Browse Topic: Volatile organic compounds

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This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) contains guidelines and recommendations for subsonic airplane air conditioning systems and components, including requirements, design philosophy, testing, and ambient conditions. The airplane air conditioning system comprises that arrangement of equipment, controls, and indicators that supply and distribute air to the occupied compartments for ventilation, pressurization, and temperature and moisture control. The principal features of the system are: a A supply of outside air with independent control valve(s). b A means for heating. c A means for cooling (air or vapor cycle units and heat exchangers). d A means for removing excess moisture from the air supply. e A ventilation subsystem. f A temperature control subsystem. g A pressure control subsystem. Other system components for treating cabin air, such as filtration and humidification, are included, as are the ancillary functions of equipment cooling and cargo compartment conditioning
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides information on air quality and some of the factors affecting the perception of cabin air quality in commercial aircraft cabin air. Also a typical safety analysis process utilizing a Functional Hazard Assessment approach is discussed
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
In recent years, with the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the COVID-19 pandemic, people's lives worldwide have undergone significant changes. Additionally, the emergence of a new generation of consumers known as the millennial generation has led to a high demand for multipurpose family cars. The perspective is shifting towards choosing premium products that enhance the quality of life and pursue their own happiness and comfort through technology, rather than simply selecting a midsize SUV based on the increase in family size. We aim to meet the needs of these global customers by conducting research and developing various new features that were not previously available in midsize SUVs. In this study, we defined the actual target users for midsize SUVs and established UX concepts by analyzing their characteristics. Based on this, we employed an optimal design approach by analyzing the evaluation results by country for the various features implemented within the vehicle
Zoo, HeeenKim, ChangsubPark, Keun-Ryang
In a recent finding it was published that there are five (05) major cities across Delhi / NCR which falls under the World's most polluted cities (historical data 2017-2022) based on annual average PM2.5 concentration (μg/m3). The present study is entirely focused on Delhi / NCR and the measurement is done through the continuous type of air quality monitoring analyzers. Various activities like construction, manufacturing, trash burning, production units, burning of organic compounds, power plants, biomass burning, demolition, vehicular emission etc. are the key sources that contribute to poor air quality. As a result of these activities, numerous dangerous chemicals, pollutants with different ionic species (along with gases and aerosols) are released and pose serious threats to health and environment. The primary sources of air quality degradation are identified by methodological & scientific type of measurement done through advanced & sophisticated instruments which are having the
Kumar, PrashantSithananthan, MSaroj, ShyamsherKant, ChanderNarwat, Aarti
Several governments are increasing the blending mandate of renewable fuels to reduce the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of the road transport sector. Currently, ethanol is a prominent renewable fuel and is used in low-level blends, such as E10 (10 %v/v ethanol, 90 %v/v gasoline) in many parts of the world. However, the exact concentration of ethanol amongst other renewable fuel components in commercially available fuels can vary and is not known. To understand the impact of the renewable fuel content on the emissions from Euro 6d-TEMP emissions specification vehicles, this paper examines the real-driving emissions (RDE) from four 2020 to 2022 model-year vehicles run on E0 and E10 fuels. CO, CO2, NO, and NO2 were measured through a Portable Emissions Measuring System (PEMS). In addition, N2O, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other gaseous and particulate tailpipe emissions were measured and categorized in cold-start, urban, rural, and motorway
Shankar, VarunUsen, ImeMolden, NickWillman, ChristopherLeach, Felix
In India, around 70 million people travel by public transport buses. With rising air pollution across cities, there is a need to safeguard passengers from inhaling polluted air. Contaminants in such polluted air could be fine to coarse dust (2.5 micron to 100 micron), exhaust gases (oxide of sulphur, nitrogen and carbon), total volatile organic compounds, bacteria and viruses arising out of covid-19 pandemic. Passengers commuting in buses are continuously inhaling air that is re-circulating through the Air Conditioning system (AC) and also comes in contact with multiple co-passengers and touch points. This air potentially carries a high dose of contaminants and inhalation of such air can lead to health issues. Vehicle manufacturers intend to provide clean air inside the vehicle cabin by configuring various Air Purification systems (AP) which reduce air contaminants in the closed space of a cabin. Currently, the technology and concepts for Air Purification systems continue to be adapted
Nimsatkar, Shubham VijayTadigadapa, SureshAli, IrfanGupta, SajalKhandekar, Dhiraj
The Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) 278 is an industry method widely used to measure volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It is most commonly used in the automobile industry to measure and regulate VOC and FOG levels in automotive parts as a safety regulation. The current VDA 278 method has issues from poor accuracy, precision, and reproducibility. There is variability in data due to differences in sample type and handling as well as instrument model. There is little understanding on the reproducibility of measurements of different sample types analyzed on different makes of instruments using VDA 278 analysis. In this work, a round-robin study is performed on diverse sample types, using different makes of instruments in laboratories across the world. It uses improved method conditions developed internally, for better reproducibility, that reduce sources of error. The round-robin study shows good statistical agreement across variable sample types as well as across different makes of
Giese, MajaPrasad, GitanjeliClarkson, IanCrank, JeffreyWilson, JonathanKashihara, YoshihiroJiang, Randy
Vehicle aesthetic appearance is critical factor in the perceived quality of a vehicle. Auto OEM focuses on the improvement of perceived quality. The perceived quality of a vehicle is improved by achieving a superior finish on the visible parts. Plastic parts used in visible areas are painted to achieve a superior finish & aesthetic. However, the painting process is very energy intensive, releases a lot of harmful VOCs into the environment, emits carbon di-oxide into the environment & is a very costly process. Also, painted parts pose a challenge for recycling at the end of life. For painting one square meter area, around 6.5 Kg of co2 is released. Additionally, the painting cost contributes to around 60 % of the part cost. As the emphasis has increased on sustainability & reducing the cost, we took the challenge to develop novel mold in color material to eliminate the painting process without compromising the aesthetic & functional requirements of part. The challenge was to develop the
jha, AshutoshHatwalne, Mrunal R.
This specification covers two types of two-component, epoxy, chemical and solvent resistant primer coatings formulated primarily for spray application. These coatings are compatible with epoxy and polyurethane topcoats
AMS G8 Aerospace Organic Coatings Committee
Overcharging lithium-ion batteries is a failure mode that is observed if the battery management system (BMS) or battery charger fails to stop the charging process as intended. Overcharging can easily lead to thermal runaway in a battery. In this paper, nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) battery modules from the Chevrolet Bolt, lithium manganese oxide (LMO) battery modules from the Chevrolet Volt, and lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery modules from a hybrid transit bus were overcharged. The battery abuse and emissions tests were designed to intentionally drive the three different battery chemistries into thermal runaway while measuring battery temperatures, battery voltages, gaseous emissions, and feedback from volatile organic compound (VOC) sensors. Overcharging a battery can cause lithium plating and other exothermic reactions that will lead to thermal runaway. During the testing, VOC sensors were used to determine what, if any, amount of forewarning they may provide in the event the
Surampudi, BapirajuJones, KevinBanks, Zachary
Diurnal evaporative testing of atmospheric fuel system with no-load canister for 14 days and half load canister for 7 days is carried out according to the US EPA BETP test procedure. In addition, the atmospheric fuel system and pressurized fuel system were tested for BETP for 72h diurnal evapration respectively.The results show that the total emissions of the atmospheric fuel system in 72h is 210mg, and the proportion of respiratory emissions is between 90% - 95%. The 72h total emissions of the pressurized fuel system is about 120mg, and the permeation emissions of the fuel tank accounts for about 82% - 90%. The total respiratory emissions of the atmospheric fuel system are 130.4 mg, mainly alkanes, accounting for 70% - 80%. The pressurized fuel system is dominated by the permeation emission of the fuel tank, with a total amount of 127.5 mg, mainly composed of alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons and OVOCs, accounting for 45% - 50%, 43% - 47% and 3% - 5% respectively. In the canister
Zhong, ChongzhiZhang, TaiyuLI, ZheWu, Xiaoliangsun, JiaxingChen, QiangZhao, Xinwu
This document aids in mitigating risk for the storage of lithium-ion cells, traction batteries, and battery systems intended for use in automotive-type propulsion systems and similar large format (e.g., stationary, industrial) applications. Nothing precludes other industries and applications from using these recommendations
Battery Transportation and Storage Committee
Effective circumstance perception technology is the prerequisite for the successful application of autonomous driving, especially the detection technology of traffic objects that affects other tasks such as driving decisions and motion execution in autonomous vehicles. However, recent studies show that a single sensor cannot perceive the surrounding environment stably and effectively in complex circumstances. In the article, we propose a multi-scale feature fusion framework that exploits a dual backbone network to extract camera and radar feature maps and performs feature fusion on three different feature scales using a new fusion module. In addition, we introduce a new generation mechanism of radar projection images and relabel the nuScenes dataset since there is no other suitable autonomous driving dataset for model training and testing. The experimental results show that the fusion models achieve superior accuracy over visual image-based models on the evaluation criteria of PASCAL
He, SihuangLin, ChenHu, Zhaohui
Cabin Air quality is the measure of quality of air within the vehicle. Cabin air quality is not just important for comfort but for safety as well [1]. For decades, scientists have studied the air quality outside of automobiles. The in-cabin microenvironment has become a significant source of exposure to numerous air pollutants, such as particulate matter (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, etc. [4]. There are various physical parameters such as filters, cabin temperature, air exchange rate, A/C ON or OFF condition and direction of flow of air inside the vehicle cabin, which can affect the cabin air quality and purification time. The air exchange and its rate being of highest importance [2]. The paper consists of various experimental results to check the effect of these parameters in improving the cabin air quality. The paper consists of data related to PM 2.5 which is one of the most significant
Sharma, UttamUmbarkar, ShriganeshKumar, MukeshPimpalkar, AnkitPatel, Abhishek
The COVID-19 pandemic has driven the population to be extremely vigilant towards personal as well as shared hygiene necessitating use of facemask, maintaining social distancing, frequent hand wash and vehicle sanitization. Humans are exposed to pollutants such as Particulate Matter (PM), oxide of Sulphur (SOx), oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ozone (O3), Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC) and pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, viruses (FBV) either through air or by direct contact with contaminated surfaces. In a vehicle cabin, occupants are exposed to both fresh and recirculating air through air-conditioning system and they also come in contact with touch points such as seats, steering wheel and armrest, which may be contaminated. In order to safeguard the occupants, Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ) enhancers like high efficiency cabin air filters (N95/ HEPA) with activated carbon/ anti-allergen/ anti-microbial layers, ionizers and anti-bacterial trims are being
Jaybhay, SambhajiNimsatkar, Shubham VijayKulkarni, ShridharKapoor, Sangeet
Circular Economy (CE) is an alternative to the traditional linear economy model. It is a systematic sustainable development strategy that seeks to tackle the deleterious effects of environmental degradation and resource scarcity. It proposes different ways to reduce waste, derive energy from renewables, recover resources at the end of a products life cycle and recycle them back into the production chain thereby significantly reducing pollution. This study is a review of the rapidly increasing literature on Circular Economy and its implementation to the Air Cargo System (ACS). It first reviews the different concepts of CE and distinguishes it from the current linear model of taking resources, making goods, and discarding waste. The study then presents how the different principles of CE can be applied to the current model of Air Cargo system and suggests ways in which the present linear model can be transformed into a regenerative sustainable model. The focus here is to highlight the
Vijaya chandran, VinayakTadigotla, Venkata SindhiRaj, Abhishek
This specification establishes requirements for a high gloss paint system for use on commercial/business aircraft
AMS G8 Aerospace Organic Coatings Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) describes the performance of plating’s and coatings for landing gear that potentially provide environmental compliance benefits versus the current baseline processes. The hazardous systems addressed in this version of the document include cadmium plating, chromated primers, and high VOC (volatile organic compounds) topcoats. The AIR applies to landing gear structures and mechanisms for all types of civil and military aircraft. The potential replacements apply to both Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) hardware and overhaul of in-service landing gears
A-5 Aerospace Landing Gear Systems Committee
Butanol is a potential alternative fuel for diesel in compression ignition (CI) engines. Many of the physico-chemical properties of butanol such as low carbon-to-hydrogen (C/H) ratio compared to diesel, higher heating value, lower heat of vaporization and suitable density-viscosity values compared to ethanol and methanol makes it suitable as an alternative fuel. However, poor cetane number and miscibility are the limitations associated with butanol. The use of fuel additives as ignition improver could be beneficial in overcoming the issues associated with alcohols. In this work, an experimental investigation in a twin-cylinder CI engine was carried out to assess the effect of doped cetane improving additives (Diethyl ether (DEE), Diglyme (DEGME) and Ethyl diglyme (DEGEE)) for diesel-butanol blend (B15). Cylinder pressure trace, heat release rate (HRR), location of maximum in-cylinder pressure (Pmax) and maximum rate of heat release (HRRmax), engine performance (brake thermal efficiency
Sahu, Tomesh KumarShukla, Pravesh Chandra
Vehicle interior air quality is usually determined by the levels of in-cabin air pollutants, such as particulate matter (PM), gaseous air pollution (volatile organic compounds [VOCs], oxides of nitrogen [NOx], and carbon monoxide [CO]), and carbon dioxide [CO2], which reflect the freshness of indoor air. Nowadays, cabin air filters play a key role in preventing outdoor air pollutants transporting inside vehicles; hence, in-cabin air quality can be strongly associated with the filtration performance of cabin air cleaning solutions. However, challenges are existing in a standard method for assessing the performance of a cabin air filter in real-life driving conditions. This study is to develop a low-cost mobile test method for monitoring in-vehicle PM and CO2 and evaluating the performances of cabin air filters while driving the vehicles. The results reveal that certain boundary conditions are important to have a proper method for evaluating the particle removal efficiency. For example
Cha, YingyingYin, ChunyangDu, JieeXia, TianAn, WeiZhang, Shaojun
As governmental agencies focus on low levels of the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions compliance, new off-road applications are being reviewed for both regulated and unregulated emissions to understand the technological challenges and requirements for improved emissions performance. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has declared its intention to pursue more stringent NOX standards for the off-road market. As part of this effort, CARB initiated a program to provide a detailed characterization of emissions meeting the current Tier 4 off-road standards [1]. This work focused on understanding the off-road market, establishing a current technology emissions baseline, and performing initial modeling on potential low NOx solutions. This paper discusses a part of this effort, focuses on the emissions characterization from two non-road engine platforms, and compares the emissions species from different approaches designed to meet Tier 4 emissions regulations. The engine platforms
Fanick, E. RobertSharp, ChristopherZavala, Bryan
As agencies continue to focus on emissions compliance, low NOX discussions have started to propagate beyond the on-highway market. Nonroad applications, which contribute to 29% of the PM emissions and 11% of the NOX emissions in California, are being reviewed to understand the technological challenges and requirements for improved emissions performance. To help facilitate a nonroad low NOX technology demonstration, information from current engine and aftertreatment technologies required a detailed assessment. The following work will discuss the emissions characterization results from two non-road engine platforms. The intention of this study was to compare the emissions species from different approaches designed to meet Tier 4 emissions regulations. The platforms reflect available technology for DPF and non-DPF aftertreatment architectures. A detailed emissions characterization included gaseous emissions, particulate matter, particle number, and an extensive list of non-regulated
Zavala, BryanPremnath, VinaySharp, Christopher
This standard establishes the minimum requirements for training, examination, and certification of aerospace coatings application personnel applying liquid organic coatings to interior structural or exterior substrates. It establishes criteria for the certification of personnel requiring appropriate knowledge of the technical principles underlying aircraft surface preparation and coatings application for both protective and decorative purposes. Persons who successfully complete the requirements of this certification standard are considered to be able to successfully and consistently perform a broad spectrum of aerospace coatings application tasks to achieve the desired engineering purposes. This certification is not intended to determine or replace any aerospace coating operation’s proprietary engineering for the depainting, preparation, or subsequent application of organic coatings materials to aircraft surfaces
AMS G8 Aerospace Organic Coatings Committee
The air purifier industry has seen a growth in terms of demand and sales lately. All credit goes to massive Industrialization in developing countries such as India. The most harmful of the pollutants are PM 2.5 articulates and NOx Emissions. This leads to the new trend of customers become health and comfort conscious and willing to pay more for better and improved transportation. To satisfy these demands, COEM’s are developing more numbers of Air conditioning buses. Although the OEM’s are meeting this demand of quantity, the quality of air from air conditioner is still suffer. One of the main reasons for this poor air quality is because of the ineffectiveness of conventional air conditioner air filters to control particulate materials i.e. PM2.5, biological pollutants i.e. microbes, bacteria, viruses, and gaseous pollutants i.e. CO, CO2, SO2, NOX, O3 & VOCs in air. As per various researches, health problems associated with bus occupant compartment air quality appear more frequently
Dwivedi, Ajay KumarPahade, AtulThakur, Jitendra
A set of manganese oxide catalysts was synthesized and doped with Cu and/or Fe by means of the citric acid sol-gel preparation method. The samples were studied by means of several characterization techniques: field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), N2-physisorption at -196 °C, H2 and soot temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR, soot-TPR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The catalytic performance of the prepared catalysts was investigated in the oxidation of a probe VOC molecule (propylene) and carbon soot singularly and simultaneously. The catalytic performances were studied as well assuring a content of 5 vol.% of water in the gaseous reactive mix. The investigations evidenced that the best soot catalytic oxidation rates occurred over the Mn2O3 sample, while the copper-doped manganese oxide (i.e. the MnCu15) showed the best performance in the decomposition of propylene. The soot conversion rates of the samples were positively
Marin Figueredo, Miguel JosePiumetti, MarcoFino, DeboraRusso, NunzioCocuzza, ClarissaBensaid, Samir
Spinoff is NASA’s annual publication featuring successfully commercialized NASA technology. This commercialization has contributed to the development of products and services in the fields of health and medicine, consumer goods, transportation, public safety, computer technology, and environmental resources
This document provides information applicable to the design and development of portable and aircraft mounted cabin air contaminant sensors. This AIR complements any future portable or aircraft-mounted cabin air sensor standards
AC-9M Cabin Air Measurement Committee
In the near future, pollutant and GHG emission regulations in the transport sector will become increasingly stringent. For this reason, there are many studies in the field of internal combustion research that investigate alternative fuels, one example being oxygenated fuels. Additionally, the design of engine components needs to be optimized to improve the thresholds of clean combustion and thus reduce particulates. Simulations based on PRiME 3D® for dynamic behaviors inside the piston ring group provide a guideline for experimental investigation. Gas flows into the combustion chamber are controlled by adjusting the piston ring design. A direct comparison of regular and synthetic fuels enables to separate the emissions caused by oil and fuel. This study employed a mixture of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) and methyl formate (MeFo). These two components have no C-C bonds, and the mixture displayed extremely good performance in terms of the particle number (PN) emissions on an ambient level
Blochum, SebastianRuch, Fabian H.Bastuck, ThomasHärtl, MartinMittler, RichardWachtmeister, Georg
Ensuring continuing environmental and health improvements, it is important regularly to reassess what pollutants from vehicles are targeted. Are the right compounds being regulated? The Emissions Analytics’ presentation looks at a range of pollutant sources that may need to be considered to give a holistic view of the environmental impact of vehicles, supported by data from its independent, real-world EQUA test programme. Post-Euro-6 emissions regulation in Europe is an opportunity to simplify and refocus on emerging environment threats. Certain unregulated tailpipe pollutants, such as ammonia, which contributes to secondary particle formation, are candidates for future regulation. Volatile organic compounds are of interest from several angles: vehicle interior air quality and the off-gassing from materials; tailpipe speciation of hydrocarbons including formaldehyde; and off-gassing from tyres. Tyre wear emissions are currently unregulated but are believed to be a growing contributor
Hobday, Nick Molden
RDE regulation in Brazil for Light Duty Vehicles will be made effective after Jan/2022. Brazil has some specific conditions and it is necessary to adapt the European RDE procedure in order to attend them: ozone as main pollutant, more than half LDV fleet are flexfuel, able to burn gasoline and ethanol biofuel but with high VOC emission, main big cities altitude close to 1,000 m and high road grade and type approval laboratory cycle based on FTP-75. The objective of this paper is to share advances and concerns about the work of Brazilian specialists in RDE Brazil procedure development. Some changes have already been introduced in the RDE procedure, but some concerns are coming to light, as the correct representativeness of FTP-75 as reference cycle, high ethanol emission at cold start below 20°C, tendency to high hydrocarbon and CO emission when driving at high positive altitude gain and temperatures higher than 30°C
Forcetto, AndreAbrantes, Rui deVieira, Rodrigo
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes the requirements for heat cured solid film lubricants. For other general or high temperature applications, refer to AS1701. This document requires qualified products
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
The fossil fuels burning is the main source of air pollutants in large cities. Anthropogenic emissions and their impact on air quality are of concern both regarding primary and secondary pollutants, such as tropospheric ozone. This molecule if formed from chemical reactions between fuel burning products, such as nitrogen monoxide and dioxide (NOx = NO + NO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), in the presence of sunlight. With the perspective of increasing the biodiesel content in the mixture with diesel oil, actually in 12 % in Brazil, it became relevant to know the exhaust composition and it reactivity. This work presents a review of the literature and reveals that most scientific articles point out that biodiesel is a suitable alternative for such circumstances, however they point out harmful effects such as an increase in NOx emissions and carbonyls. For ozone, are presented the formation pathways, the influence of external factors and the implication regarding vehicle emissions
Netto, Fabiola DayaneChedid, Juliano PazelloDaemme, Luiz CarlosNeto, Renato de Arruda PenteadoCorrêa, Sérgio MachadoSouza, Thainá de carvalho eDantas, Taisa Corrêa
This Aerospace Information Report (AIR) describes the use of FTIR analyzers for measurements of gaseous emissions from aircraft gas turbine engines and combustion rigs. The use of FTIR analyzers can be demonstrated as a suitable and cost-effective equivalent to NDIR and chemiluminescence analyzers as prescribed in ARP1256 for the measurement of CO, CO2, NO, and NO2, where NOx is closely approximated by the sum of NO and NO2 concentrations. FTIR analyzers may be proven suitable for equivalency of analyzers used in current emission testing. Additionally, FTIR analyzers have potential for equivalent measurements of “total” hydrocarbon (THC) as currently defined in ARP1256
E-31G Gaseous Committee
To characterize the effects of renewable fuels on particulate emissions from GDI engines, engine experiments were conducted using EN228-compliant gasoline fuel blends containing no oxygenates, 10% ethanol (EtOH), or 22% ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE). The experiments were conducted in a single cylinder GDI engine using a 6-hole fuel injector operated at 200 bar injection pressure. Both PN in raw exhaust and solid PN (SPN) were measured at two load points and various start of injection (SOI) timings. Raw PN and SPN results were classified into various size ranges, corresponding to current and future legislations. At early SOI timings, where particulate formation is dominated by diffusion flames on the piston due to liquid film, the oxygenated blends yielded dramatically higher PN and SPN emissions than reference gasoline because of fuel effects. For particulates >23 nm and with optimized SOI timing, the use of oxygenated blends significantly increases SPN and conversely decreases raw PN
Etikyala, SreelekhaKoopmans, LucienDahlander, Petter
The goal of this project was to demonstrate that the multistage vapor-phase contaminant mass discharge (MS-CMD) test and vapor-phase tomography (VPT) can effectively characterize persistent volatile organic compound (VOC) sources in the vadose zone and measure their associated mass discharge. It is anticipated that these technologies will improve evaluation of vadose zone source impacts on groundwater and vapor intrusion
The scope of this document focuses on the tests required by EPA to validate the performance of the FTIR system following the section in the Code of Federal Regulations Part 1065 (40 CFR 1U.1065 and hereafter referred to as “EPA Part 1065”) on the guidelines and performance criteria for various regulated gases. This document focuses on the use of continuous emissions sampling for both engine and vehicle testing. Future addenda will be needed to cover bag and other sampling techniques. Gas components that do not currently have performance criteria but may soon be regulated are noted and EPA suggestions as to what should be required are applied. This will help ensure that the FTIR will be recognized as a valid and alternative tool for engine exhaust emissions testing. Components in engine exhaust that are specifically called out in this document include: carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxides of nitrogen (NO, NO2, and N2O), ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), and
Emissions Standards Committee
With the current drive of automotive and technology companies towards producing vehicles with higher levels of autonomy, it is inevitable that there will be an increasing number of SAE level L4-L5 autonomous vehicles (AVs) on roadways in the near future. Microscopic traffic simulators that simulate realistic traffic flow are crucial in studying, understanding and evaluating the fuel usage and mobility effects of having a higher number of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in traffic under realistic mixed traffic conditions including both autonomous and non-autonomous vehicles. In this paper, L4-L5 AVs with varying penetration rates in total traffic flow were simulated using the microscopic traffic simulator Vissim on urban, mixed and freeway roadways. The roadways used in these simulations were replicas of real roadways in and around Columbus, Ohio, including an AV shuttle routes in operation. The road-specific information regarding each roadway, such as the number of traffic lights and
Kavas-Torris, OzgenurCantas, Mustafa RidvanMeneses Cime, KarinaAksun Guvenc, BilinGuvenc, Levent
Two vehicles with ORVR system which are met with the US standard were studied. A comparative of refueling emissions test under different refueling rate and different refueling temperature were studied. The HC chemical analysis was carried out for the fuel gas emission from a sample car. The results show that with the increase of the refueling rates, the refueling emissions decline at first, and then gradually stabilize; with the increase of the refueling temperature, the results of refueling emissions show a gradual increase. Under the condition of 37 L / min refueling flow rate and 20 °C fuel temperature, 14 kinds of alkanes are emitted from the fuel, in which isobutane, isopentane and n-pentane are the highest emissive components, accounting for 57.66% of the total amount of VOCs
Dai, ChunbeiZhang, TaiyuZhong, ChongzhiChen, QiangSun, JiaxingWu, XiaoliangYu, Tiefei
This standard provides background information and a hydrogen fuel quality standard for commercial proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell vehicles. This report also provides background information on how this standard was developed by the Hydrogen Quality Task Force (HQTF) of the Interface Working Group (IWG) of the SAE Fuel Cell Standards Committee
Fuel Cell Standards Committee
This specification establishes requirements for an interior decorative clear coating for wear protection of metal substrates
AMS G8 Aerospace Organic Coatings Committee
This specification establishes the requirements for a high visibility, durable, exterior fluorescent coating system consisting of a pigmented fluorescent coating with a clear protective overcoat containing a weathering stabilizer. This coating system is capable of being removed without softening the permanent undercoats
AMS G8 Aerospace Organic Coatings Committee
This specification establishes the requirements for a waterborne, corrosion inhibiting, chemical and solvent resistant, anodic electrodeposition epoxy primer capable of curing at 200 to 210 °F (93 to 99 °C
AMS G8 Aerospace Organic Coatings Committee
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