Browse Topic: Electronic throttle control

Items (132)
This study addresses the control problem of the electronic throttle valve (ETV) system in the presence of unmatched perturbations. Most previous works have ignored the effect of actuating motor inductance, which results in an approximated model with a matched perturbation structure. However, if this assumption is not permitted, the ETV model turns into an exact model with unmatched perturbation and the control task becomes more challenging. In this article, a backstepping control design based on a quasi-sliding mode disturbance observer (BS-QSMDO) has been proposed to effectively reject the unmatched perturbation in the ETV system. A rigorous stability analysis has been conducted to prove the ultimate boundedness for disturbance estimation error and tracking error. The key to this proposed observer-based control design is to obtain a robust and chattering-free controller based on a quasi-sliding mode methodology. The proposed quasi-sliding mode observer works to estimate the unmatched
Hameed, Akram HashimAl-Samarraie, Shibly AhmedHumaidi, Amjad Jaleel
Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) combine combustion and electric propulsion means to achieve key objectives, such as: reducing fuel consumption, minimizing pollutant emissions, and enhancing the overall energy efficiency of the Powertrain System. The series hybrid electric vehicles, in special, have a topology compound by four Subsystems, which are: Traction, Storage, Energy Generation, and Energy Management. The Energy Generation Subsystem is responsible for the power supply of the electric traction motors and batteries, depending on the control strategy promoted by the Energy Management Subsystem. The Energy Generation Subsystem is essentially made by an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and a Generator. Effective control of the power output from the Energy Generation Subsystem necessitates precise regulation of the engine speed. Thus, it is necessary to control the engine speed because this is directly related to the power demand of the consumers of other subsystem components. This
Júnior, João Marcos Hilário Barcelosde Sousa Oliveira, Alessandro BorgesTeixeira, Evandro Leonardo SilvaPereira, Bruno LuizPinheiro, Leandro Soaresdos Santos Ribeiro, Eduardodos Santos de Oliveira, Jordano
This article investigates the performance of a low-cost throttle-by-wire-system (TbWS) for two-wheeler applications. Mopeds/scooters are still restricted as environmentally harmful. TbWSs can contribute to environmental protection by replacing conventional restrictors. Its consisting of an anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) throttle position sensor and a position-controlled stepper motor-driven throttle valve actuator. The decentralized throttle position sensor is operating contactless and acquires redundant data. Throttle valve actuation is realized through a position-controlled stepper motor, sensing its position feedback by Hall effect. Using a PI controller, the stepper motor position is precisely set. Both units transmit and receive data by a CAN bus. Furthermore, fail-safe functions, plausibility checks, calibration algorithms, and energy-saving modes have been implemented. Both modules have been evaluated through hardware-in-the-loop testing in terms of reliability and
Kreß, JannisRau, JensHebert, HektorSchmidt, KarstenPerez-Peña, FernandoMorgado-Estévez, Arturo
In this paper, the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) control strategy based on the Nonlinear Auto Regressive Moving Average-Level 2 (NARMA-L2) technique has been used for tracking control of an electronic throttle body. The NARMA-L2 nonlinear plant model is first identified offline by training using a set of input-output data pairs measured at different operating conditions. This data was collected from an actual operation of the throttle body running in a closed-loop control system on a prototype vehicle. The identified NARMA-L2 plant model was then inverted and used to force the throttle output position to approximately track any reference inputs with multiple set-point changes at different operating conditions. The NARMA-L2 model was reconfigured to be an equivalent model of a feed-forward controller that can cancel not only the actual dynamic behavior of the throttle body but also the nonlinearity effects. This type of controller has great potential to overcome the difficulty of
Al-Assadi, Salem
The development of intelligent transportation improves road efficiency, reduces automobile energy consumption, and improves driving safety. The core of intelligent transportation is the two-way information interaction between vehicles and the road environment. At present, road environmental information can flow to the vehicle, while the vehicle’s information rarely flows to the outside world. The electronic throttle and electronic braking systems of some vehicles use sensors to get the state of the accelerator and brake pedal, which can be transmitted to the outside environment through technologies such as the Internet of Vehicles. But the Internet of Vehicles technology has not been widely used, and it relies on signal sources, which is a passive way of information acquisition. In this paper, an active identification method is proposed to get the vehicle pedal on-off state as well as the driver’s operation behavior through existing traffic facilities. The research object is the
Tian, ZhongpengYang, BoTan, Gangfeng
This paper describes the modelling and electromagnetic analysis of Permanent Magnet Brushed Direct Current (PMBDC) motor using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software packages. The designed motors referred in this analysis are fit for use in applications of the electronic throttle control and exhaust gas recirculation in automobiles. Performances of the designed PMBDC models are compared with the traditionally used machines. Three PMBDC models with different operating characteristics are proposed for the two applications. Each model is suitable for use in both applications. Cost analysis of the motors is also carried out, and comparison with the traditionally used machines is done.
Jategaonkar, AneeshLenin, N. C.
Efficiency testing of hybrid-electric vehicles is challenging, because small run-to-run differences in pedal application can change when the engine fires or the when the friction brakes supplement regenerative braking, dramatically affecting fuel use or energy regeneration. Electronic accelerator control has existed for years, thanks to the popularity of throttle-by-wire (TBW). Electronic braking control is less mature, since most vehicles don’t use brake-by-wire (BBW). Computer braking control on a chassis dynamometer typically uses a mechanical actuator (which may suffer backlash or misalignment) or braking the dynamometer rather than the vehicle (which doesn’t yield regeneration). The growth of electrification and autonomy provides the means to implement electronic brake control. Electrified vehicles use BBW to control the split between friction and regenerative braking. Automated features, e.g. adaptive cruise control, require BBW to actuate the brakes without pedal input. We
Gross, Michael C.Hamermesh, JonathanJonson, KyleAlden, Joshua
Electronic throttle body (ETB) is commonly employed in an intake manifold of a spark ignition engine to vary the airflow quantity by adjusting the throttle valve in it. The actual position of the throttle valve is measured by means of a dual throttle position sensor (TPS) and the signal is feedback into the control unit for accomplishing the closed loop control in order handle the nonlinearities due to friction, limp-home position, aging, parameter variations. This work aims presents a neural networks based novel virtual sensor for the estimation of throttle valve position in the electronic throttle body. Proposed neural network model estimates the actual throttle position using three inputs such as reference throttle angle, angular error and the motor current. In the present work, the dynamic model of the electronic throttle body is used to calculate the current consumed by the motor for corresponding throttle valve movement. Proposed virtual sensor is tested for the sinusoidal and
Ashok, BragadeshwaranDenis Ashok, SathiaseelanRamesh Kumar, ChidambaramKavitha, Chellappan
This SAE Recommended Practice is intended to provide the minimum acceptable criteria for snowmobile hand throttle control systems. This recommendation is not intended to cover competition vehicles, nor is it intended to limit development of new and/or improved technology in controls. Although these recommendations are primarily addressed to hand-control systems using an outer flexible conduit with a multiple strand inner cable, the basic requirements of freedom of movement, strength, material, etc., will apply to any system.
Snowmobile Technical Committee
The introduction of new emission legislation and the demand of increased power for small two-wheelers lead to an increase of technical requirements. Especially for single cylinder engines with high compression ratio the transient behavior close to idling is challenging. The demand for two-wheeler specific responsiveness of the vehicle requires low overall rotational inertia as well as small intake manifold volumes. The combination with high compression ratio can lead to a stalling of the engine if the throttle opens and closes very quickly in idle operation. The fast opening and closing of the throttle is called a throttle blip. Fast, in this context, means that the blipping event can occur in one to two working cycles. Previous work was focused on the development of a procedure to apply reproducible blipping events to a vehicle in order to derive a deeper physical understanding of the stalling events. The corresponding investigations were performed on a motorcycle with a mechanical
Heikes, HenningPelkmann, AlexanderBarton, Alrik
Electronic throttle control is extensively preferred to vary the air intake in the engine manifold for regulating the torque in order to obtain the better vehicle response, high performance in terms of improving the fuel economy and trim down the emissions of the spark ignition engines. For such type of the engine control systems the throttle angle is estimation is accomplished either by pedal follower or torque based method. This work aims to develop a throttle opening angle estimation strategy in a closed loop manner using fuzzy logic approach by considering real time internal system and driver torque demands for controlling the SI engine. In present work the torque demand from internal system such as catalyst heating, cold start assist and battery voltage compensation is estimated using fuzzy logic strategy. Such intelligent system aims to replace the lookup tables associated with those systems and reduces the calibration effort. For the estimated throttle angle the electronic
B, AshokDenis Ashok, SKavitha, C
The current document is a part of an effort of the Active Safety Systems Committee, Active Safety Systems Sensors Task Force whose objectives are to: a Identify the functionality and performance you could expect from active safety sensors b Establish a basic understanding of how sensors work c Establish a basic understanding of how sensors can be tested d Describe an exemplar set of acceptable requirements and tests associated with each technology e Describe the key requirements/functionality for the test targets f Describe the unique characteristics of the targets or tests This document will cover items (a) and (b).
Active Safety Systems Standards Committee
Formula SAE is a prestigious engineering design competition, where student team design, fabricate and test their formula style race car, with the guidelines of the FSAE rulebook, according to which the car is designed, for example the engine must be a four-stroke, Otto-cycle piston engine with a displacement no greater than 710cc. According to FSAE 2017 Rule Book [1], ARTICLE 3, IC3.2 and IC3.3 state that the maximum sound level should not exceed 110 dBC at an average piston speed of 15:25 m/s (for the KTM 390 engine, which has 60 mm stroke length, the noise level will be measured at 7500 RPM) and 103 dBC at Idle RPM. So, the active muffler which works as a normal reflective muffler till the 7500 RPM range, after which an electronic controlled throttle mechanism is used to reduce the backpressure (since after 7500 RPM the noise level doesn't matter in FSAE) by using tach signal from the engine to control the throttle (two position). The electronic throttle will be controlled using an
Praveen, Vellavedu VelumaniSethupathi, P Baskara
Electronic throttle control is an integral part of an engine electronic control unit (ECU) that directly affects vehicle fuel economy, drivability, and engine-out emissions by managing engine torque and air-fuel ratio through adjusting intake charge flow to the engine. The highly nonlinear dynamics of the throttle body call for nonlinear control techniques that can be implemented in real-time and are also robust to controller implementation imprecision. Discrete sliding mode control (DSMC) is a computationally efficient controller design technique which can handle systems with high degree of nonlinearity. In this paper, a generic robust discrete sliding mode controller design is proposed and experimentally verified for the throttle position tracking problem. In addition, a novel method is used to predict and incorporate the sampling and quantization imprecisions into the DSMC structure. First, a nonlinear physical model for an electromechanical throttle body is derived. Parameters of
Amini, Mohammad RezaRazmara, MeysamShahbakhti, Mahdi
CNG has recently seen increased penetration within the automotive industry. Due to recent sanctions on diesel fuelled vehicles, manufactures have again shifted their attention to natural gas as a suitable alternative. Turbocharging of SI engines has seen widespread application due to its benefit in terms of engine downsizing and increasing engine performance [1]. This paper discusses the methodology involved in development of a multi cylinder turbocharged natural gas engine from an existing diesel engine. Various parameters such as valve timing, intake volume, runner length, etc. were studied using 1D simulation tool GT power and based on their results an optimized configuration was selected and a proto engine was built. Electronic throttle body was used to give better transient performance and emission control. Turbocharger selection and its location plays a critical role. Turbocharger Wastegate actuator trials were conducted to select optimum actuator to restrict boost enough to meet
Thipse, Sukrut SDsouza, AshwinSonawane, Shailesh BRairikar, S DKavathekar, KishorkumarMarathe, NeelkanthShinde, BalasahebKadkol, SudhindraBhandari, KamleshJoshi, Mandar
An applicable and comprehensive control strategy of a natural gas/diesel dual fuel engine is presented in this paper. The dual fuel engine is converted from a conventional mechanical pump, turbo charged, heavy duty diesel engine. In the dual fuel mode, the pedal position is explained as demanded total fuel quantity, the quantity of pilot diesel and natural gas are calculated in order to provide the equal energy with the original diesel engine at the same operation condition, the proportion of the natural gas is primarily determined by the load rate and the speed of the engine. When the engine is working under light or moderate load, the intake air is throttled in order to improve the brake mean effective pressure and reduce the hydrocarbon emissions of the dual fuel engine, according to target excess air ratio and the quantities of the two fuels, the desired air mass per cycle can be obtained. After that a mean value model based feedforward control is adopted to calculate the
Wang, LongChen, ZhanmingYang, BoZeng, KeZhang, KongmingJin, Zebing
Range Extended Electric Vehicles (REEVs) are gaining popularity due to their simplicity, reduced emissions and fuel consumption when compared to parallel or series/parallel hybrid vehicles. The range extender internal combustion engine (ICE) can be optimised to a number of steady state points which offers significant improvement in overall exhaust emissions. One of the key challenges in such vehicles is to reduce the overall powertrain costs, and OEMs providing REEVs such as the BMW i3 have included the range extender as an optional extra due to increasing costs on the overall vehicle price. This paper discusses the development of a low cost Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) of c.25 kW for a range extender application utilising a 624 cc two cylinder automotive gasoline engine. Changes to the base engine are limited to those required for range extender development purposes and include prototype control system, electronic throttle, redesigned manifolds and calibration on European grade fuel
Agarwal, AshwiniLewis, AndrewAkehurst, SamBrace, ChrisGandhi, YashKirkpatrick, Gary
Increased penetration of gasoline EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection) in the Indian two wheeler commuter segment, demands simplified, but robust solutions. Freedom for the end user to adjust the idle speed with carbureted engines is considered as reference behavior. Control of idle air flow in the traditional throttle body designs is through a bypass path with either an idle speed actuator or a mechanical screw. Due to the quality of air and vented blow-by in the air path, field issues observed on most throttle body designs include a) carbon deposition influencing the air flow characteristics b) consequent effects included instability of idle speed, jamming of throttle valve or clogging of idle air control valve. One of the design measures suggested [1] was to introduce an idle screw on the throttle flap to retain the user experience based on the incumbent carburettor and address the carbon deposition based on the knowledge of ETB (Electronic Throttle Body). The primary objective of this
Ramachandra, PradeepNagalapura, Mohankumar
Last mile transportation is an important supply chain and transportation requirement for the movement of people and goods from a transport hub to a final destination in that area. In India this requirement is largely met by 3 wheelers and small 4 wheelers (below 1 ton payload). Greaves cotton Ltd. (GCL) has played an important role for last mile transportation solutions in India by developing suitable engines for the above category vehicles. GCL is already supplying single cylinder air cooled 400 cc diesel / CNG, 435 cc & 510 cc diesel and 510 cc water cooled CNG BSIII engines for 3 wheeler applications. Single cylinder water cooled 510 cc and 611 cc BSIII diesel engines are being supplied for small commercial 4 wheeler applications. In India, BSIV emission norms are in place since April 2010 in metro cities for 4 wheelers. CNG network is well established in most of these cities. Hence to serve this market, the CNG engine variant development of the 611 cc diesel BSIII engine was
Khairnar, GirishShrivas, JagritPande, SachinLondhe, RohitHussaini, YaserAmbekar, Yogesh
In ISO 26262, the top-level safety goals are derived using the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment. Functional safety requirements (FSRs) are then derived from these safety goals in the concept phase (ISO 26262-3:2011). The standard does not call out a specific method to develop these FSRs from safety goals. However, ISO 26262-8:2011, Clause 6, does establish requirements to ensure consistent management and correct specification of safety requirements with respect to their attributes and characteristics throughout the safety lifecycle. Hence, there are expectations on the part of system engineers to bridge this gap. The method proposed in this paper utilizes concepts from process modeling to ensure the completeness of these requirements, eliminate any external inconsistencies between them and improve verifiability. The goals of process modeling are to understand the current state of the process in detail, define the desired state of the process and implement techniques to change the
Krithivasan, GokulTaylor, WilliamNelson, Jody
Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) and Spark Ignition (SI) dual-mode operation provides a practical solution to apply HCCI combustion in gasoline engines. However, the different requirements of air-fuel ratio and EGR ratio between HCCI combustion and SI combustion results in enormous control challenges in HCCI/SI mode switch. In this paper, HCCI combustion was achieved in a four-cylinder gasoline direct injection engine without knock and misfire using close-loop control by knock index. Assisted Spark Stratified Compression Ignition (ASSCI) combustion was obtained stably at medium-high load. ASSCI combustion exhibits two-stage heat release with initial flame propagation and controlled auto-ignition. The knock index of ASSCI combustion is less than HCCI combustion due to the lower pressure rise rate. The stable operation range of stoichiometric ASSCI combustion is from 0.35MPa to 0.65MPa Indicated Mean Effective Pressure (IMEP), which is higher than normal gasoline HCCI
Li, DongshengWang, ZhiLiu, HuiWang, Jian-Xin
Clean snowmobile technology has been developed and applied to a commercially available two cylinder, four-stroke snowmobile. The goals of this effort included reducing exhaust and noise emissions to levels below the U.S National Parks Service (NPS) Best Available Technology (BAT) standard while increasing vehicle dynamic performance with a 50 percent peak power increase over the original equipment version. Engine thermal efficiency has been increased through Late Intake Valve Closure (LIVC) valve timing modification for Miller cycle operation, while high load power was increased through the implementation of a turbocharger and variable electronic boost control. An electronic throttle was also implemented in combination with a “performance/economy” mode switch to limit speed and increase fuel efficiency per the rider's demands. Additionally, a new exhaust system featuring a three-way catalytic converter and a simple, lightweight muffler utilizing a passive acoustic valve has been
Birt, Matthew L.Davis, Gregory W.
This paper is an introduction to the opportunities, challenges and technical solutions chosen for implementation of an electronic throttle control (ETC) system on a 50cc 2-stroke scooter. The paper outlines the selection of the ETC motor and the choice of the throttle position sensing (TPS) system along with the development of a new twin sensor throttle demand (TDS) twist grip, and briefly describes the benefits achieved in fuel economy, electronic vehicle speed control, improved start-up and idle stability. The ETC software operational strategy; including start flare, idle speed control and vehicle speed control are presented as real world strategies to achieve 22% improvements in fuel economy and accurate electronic vehicle speed control.
Smither, B.Allen, J.Ravenhill, P.Farmer, G.Grosch, P.Demesse, E.
The world's first Variable Cylinder Management (VCM) system for large motorcycles, which will achieve both high power and low fuel consumption, has been developed. The system uses a mass production in-line four-cylinder engine which has a displacement of 1137 cm₃ as the base engine. The VCM system is capable of increasing and decreasing the number of working cylinders between 2-cylinder, 3-cylinder and 4-cylinder operations by modifying some parts of the base engine. Utilizing throttle valves installed on each cylinder, the throttle valves for continuously operating the regularly working cylinders and the on-demand working cylinders are controlled by three motors, which divide them into three independent lines. In order to improve fuel consumption by reducing the pumping loss of the non-working cylinders, the engine is equipped with hydraulically operated intake and exhaust valve deactivating mechanisms. It is very important for the posture control of the moving motorcycle to prevent
Maehara, HayatoKitawaki, ShunsukeAbe, TakeruSaito, ShinjiTsukui, Takaaki
The global challenges for cleaner engine technology place a heavy burden on electronic control. Creative technology such as direct injection and throttle by wire create more powerful and more fuel efficient engines with lower emissions. While the majority of this type of technology would be considered evolutionary from the base electronic fuel injection (EFI) system, production engine technology can only be realized with modern system on a chip technology designed specifically for the automotive market. As the future of the global auto industry pushes beyond the Ultra-low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) and European Union Regulation 715/2007(EURO V) limits, this burden of increasingly complex electronic control is being transferred to the to the small engine market. Here, tens of millions of one and two-cylinder engines have almost no electronic content yet face emissions challenges in 2010 and beyond requiring advanced control techniques that can only be enabled by highly integrated
Beeker, JesseSacchi, Marco
Most times in ECU system function testing, the sensor input signals are directly set to a known value in order to drive the corresponding software variable to within a range of an expected value. This works only if the transfer function from the physical signal input to the software variable is well defined such as the measurement on MAP, A/C pressure, etc. Nevertheless, there are times the transfer function is not clearly defined and it is difficult to drive the software variable to an expected value. One example is throttle position sensor (TPS) test in an electronic throttle control (ETC) system, where TPS is not directly driven by the driver accelerator pedal sensor (APS) and it is very difficult to get TPS to an expected range by only changing APS. This paper introduces a method to use feedback in an HIL based ECU testing system to control outputs to an expected range. In this case study, the signal to be controlled is connected back to the HIL system to provide feedback. The
Chen, YixinCarpenter, Rob
Engine Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) systems are gaining success in high volume applications. This system helps to improve overall engine and vehicle performance, as well as facilitate the function integration of related control features. The requirement for an ETC system is that it fulfills the commanded throttle plate opening as quickly and accurately as possible. Because of nonlinearity of the electronic throttle system, gain-scheduled control is often used. A method to automatically tune the control for each operating region is needed. In this paper the engine electronic throttle is considered as having dominant linear dynamics for each operating region. A Two-Degree-of-Freedom (2-DOF) PID controller and a method of using Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) algorithm to automatically tune the PID control gains are designed. With this approach, control performance enhancement from initial control settings can be realized with closed loop testing, without the need of a plant
Jiang, ShugangSmith, MichaelKitchen, James
Honda R&D has developed a throttle-by-wire (TBW) system that meets the needs of motorcycles where the attitude of the vehicle body is controlled by operation of the throttle. To gain high response and following for the throttle valve, we employed a new adaptive control algorithm. The newly developed system has an idling combustion stabilization function and a three-dimensional control function for the throttle-opening map based on running gear and engine speed. With those functions, we improved the controllability of the motorcycle, especially for small throttle openings. Furthermore, we improved the feeling of the limiter control used in maximum-speed limitation. For the overall system, intake system related devices are consolidated to improve the layout flexibility and expand the mounting options on the motorcycle.
Nishimura, ShinTetsuka, TakashiAsada, YukihiroKono, TomoyaTsuyuguchi, MakotoNojima, Satoru
In recent years, even motorcycles impose demands for engine power controls that are more flexible and precise. The Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) system is one of the methods that addresses this need. However, the most important issue facing the installation of the ETC system on the motorcycle is handling failures. To avoid this problem, we developed an ETC system for motorcycles that can properly effect engine power control in case of a failure. This ETC system contains in duplicate the major components to detect failures and switch to a failure mode properly. To effect control that is optimally suited to the type of failure, this system switches between three types of failure modes. These failure modes are designed to minimize risks in case of a failure and maximize the operational capability while the rider is on the way to have the motorcycle repaired. Thus, by creating a fail-safe system that effects engine power control, while keeping the vehicle characteristics in mind, the
SAKAMOTO, TakuyaOSHIMA, TakeruTANI, YoshiakiFUKUUCHI, MasashiKURATANI, Shinichi
ABSTRACT Embedded systems are becoming increasingly complex and more distributed. Cost and quality requirements necessitate reuse of the functional software components for multiple deployment architectures. An important step is the allocation of software components to hardware. During this process the differences between the hardware and application software architectures must be reconciled. In this paper we discuss an architecture driven approach involving model-based techniques to resolve these differences and integrate hardware and software components. The system architecture serves as the underpinning based on which distributed real-time components can be generated. Generation of various embedded system architectures using the same functional architecture is discussed. The approach leverages the following technologies – IME (Integrated Modeling Environment), the SAE AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language), and Ocarina. The approach is illustrated using the electronic
Raghav, GopalGopalswamy, SwaminathanRadhakrishnan, KarthikeyanDelange, JulienHugues, Jérôme
Ford's new 2.5-L inline four for 2010 boasts advanced fuel and ignition control, and an Atkinson-cycle variant for HEVs. The steady drop in U.S. retail gasoline prices does not phase Scott Makowski. As Manager of Ford's Global Large I-4 Engine programs, he knows it's only a matter of time before the fuel-price roller coaster races uphill again-sparking increased demand for his company's steadily evolving Duratec four-cylinder range. “Keep in mind the rapid shift [in the marketplace] from last spring to summer,” Makowski noted. From March through August 2008, as gas prices skyrocketed to more than $4 per gallon, Ford's North American production volumes of V8 and four-cylinder engines virtually swapped places, in terms of percent of total output. V8 production swung from 44% of the total mix to 22%, while I-4s jumped from 25% of the total to nearly 40%.
Brooke, Lindsay
We are mass-producing the electronic throttle body (ETB). The nonlinearity of electronic throttle friction and the return spring Limp-Home affects the valve positioning performance of the electronic throttle control (ETC) system. The nonlinear computer ETB model was built based on mechanical and electrical design and experimental data. Two steps were used for the throttle valve controller design. The computer model was verified and designed by comparing the simulation results and the real throttle valve experimental data. A rapid prototyping processor was used for performance tests and validation of the controller and a low performance microprocessor was used for testing the implementation of the ETC, using the automatic production code generator.
Hazu, KenichiYokoyama, Munekazu
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