Browse Topic: Spoilers

Items (108)
Current work details the preliminary CFD analysis performed on custom-built race car by Team Sakthi Racing team as part of Formula SAE competition using OpenFOAM. The body of the race car is designed in compliance with FSAE regulations, OpenFOAM utilities and solvers are used to generate volumetric mesh and perform CFD analysis. Formula student tracks are typically designed with numerous sharp turns and a few long straights to maintain low speeds for safety. In order to enhance the cars’ performance in sharp turns, the race car should be equipped with aerodynamic devices like nose cone and wings on both the rear and front ends within the confines of the formula student racing rules. Thus, efficient aerodynamic design is highly critical to maximizing tire grip by ensuring consistent contact with the track, reducing the risk of skidding, and maintaining control, especially during high-speed maneuvers. In this work, the performance and behavior of the race car, both with and without the
Rangarajan, KishorePushpananthan, BlesscinAnumolu, LakshmanSelvakumar, KumareshJayakumar, Shyam Sundar
The aerodynamic force produced by external flows over two-dimensional bodies is typically decomposed into two components: lift and drag. In race cars, the lift is known as downforce and it is responsible for increasing tire grip, thereby enhancing traction and cornering ability. Drag acts in the direction opposite to the car’s motion, reducing its acceleration and top speed. The primary challenge for aerodynamicists is to design a vehicle capable of producing high downforce with low drag. This study aims to optimize the shape of a multi-element rear wing profile of a Formula 1 car, achieving an optimal configuration under specific prescribed conditions. The scope of this work was limited to a 2-D model of a rear wing composed of two 4-digit NACA airfoils. Ten control parameters were used in the optimization process: three to describe each isolated profile, two to describe their relative position, and two to describe the angles of attack of each profile. An optimization cycle by finite
Souza Dourado, GuilhermeHayashi, Marcelo Tanaka
In this work, we evaluated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods for predicting the design trends in flow around a mass-production luxury sport utility vehicle (SUV) subjected to incremental design changes via spoiler and underbody combinations. We compared Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) using several turbulence models and a delayed detached eddy simulation (DDES) to experimental measurements from a 40% scale wind tunnel test model at matched full-scale Reynolds number. Regardless of turbulence model, RANS was unable to consistently reproduce the design trends in drag from wind tunnel data. This inability of RANS to reproduce the drag trends stemmed from inaccurate base pressure predictions for each vehicle configuration brought on by highly separated flow within the vehicle wake. When taking A-B design trends, many of these errors compounded together to form design trends that did not reflect those measured in experiments. On the other hand, DDES proved to be more
Aultman, MatthewDisotell, KevinDuan, LianMetka, Matthew
MSIL (Maruti Suzuki India Limited), India’s leading carmaker, has various SUVs (Sports Utility Vehicle) in its model lineup. Traditionally, SUVs are considered to have a bold on-road presence and this bold design language often deteriorates aerodynamic drag performance. Over the years, the demand for this segment has significantly grown, whereas the CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) norms have become more stringent. To cater this growing market demand, MSIL planned for two new SUVs: (1) New BREZZA - A bolder design with similar targeted aerodynamic performance compared to its predecessor (BREZZA-2016) and (2) FRONX - A new cross-over SUV vehicle targeted best-in-class aerodynamic performance in this category at MSIL. This paper illustrates the aerodynamic development process for these two SUVs using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and full scale WTT (Wind Tunnel Test). During the initial stages, the bolder design of the New BREZZA (2022) deteriorated the aerodynamic drag of the
Dey, SukantaBajpai, DeveshKumar, ChandanRegin, Felix
In the context of vehicle electrification, improving vehicle aerodynamics is not only critical for efficiency and range, but also for driving experience. In order to balance the necessary trade-offs between drag and downforce without significant impact on the vehicle styling, we see an increasing amount of active aerodynamic solutions on high-end passenger vehicles. Active rear spoilers are one of the most common active aerodynamic features. They deploy at high vehicle speed when additional downforce is required [1, 2]. For a vehicle with an active rear spoiler, the aerodynamic performance is typically predicted through simulations or physical testing at different static spoiler positions. These positions range from fully stowed to fully deployed. However, this approach does not provide any information regarding the transient effects during the deployment of the rear spoiler, which can be critical to understanding key performance aspects of the system. In this paper, we propose a
Fougere, NicolasDeMeo, MichaelTuit Farquhar, HenryOliveira, DaniloNastov, Alexander
In Formula Student competitions, the active adaptation of the aerodynamic components to the current race track conditions can significantly enhance the overall dynamic performance of the car. Due to the abundant low-speed corners, angles of attack of fixed aerodynamic components are usually exaggerated, preventing the car from achieving higher acceleration capabilities due to induced drag. This issue can be tackled by introducing an active drag reduction system (DRS). In this work, a strategy for performing iterative numerical simulations is proposed, with the goal of obtaining a range of different configurations suitable for certain track conditions. Specifically, the case of lowest drag is exploited. Different macros were developed to couple the utilization of computational fluid dynamics tools for aerodynamic analysis with an extensive iterative process with minimal user interference. An initial mesh refinement study was conducted. Afterward, angles of attack and centers of rotation
Monteiro, CarlosBrito, MoisésVieira, Diana Filipa da Conceição
This study presents a numerical analysis of the flow around an Audi R8 sports car and the effect of adding a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 6412 base profile wing. The mass and momentum conservation laws are solved using Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations. The turbulence is simulated using the realizable k–ε model, and the pressure–velocity coupling is solved using the semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations (SIMPLE). The analysis was performed in the ANSYS Fluent-19 numerical code. The numerical results were validated with experimental data and numerical simulations from other studies in the open literature on vehicles without wings. The analyses included quantifying drag, lift, lateral forces, and their respective coefficients. When the wing was attached to the rear of the vehicle, there was a considerable increase in the aerodynamic load with an increase in drag. Therefore, the wing used in this study represented an effective balance of
Zavala, DavidVicente, WilliamEsquivel, RubenSalinas-Vazquez, Martin
Enhancing aerodynamic performance is vital for reducing battery weight and cost, and for boosting the range of the vehicle. Aerodynamics in electric vehicles is crucial at highway speeds as over 50 percent of energy is spent on pushing the air away. The optimization of drag and lift is carried out with the addition of aerodynamic accessories that include an air dam and a rear spoiler using computational fluid dynamic model. The rear spoiler is used to diminish the amount of drag force and create downforce on the body of an electric vehicle. Additionally, the rear spoiler’s angle is varied, and a comparative study of the vehicle’s drag and lift forces is performed. The addition of an air dam created additional down force on the vehicle, resulting in improved traction and stability. The air dam also creates a local high-pressure air zone that is used to direct airflow to the battery and evenly cool it. This is accomplished using a hexagonal honeycomb structure, which creates a uniform
Selvan, V. Arul MozhiS, PalanisamyA N, GirishM, Kishore KumarSwaminathan, Rajashekar
In modern conditions, the rising cost of fuel and the adoption of more stringent environmental standards in developed countries require a reduction in fuel consumption by vehicles. The profitability of the trucking industry depends on the fuel economy of trucks, which, in turn, is determined by many factors, including their aerodynamic characteristics. The article substantiates new ways of reducing the aerodynamic drag of road trains based on a study conducted by the authors. Numerical simulation of the road train aerodynamics allows us to determine the distribution of velocity, pressure, and air turbulence zone around it. The effectiveness of known and proposed technical solutions to reduce the aerodynamic drag of trains with the use of spoilers of various designs has been evaluated and implemented. An effective way to reduce the aerodynamic resistance of road trains is proposed. The method is to use air ducts as a part of the semi-trailer through which air flows in from the front and
Gritsuk, Igor ValeriyovichBatrachenko, OleksandrTarandushka, LiudmylaMitienkova, ViraBazhinov, OleksiyBazhynova, Tetiana
Aerodynamic forces that act on a vehicle play a critical role in impacting the vehicle longitudinal dynamics, particularly stopping distance and time during vehicle braking. Currently, many vehicles use a rear spoiler to enhance the vehicle aerodynamic performance. In vehicles equipped with an active rear spoiler, a mechanism is used to control the spoiler angle of attack, based on various inputs and parameters. This article investigates the impact of an active rear spoiler, with a variable angle of attack, on both the vehicle aerodynamic forces and longitudinal braking dynamics, such as braking stopping distance and time. A two-dimensional (2D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model, using ANSYS-Fluent®, is employed to estimate the impact of the angle of attack of the rear spoiler on the vehicle aerodynamic forces (lift and drag forces) for comparison with a vehicle lacking a spoiler. Furthermore, the CFD results are used as inputs in a realistic vehicle braking mathematical model
Haggag, SalemMarzbali, Mason
The main goal of race car aerodynamics is to generate a desired intensity of downforce for the least possible amount of drag. Nonetheless, the balance of the forces under all circumstances due to speed and acceleration is equally important. The modeling was performed using SolidWorks, and the analysis was done both analytically and by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using a flow simulation with STAR-CCM+. The aerodynamics package, which includes the rear wing, front wing, and undertray that help in faster cornering, is analyzed in the full-car analysis. The full-car analysis is done for pitch and yaw. The increase in cornering ability can come from two major aspects: an increase in the aerodynamic downforce and a decrease in the aerodynamic drag of the vehicle. In order to implement the desired aerodynamics package, an airfoil with a predefined profile was selected. The main factor that limits the selection of an airfoil is its effectiveness at low velocities. Several
Sawant, AdwaitGudela, Meher DevKarnik, AjitKatira, Vinit
Aerodynamics of a car plays a very important role in a racing car. That is why many race cars are designed to take advantage of aerodynamics. Improvement of cornering speed in the race car is achieved through increase in the downforce on the tire. Spoilers (inverted wings) are used for increasing the downforce but this increases the drag too. The performance of a racing car depends on both the downforce and the drag, requiring good compromise between these two forces. In this paper, different airfoils which are used for building the front and rear spoiler of the race car are analyzed. NACA 0012 is analyzed at 0° angle of attack. The front spoiler design is made on the basis of the result with the analysis of S1223 (s1223-il) and GOE304 at 10° and 17°. Modeling of a wing has been done in Solid work and CFD analysis using ANSYS software.
Patil, ShrikantBhaskara Rao, Lokavarapu
Aerodynamic technologies for light-duty vehicles were evaluated through full-scale testing in a large low-blockage closed-circuit wind tunnel equipped with a rolling road, wheel rollers, boundary-layer suction and a system to generate road-representative turbulent flow. This work was part of a multi-year, multi-vehicle study commissioned by Transport Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada, and carried out in cooperation with the US EPA, to support the evaluation of light-duty-vehicle greenhouse-gas-emission regulations. A 2016 paper reported drag-reduction measurements for technologies such as active grille shutters, production and custom underbody treatments, air dams, ride height control and combinations of these. This paper describes an extension to that work and addresses vehicle aerodynamics in three ways. First, whole vehicle body-shaping changes were evaluated by adding older or newer generation models, representing distinct body style redesigns, of select vehicles of
de Souza, FenellaRaeesi, ArashBelzile, MarcCaffrey, CherylSchmitt, Andreas
The present numerical analysis aims at studying the effect of changes in profile of truck-trailer on aerodynamic drag and its adverse effect on fuel consumption. The numerical analysis is carried out using commercial CFD software, ANSYS Fluent, with k-ω Shear tress transportation (SST) turbulence model. In present study four models of truck were analysed, including baseline model at different Reynolds numbers, namely 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 million. In order to enhance fuel consumption, various profile modifications have been adapted on baseline truck-trailer model by adding a spoiler and bottom diffuser at the rear of the truck, by providing vortex generator at the rear top of the truck and by adding boat tail at the end of trailer. The comparison has been done with respect to coefficient of drag, coefficient of pressure, pressure contours, and velocity vectors between all four cases. It is observed from the simulation results among different modifications of truck, adding of boat tail at
Jagdeo, SiddarthSenthilkumar, Sundararaj
Due to the increasingly stringent environmental regulations all around the world confronted by exhaust emission and energy consumption, improving fuel economy has been the top priority for most automotive manufacturers. In this context, the basic process for vehicle shape development has evolved into optimizing the design to achieve better aerodynamic characteristics, especially drag reduction. Of all the optimization approaches, the gradient-based adjoint method has currently received extensive attention for its high efficiency in calculating the objective sensitivity with respect to geometry parameters, which is the first and foremost step for subsequent shape modification. In this work, the main goal is to explore the adjoint method through optimizing the vehicle shape for a lower drag based on a production SUV. Firstly, the influence of different mesh schemes was discussed on sensitivity prediction of aerodynamic drag. Secondly, according to the sensitivity distribution, several
Ren, ChaoZhou, HuaWu, HaiboChen, QianJadhav, Tushar
SUV Aerodynamics has received increased attention as the stake this segments holds in the automotive market keeps growing year after year, as well as its direct impact on fuel economy. Understanding the key physics in order to accomplish both fuel efficient and aesthetic products is paramount, which indeed gave origin to a major initiative to foster collaborative aerodynamic research across academia and industry, the so-called DrivAer model. In addition to this sedan-based model, a new dedicated SUV generic model, called AeroSUV [1], has been introduced in 2019, also intended to provide a common framework for aerodynamic research for both experimental work and numerical simulation validation. The present paper provides an area of common ground for SUV bodywork design focused on aerodynamic drag reduction by investigating both Estate and Fast back configurations of the generic AeroSUV model. Modified bodywork geometries focused at the rear end as well as spoiler angles, are evaluated
Barrera, DavidGuzman, Arturo
Based on the first sedan of the LYNK&CO brand from Geely, the high-performance configuration equipped with an additional aerodynamic package was developed. The aerodynamic package including front wheel deflectors, front lip, side skirts, rear spoiler, and rear diffuser, was required to be upgraded to generate enough aerodynamic downforce for better handling stability, without compromising the aerodynamic drag of the vehicle too much to keep a low fuel consumption. Starting from the baseline configuration of the aerodynamics package provided by the design studio, the components were optimized for aerodynamic drag and lift using the simulation approach with PowerFLOW in combination with a design space exploration method. As a result, the targets for the aerodynamic coefficients of the vehicle and in particular a good trade-off between lift and drag were achieved. Wind tunnel testing was involved to calibrate the simulation results at the beginning and to validate the optimized design at
Feng, QianLuo, BiaonengZhang, HuixiangPeng, HongZhu, ZhenyingDing, ZhiZhu, LingXie, WeiliangLi, BoZhao, Xiaowei
Formula SAE vehicles, like many other vehicles within motorsport, often employ rear mounted aerodynamic devices to improve cornering performance, these devices can however have a significant amount of aerodynamic drag. Additional speed can be gained by reducing the impact of the rear wing on the straightaways of the track through the use the aptly named Drag Reduction System (DRS), which works by reducing the angle of attack of the rear wing flap(s). A DRS can however introduce other performance losses, including the losses from having a gap between the rear wing flaps and endplate to prevent friction, the potential to stall the rear wing from improper opening angles of the flaps, and from the wake of the DRS actuator if positioned in front of the airfoils. An additional concern is the time it takes for the rear wing performance to return upon DRS deactivation, which will affect how long before corner entry the driver must disable the system. Insight into each of these problems as well
Penner, David J.
This paper details an aeroelastic concept for an adaptive and passive wing, which is primarily aimed for use within the automotive sector to reduce drag and fuel emissions. The work will also be of interest in the motorsport sector to improve performance and also some applications within the aerospace and renewable energy sectors. The wind tunnel testing of a spring-mounted symmetrical NACA 0012 wing in freestream is studied over 0° to 40° angles of incidence. General operation of the concept is verified at low angles in the pre-stall region with that of a theoretical estimation using finite and infinite wings. Three distinct regions are identified, pre-stall, near-stall, and post-stall. The transient limitations associated in the near-stall region with variations in spring loading and flow velocities are discovered. It is identified as a periodic self-sustained oscillation with nondimensional reduced frequencies in the range from 0.14 to 0.22. Furthermore, performance in the post
Knight, JasonFels, SimonHaritos, GeorgeCarolus, Thomas
A multi-year, multi-vehicle study was conducted to quantify the aerodynamic drag changes associated with drag reduction technologies for light-duty vehicles. Various technologies were evaluated through full-scale testing in a large low-blockage closed-circuit wind tunnel equipped with a rolling road, wheel rollers, boundary-layer suction and a system to generate road-representative turbulent winds. The technologies investigated include active grille shutters, production and custom underbody treatments, air dams, wheel curtains, ride height control, side mirror removal and combinations of these. This paper focuses on mean surface-, wake-, and underbody-pressure measurements and their relation to aerodynamic drag. Surface pressures were measured at strategic locations on four sedans and two crossover SUVs. Wake total pressures were mapped using a rake of Pitot probes in two cross-flow planes at up to 0.4 vehicle lengths downstream of the same six vehicles in addition to a minivan and a
de Souza, FenellaRaeesi, ArashBelzile, MarcCaffrey, CherylSchmitt, Andreas
An electric vehicle (EV) has less powertrain energy loss than an internal combustion engine vehicle (ICE), so its aerodynamic accounts have a larger portion of drag contribution of the total energy loss. This means that EV aerodynamic performance has a larger impact on the all-electric range (AER). Therefore, the target set for the aerodynamics development for a new EV hatchback was to improving AER for the customer’s benefit. To achieve lower aerodynamic drag than the previous model’s good aerodynamic performance, an ideal airflow wake structure was initially defined for the new EV hatchback that has a flat underbody with no exhaust system. Several important parameters were specified and proper numerical values for the ideal airflow were defined for them. As a result, the new EV hatchback achieves a 4% reduction in drag coefficient (CD) from the previous model. A wind tunnel with a 0 degree yaw angle is generally used in new vehicle development, but this condition is different from
Iinuma, YusukeTaniguchi, KeiichiOshima, Munehiko
A modern benchmark for passenger cars - DrivAer model - has provided significant contributions to aerodynamics-related topics in automotive engineering, where three categories of passenger cars have been successfully represented. However, a reference model for high-performance car configurations has not been considered appropriately yet. Technical knowledge in motorsport is also restricted due to competitiveness in performance, reputation and commercial gains. The consequence is a shortage of open-access material to be used as technical references for either motorsport community or academic research purposes. In this paper, a parametric assessment of race car aerodynamic devices are presented into four groups of studies. These are: (i) forebody strakes (dive planes), (ii) front bumper splitter, (iii) rear-end spoiler, and (iv) underbody diffuser. The simplified design of these add-ons focuses on the main parameters (such as length, position, or incidence), leading to easier
Soares, Renan FranciscoKnowles, AndrewGoñalons Olives, SergioGarry, KevinHolt, Jennifer
The airflow that enters the front grille of a ground vehicle for the purpose of component cooling has a significant effect on aerodynamic drag. This drag component is commonly referred to as cooling drag, which denotes the difference in drag measured between open grille and closed grille conditions. When the front grille is closed, the airflow that would have entered the front grille is redirected around the body. This airflow is commonly referred to as cooling interference airflow. Consequently, cooling interference airflow can lead to differences in vehicle component drag; this component of cooling drag is known as cooling interference drag. One mechanism that has been commonly utilized to directly influence the cooling drag, by reducing the engine airflow, is active grille shutters (AGS). For certain driving conditions, the AGS system can restrict airflow from passing through the heat exchangers, which significantly reduces cooling drag. The difference in drag between the AGS vanes
Larson, LevonWoodiga, Sudesh
This study aims to provide a set of reference post-mortem human subject tests which can be used, with easily reproducible test conditions, for developing and/or validating pedestrian dummies and computational human body models against a road vehicle. An adjustable generic buck was first developed to represent vehicle front-ends. It was composed of four components: two steel cylindrical tubes screwed on rigid supports in V-form represent the bumper and spoiler respectively, a quarter of a steel cylindrical tube represents the bonnet leading edge, and a steel plate represents the bonnet. These components were positioned differently to represent three types of vehicle profile: a sedan, a SUV and a van. Eleven post-mortem human subjects were then impacted laterally in a mid-gait stance by the bucks at 40 km/h: three tests with the sedan, five with the SUV, and three with the van. Kinematics of the subjects were recorded via high speed videos, impact forces between the subjects and the
Song, EricPetit, PhilippeTrosseille, XavierUriot, JeromePotier, PascalDubois, DenisDouard, Richard
Drag reduction technologies in aircraft design are the key enabler for reducing emissions and for sustainable growth of commercial aviation. Laminar wing technologies promise a significant benefit by drag reduction and are therefore under investigation in various European projects. However, of the established moveable concepts and high-lift systems, thus far most do not cope with the requirements for natural laminar flow wings. To this aim new leading edge high-lift systems have been the focus of research activities in the last five years. Such leading edge devices investigated in projects include a laminar flow-compatible Kruger flap [1] and the Droop Nose concept [2, 3] and these can be considered as alternatives to the conventional slat. Hybrid laminar flow concepts are also under investigation at several research institutes in Europe [4]. Another challenge associated with laminar wings aside from the development of leading edge moveables is the need to address the control of
Kintscher, MarkusMonner, Hans Peter
The number of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations performed during the vehicle aerodynamic development process continues to expand at a rapid rate. One key contributor to this trend is the number of analytically based designed experiments performed to support vehicle aerodynamic shape development. A second contributor is the number of aerodynamic optimization studies performed for vehicle exterior components such as mirrors, underbody shields, spoilers, etc. A third contributor is the increasing number of “what if” exploratory studies performed early in the design process when the design is relatively fluid. Licensing costs for commercial CFD solutions can become a significant constraint as the number of simulations expands. A number of alternative products (e.g., independently developed, supported and documented forks of the popular open-source OpenFOAM® toolbox [1]) have become available in recent years, offering a lower cost alternative to traditional commercial CFD
Lietz, RobertLarson, LevonBachant, PeterGoldstein, JohnSilveira, RafaelShademan, MehrdadIreland, PeteMooney, Kyle
Today's strict fuel economy requirement produces the need for the cars to have really optimized shapes among other characteristics as optimized cooling packages, reduced weight, to name a few. With the advances in automotive technology, tight global oil resources, lightweight automotive design process becomes a problem deserving important consideration. It is not however always clear how to modify the shape of the exterior of a car in order to minimize its aerodynamic resistance. Air motion is complex and operates differently at different weather conditions. Air motion around a vehicle has been studied quite exhaustively, but due to immense complex nature of air flow, which differs with different velocity, the nature of air, direction of flow et cetera, there is no complete study of aerodynamic analysis for a car. Something always can be done to further optimize the air flow around a car body. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers can be partnered with optimization software which
Bakshi, SohamJawad, BadihArslan, SelinLiu, LipingYee, Kingman
Aerodynamics plays a key role in nowadays vehicle development, aiming efficiency on fuel consumption, which leads to a green technology. Several initiatives around the world are regulating emissions and efficiency of vehicles such as EURO for European Marketing and the INOVAR Auto Project to be implemented in Brazil on 2017. In order to meet requirements in terms of performance, especially on aerodynamics, automakers are focusing on aero-efficient exterior designs and also adding deflectors, covers, active spoilers and several other features to meet the drag coefficient. Usually, the aerodynamics properties of a vehicle are measured in both CFD simulations and wind tunnels, which provide controlled conditions for the test that could be easily reproduced. During the real operations conditions, external factors can affect the flow over the vehicle such as cross wind in open highways. The aerodynamic behavior of the vehicle can also be affected by the influence of the user such as by
Buscariolo, Filipe FabianMagazoni, Felipe C.Maruyama, FlavioAlves, Julio Cesar LelisVolpe, Leonardo D.
Since the Brazilian government established the Inovar-Auto programme in 2012, the automotive industry has pursued tax savings by signing up for the programme. This new plan (from 2013 to 2017) has three main objectives: fortification of the industry and domestic market; increase incentives for investment and innovation; and enhance energy efficiency of vehicles produced in Brazil. For instance, manufacturers can gain up to 2% extra in IPI tax credits (aside 30% from Inovar-Auto achievements) by producing even more fuel-efficient models. In relation to energy efficiency, the aerodynamic drag over a vehicle contributes to the share of energy requested to promote its movement in high speed. Thus, the drag forces are the major reasons of fuel consumption. In this context, this paper presents a profile comparison of Hatch 2015 cars models produced in Brazil, in regards to drag and geometry features as roof end angle, rear slant angle and rear-end spoiler. The 2015 best-seller model of each
Soares, Renan Franciscode Souza, Francisco José
The new Murano was developed with special emphasis on improving aerodynamics in order to achieve fuel economy superior to that of competitor models. This paper describes the measures developed to attain a drag coefficient (CD) that is overwhelmingly lower than that of other similar models. Special attention was paid to optimizing the rear end shape so as to minimize rear end drag, which contributes markedly to the CD of sport utility vehicles (SUVs). A lower grille shutter was adopted from the early stage of the development process. When open, the shutter allows sufficient inward airflow to ensure satisfactory engine cooling; when closed, the blocked airflow is actively directed upward over the body. The final rear end shape was tuned so as to obtain the maximum aerodynamic benefit from this airflow. In addition, a large front spoiler was adopted to suppress airflow toward the underbody as much as possible. This works to increase airflow toward the roof, thereby augmenting the pressure
Arai, MasaakiTone, KeitaroTaniguchi, KeiichiMurakami, MikakoOshima, Munehiko
XAM is a two-seat city vehicle prototype developed at the Politecnico di Torino, equipped with a hybrid propulsion system to obtain low consumptions and reduced environmental impact. The design of this vehicle was guided by the requirements of weight reduction and aerodynamic optimization of the body, aimed at obtaining a reduction of resistance while guarantying roominess. The basic shape of the vehicle corresponding to the requirements of style, ergonomics and structure were deeply studied through CFD simulation in order to assess its aerodynamic performance (considering the vehicle as a whole or the influence of the various details and of their changes separately). The most critical areas of the body (underfloor, tail, spoiler, mirrors, A-pillar) were analyzed creating dedicated refinement volumes. The CFD analysis confirmed that the shape of the simplified model, having been created in compliance with the best practices of automotive literature, had a good aerodynamic performance
Carello, MassimilianaAndrea, SerraAirale, Andrea GiancarloFerraris, Alessandro
One of the passive methods to reduce drag on the unshielded underbody of a passenger road vehicle is to use a vertical deflectors commonly called air dams or chin spoilers. These deflectors reduce the flow rate through the non-streamlined underbody and thus reduce the drag caused by underbody components protruding in to the high speed underbody flow. Air dams or chin spoilers have traditionally been manufactured from hard plastics which could break upon impact with a curb or any solid object on the road. To alleviate this failure mode vehicle manufacturers are resorting to using soft plastics which deflect and deform under aerodynamic loading or when hit against a solid object without breaking in most cases. This report is on predicting the deflection of soft chin spoiler under aerodynamic loads. The aerodynamic loads deflect the chin spoiler and the deflected chin spoiler changes the fluid pressure field resulting in a drag change. This fluid structure interaction (FSI) between chin
Patil, SunilLietz, RobertWoodiga, SudeshAhn, HojunLarson, LevonGin, RonaldElmore, MichaelSimpson, Alexander
Reducing the carbon footprint by meeting stringent emission regulations and improving the fuel efficiency has become an essential feature in 21st century product design cycle for automobiles. Aerodynamic drag affects the fuel efficiency of the vehicle considerably. Various drag reduction devices such as air dam, rim cover, spoiler and undercover etc. are added in order to reduce the drag. This paper aims at understanding the effect of ground clearance on the performance of various aerodynamic drag reduction devices like - air-dam, spoiler, wheel cover and their combinations for hatchback vehicle using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). CFD has been extensively used for exploring the various design configurations and has helped in selecting the optimized aero-parts configuration based on aerodynamic performance at concept stage which has ultimately reduced the vehicle drag coefficient by 10%. CFD results have been compared with wind tunnel testing for base configurations which is
Kumar, AshitSingh, AmarjeetRegin A, Felix
Electric cars are the future of urban mobility which have very less carbon foot print. Unlike the conventional cars which uses BIW (Body in White), some of the electric cars are made with a space frame architecture, which is light weight and suitable for low volume production. In this architecture, underbody consists of frames, battery pack, electronics housing and electric motor. Underbody drag increases due to air entrapment around these components. Aerodynamic study for baseline model using CFD simulations showed that there was a considerable air resistance due to underbody components. To reduce the underbody drag, different add-ons are used and their effect on drag is studied. A front spoiler (air dam) is used to deflect the incoming air towards sides of the car. A under hood cover for front components, trailing arm cover for trailing arm and rear bumper cover for rear components were used to reduce underbody drag. Finally it is observed that aerodynamic behavior of the car
Gorre, ParandhamaiahPrasad, PlnKumbhar, MansinhKale, GajananPathapadu, Vamsi
This paper aims to provide a brief description on the aerodynamics development process of the new Nissan Qashqai using full-scale wind tunnel testing and Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations (CFD). Aerodynamic drag reduction ideas were developed by means of numerical simulations with confirmation of the aerodynamics properties full-scale clay models were tested in the wind tunnel. Key aerodynamic features were developed including the optimization of hood and windscreen angle, roof camber, plan view corner radius, rear combination lamp with boundary layer trip edge and a large rear spoiler with incorporated winglet. The drag contribution of the under body was reduced by optimizing deflectors and panels. The A-pillar and door mirrors were designed to reduce drag and wind noise. Furthermore, the bumper opening area was optimized to balance the airflow for engine cooling and a low cooling drag contribution. In addition, an active grille shutter was developed to limit the amount of
Kremheller, Andreas
An air-dam spoiler is commonly used to reduce aerodynamic drag in production vehicles. However, it inexplicably tends to show different performances between wind tunnel and coast-down tests. Neither the reason nor the mechanism has been clarified. We previously reported that an air-dam spoiler contributed to a change in the wake structure behind a vehicle. In this study, to clarify the mechanism, we investigated the coefficient of aerodynamic drag CD reduction effect, wake structure, and underflow under different boundary layer conditions by conducting wind tunnel tests with a rolling road system and constant speed on-road tests. We found that the air-dam spoiler changed the wake structure by deceleration of the underflow under stationary floor conditions. Accordingly, the base pressure was recovered by approximately 30% and, the CD value reduction effect was approximately 10%. The ratio of the base pressure recovery to the CD value reduction effect was approximately 90%, suggesting
Katoh, DaichiKoremoto, KensukeKaneko, MunetsuguHashizume, Yoshimitsu
When a window opens to provide the occupant with fresh air flow while driving, wind throb problems may develop along with it. This work focuses on an analytical approach to address the wind throb issue for passenger vehicles when a front window or sunroof is open. The first case of this paper pertains to the front window throb issue for the current Ford Escape. Early in a program stage, CAA (Computational Aeroacoustics) analysis predicted that the wind throb level exceeded the program wind throb target. When a prototype vehicle became available, the wind tunnel test confirmed the much earlier analytical result. In an attempt to resolve this issue, the efforts focused on a design proposal to implement a wind spoiler on the side mirror sail, with the spoiler dimension only 6 millimeters in height. This work showed that the full vehicle CAA analysis could capture the impact of this tiny geometry variation on the wind throb level inside the vehicle cabin. The independent wind tunnel effort
Hou, Hangsheng
Nowadays, outer surface design of passenger cars is not just a matter of styling and safety but air flow around car body and exterior accessories has significant effect on fuel consumption, performance and dominantly on the wind noise. In recent years, passenger comfort is one of the most challenging and important automotive attributes for car makers. Controlling the turbulence eddies that causes aerodynamic noise can remarkably affect passenger's comfort quality. Identification of aerodynamic sources is considered as the first step in order to control the wind noise. In this research, computational fluid dynamics method is applied to simulate the wind flow around the car and the investigation of aerodynamic noise pattern is performed by numerical method which is the most prevalent way that is used by auto industries. By the advent of virtual simulations and by implementing these methods for the purpose of predicting and modifying in the whole car design phase, a considerable reduction
Beigmoradi, SajjadJahani, KambizKeshavarz, ArashBayani Khaknejad, Mohsen
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used extensively in the optimization of modern passenger car to meet the ever growing need of higher fuel economy, better engine and underbody cooling. One of the way to achieve better fuel economy is to reduce the vehicle overall resistance to flow, know as drag. Vehicle drag is a complex phenomenon governed by vehicle styling, component shape, layout and driving velocity and road conditions. To reduce the drag a lot of aero-parts are used these days such as air-dam, skirts, spoiler, undercover, dams etc. However the design of these aero-parts must be optimized to get the desired result as their addition alone does not guarantee improvement in performance. This paper aims at studying the effect of air-dam height and position on vehicle aerodynamics. Also the effect of air-dam addition was verified using fuel economy simulations.
Kumar, AshitA, Felix ReginDevireddy, RavikanthCheni, Ravi KiranSingh, Abhishek
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