SAE MOBILUS is proud to partner with!

We recognize that updating and maintaining accurate IP address(es) for your organization can be time consuming.  To eliminate unlicensed access, entry error, or loss of access, we have partnered with  This FREE service allows you, our customers, to manage your IP address(es) in a single location and provide changes to not only SAE MOBILUS, but to other service providers that you may use. 

The first step to begin utilizing this FREE service is to register with and confirm the IP range(s) currently registered to your organization.  Once you register, changes to your IP range(s) can be made at any time by simply logging into your account to make modifications directly, or the authorized SAE MOBILUS administrator can contact their SAE Representative or  Any changes that you make to the IP range(s) will be verified before they are updated on the SAE MOBILUS platform; if you try to enter an IP address that does not correspond to your organization, an error message will be generated by

We hope you will agree that this service will not only save you time, improve the authentication workflow and ease of access to SAE MOBILUS, but also protect your organization from unlicensed access and unauthorized usage. 

Directions for theIPregistry are available in PDF format for download.