Browse Topic: Heat exchangers

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There are various steering technologies are available in market nowadays. Hydraulic Power Steering (HPS) is one of them. As hydraulic name is linked to it the temperature role comes to play. While doing hard cornering the hydraulic oil used to assist the working in steering system get over heated, due to which oil loses its viscosity became one of the major causes of hard steer in trucks. Also, due to limited space the large heat exchanger cannot be used there. So, objective of this Thesis is to examine an effective solution which can be compact in design and at the same time should be effective to solve this problem. After going through literature analysis, we finalize that the Principal of Pulsating Heat Pipe could be a possible solution. So, for that we design different model based on previous research work in Creo and simulate them in Star CCM+ to finalize the optimality.
Saikrishna, VNLP, RudreshaYadav, SatyendraB, RuthvikaVishwasa, Viditha
To investigate the characteristics of a battery direct-cooling thermal management system integrated with the passenger compartment air-conditioning in a range-extended hybrid electric vehicle (REV), a model of the vehicle’s direct-cooling and liquid-cooling thermal management systems was established in GT-SUITE software. The findings are as follows: (1) Under high-temperature fast-charging conditions, the direct-cooling thermal management system exhibited improved performance indicators compared to the liquid-cooling system. Specifically, the charging time was reduced by 3.8%, the maximum heat exchange power increased by 27.33%, the battery temperature decreased by 2.37°C, the thermal decay rate was only 6%, and the average system energy efficiency ratio increased by 8.37%. (2)The outlet pressure of the direct-cooling plate significantly affected the temperature reduction of the battery pack during high-temperature fast-charging. The results indicated that within a certain range, a
Li, Li-JieSu, ChuqiWang, Yi-PingYuan, Xiao-HongLiu, Xun
The thermoelectric generator system is regarded as an advanced technology for recovering waste heat from automotive exhaust. To address the issue of uneven temperature distribution within the heat exchanger that limits the output performance of the system, this study designs a novel thermoelectric generation system integrated with turbulence enhancers. This configuration aims to enhance convective heat transfer at the rear end of the heat exchanger and improve overall temperature uniformity. A multiphysics coupled model is established to evaluate the impact of the turbulence enhancers on the system's temperature distribution and electrical output, comparing its performance with that of traditional systems. The findings indicate that the integration of turbulence enhancers significantly increases the heat transfer rate and temperature uniformity at the rear end of the heat exchanger. However, it also leads to an increase in exhaust back pressure, which negatively affects system
Chen, JieDing, RenkaiWang, RuochenLiu, WeiLuo, Ding
With the rapid adoption of new energy vehicles (NEVs), effective thermal management has become a crucial factor for enhancing performance, safety, and efficiency. This study investigates the steady-state and dynamic characteristics of a secondary loop CO₂ (R744) thermal management system designed for electric vehicles. The secondary loop system presents several benefits, such as improved safety through reduced refrigerant leakage and enhanced integration capabilities with existing vehicle subsystems. However, these advantages often come at the cost of decreased thermodynamic efficiency compared to direct systems. Experimental evaluations were conducted to understand the effects of varying coolant flow rates, discharge pressure, and dynamic startup behaviors. Results indicate that while the indirect system generally shows a lower coefficient of performance (COP) than direct systems, optimization of key parameters like coolant flow rate and discharge pressure can significantly enhance
Zong, ShuoHe, YifanGuan, YanDong, QiqiYin, XiangCao, Feng
In the field of static power generation, thermoelectric technology has become an important solution for utilizing automotive exhaust waste heat. This study presents a new design for a heat exchanger integrated with heat pipes, aimed at augmenting the installation area of thermoelectric modules and improving the hot end temperature by high heat transfer rate. Moreover, the number of heat pipes in each region is optimized to reduce the temperature gradient along the direction of exhaust flow and maximize overall output performance. A comprehensive numerical model of the thermoelectric generator system is developed to conduct the performance prediction and parameter optimization. The results reveal that the integration of heat pipes substantially boosts the performance of the automotive thermoelectric generator system, characterized by enhanced heat transfer, increased power output, and improved conversion efficiency. And the optimization yields an optimal configuration with 5 heat pipes
Zhao, JinFuDing, RenkaiChen, JieWang, RuochenLuo, Ding
This research investigates the development of a heat pipe heat exchanger coated with graphene for cooling and purification of automobile exhausts. The heat exchanger directly affects the performance of the engine because proper heat dissipation and transfer can improve engine performance, reduce fuel consumption, and decrease the emission. Moreover, this effect is much more noticeable on coated heat pipes because of the enhanced thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of the graphene films. A heat null emitted by internal combustion engines was used in the experimental setup to test the thermal performance, cooling efficiency, and purification efficiency of the newly designed in-house exhaust simulation system where the new heat pipes were inserted. The results of the experiment show that the heat pipes have very high thermal performance as the efficiency of the heat pipes was calculated to be around 85%. Furthermore, the temperature decrease over the surfaces of the heat
Karthigairajan, M.Seeniappan, KaliappanBalaji, N.Natrayan, L.Sheik, Salman BashaRavi, D.
This ARP provides the definition of terms commonly used in aircraft environmental control system (ECS) design and analysis. Many of the terms may be used as guidelines for establishing standard ECS nomenclature. Some general thermodynamic terms are included that are frequently used in ECS analysis, but this document is not meant to be an inclusive list of such terms.
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
In today's fast-paced lifestyle, people spend a maximum amount of time for traveling, leading to a heightened demand for thermal comfort. Automotive HVAC play a crucial role in providing conditioned air to ensure comfort while traveling. Evaluating HVAC systems performance including delivery systems, heat exchanger efficiency, air thermal mixing zones, and temperature distribution are essential to maintain fuel economy and modern vehicle styling. However, accurately predicting cooling/heating performance using CFD simulations poses challenges due to the complex nature of heat exchanger modeling, which demands substantial computational resources and time. This paper presents the development of CFD modeling capabilities for predicting temperature distribution at duct outlet grills for defrost mode. Additionally, it assesses heater performance under maximum hot conditions. STAR-CCM+ software is employed to model the entire system, with the heater and evaporator core represented as porous
Ahmad, TaufeeqParayil, PaulsonSharma, NishantKame, ShubhamJaiswal, AnkitGoel, Arunkumar
Automotive cooling module system consists of condenser, radiator and intercooler which is used for thermal management of vehicle. Condenser helps to reject cabin heat, radiator to reject engine heat and intercooler rejects charged air heat to ambient. CRFM (Condenser, Radiator and Fan module) is conventionally packaged under the bonnet of passenger vehicle. Fan circulate airflow through heat exchangers and has primary role of airflow delivery. While performing vehicle level thermal management duty, fan noise is generated from CRFM and fan noise is considered as an important design attribute of CRFM. Many researchers have done fan noise simulation at component level and very limited literatures at vehicle (system) level simulation are available. Customer perceives noise from outside of the vehicle and it is important to predict fan noise at vehicle level at various operating speeds. Such simulations are transient in nature and modeling complexity demands high computational cost. Current
Kandekar, Ambadas BhagujiDuppati, DarshanBorse, HarshalJain, AyushPatel, KaushikBaghel, Devesh
Electric vehicle thermal management system is essential for electric vehicles to guarantee cabin thermal comfort and battery appropriate operating temperature. As a matter of fact, in such systems, high- and low-temperature driving conditions can severely affect system performance, in terms of overall efficiency and driving range. In this context, an effective thermal management solution both for cabin thermal comfort and battery heating/cooling is investigated in this paper. A key innovation is the deep integration of the HVAC and battery heating/cooling circuits. Primarily, in winter scenario, the heat generated by the powertrain during operation is used to warm the cabin, thereby mitigating the necessity for additional electric cabin heating. This way, despite the inclusion of an extra heat exchanger, a consistent amount of heat can be recovered and the use of the battery energy for electrical heating activation is significantly reduced, as already presented by the authors in a
Chiappini, DanieleTribioli, LauraLombardi, Simone
In electrified vehicles, auxiliary units can be a dominant source of noise, one of which is the refrigerant scroll compressor. Compared to vehicles with combustion engines, e-vehicles require larger refrigerant compressors, as in addition to the interior, also the battery and the electric motors have to be cooled. Currently, scroll compressors are widely used in the automotive industry, which generate one pressure pulse per revolution due to their discontinuous compression principle. This results in speed-dependent pressure fluctuations as well as higher-harmonic pulsations that arise from reflections. These fluctuations spread through the refrigeration cycle and cause the vibration excitation of refrigerant lines and heat exchangers. The sound transmission path in the air conditioning heat exchanger integrated in the dashboard is particularly critical. Various silencer configurations can be used to dampen these pulsations. This paper compares the acoustic and thermodynamic performance
Saur, LukasHeidegger, PatrickNaeger, ChristophBecker, Stefan
Sodium is used as a coolant in the fast reactor’s primary and secondary loops to transfer enthalpy from the reactor and transport it to the expander. However, handling sodium is difficult, and it can be hazardous if it comes into contact with air, which causes an exothermic reaction. During maintenance of sodium loop components, isolation is typically accomplished with valves. The valve leaking is caused by the seal or the gland. Seal leakage is compensated because it occurs within the line, but gland leakage should be zero because the liquid is harmful. To address this requirement, the author attempted to design a special type of valve in which sodium is allowed to rise through an annular path along the stem and heat transfer is augmented in such a way that the required enthalpy is evacuated to freeze sodium inside the annular path, confirming the fail-safe zero gland leakage. A finned tube assembly is fitted around the stem to achieve this concept of expanded surface heat transfer
Kudiyarasan, SwamynathanBiswas , Sitangshu Sekhar
Deutronic is not alone in developing and integrating thermal-management solutions to meet the specific demands of off-highway EVs. Modine, for example, in 2023 launched a new edition of its EVantage battery thermal-management system with a liquid-cooled condenser (L-CON BTMS) that combines proprietary heat-exchanger technology with smart controls and electronics. The system is designed to withstand harsh environments found in mining, construction, agriculture, specialty and transportation applications, according to Mike Kis, Director of Advanced Thermal Systems at Modine.
Heavy-duty vehicles equipped with polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEM-FC) are an environmentally friendly alternative to vehicles powered by internal combustion engines. A major challenge for heavy-duty fuel cell vehicles is the potential cooling deficit under high load conditions at high ambient temperatures. To solve this problem, a spray cooling system can be utilized, in which liquid water is sprayed on the main cooler at the front end of the vehicle. The evaporation of the sprayed liquid water results in an increased cooling power. In this paper, the recovery of liquid water within the cathode loop of a mobile PEM-FC system is presented and discussed. For this purpose, three different topologies of the cathode subsystem of the PEM-FC are investigated for recovering liquid water directly from the fuel cell exhaust gas. To obtain liquid water, vapor in the exhaust gas is cooled below the saturation temperature in an additional heat exchanger. Three possible positions of
Petersen, NielsWagenblast, MaxPollak, MarkusHeinke, SteffenTegethoff, WilhelmKöhler, Jürgen
The degradation rate of a Li-ion battery is a complex function of temperature and charge/discharge rates over its lifetime. There is obviously a keen interest in predictive electrochemical ageing models that account for known degradation mechanisms, primarily linked with the Solid Electrolyte Interface (SEI) formation and Li-plating, which are highly dependent on the cell temperature. Typically, such ageing models are formulated and employed at pack or cell level, neglecting intra-cell and cell-to-cell thermal and electrical non-uniformities. On the other hand, thermal management techniques can mitigate ageing by maintaining the battery pack within the desired temperature window either by cooling or heating. Inevitably, the cooling of the battery pack by conventional heat exchangers will introduce temperature non-uniformities that may in turn result in undesired intra-cell and/or cell-to-cell health non-uniformities. In this work, an extended multi-dimensional modeling approach is
Koltsakis, GrigoriosBesinas, DimitriosKanatas, ApostolosSpyridopoulos, SpyridonLampropoulos, ZisisKoutsokeras, Odysseas
Internal combustion engines are becoming ever more efficient as mankind seeks to mitigate the effects of climate change while still maintaining the benefits that a mechanized society has brought to the global economy. As peak values, mass production spark-ignition engines can now achieve approximately 40% brake thermal efficiency and heavy-duty truck compression-ignition engines can approach 50%. While commendable, the unfortunate truth is that the remainder gets emitted as waste heat and is sent to the atmosphere to no useful purpose. Clearly, if one could recover some of this waste heat for beneficial use then this is likely to become important as new means of mitigating fossil CO2 emissions are demanded. A previous study by the authors has identified that the closed Joule cycle (or complications of it beginning to approximate the closed Ericsson cycle) could reasonably be developed to provide a practical means of recovering exhaust heat when applied to a large ship engine. In that
Turner, JamesKenkoh, Kesty YongGubba, SreenivasaVorraro, Giovanni
A set of enthalpy difference test equipment is set up to test flow and heat exchange performance of chillers. The empirical correlations for the convective heat transfer coefficients on the coolant side and the refrigerant side are obtained by fitting the test data, and a two-particle lumped parameter model of the chiller is established. Based on this, the heat exchange performance of the chiller under different operating conditions is given. The effects of herringbone corrugated plate parameters, including angle, pitch, and depth, on flow and heat exchange performance of chillers under different flow rates are further studied. Using the Wilson plot method in test design, the thermal resistance of convective heat transfer on each side is separated from the total thermal resistance to calculate the convective heat transfer coefficient. In fitting the boiling convective heat transfer coefficient on the refrigerant side, various boiling behaviours within the two-phase zone are considered
Sun, MingKang, YingziWang, MengmengShangguan, Wen-Bin
The transition towards battery electric vehicles (BEVs) has increased the focus of vehicle manufacturers on energy efficiency. Ensuring adequate airflow through the heat exchanger is necessary to climatize the vehicle, at the cost of an increase in the aerodynamic drag. With lower cooling airflow requirements in BEVs during driving, the front air intakes could be made smaller and thus be placed with greater freedom. This paper explores the effects on exterior aerodynamics caused by securing a constant cooling airflow through intakes at various positions across the front of the vehicle. High-fidelity simulations were performed on a variation of the open-source AeroSUV model that is more representative of a BEV configuration. To focus on the exterior aerodynamic changes, and under the assumption that the cooling requirements would remain the same for a given driving condition, a constant mass flow boundary condition was defined at the cooling airflow inlets and outlets. A parametric
Upadhyaya, AvaneeshSebben, SimoneWilleson, EmilMinelli, Guglielmo
The efficiency of a solar panel depends on the amount of solar radiation it receives and its surface temperature. However, during the conversion process, some of the solar radiation is converted into heat, which can increase the temperature of the solar panel’s junction, reducing its performance. This decrease in efficiency can be attributed to the decrease in output efficiency that occurs when the surface temperature of the solar panel increases. Therefore, maintaining a suitable temperature range is crucial to improving the efficiency of the photovoltaic (PV) panel. Various cooling methods, including the use of phase change materials (PCM), have been developed to control the temperature of the PV module. To test the effectiveness of PCM in cooling the solar PV module, we conducted an experiment that involved setting up a heat exchanger system and analyzing its performance. Our analysis revealed a significant improvement of 1.01 % decrement in the temperature of solar cell and the
Senthil Kumar, K.Rajeswaran, M.Dineshkumar, P.T.Naveen Kumar, S.Prabhu, R.
The adoption of metallic additive manufacturing (AM) for heat exchangers offers significant thermal management benefits that range from optimized heat energy transfer to supporting integrated designs that can reduce weight, size, and component numbers. The benefits offered by utilizing AM for heat exchangers transcend industries and have relevance within the aerospace and automotive industries, where new mobility requirements result in the need for efficient energy systems, increasingly efficient component design, and higher temperatures. Additive Manufacturing of Thermal Management Components in Mobility Applications examines the critical unsettled issues, such as lack of understanding regarding metal AM material performance in high-temperature applications and the absence of significant standardization that goes beyond the material grades, printing process parameters, and characterization processes for performance reliability. The report also delves into design, regulation, and
Phillips, Paul
One of the key components in engine cooling system design in internal combustion vehicles is the radiator, which is responsible not only for regulating the engine coolant temperature but also for the required airflow crossing the grille openings. Considering different construction techniques and materials, the radiator design and its characteristics influence the overall vehicle performance. This work proposes a study on the influences of the radiator in the overall performance of a conceptual vehicle design, when considering different parameters. The main radiator characteristics evaluate in this study are the construction type, heat exchange thin number and tube number in different configuration arrays. Virtual cfd simulations are used to perform this study, where the drag influence in verified in three velocities: 40, 60 and 80 kph and compared with a baseline vehicle. The water flow rate is also evaluated and compared with same baseline model, in order to provide the best radiator
Buscariolo, Filipe FabianGonzales, José Fernando PazAlves, Julio Cesar Lelis
Due to their inherent properties and superior performance over titanium-based materials, nickel-based superalloys are widely utilized in the manufacturing industry. Monel 400 is among them. This nickel-copper alloy possesses exceptional corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. Monel 400 is primarily utilized in the chemical industry, heat exchangers, and turbine component manufacturing. Due to the properties of Monel 400, it is deemed as hard to machine materials with the aid of conventional methods. For investigating the performance of this process, a three-level analysis was carried out. Pulse on duration and applied current at three levels are the independent parameters used for designing the experiments. In this present article, a single-response analysis technique is used which is known as Taguchi to investigate the impact of the various process parameters on the output variables. They focused on three response factors namely the rate of material removal, deviation in the
Pasupuleti, ThejasreeNatarajan, ManikandanKumar, VKatta, Lakshmi NarasimhamuKiruthika, JothiSilambarasan, R
Electrification of off-road vehicle powertrains can increase mobility, improve energy efficiency, and enable new utility by providing high amounts of electrical power for auxiliary devices. These vehicles often operate in extreme temperature conditions at low ground speeds and high power levels while also having significant cooling airpath restrictions. The restrictions are a consequence of having grilles and/or louvers in the airpath to prevent damage from the operating environment. Moreover, the maximum operating temperatures for high voltage electrical components, like batteries, motors, and power-electronics, can be significantly lower than those of the internal combustion engine. Rejecting heat at a lower temperature gradient requires higher flow rates of air for effective heat exchange to the operating environment at extreme temperature conditions. High airflow rates, coupled with significant airpath restrictions, result in significant cooling power requirements and increased
Sundar, AnirudhVannarath, AshwinPrucka, RobertZhu, QilunKorivi, VamshiRuan, Yeefeng
In battery electric vehicles (BEV), thermal management is a key technique to improve efficiency and lifetime. Currently, manufacturers use different cooling concepts with numerous architectures. This work describes the development of a co-simulation framework to optimize BEV thermal management on system level, using advanced simulation methodologies also on component level, merging simulation and testing. Due to interactions between multiple conditioning circuits, thermal management optimization requires an overall vehicle approach. Thus, a full vehicle co-simulation of a BEV is developed, combining 1D thermal management software KULI and MATLAB/Simulink. Within co-simulation, the precise modeling of vehicle’s subsystems is important to predict thermal behavior and to calculate dynamic heating and cooling demands as well as exchanged energy flows with the thermal management system. Here, different methodologies are applied for cabin and battery modeling and simulation, with this paper
Frühwirth, ChristianLorbeck, RolandSchutting, EberhardEichlseder, Helmut
Due to the incoming phase out of fossil fuels from the market in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the automotive sector, hydrogen-fueled engines are candidate mid-term solution. Thanks to its properties, hydrogen promotes flames that poorly suffer from the quenching effects toward the engine walls. Thus, emphasis must be posed on the heat-up of the oil layer that wets the cylinder liner in hydrogen-fueled engines. It is known that motor oils are complex mixtures of a number of mainly heavy hydrocarbons (HCs); however, their composition is not known a priori. Simulation tools that can support the early development steps of those engines must be provided with oil composition and properties at operation-like conditions. The authors propose a statistical inference-based optimization approach for identifying oil surrogate multicomponent mixtures. The algorithm is implemented in Python and relies on the Bayesian optimization technique. As a benchmark, the surrogate for the SAE5W30
De Renzis, EdoardoMariani, ValerioBianchi, Gian MarcoCazzoli, GiulioFalfari, Stefania
Electric vehicles (EV) have become very significant and potential way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on a worldwide scale. EV also provides Energy security, as it reduces the dependency on petroleum producing countries of the world. Similar to the conventional Internal Combustion Engine Cars, in Electrical Vehicles also the efficient air conditioning system is very important for providing thermal comfort and for giving safe driving conditions. In Air Conditioning systems for EV, the heating option is available in the form of Electrical heaters and Heat Pump systems. The Heat pumps have become more popular compared to the electrical Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) heaters because of their highly efficient and energy saving designs. However, there are still some issues with using heat pumps. One of such issue is their less Coefficient of performance (COP) at low ambient conditions. Experimental results also show that the driving range decreases by using the electric heating
Dagar, AakashSharma, NishantSuman, SaurabhKushwah, Yogendra Singh
As HVAC noise is becoming one of the key factors to end users in terms of enhanced comfort, it is important to understand and evaluate various noise sources of HVAC in details. With detailed understanding of various sources, it becomes easier to take appropriate countermeasures in design and subsequently eliminate. There are many methods available in industry to investigate the noise sources in details however those options are expensive and time consuming and require deep understanding of the acoustic. Acoustical duct methods are one such method which proves to be very much helpful in identifying the noise sources from different aggregates like kinematics mechanism, door/damper, servomotors, heat exchangers etc. These sources are typically defined minor noise sources. The present paper describes the detailed investigation of those minor noise sources through the use of acoustical duct method. An existing HVAC from passenger car was considered for this study. In order to take the noise
Sen, SomnathGoel, Arunkumar
The complexities of electric-vehicle HVAC require new sensing solutions. An expert at TDK explains. A common criticism of electric vehicles (EVs) is that extremes of heat and cold adversely affect their performance, particularly range. OEMs have been aware of the issue and have innovated and iterated technologies to solve it. EVs increasingly are being engineered with sophisticated heating, cooling and ventilation (HVAC) systems based on some of the most advanced and robust sensors and actuators available. These systems mitigate against the effects of thermal extremes that, admittedly, still challenge IC-engine vehicles on an infrequent basis. But there are tradeoffs. The ICE vehicle's HVAC is a relatively simple affair involving air cooling, a coolant (water ethylene glycol, or WEG), heaters, and heat exchangers (including air conditioners). HVAC systems for EVs by necessity are far more complex. Understanding the details is important to designing an effective system.
Ham, Jeroen Van
Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) is one of the most viable opportunities to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions from internal combustion engines in the transportation sector. Hybrid thermal and electrical propulsion systems appear particularly interesting because of the presence of an electric battery that simplifies the management of the electrical energy produced by the recovery system. The different technologies proposed for WHR can be categorized into direct and indirect ones, if the working fluid operating inside the recovery system is the exhaust gas itself or a different one whose sequence of transformations follows a thermodynamic cycle. In this paper, a turbocharged diesel engine (F1C Iveco) equipped with a Variable Geometry Turbine (VGT) has been tested to assess the energy recoverable from the exhaust gases both for direct and indirect recovery. A direct technology based on an auxiliary turbine placed in the exhaust pipe (turbo-compounding) has been considered and compared
Di Bartolomeo, MarcoDi Battista, DavideFatigati, FabioCau, GiorgioCipollone, Roberto
The development of the additive manufacturing technology has enabled the design of components with complex structures that were previously unfeasible with conventional techniques. Among them, the Triply Periodic Minimal Surface (TPMS) structures are gaining scientific interest in several applications. Thanks to their high surface-to-volume ratio, lightweight construction, and exceptional mechanical properties, TPMS structures are being investigated for the production of high-performance heat exchangers to be adopted in different industrial fields, such as automotive and aerospace. Another significant advantage of the TPMS structures is their high degree of design flexibility. Each structure is created by replicating a characteristic unit cell in the three spatial dimensions. The three key parameters, namely cell type, cell dimension and wall thickness can be adjusted to provide considerable versatility in the design process. As for the heat exchangers, the variation of these parameters
Torri, FedericoBerni, FabioFontanesi, StefanoMantovani, SaraGiacalone, MauroDefanti, SilvioBassoli, ElenaColombini, Giulia
The reasonable engine cooling system design can give a better cooling of engine, the coolant flow direction and different cooling structure designs have great impact on the cooling performance and fuel consumption of engine. Therefore, to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of different cooling system designs on engine cooling performance, three different split cooling structures and two oil–water heat exchanger (OWHE) layouts are designed for a two-cylinder motorcycle engine. Three-dimensional CFD analysis method is used for analyzing the coolant velocity distributions and one-dimensional systematic analysis method is used for analyzing the system flow rate at those cooling structure designs and OWHE designs. Meanwhile, experimental investigation of different cooling structures and OWHE layouts on fuel consumption is conducted by the bench test of worldwide motorcycle test cycle. Results indicated that the difference of coolant flow velocity distribution for four cooling
Tan, LibinYuan, YuejinHuang, Can
In addition to the low cost and weight, the advantage of aluminum alloy heat exchangers over their counterparts is thanks to their anticorrosion, nonmagnetic, non-sparking, resilience, ductility at low temperature, high strength-to-weight ratio, high heat transfer coefficient, and easy fabrication. The advantages explain the currently popular utilization of aluminum alloy intercoolers in turbocharged engines. This study develops a finite volume simulation model using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) available in the Fluent package to investigate the cooling efficiency for a cross-flow plate-fin intercooler system fabricated in this research. This is a cost-effective air-water heat exchanger made of thin aluminum alloy plates. The cross-flow plate-fin intercooler system was set up in this study using a perpendicular air-water configuration to cool down the hot air outlet from a turbocharger compressor equipped in a diesel engine. The engine with an intercooled turbocharger was
Duong, C. Q.Luong, T. D.Nguyen, Quan Q.Phung, D. V.Pham, P. X.
Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) coolers are widely used on diesel engines to reduce in-cylinder NOx formation. A common problem is the accumulation of a fouling layer inside the heat exchanger, mainly due to thermophoresis that leads to deposition of particulate matter (PM), and condensation of hydrocarbons (HC) from the diesel exhaust. From a recent investigation of deposits from field samples of EGR coolers, it was confirmed that the densities of their deposits were much higher than reported in previous studies. In this study, the experiments were conducted in order to verify hypotheses about deposit growth, especially densification. An experimental set up which included a custom-made shell and tube type heat exchanger with six surrogate tubes was designed to control flow rate independently, and was installed on a 1.9 L L-4 common rail turbo diesel engine. The test cycle and conditions were higher PM/ lower HC with 75°C coolant temperature for 1.5h, then lower PM/ higher HC with 75°C
Tomuro, MinatoBhadra, KaustavHebert, JasonBoehman, Andre
The waste heat recovery (WHR) system appears to lower overall fuel consumption of the engine by producing additional power and curtailing greenhouse emissions per unit of power produced. In this project, a 25.5 kW diesel engine is used and simulated, which has an exhaust temperature of about 470°C. During optimization of the heat exchangers, the overall weight of the heat exchangers is kept low to reduce the final cost. Additionally, the overall pressure drops across the superheater, boiler, and economiser are kept at around 200 kPa to expel the exhaust gas into the atmosphere easily. To accomplish high heat-transfer across the heat exchangers, the pinch temperature of the hot and cold fluids is kept above 20°C. In this project, under the design constraints and available heat at the exhaust gases, the WHR system has enhanced the power and reduced the break specific fuel consumption by around 6.2% and 5.8%, respectively at 40 bar pressure. The maximum net power produced is around 1.5 kW
Bari, SaifulRandhawa, Tejpal
Cooling airflow is an essential factor when it comes to vehicle performance and operating safety. In recent years, significant efforts have been made to maximize the flow efficiency through the heat exchangers in the under-hood compartment. Grille shutters, new fan shapes, better sealings are only some examples of innovations in this field of work. Underhood cooling airflow simulations are an integral part of the vehicle development process. Especially in the early development phase, where no test data is available to verify the cooling performance of the vehicle, computational fluid dynamics simulations (CFD) can be a valuable tool to identify the lack of fan performance and to develop the appropriate strategy to achieve airflow goals through the heat exchangers. For vehicles with heat exchangers in the underhood section the airflow through those components is of particular interest. Since the cooling fan is the main driver of the airflow in the underhood compartment at low vehicle
Vilchis Contreras, EloyGuzman, ArturoDoroudian, Mark
Most of current jet aircraft circulate fuel on the airframe to match heat loads with available heat sink. The demands for thermal management in wide range of air vehicle systems are growing rapidly along with the increased mission power, vehicle survivability, flight speeds, and so on. With improved aircraft performance and growth of heat load created by Aircraft Mounted Accessory Drive (AMAD) system and hydraulic system, effectively removing the large amount of heat load on the aircraft is gaining crucial importance. Fuel is becoming heat transfer fluid of choice for aircraft thermal management since it offers improved heat transfer characteristics and offers fewer system penalties than air. In the scope of this paper, an AMESim model is built which includes airframe fuel and hydraulic systems with AMAD gearbox of a jet trainer aircraft. The integrated model will be evaluated for thermal performance. JP-8 fuel is recirculated on the airframe to maintain cooling the oil for AMAD
Suat, YunusÖzkan, Ayşe DilekSirkeci, Ersin
The purpose of this SAE Standard is to define a common set of thermodynamic test conditions to evaluate internal heat exchangers for use with R-134a and R-1234yf refrigerants in mobile air-conditioning systems. This SAE Standard can be used to test actual vehicle IHX designs or standardized IHX samples, which can be used for comparison based on a common length and shape.
Interior Climate Control Vehicle OEM Committee
Unfavorable climates, fatigue, safety & deprived sleep of driver’s leads to use of AC system for their quick thermal comfort during night with engine ON. This scenario is very critical from a human’s safety & vehicle functionality point of view. This also consumes an additional 10-15% of fuel requirements in AC running conditions. So, to address the social problems of driver’s sleep and pollution-free environment by reducing the use of fossil fuels, there is a need for alternative techniques for air cooling which work during engine OFF condition. Various alternative options for air cooling have been reviewed. Accordingly, the packaging flexibility of phase change material (PCM) technology makes it easy to implement, yet effective usage of large quantity stored PCM, needs optimization. This paper proposes a design of a hybrid air conditioning system for sleeper commercial vehicles using a combined conventional compression and phase change material. The cold storage heat exchanger is
Shalgar, SandeepNagarhalli, Prasanna VBedre, PallaviSrivastava, SarveshTupe, Akshay
The rapid evolution of electric vehicles (EVs) has considerably forced the automotive industry to design compact and highly efficient heat exchangers due to low-temperature applications. The plate type heat exchanger (Also known as “Chiller” in automotive industry) is one of the most important components in EVs thermal management systems. It is a type of heat exchanger, which uses metallic plates arranged like a staggered sandwiched structure and brazed together to exchange heat between two working fluids. The heat transfer between the plates occurs due to highly compact structural design as compare to any conventional heat exchangers. The chiller is having very large surface area, which is exposed to the working fluids as the distribution happens all across the plates. The chillers are more suitable design for transferring heat between ranges of working fluids pressure varying from low to high. Various types of welded, semi-welded plate heat exchangers are available in the market
Suman, SaurabhKushwah, Yogendra SinghShukla, AnkitSingh, Shobhit Kumar
This paper explains about the design & development of IHX for HCVs segment and vehicle level validation to get the actual benefits with this technology. Moreover, the data observed during vehicle testing also indicates the improvement in AC System Performance. This experiment was done on HCV platform vehicle with multiple actual test conditions with two designs of IHX. Final result shows the optimized AC system design to achieve better efficiency.
Patil, SatishNagarhalli, Prasanna VSrivastava, Sarvesh
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