Browse Topic: Microgrid

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ABSTRACT Electric vehicle (EV) aggregation to provide vehicle-to-grid (V2G) services is a topic that has generated research into the economics and viability of using EVs for more than transportation, but little has been demonstrated to this point. This is especially true of using bidirectional power flows to move energy to the grid from EVs or to provide variable charge and discharge control. Our work focuses on implementing bi-directional functionality to demonstrate both V2G services and islanded microgrid support. The use of an intelligent microgrid controller combined with an EV aggregator provides new control capabilities for EV participation as energy storage devices
Massie, Darrell D.Curtiss, PeterMitchem, Sean C.
UC Santa Cruz Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Yu Zhang and his lab are leveraging tools to improve the efficiency, reliability, and resilience of power systems, and have developed an artificial intelligence (AI)-based approach for the smart control of microgrids for power restoration when outages occur
This article presents a technical study on the integration of hybrid renewable energy sources (RES) with vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology, aiming to enhance energy efficiency, grid stability, and mitigating power imbalances. The growing adoption of RES and electric vehicles (EV) necessitates innovative solutions to mitigate intermittency and optimize resource utilization. The study’s primary objective is to design and analyze a hybrid distribution generation system encompassing solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind power stations, along with a conventional diesel generator, connected to the utility grid. A V2G system is strategically embedded within the microgrid to facilitate bidirectional power exchange between EV and the grid. Methodologically, MATLAB/Simulink® 2021a is employed to simulate the system’s performance over one day. This research addresses a critical research gap in comprehensively evaluating the synergy between hybrid RES and V2G technology within a microgrid context. The
Al-Shetwi, Ali Q.
Future lunar missions will utilize a Lunar DC microgrid (LDCMG) to construct the infrastructure for distributing, storing, and utilizing electrical energy. The LDCMG’s energy management, of which energy storage systems (ESS) are crucial components, will be essential to the success of the missions. Standard system design currently employs a rule-of-thumb approach in which design methodologies rely on heuristics that may only evaluate local power balancing requirements. The Hamiltonian surface shaping and power flow control (HSSPFC) method can also be utilized to analyze and design the lunar LDCMG power distribution network and ESS. In this research, the HSSPFC method will be utilized to determine the ideal energy storage requirements for ESS and the optimally distributed control architecture. This paper summarizes the HSSPFC application to the LDCMG, along with an example of an operational scenario that outlines the trade-offs for the selection, design, and implementation of the ESS
Weaver, Wayne
Microgrids are a topic of interest in recent years, largely due to their compatibility with the integration of distributed renewable resources, capability for bidirectional power flow, and ability to reconfigure to mitigate the effects of faults. Fault diagnosis algorithms are a foundational technology for microgrids. These algorithms must have two primary capabilities. First, faults must be detectable; it is known when the fault occurs. Second, faults must be isolable; the type and location of detected faults can be determined. However, most fault handling research considering microgrids has focused on the protection algorithm. Protection algorithms seek to quickly extinguish dangerous faults which can damage components. However, these algorithms may not sufficiently capture less severe faults, or provide comprehensive monitoring for the microgrid. This is particularly relevant when considering applications involving fault tolerant control or dynamic grid reconfiguration. Although
Heyer, GabrielD'Arpino, Matilde
As a part of NASA’s efforts in space, options are being examined for an Artemis moon base project to be deployed. This project requires a system of interconnected, but separate, DC microgrids for habitation, mining, and fuel processing. This in-place use of power resources is called in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). These microgrids are to be separated by 9-12 km and each contains a photovoltaic (PV) source, energy storage systems (ESS), and a variety of loads, separated by level of criticality in operation. The separate microgrids need to be able to transfer power between themselves in cases where there are generation shortfall, faults, or other failures in order to keep more critical loads running and ensure safety of personnel and the success of mission goals. In this work, a 2 grid microgrid system is analyzed involving a habitation unit and a mining unit separated by a tie line. A set of optimal controls that has been developed, including power flow controls on the tie line
Rashkin, Lee JoshuaDonnelly, TimothyCook, MarvinYoung, Joseph
With the increased demand for electricity due to the rapid expansion of EV charging infrastructure, weather events, and a shift towards smaller, more environmentally responsible forms of renewable sources of energy, Microgrids are increasing in growth and popularity. The integration of real time communication between all PGSs (Power Generating Sources) and loadbanks has allowed the re-utilization of waste electricity. Pop-up Microgrids in PSPS events have become more popular and feasible in providing small to medium size transmission and distribution. Due to the differing characteristics of the PGSs, it is a challenge to efficiently engage the combined PGSs in harmony and have them share and carry the load of the microgrid with minimal ‘infighting.’ Different Power generating sources each have their own personality and unique ‘quirks.’ With loadbanks being able to perform various functions automatically by monitoring and responding to individual PGSs needs and demands, efficiency is
Tyne, Shelby
The reliable operation of power systems on the lunar surface is crucial for critical research activities and supporting life. These systems are standalone or interconnected grids that integrate intermittent power sources and distributed energy storage. Lunar microgrids must be highly reliable, reconfigurable, and efficient. To meet these requirements, we propose the flexible DC energy router (FeDER), a modular and scalable power management unit for interconnected lunar DC microgrids. The FeDER integrates local energy storage and addresses various microgrid power management needs such as fault management, stability enhancement, power flow regulation, and power quality improvement. The lunar DC microgrids' design, protection, and control are achieved using a three-layered approach: (1) graph theory, (2) energy management system, and (3) smart resistor control. The lunar power grid architecture is introduced and the FeDER stability enhancement is implemented in the OPAL-RT platform. The
Adina, NihanthZhang, ZhiningYao, YuzhouIslam, Md. HaduilShi, YifanFu PhD, PengyuWang, Jin
A novel method which has the potential for improving the U.S. Navy's ability to perform continuous assurance on autonomous and other cyberphysical systems. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA Autonomous systems are poised to provide transformative benefits to society. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have the potential to reduce the frequency and severity of collisions, enhance mobility for blind, disabled, and underage drivers, lower energy consumption and environmentally harmful emissions, and reduce population density in metropolitan regions. In civilian aviation, increasingly autonomous systems could mitigate two of the most costly features of human pilots: the cost associated with training and paying highly skilled operators, and the reduced efficiency incurred by flight time limitations and crew rest requirements. Additionally, autonomous air traffic management systems could reduce the cognitive burden on air traffic controllers by automating the monitoring and analysis of high
The integration proposed by the microgrid is especially addressed to those types of resources that can be defined as renewables energy resources. Due to the decarbonization process that is involving many sectors, among which, the mobility sector, electric vehicles (EVs) can be considered a challenging way to less pollute the environment, and at the same time, they can be viewed as mobile energy storage systems. This paper considers an islanded microgrid (MG) structure, where, in addition to the presence of energy conversion from renewable and fossil sources, the connection of EV is envisaged. Their presence makes it possible to take advantage of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology for the frequency regulation service. The MG system is simulated in a MATLAB / Simulink environment and, considering a day of variable time, four case studies are carried out, varying the number of EVs connected to the system. The results of the simulations show how EVs provide a valid aid to frequency
De Santis, MicheleFederici, Leonardo
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) service has a potential to improve the reliability and stability of the electrical grid due to the ability of providing bi-directional power flow from/to the grid. However, frequent charging/discharging may impact the battery lifetime. This paper presents the analysis of battery degradation in three scenarios. In the first scenario, different battery capacities are considered. In the second scenario, the battery degradation with various depth of discharge (DOD) are studied. In the third scenario, the capacity loss due to different charging regime are compared. The charging/discharging of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are simulated in a single-phase microgrid system integrated with a photovoltaics (PV) farm, an energy storage system (ESS), and ten electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE). The battery degradation model is an energy throughput model, which is developed based on the Arrhenius equation and a power law relationship between time and capacity fading
Wang, LutingChen, Bo
Reliability and resiliency (R&R) definitions differ depending on the system under consideration. Generally, each engineering sector defines relevant R&R metrics pertinent to their system. While this can impede cross-disciplinary engineering projects as well as research, it is a necessary strategy to capture all the relevant system characteristics. This paper highlights the difficulties associated with defining performance of such systems while using smart microgrids as an example. Further, it develops metrics and definitions that are useful in assessing their performance, based on utility theory. A microgrid must not only anticipate load conditions but also tolerate partial failures and remain optimally operating. Many of these failures happen infrequently but unexpectedly and therefore are hard to plan for. We discuss real life failure scenarios and show how the proposed definitions and metrics are beneficial
Skowronska, AnnettePandey, VijitashwaWeinert, KevinGorsich, DavidMourelatos, Zissimos
Vehicles with power exporting capability are microgrids since they possess electrical power generation, onboard loads, energy storage, and the ability to interconnect. The unique load and silent watch requirements of some military vehicles make them particularly well-suited to augment stationary power grids to increase power resiliency and capability. Connecting multiple vehicles in a peer-to-peer arrangement or to a stationary grid requires scalable power management strategies to accommodate the possibly large numbers of assets. This paper describes a military ground vehicle power management scheme for vehicle-to-grid applications. The particular focus is overall fuel consumption reduction of the mixed asset inventory of military vehicles with diesel generators typically used in small unit outposts. By exploiting peak efficiency operation of the diesel generators and the vehicle’s energy storage systems, the total fuel consumption can be reduced over a typical daily outpost load cycle
Jane, Robert S.Parker, Gordon G.Weaver, WayneRizzo, Denise M.
The reliability theory of repairable systems is vastly different from that of non-repairable systems. The authors have recently proposed a ‘decision-based’ framework to design and maintain repairable systems for optimal performance and reliability using a set of metrics such as minimum failure free period, number of failures in planning horizon (lifecycle), and cost. The optimal solution includes the initial design, the system maintenance throughout the planning horizon, and the protocol to operate the system. In this work, we extend this idea by incorporating flexibility and demonstrate our approach using a smart charging electric microgrid architecture. The flexibility is realized by allowing the architecture to change with time. Our approach “learns” the working characteristics of the microgrid. We use actual load and supply data over a short time to quantify the load and supply random processes and also establish the correlation between them. The quantified processes are then used
Pandey, VijitashwaSkowronska, AnnetteMourelatos, ZissimosGorsich, DavidCastanier, Matthew
For better understanding of soot formation and oxidation processes in diesel spray flame, the nanostructure of primary soot particles directly sampled in a diesel spray flame was investigated via High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). A single-shot diesel spray flame was achieved in a constant volume combustion vessel under diesel-like conditions (Ta=1000K, Pa=2.7 MPa) and a micro-grid for HRTEM observation was directly exposed to the spray flame to thermophoretically sample soot particles onto the grid surface. A preliminary nanostructure investigation was conducted for x500k magnification HRTEM images of soot particles directly sampled in diesel spray flames of Fischer-Tropsch Diesel (FTD) fuel seeded with naphthalene as a representative aromatic substance. A MATLAB code for HRTEM image processing and analysis of lattice fringes within primary soot particles was developed and used to characterize the length, tortuosity and separation of lattice fringes
Sakai, MasanoriIguma, HirokiKondo, KatsufumiAizawa, Tetsuya
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