Browse Topic: Telemetry

Items (368)
Hypersonic platforms provide a challenge for flight test campaigns due to the application's flight profiles and environments. The hypersonic environment is generally classified as any speed above Mach 5, although there are finer distinctions, such as “high hypersonic” (between Mach 10 to 25) and “reentry” (above Mach 25). Hypersonic speeds are accompanied, in general, by a small shock standoff distance. As the Mach number increases, the entropy layer of the air around the platform changes rapidly, and there are accompanying vortical flows. Also, a significant amount of aerodynamic heating causes the air around the platform to disassociate and ionize. From a flight test perspective, this matters because the plasma and the ionization interfere with the radio frequency (RF) channels. This interference reduces the telemetry links' reliability and backup techniques must be employed to guarantee the reception of acquired data. Additionally, the flight test instrumentation (FTI) package needs
Virtualization features such as digital twins and virtual patching can accelerate development and make commercial vehicles more agile and secure. There is one sure-fire way to secure commercial vehicles from cyber-attacks. “You just remove the connectivity,” quipped Brandon Barry, CEO of Block Harbor Cybersecurity and the moderator of a panel session on “cybersecurity of virtual machines” at the SAE COMVEC 2024 conference in Schaumburg, Illinois. Obviously, that train has left the station - commercial vehicles of all types, including trains, are only becoming more automated and connected, which increases the risks for cyber-attacks. “We have very connected vehicles, so attacks can be posed not just through powertrain solutions but also through telemetry, infotainment systems connected to different applications and services, and also through cloud platforms,” said Trisha Chatterjee, current product support and data specialist for fuel cell and hydrogen technology at Accelera by Cummins
Gehm, Ryan
ABSTRACT Over time, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has refined the 4Dimension / Real-time Control System (4D/RCS) architecture for use in Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs). This architecture, when applied to a fully autonomous vehicle designed for missions in urban environments, can greatly assist in the process of saving time and lives by creating a more intelligent vehicle that acts in a safer and more efficient manner. Southwest Research Institute (SwRI®) has undertaken the Southwest Safe Transport Initiative (SSTI) aimed at investigating the development and commercialization of vehicle autonomy as well as vehicle-based telemetry systems to improve active safety systems and autonomy. This paper will discuss the implementation of the 4D/RCS architecture to the SSTI autonomous vehicle, a 2006 Ford Explorer
McWilliams, GeorgeBrown, Michael
ABSTRACT This paper describes the use of neural networks to enhance simulations for subsequent training of anomaly-detection systems. Simulations can provide edge conditions for anomaly detection which may be sparse or non-existent in real-world data. Simulations suffer, however, by producing data that is “too clean” resulting in anomaly detection systems that cannot transition from simulated data to actual conditions. Our approach enhances simulations using neural networks trained on real-world data to create outputs that are more realistic and variable than traditional simulations. Citation: P.Feldman, “Training robust anomaly detection using ML-Enhanced simulations”, In Proceedings of the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium (GVSETS), NDIA, Novi, MI, Aug. 11-13, 2020
Feldman, Philip
As emissions standards become more stringent, OEMs are pushing engines to run on leaner fuel mixtures, which puts increased thermal stress on components, particularly pistons, causing them to operate at higher temperatures. This requires more robust design and rigorous testing of components. Telemetry methods offer accurate and real-time feedback, allowing designers to test components at various operating conditions, providing more flexibility than other traditional methods. Piston temperature measurement is a critical aspect of engine development because it directly affects engine performance and durability. Among the various techniques available for this purpose, telemetry methods have gained considerable attention in recent years. This method involves integrating temperature sensors and transmitter on the piston, which transmit temperature data wirelessly to a receiver outside the engine. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of coolant temperatures, valve timing, ignition timing
Pandey, Ram KrishanKumar, AtulJangra, Sumit
Abstract A two-wheeler is exposed to various dynamic loads transferred from roads and input given by the vehicle prime mover, which leads to the occurrence of torque on the wheel and transmission. Torque generated depends on the terrain and riding pattern of users for the majority, so it becomes important to develop a duty cycle of transmission considering multiple events enabling us to understand the durability standard of the component designed. The tests performed were on an EV two-wheeler that uses a belt drive transmission. The paper will focus on the following aspects, which cover the customization of the torque cell for the pulley system in the transmission, followed by the testing on different selected terrain conditions and analysis methodology for generating the duty cycle for different systems in transmission of the vehicle. A customized torque cell using strain gauges was developed with locations identified from FEA(finite element analysis) performed on the wheel pulley
Ganju, ShubhamR S, MahenthranPrasad, Sathish KumarBalakrishnan, Sivakumar
The auto industry is one of the major contributors for noise pollution in urban areas. Specifically, highly populated heavy commercial diesel vehicle such as buses, trucks are dominant because of its usage pattern, and capacity. This noise is contributed by various vehicle systems like engine, transmission, exhaust intake, tires etc. When the pass by noise levels exceeds regulatory limit, as per IS 3028, it is important for NVH automotive engineer to identify the sources & their ranking for contribution in pass by noise. The traditional methods of source identification such as windowing technique, sequential swapping of systems and subsystems which are time consuming.Also advanced method in which data acquisition with a synchronizing technology like telemetry or Wi-Fi for source ranking are effective for correctness.However they are time and resource consuming, which can adversely impact product development timeline. This paper discusses about the advanced signal analysis technique
Suresh, VineethChoudhari, YogeshwarKalsule, DhanajiAthavale, Prasad
Using current technologies, a single “entry level” vehicle has millions of electrical signals sent through dozens of modules, sensors and actuators, and those signals can be sent over the air, creating a telemetry data that can be used for several ends. One electrical device is set up to have diagnosis, in order to make maintenance feasible and support repair, plus giving improvement directions for specialists on new developments and specifications, but in several cases the diagnosis can only determine the mechanism of failure, but not the event that triggered that failure. Current evaluation method involves teardown, testing and knowledge from the involved specialized team, but this implies in recovering of failed parts, which in larger automakers with thousands of dealers/repair shops, reduces the sample for analyses when there is a systemic issue with one component. This specificity is usual in Propulsions systems, regarding electro-mechanical devices, and sensors, also in
Prazeres, ChristopherHachyia, AfonsoTakahashi, Marcio
The challenge faced by flight software engineers at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder became evident when tasked with developing the onboard software for NASA's new Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) Pathfinder Reflected Solar mission. The goal of measuring Earth-reflected sunlight with an accuracy of 0.3 percent (k=1), surpassing existing sensors by five to tenfold, from an instrument mounted beneath the International Space Station (ISS), produced a complex set of requirements. The avionics needed to balance multiple functions, including a high-rate control law, numerous hard real-time deadlines, interfaces with half a dozen external subsystems, and management of commands, telemetry and fault protection, all while capturing high-resolution science images at 15 frames per second. Ensuring uninterrupted operation within the unforgiving environment of low-Earth orbit necessitated the software run on
A wireless device called the UroMonitor enables accurate, noninvasive monitoring of bladder pressure in patients with overactive bladder. It is the first device to enable catheter-free telemetric ambulatory bladder pressure monitoring in humans. The UroMonitor was developed as a noninvasive approach for assessing function of the lower urinary tract, without the need for catheter placement. The UroMonitor is a small, flexible device — no more than 2 in. across — that is placed into the patient’s bladder. Once in place, the device wirelessly transmits bladder pressure data to a small radio receiver taped to the lower abdomen
With the increased demand for electricity due to the rapid expansion of EV charging infrastructure, weather events, and a shift towards smaller, more environmentally responsible forms of renewable sources of energy, Microgrids are increasing in growth and popularity. The integration of real time communication between all PGSs (Power Generating Sources) and loadbanks has allowed the re-utilization of waste electricity. Pop-up Microgrids in PSPS events have become more popular and feasible in providing small to medium size transmission and distribution. Due to the differing characteristics of the PGSs, it is a challenge to efficiently engage the combined PGSs in harmony and have them share and carry the load of the microgrid with minimal ‘infighting.’ Different Power generating sources each have their own personality and unique ‘quirks.’ With loadbanks being able to perform various functions automatically by monitoring and responding to individual PGSs needs and demands, efficiency is
Tyne, Shelby
This standard covers Airspeed Instruments which display airspeed of an aircraft, as follows
A-4ADWG Air Data Subcommittee
Small uncrewed aircraft systems (sUAS) growth continues for recreational and commercial applications. By 2025, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) predicts the sUAS fleet to number nearly 2.4 million units. As sUAS operations expand within the National Airspace System (NAS), so too does the probability of near midair collisions (NMACs) between sUAS and aircraft. Currently, the primary means of recognizing sUAS NMACs rely on pilots to visually spot and evade conflicting sUAS. Pilots may report such encounters to the FAA as UAS Sighting Reports. Sighting reports are of limited value as they are highly subjective and dependent on the pilot to accurately estimate range and altitude information. Moreover, they do not account for NMACs that an aircrew member does not spot. The purpose of this study was to examine objective sUAS and aircraft telemetry data collected using a DJI Aeroscope sensor and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)/Mode S messages throughout 36 months
Wallace, Ryan J.Winter, Scott R.Rice, StephenKovar, David C.Lee, Sang-A
This investigation utilizes a correlated fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model of the torque converter and clutch assembly to perform a pseudo transient clutch engagement at steady state operating conditions. The pseudo transient condition consists of a series of nine steady state simulations that transition the torque converter clutch from fully released to near full lockup at a constant input torque and output speed representative of a highway cruising speed. The flow and pressured field of the torque converter torus and clutch are solved using a CFD model and then passed along to a transient structural model to determine the torque capacity of the lockup clutch. Bulk property assumptions regarding the friction material, deformation of the clutch plate, and deflection of supporting structures were made to simplify the model setup, run time, and solution convergence. Telemetry pressure measurements acquired in an operating torque converter under similar operating conditions on a
Beldar, AniketRobinette, DarrellBlough, Jason
This paper proposes a new distributed/zonal control architecture composed of generic control modules. The new architecture increases the number of available input and outputs and improves reliability through redundancy, helping electric vehicles (EVs) meet the demand for advanced vehicle features and reliability. Each control module is equipped with analog and digital input pins, digital output pins, 2 CAN bus connections, power supplies from the 12V EV battery, a state-of-the-art DSP, and a wireless telemetry module for remote datalogging. A software architecture is developed to enable local signal processing from sensors, communication between modules in the distributed control architecture, and actuation of control objectives. Two CAN transceivers on two separate CAN busses are included for redundancy. Digi XBee Pro 900 HP module is used for long-distance wireless datalogging. TMS320F283874s microcontroller is used for its significant processing power and high number of peripherals
Falco, SamanthaResalayyan, RakeshSomiruwan, AyodhyaSinghabahu, ChanakaHasnain, ArafatKhaligh, Alireza
As connected and automated vehicle technologies emerge and proliferate, lower frequency vehicle trajectory data is becoming more widely available. In some cases, entire fleets are streaming position, speed, and telemetry at sample rates of less than 10 seconds. This presents opportunities to apply powertrain simulators such as the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Future Automotive Systems Technology Simulator to model how advanced powertrain technologies would perform in the real world. However, connected vehicle data tends to be available at lower temporal frequencies than the 1-10 Hz trajectories that have typically been used for powertrain simulation. Higher frequency data, typically used for simulation, is costly to collect and store and therefore is often limited in density and geography. This paper explores the suitability of lower frequency, high availability, connected vehicle data for detailed powertrain simulation. A large data set of 1 Hz trajectories is used to
O'Meally, FranzHolden, JacobGilleran, Madeline
Android Automotive OS (AAOS) has been gaining popularity in recent years, with several OEMs across the world already deploying it or planning to in the near future. Besides the benefit of a well-known, customizable and secure operating system for OEMs, AAOS allows third-party app developers to offer their apps on vehicles of several manufacturers at the same time. Currently, there are 55 apps for AAOS that can be categorized as media, navigation or point-of-interest apps. Specifically the latter two categories allow the third-parties to collect certain sensor data directly from the vehicle. Furthermore, the latest version of AAOS also allows the OEM to configure and collect In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) and vehicle data (called OEM telemetry). However, increasing connectivity and integration with the in-vehicle network comes at the expense of user privacy. Previous works have shown that vehicular sensor data often contains personally identifiable information (PII). New privacy
Pese, Mert D.
The presented study is dedicated to the technology supporting vehicle state estimation and motion control with a concept drone, which helps the vehicle in sensing the surroundings and driving conditions. This concept allows also extending the functionality of the sensors mounted on the vehicle by replacing or including additional parameter observation channels. The paper discusses the feasibility of such a drone-vehicle interaction as well as demonstrates several design configurations. In this regard, the paper presents a general description of the proposed drone system that assists the vehicle and describes an experiment in measuring the profile of the road with a range sensor. The results obtained in the experiment are described in terms of the accuracy to be achieved using the drone and are compared with other studies, which use the methods of estimation from the sensors mounted on the vehicle. The proposed measurement concept can be applied to a large number of vehicle systems such
Beliautsou, ViktarBeliautsou, AleksandraIvanov, Valentin
This SAE Standard is concerned with the geometrical irregularities of surfaces of solid materials. It established definite classifications for various degrees of roughness and waviness and for several varieties of lay. It also provides a set of symbols for use on drawings and in specifications, reports, and the like. The ranges for roughness and waviness are divided into a number of steps, and the general types of lay are established by type characteristics. This standard does not define what degrees of surface roughness and waviness or what type of lay are suitable for any specific purpose. It does not specify the means by which any degree of such irregularities may be obtained or produced. Neither is it concerned with the other surface qualities such as luster, appearance, color, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, hardness, microstructure, and absorption characteristics, any of which may be governing considerations in specific applications. Sufaces, in general, are very complex
Surface Enhancement Committee
The proposed UAV can be used to triangulate the areas of unnatural deforestation, by processing the areas undergoing land cover transition. Thus, restraining illegal logging and deforestation and, ultimately, facilitating the ecological succession cycle. It identifies the green cover which helps in predicting the population of the feeding animal species and the biodiversity. The system will be influential for curbing the exploitation of landscapes with heterogeneous habitats and diverse topographical features. The model employs onboard automated controller - ARDUPILOT MissionPlanner, a flight controller, GPS and telemetry module. The setup collects data from the controller such as Altitude, GPS location, Pitch, Roll, etc. and transmits it to the Ground Control Station (GCS) during cruise. The mission planner is programmed by selecting the target survey area which is divided into a grid, Home which is the launch point and Waypoints which will be crossed autonomously. Through the cruise
Devi, MonishaNeigapula, KeerthanaAnand, SumitTiwari, AnawilKumar, Siddharth
The emerging need of building an efficient Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure requires the investigation of all aspects of Vehicle-Grid Integration (VGI), including the impact of EV charging on the grid, optimal EV charging control at scale, and communication interoperability. This paper presents a cloud-based simulation and testing platform for the development and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) testing of VGI technologies. Although the HIL testing of a single charging station has been widely performed, the HIL testing of spatially distributed EV charging stations and communication interoperability is limited. To fill this gap, the presented platform is developed that consists of multiple subsystems: a real-time power system simulator (OPAL-RT), ISO 15118 EV Charge Scheduler System (EVCSS), and a Smart Energy Plaza (SEP) with various types of charging stations, solar panels, and energy storage systems. The subsystems can communicate with each other via message queuing telemetry
Wu, ZhouquanManne, Naga NithinHarper, JasonChen, BoDobrzynski, Daniel
Around the turn of this century, the automotive industry introduced a new type of technology to drive the gauges on a vehicle’s instrument cluster. The change was unannounced to the collision reconstruction world, but soon after, investigators observed a marked increase in crashed vehicles displaying frozen gauges at what often appeared to be correct readings. The new technology was the use of stepper motors which require power to return to the zero position. Hence if electrical power is lost, the gauges stop in position. There have been a number of previous papers covering the operation of the instruments and crash testing of cars and motorcycles to establish the ability of the instruments to withstand the forces on the instrument during a collision. This paper aims to compare the frozen instrument readings from real world collisions with the available EDR data from the crashed vehicles. With the assistance of the collision reconstruction community, a large dataset of 236 vehicles
Goddard, Christopher H.Anderson, Steve
With the evolution of telemetry technology in vehicles, Advanced Automatic Collision Notification (AACN), which detects occupants at risk of serious injury in the event of a crash and triages them to the trauma center quickly, may greatly improve their treatment. An Injury Severity Prediction (ISP) algorithm for AACN was developed using a logistic regression model to predict the probability of sustaining an Injury Severity Score (ISS) 15+ injury. National Automotive Sampling System Crashworthiness Data System (NASS-CDS: 1999-2015) and model year 2000 or later were filtered for new case selection criteria, based on vehicle body type, to match Subaru vehicle category. This new proposed algorithm uses crash direction, change in velocity, multiple impacts, seat belt use, vehicle type, presence of any older occupant, and presence of any female occupant. Moreover, presence of the right-front passenger and its interaction with crash direction were considered, which affected risk prediction
Ejima, SusumuGoto, TsukasaZhang, PengCunningham, KristenWang, Stewart
The logistics process in Brazil and the world represents a significant portion of the cost of manufactured products, either for export or import. The availability of technologies that make the logistic process more efficient directly affects the product’s transportation productivity and makes them more competitive. This paper presents a telemetry model of commercial vehicles integrated with harvest machines in agriculture operations, allowing accurate scheduling of loading and unloading processes at the field. In this study, we introduce a conceptual model of a technological matrix, where the shared topologies of vehicle information processing help predict failures, identification of wear of vehicle and machine’s components. The opportunity is demonstrated to collect data from agricultural machines and combine them with data extracted from trucks. The sharing of information on farm machinery and trucks in real-time establishes an essential change in crop management in the field
Abrahão, Luciano BreveFilho, João Francisco JustoYoshiokaFilho, Leopoldo Rideki
This paper investigates the application of torque weighting to vibration dose value. This is done as a means to enhance correlation of perceived drive comfort directly to driver pedal commands while rejecting uncorrelated inputs. Current industry standards for vehicle comfort are formulated and described by ISO2631, which is a culmination of research with single or multi-axis vibration of narrow or broadband excitation. The standard is capable of estimating passenger comfort to vibrations, however, it only accounts for reaction vibrations to controlled inputs and not perceived vibration request vs. response vibration. Metrics that account for torque inputs and the vibration response create actionable estimates of dosage due to driver torque requests without uncorrelated inputs. This reduces the need for additional accelerometers and special compensating algorithms when road or track testing. The use case for the proposed modified metric is during the powertrain calibration process
Furlich, JonRobinette, DarrellBlough, Jason
There is a need for rad-hard crystal stabilized clock sources with at least 300 krad of total ionizing dose (TID) immunity. A common solution has been to spot-shield a commercial off-the-shelf part or enclose it in a vault. Rad-hard clock sources are needed for main electronics boards (MEBs) and readout electronics that need to operate in hazardous space environments. Remote sensing and telemetry require that the readout circuits be co-located with the sensors, which can be separated by an arbitrary distance from the data processing electronics
Rule-based systems seem natural for runtime verification (RV)/program monitoring. From a specification notation point of view, rule-based systems appear quite suitable for expressing the kind of properties the runtime verification community normally writes. Specifications written in a rule system have an operational flavor, which can be seen as a disadvantage or an advantage, depending on the viewpoint. The operational flavor makes specifications longer than in declarative temporal logic or regular expressions; however, they are natural to write. Once the core idea is mastered, writing rules is straightforward, like programming. More declarative specifications can be trickier to get right. This observation is similar to the observation that it may be easier to formulate a nontrivial property as a state machine than as a temporal logic formula or a regular expression
Increased electrification of future heavy-duty engines and vehicles can enable many new technologies to improve efficiency. Electrified oil pumps are one such technology that provides the ability to reduce or turn off the piston oil cooling jets and simultaneously reduce the oil pump flow to account for the reduced flow rate required. This can reduce parasitic losses and improve overall engine efficiency. In order to study the potential impact of reduced oil cooling, a GT-Power engine model prediction of piston temperature was calibrated based on measured piston temperatures from a wireless telemetry system. A simulation was run in which the piston oil cooling was controlled to target a safe piston surface temperature and the resulting reduction in oil cooling was determined. With reduced oil cooling, engine BSFC improved by 0.2-0.8% compared to the baseline with full oil cooling, due to reduced heat transfer from the elevated piston temperatures. A GT-Drive vehicle model was used to
Morris, AndrewBitsis, Daniel Christopher
Several GoPro camera models contain Global Positioning System (GPS), accelerometer, and gyroscope instrumentation and are capable of measuring and recording position, velocity, acceleration, and inertial data. This study evaluates the accuracy of GoPro telemetry data, with a specific focus on inertial measurements, through a series of controlled tests in a marine environment. A test vessel was instrumented with a Racelogic VBOX data acquisition unit as well as various generations of GoPro camera units equipped with telematics capability, and operated through a series of maneuvers on an inland lake. The raw data collected with the GoPro cameras were compared to data collected with the calibrated VBOX data acquisition unit. The results demonstrate that position, velocity, acceleration, and inertial data recorded with GoPro cameras is consistent with VBOX data and is appropriate for recording characteristic marine dynamic handling maneuvers
Sanders, WendyPetroskey, KarlaTibavinsky, IvanVozza, Adriano
Space Dynamics Laboratory Utah State University Logan, UT
Several GoPro camera models contain Global Positioning System (GPS), accelerometer, and gyroscope instrumentation and are capable of measuring and recording position, velocity, acceleration, and inertial data. This study evaluates the accuracy of data obtained from GoPro cameras through a series of controlled tests. A test vehicle was instrumented with a Racelogic VBOX data acquisition unit as well as various generations of GoPro camera units equipped with GPS capability and driven on a road course. The raw data collected with the GoPro cameras and the translations of this data provided by the GoPro Quik desktop software application were compared to data collected with the validated VBOX data acquisition unit. The results demonstrated that position, velocity, and acceleration data recorded with GoPro cameras is consistent with VBOX data and is useful for applications related to accident reconstruction
Petroskey, KarlaFunk, CharlesTibavinsky, Ivan A.
There is increasing demand for high-quality High Definition (HD) video for airborne applications such as Flight Test Instrumentation (FTI). Ideally, such new camera solutions can reduce the weight and difficultly of installing wiring, and enable data to be coherently combined with image data. Ethernet cameras can address these needs with built-in compression and multiple output streams. Additionally, as Ethernet-based networks have become an attractive choice for FTI applications, we see increased requirements for integrating Ethernet-based cameras with FTI data acquisition equipment, network recorders, and telemetry systems as this removes duplication of wiring and devices
Worldwide demand for low Earth orbit satellites is increasing at an unprecedented pace, driven by diverse needs such as faster and more affordable Internet access, and faster revisit rates with finer resolution for imaging data. The satellite payload instruments performing communications or imaging functions are becoming increasingly sophisticated and capable and require the collection of increasing amounts of telemetry data to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the satellite
The heat transfer process in a reciprocating engine is dominated by forced convection, which is drastically affected by mean flow, turbulence, flame propagation and its impingement on the combustion chamber walls. All these effects contribute to a transient heat flux, resulting in a fast-changing temporal and spatial temperature distribution at the surface of the combustion chamber walls. To quantify these changes in combustion chamber surface temperature, surface temperature measurements on the piston of a single cylinder diesel engine were taken. Therefore, thirteen fast-response thermocouples were installed in the piston surface. A wireless microwave telemetry system was used for data transmission out of the moving piston. A wide range of parameter studies were performed to determine the varying influences on the surface temperature of the piston. For instance, at later injection timings a shift of the peak temperature towards later crank angles with an immediately decreasing
Mayer, DanielSeelig, AlexanderKunz, TorstenKopple, FabianMansbart, MatthiasBargende, Michael
Society sees itself in an era in which ecological and sustainability issues have assumed great importance, and with that, several issues need to be revised. When it comes to mobility, a key point is to determine the most efficient way to travel a certain distance with the lowest cost and environmental impact. Due to the size of the world fleet of vehicles, it is easy to understand how an increase of efficiency of the internal combustion engines (ICE) lead to a reduction of the total volume of fuel consumed in the planet. That combined to the possibility of integration with an online network, showing the flow conditions of each road, would allow a further reduction of the fuel consumed globally as well as a mitigation of the emission of harmful gases to the environment associated to urban mobility. In Brazil, the automobile fleet consists of approximately 60% of Flex-Fuel vehicles, which can use either ethanol or gasoline. Despite of the fact that the biofuel is renewable and less
Correia, Vitor Costa AntonelliGomes, Paulo César de FerreiraFranieck, Erwin Karl
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